Presita el Usona Esperantisto № 2022:4 (jul–aŭg)
Board Meeting, August 7th, 2022
Voting: Filipo Dorcas, Alekso Miller, David Beck, Charlotte Burton, Fred Meyer III, Jane Shevtsov
Non-voting: Vilĉjo Harris, Vinĉjo, Brandon Sowers, Chuck Mays, Murray Merner, Aziz Diallo, Rod
Bill, David, and Alekso will count the ballots, using a combination of paper and online ballots. Bill and Charlotte have also discussed that Charlotte will take over the position of Director of the CO at such time as Bill should decide to retire, and they have begun discussing steps to facilitate that eventual transition.
The board has already voted to approve the budget to be brought before members. The land E-USA used to own in El Paso has successfully been sold and will no longer cost the organization time and money.
President’s Report
Rafa will head the nominating committee. Alekso and Brandon ask clarifying questions about that committee and its forming. Charlotte volunteers to write the dankresolucioj for the university and for the LKK. She also volunteers Brian, in his absence. Phil discusses the 5 year plan for E-USA. We thus far do not have such a thing, but Phil lists this as a priority for the new board, with a prerequisite step of creating clear committees with committee heads. Fred and Jane support the idea, and Fred emphasizes that we should charge the committee heads with this. Alex suggests that a bigger priority might be to create a transitional or sustainability committee, to facilitate the transition of knowledge from one person to another, so that if any one person suddenly is unable to do their job or communicate, no essential information is lost forever, such as passwords or vital job information. Charlotte suggests that the Director of the CO should be a foundational member of this committee. Discussion ensues over whether both priorities could happen at once. Charlotte suggests asking the members which priority should be the board’s main focus, and then asking the membership for their ideas. Brandon and Jane both suggest that perhaps the board could collect input from the membership throughout the year for the 3 year or 5 year plan, in order to ensure that the plan for E-USA’s future is created as a bottom-up affair, representing member hopes. David adds that E-USA ended 2021 in the black $3157.95. Phil reminds us that this is due largely to the generous donations of some of our members. A question arises as to what amount of the excess was due to the land sale, and the treasurer will look into this and respond at a later time. Another question is raised regarding next year’s LK, and Phil responds with the need to build a Dauxra Kongresa Komitato. Phil proposes that we accept the proposal from Gary Bisaga on behalf of the local club from Raleigh to host the next Landa Kongreso. David seconds. The board unanimously approves. The next Landa Kongreso will occur in Raleigh, right before or after NASK. Chuck thanks the board for accepting the invitation and expresses that it is unprofessional that no one had responded to Gary. A discussion arises as to how to ensure that this sort of oversight does not happen again, including further clarification of roles, creation of a DKK, the president delegating tasks, or even simply having more board members reply directly to the person.