Presita el Usona Esperantisto № 2022:5 (sep–okt)
Board Meeting, October 8th, 2022
Ĉeestas: Filipo Dorcas, Alex Miller, David Beck, Charlotte Burton, Fred Meyer, Tim Rice, Ruth Kevess-Cohen, Hoss Firooznia
Ĉeestas sen Voĉdonrajtoj: Vilĉjo Harris
Alex calls the meeting to order. We have a quorum.
Standing Reports
Central Office
The Ano-Sano recipients have been sent their money, and the office email has been moved from Thunderbird to Gmail, to support future readiness. Point of mention from Alex: At such time as Bill should eventually wish to retire, we will need to have the nominating committee conduct an open search, per member vote at the UK. Hoss points out that, per the bylaws, the Board of Directors makes the decision. Bill clarifies that he has not thus far thought about or planned on imminent retirement, so the point is not immediately necessary. Hoss clarifies that he plans to no longer be the editor as of the end of 2023, and that the board is now overdue for a new webmaster. Bill intends to put the accounting stuff online, and no apprentice CO director can be appointed until that time. Currently, Director of the CO averages out to be about 30 hours/week. This will be a difficult job to find a replacement for. Charlotte recommends that we ask the nominating committee to look for a more immediate replacement option for Newsletter Editor and for Webmaster as well as a more distant option for Director of the CO, to act as an apprentice in the meantime. Ruth requests that someone write up a job description for Director of the CO. Action Item: Bill will draft a job description for Director of the CO, which Phil will review. Phil points out that many important jobs do not have an up to date job description, and that this should be something reviewed annually. Action Item: Phil will write a list of committees, committee heads, and a brief description of each committee, to be completed before the November 2022 board meeting, with progress being reported to the board weekly. After this time, we can prioritize making a list of what occurs at various important meetings at the LK.
Old Business
1910 Film
Brandon and Alex have written a detailed proposal regarding the publication of the film of Ĵenja’s 1910 play. $500 has been raised from private donors. $500 has been donated by the LKK of the Montreal UK, and $1000 has been matched by ESF, all with the explicit intent of these donations being used to support the 1910 project. The Goldman Fund will be acting as a middle man for this money in order to facilitate it. In the future, all such grant requests will be made up front.
The LKK wishes to add $50–100 into the LK budget for a logo design contest. Tim B has the names of 3 graphic designers who have volunteered their services to E-USA.
Flier Request
The secretary will be forwarded any emails to the CO and will have the additional job of scanning the emails to be sure they went to the right person.
Fred expresses concern regarding whether we have seen the expenditures from the last month. This was sent to some people but not to the whole board, which will quickly be addressed.
Film Festival
The deadline has officially passed, and we now officially have over 100 short films in Esperanto due to these contests.
Publishing Fund
The publishing fund is officially publishing Peter Jameson’s Secret Language.
The market is doing poorly, but the expenses list has now been sent. The grant request for microphones to support a podcast from the Educational Media Fund has also been fulfilled.