Specials on sale in the online store; UEA elektiĝas al gvida rolo ĉe UN; “Decroxification” weekend coming up in Texas; Firmao serĉas fluajn parolantojn; Kiel enmovadigi Duolingo-lernantojn?
We need volunteer proofreaders. The task is technically and linguistically very simple (no knowledge of Esperanto is needed), and it will help preserve our history for future generations.
In our continuing effort to foster, support, and encourage local groups, Esperanto-USA is providing a system of regional coordinators and a resource specialist so that local groups can continue to get started and flourish.
Although many Esperantists are familiar with Dr. Benson’s Universala Esperanto-Metodo, little is remembered about the man himself. Despite a biographical void, Dr. Benson was one of the earliest and arguably most influential of Esperanto’s advocates in America.