Presita el Usona Esperantisto № 2014:3

Ĉu la fina venko?

Lasta ĝisdatigo: 2018-03-26

The mysterious Georgia Guidestones have caused a lot of speculation since their appearance in 1980. Many people believe that the writing on the stones which are megalithic slabs of quarried granite are the unknown author’s version of how to create a New World Order.

Of interest to us Esperantists is the third of the ten guiding rules. Unite humanity with a living new language. What language did the author have in mind? Perhaps the monument itself will give us clues.

The four-sided capstone (I took my facts from the Wikipedia article on Georgia Guidestones) has inscriptions in four languages: Classical Greek, Babylonian, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Sanskrit. The unifying world language cannot be one of these for they are neither new or living.

The four erect slabs have writing in eight modern languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. They are truly living languages, but they are not new.

The proposed unifying world language guided by reason should be new or distinct from ancient or modern ethnic languages. It should be culturally neutral and champion the brotherhood of all mankind. Its motto should be liberty, justice and equality, the ideals of the French and American Revolutions. It should be currently spoken as a living language by many people all over the world. I wonder what language would best fulfill these Georgia Guidestones requirements?