Artikoloj de la rubriko language corner
- About the suffix -ist- and the words for people in occupations and professions
Lee Miller
- Every -ist- is an isto, but not every isto has an -ist-!
- About “el” and “de”
Lee Miller
- English speakers sometimes experience challenges deciding when to use “el” and “de”, because both can often be translated with the word “of”.
- atendi, ĉeesti, partopreni, viziti, prizorgi, and atenti
Lee Miller
- Atendi is a “false friend” for English speakers learning Esperanto.
- The “false friends” praktiki and ekzerci
Lee Miller
- One means “to practice a profession”; the other “to practice a skill in order to get better at it”.
- All about -um
Lee Miller
- The suffix -um broadens or gives a different meaning to the root.
- Words that end in -aŭ
Lee Miller
- -aŭ isn’t a suffix. You can’t add it to a root to create a new word.
- A brief language lesson about ambaŭ
Lee Miller
- The word ambaŭ functions as a pronoun and an adjective.
- A brief grammar lesson about ankaŭ
Lee Miller
- In Esperanto, the word ankaŭ generally goes before the word it modifies.
- Using “ol” with the accusative
Lee Miller
- In the sentence “Oni ne povas vidi ion pli malgrandan ol sablero”, why doesn’t “sablero” need the accusative ending -n?
- Saying “Thank You”
Lee Miller
- How do you say, “Thank you for accepting me?”