Presita el Usona Esperantisto № 2021:2 (mar-apr)
Progress report
Hoss is one of the Directors of EUSA. You can contact him at hoss ĉe lodestone punkto org.
Transparency changes
For EUSA to function effectively, members need timely reports of what their elected representatives are up to. So in March we passed a set of resolutions to make that reporting more timely and accessible.
First, there’s now a procedure to publish board minutes in Usona Esperantisto within a week of each monthly meeting. As a result, the minutes will be a regular newsletter feature from now on. And since the newsletter has both online and print editions, this form of delivery should better serve the sizable portion of our membership without regular network access.
The procedure is a bit more complex than it could be, but it had to address a number of privacy concerns; in particular, board members need adequate time to review the minutes for accuracy — and amend them, if necessary — before their release. The results, I hope, are a reasonable compromise between privacy and transparency.
The other two motions remove password restrictions on the website, making it easier for you to access older minutes and EUSA’s financial statements.
Proofreaders needed
Project Fenikso has begun! Republishing rights have been obtained and books have been scanned. Now we need volunteers to proofread the results and weed out scanning errors. No knowledge of Esperanto is necessary — just patience and an eye for detail.
Thanks to an online system that divides the work into bite-size pieces, you can do as much or as little as you like, wherever and whenever you like — over breakfast, while procrastinating at work, on the subway … the possibilities are endless. If you’d like to help, please let us know!
Landa Kongreso
Planning is underway for our second virtual Landa Kongreso in June, and we’re looking for presenters. Do you have a hobby you’d like to share, a subject you’d like to teach, or a story to tell? We also need volunteers to lead conversation groups of various levels. All you need in terms of technology are a webcam, the free Zoom client, and a stable Internet connection.
If you’re interested, please don’t wait until your presentations are all ready to go. Just send us brief, one-paragraph descriptions of what you have in mind, now, and we can work out the details later. Proposals should be sent before May 25th to