Presita el Usona Esperantisto № 2024:2 - “Malantaŭ la kulisoj”

Mar-Jun Board Activity

Lasta ĝisdatigo: 2024-06-25

To conserve space, the newsletter includes only the summary and links to read the full minutes online. The full meeting minutes (including discussions) are provided on E-USA’s website.

January (Board activity missed in previous issue)

Proposal: The Board appoints Jonathan Thomas as Esperanto-USA’s representative to Universala Esperanto Asocio’s “Amerika Komisiono” for the year 2024. As our representative, Jonathan shall stay in regular contact with the President, or another board member delegated for the task, about the activity of the Amerika Komisiono and his activity within it. If there are substantial matters to be decided on, Jonathan shall communicate about these and ask for guidance. The Board asks that Jonathan write a report at least quarterly which can be shared with the membership or published in the bulletin. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: Proposals for Bylaw Amendment Regarding Editor Appointment

  • Sub-Proposal 1: Clarification of Editor Appointment Procedures
    • The wording “The editor shall be named by the President and serve at the pleasure of the Board” shall be amended for clarity in future appointments. (Yes/No)
  • Sub-Proposal 2: Alternative Wording Options
    • If Proposal 1 passes, select the preferred wording for amendment: (Option A / Option B)
      • Option A: “The editor serves at the pleasure of the Board after being appointed by the President and confirmed by the Board.”
      • Option B: “The editor serves at the pleasure of the Board after being duly appointed by the President.”
  • Sub-Proposal 3: Restructuring of Section XI
    • In an effort to better organize Section XI, the following re-ordering will be proposed to the membership for approval: (Yes/No)

Section XI – The Official Organ
§1101. The official organ of the League shall be issued at least quarterly.
§1102. The name and format of the League’s organ shall be determined by the Board or by action of the Congress.
§1103. Material to appear in the official organ shall be chosen by the Editor with the advice of the President and/or Board as required.
§1104. No material of political, religious, ideological, or tendentious nature shall appear in the organ unless the subject clearly pertains to the language problem.
§1105. <text approved in Proposal 2>

Sub-proposal 1 passes with 6 votes in favor, 1 opposed, and 3 abstentions.

Sub-proposal 2 passes with 6 votes in favor and 4 abstentions.

Sub-proposal 3 passes with 6 votes in favor and 4 abstentions.

Proposal: Updated Esperanto-USA logo – Applying modern design practices to Esperanto-USA’s logo ensures it continues to present a recognizable identity but also a sense of modernity, approachability, and professionalism. (Option A / Option B)

5 votes were placed in favor of option A and 2 in favor of option B, with one abstention. A decision was not declared, and the motion was tabled.

Proposal: Create an Education Committee, and charge it with exploring, evaluating, and implementing appropriate initiatives to provide educational opportunities and resources to Esperanto learners in the U.S. in accordance with the stated goals and mission of Esperanto-USA. This proposal passes with 7 votes in favor and 2 abstentions.


Proposal: Re-establish Membership Committee from now until the 2025 Kongreso, composed of Peggy Dolter (chair), Murray Murner, Fred Meyer, Elle Beck, and Jefferson Pierce. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: To designate the CO Director as “Key Controller” ex officio to enable collaboration with Morgan Stanley on Esperanto-USA’s behalf.

Proposal: To designate the President and Treasurer as “Authorized Individuals” ex officio to enable collaboration with Morgan Stanley on Esperanto-USA’s behalf.

Proposal: To confirm Gary Grady as an Authorized Individual with Morgan Stanley and advisor to the Treasurer and Finance Committee through July 2025.

The proposals (3) pass unanimously.

Proposal: To transfer responsibility for directly managing the restricted publishing funds to Ruth in her capacity as educational commissioner. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: To accept the convention travel reimbursement policy. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: Authorize the CO to hire a summer intern. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: To present the proposal for a full Bylaws replacement/revision to the membership for their consideration, wherein it may be edited prior to its inclusion on the ballot. Specifically, to share this document with the membership and solicit feedback prior to the board’s next meeting in April. The proposal passes unanimously.

(Full minutes for March 10)

(Full minutes for March 16 - Special Meeting on Bylaws Proposal)


No proposals were voted on at this meeting.

(Full minutes for April)


Proposal: That Esperanto-USA allow Amanda Schmidt to be bonded and access the bank account. The proposal passes by acclamation.

Proposal: To set the rate of compensation for editors at $500 per editor (with no more than two editors) per issue, with four issues per year, to be reviewed no later than March 2025, when the Director of the CO will present such a review to the board. The motion passes unanimously.

(Full minutes for May)


Proposal: Discontinue the practice of automatically approving board minutes, recognizing their status as legal documents requiring thorough review. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: The Board will present the recommendations from the Membership Committee at the Landa Kongreso and send it out to the membership shortly, with the addition of having the youth membership cut off at age 25 instead of age 30, and including a combined youth for UEA and TEJO membership at $50. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: Accept the invitation to hold our Annual Congress in 2025 in Toronto as part of the Dulanda Kongreso. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: Incorporate the Appropriate Account Use to the official policies of Esperanto-USA pending updates by Quintyn to reflect discussion. These policies will be subject to at least annual review by the Board to ensure continued relevance and compliance. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: Incorporate the Social Media Code of Conduct to the official policies of Esperanto-USA pending updates by Quintyn. These policies will be subject to at least annual review by the Board to ensure continued relevance and compliance. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: Merge all funds from the Swenson Bequest into Esperanto-USA’s brokerage account.

Proposal: Consolidate the Gibson Fund into the General Fund, as the Gibson Endowment income has been allocated there already.

Proposal: Merge the Unrestricted Publishing Fund into the General Fund.

Proposal: Direct income from Esperanto-USA’s brokerage account to only the General and Endowment Funds.

Proposal: Create a comprehensive budget for 2025.

All five above proposals pass unanimously.

Proposal: Allocate up to $1000 for a retirement gift for Bill, with up to $200 used for a physical gift to be presented at the 2024 Annual Congress, and the balance to be paid as a bonus on his final paycheck. The proposal passes unanimously.

Proposal: Approve Amanda Schmidt to work up to 50 hours per two-week pay period through the end of August, with no more than 40 hours in any given week, and with an exception allowing for additional hours as needed for the pay period containing the Congress. Beginning in September, the Board expects that she will be working an average of 40 hours per two-week pay period. The proposal passes unanimously.

(Full meeting minutes for June are awaiting Board approval. The link will be made available here when available.)