Jen ĉiuj proponoj ricevitaj por la tradukdefio traktita en Usona Esperantisto № 2021:4:









Kun kontenta mieno li mergis sin en sofon, fajrigis cigaredon kaj elblovis rondan fumringon.

With a satisfied expression he sank into the sofa, lit a cigarette, and exhaled a circular smoke ring.

He sank into the sofa with an air of contentment, lit a cigarette and blew a smoke ring.

With a pleased countenance, he nestled himself into a sofa, lit a cigarette, and exhaled a smoke ring.

With a contented look, he sank into the couch, lit a cigarette, and blew circular smoke rings.

He had a satisfied face as he plopped down into the sofa, lit a cigarette, and blew out a round smoke circle.

He sank into the sofa with an air of contentment, lit a cigarette, and blew a smoke ring.


Ĉio iris bone.

Everything was going swimmingly.

Everything had gone well.

Everything went well.

Everything had gone well.

Everything was going well.

Everything had gone swimmingly.


Sur la tablo antaŭ li kuŝis nete tajpita manuskripto tradukita de lia TRADUK IKSO.

On the table in front of him sat a neatly typed manuscript, translated by his eTransl8.

In front of him on the table lay a neatly typed manuscript translated by his TRADUX.

On the table before him lay a neatly typed manuscript translated by his “Translate-X”.

On the table in front of him lay a neatly-typed manuscript translated by his TRANS-O-LATOR.

On the table in front of him lay a typed, press-ready manuscript, translated by his TRANS LEX.

On the table before him lay a neatly typed manuscript, translated by his eTRANSL8.


Li estis juna elektroinĝeniero.

He was a young electrical engineer.

He was a young electrical engineer.

He was a young electric engineer.

He was a young electrical engineer.

He was a young electrical engineer.

He was a young electrical engineer.


Dum unu jaro li enverŝadis siajn tutajn energion, talenton kaj konojn pri lingvoscienco kaj elektrotekniko en la konstruadon de tiu elektronika tradukmaŝino por Esperanto.

For a year, he’d poured all his energy, talent, and knowledge of linguistics and electronics into the creation of this electronic translating device for Esperanto.

For a year he had poured all of his energy, talent and knowledge of linguistics and electrical engineering into that electronic translation engine for Espoeranto.

For a year he immersed his entire energy, talent, and knowledge into the construction of that electronic translation device for Esperanto.

For a whole year he had poured all his energy, talent, and knowledge about linguistics and electronics into the construction of that electronic translating machine for Esperanto.

For one year, he had poured all of his energy, all of his talent, all of his linguistic and electrotechnical knowledge into building this electronic translation machine for Esperanto.

For the past year he’d poured all of his energy, his talent, and his knowledge of electronics and linguistics into the construction of the Esperanto translation engine.


Nun ŝajnis al li, ke li certagrade sukcesis provizi la maŝinon per intelekta penspovo, artista sentemo kaj verva eltrovemo,

Now it was looking to him like he’d had a certain amount of success at endowing the device with the capacity for intellectual thought, an artistic sensibility, and an elegant inventiveness,

Now it seemed to him that to a certain extent he had successfully imbued the machine with intellectual capacity of thought, artistic sensibility and lively resourcefulness,

Now it seemed to him that he, to a certain degree, had succeeded in equipping the machine with an intellectual thinking ability, and artistic flair.

Now it seemed to him that to some degree he had succeeded in giving the machine the capability of thought, artistic sensibility, and vehement inventiveness,

Now he had the sense that to some extent he had successfully provided the machine with an ability to reason intellectually, with an artistic sensibility, and with an insatiable trenchant for discovery;

He now felt that he’d achieved a measure of success, having endowed the machine with a capacity for thought, an artistic flair, and a lively creativity


t.e. per la ecoj bezonataj por traduki plej delikatajn esprimojn en beletraĵoj.

i.e. with the necessary qualities for translating the most refined expressions to be found in literature.

i.e with the essential needs for translating the most sensitive expressions in works of literature.

and a lively resourcefulness, that is, with the qualities needed to translate the most nuanced expressions in the belles-lettres.

i.e. the qualities needed to translate the most delicate expressions in literary works.

that is, with the necessary qualities to translate even the most sensitive expressions into new literary forms.

— that is, with the qualities needed to translate the most nuanced expressions in literature.


Ĝi funkciis ambaŭ-direkte inter Esperanto kaj la nacia lingvo, kaj eĉ poemojn ĝi povis traduki kun rimoj.

It worked in both directions – between Esperanto and one’s native language or vice versa – and it could even translate poems while preserving the rhyme scheme.

It worked in both directions between Esperanto and the source language, and it could even translate poems with rhymes.

It worked both ways between Esperanto and the national language, and it could translate poetry with rhymes.

It worked bidirectionally between Esperanto and the source language, and it could even translate poems that rhyme.

It worked bi-directionally between Esperanto and the target language, and it could even maintain the rhyme structure when translating poems.

The device functioned in both directions, from Esperanto into his native language and vice versa. It could even translate rhymed verse.


Koncerne tradukmaŝinojn oni jam aŭdis pri kelkaj, sed lia inventista memfido asertis, ke lia TRADUK IKSO cedos al neniu alia kun sia fleksebla esprimkapablo.

There were already some translation devices out there, but his inventor’s ego told him that the eTransl8 was second to none in its expressive flexibility.

There had been reports of other translation engines, but his confidence in his inventive abilities affirmed that his TRADUX would take a back seat to no others with its flexible capacity for expression.

A few translation devices had been heard of, but his creative confidence asserted that his Translate-X was second-to-none in its verbal contortionism.

Several translating machines were known at the time, but his inventor’s ego was certain that his TRANS-O-LATOR was second-to-none, with its flexible power of expression.

As far as translation machines go, there were a few that had gotten some buzz, but he was sure of his prowess as an inventor and knew that his TRANS LEX would become the gold standard with its ability to express itself flexibly.

A few other translation engines had attracted some attention, but his inventor’s ego maintained that eTRANSL8 would prove second to none in its expressive flexibility.


Okule sekvante la deformiĝantan fumfiguron, li ĝuis revi pri la gloro, kiun la inventaĵo alportos al li.

As he followed the dissolving smoke ring with his eyes, he indulged in a dream of the glory his creation would bring him.

As his eyes followed the dissipating smoke ring, he enjoyed contemplating the glory that his invention would bring him.

With his eyes following the dissipating image of smoke, he enjoyed dreaming of the glory that the invention will bring him.

As he followed the dissipating smoke shapes with his eyes, he enjoyed dreaming about the glory that the invention would bring him.

Following the smoke cloud with his eyes as it broke down, he enjoyed daydreaming of the glory that his invention would bring him.

His eyes followed the dissolving smoke ring as he dreamt of the glories his invention would bring.


Ne por mongajno per patento li entreprenis tiun inventon.

He hadn’t embarked on this journey of invention in order to make money off the patent.

He hadn’t undertaken the invention just for the patent royalties.

He didn’t undertake the project in order to profit off the patent.

He did not pursue his invention to make money through patents.

It wasn’t to get rich off the patent that he’d undertaken this invention.

He hadn’t taken on this project for the sake of profit.


Lia ambicio direktiĝis al pli nobla celo, nome, akiri famon kiel eminenta tradukisto en Esperanto.

His ambition was directed at a nobler goal: namely, to achieve fame as an eminent Esperanto translator.

His ambition aimed toward a much loftier goal, namely, gaining fame as a distinguished translator in Esperanto.

His ambition was guided by a more noble goal, namely acquiring fame as an eminent Esperanto translator.

His ambition sought a more noble goal, namely, to achieve fame as an eminent Esperanto translator.

His ambition was aimed at a nobler goal, namely, to become famous as an eminent translator in Esperanto.

Instead, his ambitions were aimed at a loftier goal, namely, to achieve fame as a respected Esperanto translator.


Fariĝi la dua Kabe aŭ alia Kalocsay estis lia delonga deziro.

To become the next Kabe or Kalocsay had been his longstanding desire.

He had long wanted to become the second Kabe or another Kalocsay.

To become a second Kabe or another Kalocsay was his desire for some time.

Becoming a second Kabe or Kalocsay had long been his dream.

For a long time, he had dreamed of becoming the second Kabe, or another Kalocsay.

Becoming the second Kabe or another Kalocsay had long been his dream.


La unua paŝo, per kiu li intencis ŝovi sin antaŭ la verdan publikon, estis la partopreno en la Belartaj Konkursoj de UEA.

The first step by which he meant to present himself before the Esperantic public was entering UEA’s Literary Competition.

The first step, by which he intended to burst onto the green stage, was participation in the UEA Fine Arts Competition.

The first step to thrusting himself into the green community was to participate in the literary contest of the UEA.

His first attempt at wooing the Esperanto audience was competing in the Universal Esperanto Association’s “Belartaj Konkursoj.”

He had already planned out the first step to grab the green-star public’s attention: he’d participate in World Esperanto Fine Arts Championship.

The first step in his debut on the Esperanto stage was to enter the literary competitions of the World Esperanto Association.


La manuskripto sur la tablo estis ja destinita al tiu celo.

The manuscript on the table was, of course, intended for this goal.

The manuscript on the table was definitely aimed toward that goal.

The manuscript on the table was definitely slated for that.

The manuscript on the table was in fact destined for that goal.

The manuscript on the table was destined for just that goal.

Indeed, that’s what the manuscript on the table was for.


La granda peno ĝisnuna devos esti kompensita per la “ora premio”.

The great effort leading up to this moment would have to be rewarded by the “gold medal”.

Earning the “Gold Prize” would make the massive effort so far worth it.

All of his laborious undertaking will have to be rewarded with the “Gold Prize.”

His great efforts thus far must be rewarded by the “golden prize.”

His reward for the enormous effort that he had made up to this point must, of course, be the “Gold Medal”.

He must win First Prize. Only that could make up for his great labors thus far.