Presita el Amerika Esperantisto 1964:5-8
Up-to-date With “The Aggressors”
Esperanto as the Official Language of U.S. Army Aggressor Force
Through the courtesy of Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corp., Detroit, we print this first page and several pictures from Chevrolet’s magazine “Friends”. We are also indebted to SSgt. James C. Faughnan for his experiences with the Aggressor Force.
“Whenever soldiers of the U. S. Army swing into action during maneuvers — in training areas all over the country — they meet strong, organized resistance from a well-trained enemy known officially as Aggressor, but often referred to as Trigons. Dressed in a jungle-green uniform and speaking the strange language of Esperanto, Trigon is a real enemy, even though he represents an imaginary country whose totalitarian form of government is controlled by the ruthless Circle Trigon political party. The concept of using specially trained troops to oppose maneuver forces came into being in 1946, when U.S. Army Aggressor Center was formed at Fort Riley, Kansas (where these pictures were taken). Army commanders, after appraising the battlefield performance of soldiers during World War II, were convinced that something should be done to introduce realism to training programs. The purpose of Aggressor Center is to help build up the feeling of actual combat for soldiers in the field. The center directs and supervises the training of field advisory teams, procures or manufactures uniforms and equipment for Trigon troops, and prepares special Aggressor training manuals. Field advisory teams go where needed to advise unit commanders on Aggressor training, tactics, and uniforms, and to help indoctrinate Aggressors in the Circle Trigon’s political philosophy. Aggressors use special identification cards and distribute propaganda — they even carry safe-conduct passes to hand out to U.S. soldiers who may wish to surrender to the enemy! The Aggressor uses a sonics platoon to present combat sound effects, and an engineer platoon handles portable dummy artillery field-pieces, tanks, and vehicles. Running into a variety of realistic battlefield conditions, troops thus return from maneuvers much wiser in the ways of totalitarian warfare.”
The use of Esperanto as the language of the Aggressor Force has continued to inspire comments in the press of the U.S. and the world. A large number of soldiers, coming into actual contact with both the Aggressor and Esperanto, have written EANA for information and have become interested in learning the interlanguage for its own sake and for its usefulness in travel and world friendships.
A few months ago one of the major television networks featured a full-length movie that told the story of the deadly seriousness with which the Aggressor Force conducts its counter attacks in maneuvers. The scenes showing the interrogation of prisoners provided the opportunity to use the “aggressor language” (Esperanto) in realistic sequences.
In the official Field Manual FM30-101A, entitled “Aggressor, the Maneuver Enemy Esperanto Language”, the Introduction gives the following as the Purpose and Scope of the General use of Esperanto:
“1. The purpose of this manual is to provide U.S. forces, portraying
AGGRESSOR, with a different language, the use of which will enhance
intelligence play and add realism to field exercises. Included are an
elementary grammar of the Esperanto language, an English-Esperanto and
Esperanto-English vocabulary, and special tables on days and months,
numerals, weights and measures, and approximate conversions.
2. a. Aggressor has adopted Esperanto as his official language. Although it
has not supplanted the regional use of other languages and dialects, it is
expected to do so eventually. The adoption of Esperanto as the official
language does not prohibit the oral use of any local language by prisoners of
war, casualties, or other Aggressor personnel, or the written use of any such
language in the preparation of documents. …
c. Esperanto is scientifically
constructed and adapts to its own use wordroots from various Indo-European
languages. Incorporation of roots and of internationally accepted words into
the language is facilitated by the extreme regularity and simplicity of
Esperanto grammar. …”
The Esperanto vocabularies in the Aggressor manual are excellently done. They contain many terms not found in older Esperanto dictionaries. Here is a sampling of interesting military terms, along with practically all the debatable neologisms. There are about 5,000 terms in the manual.
aggressor | agreso, agresa |
airborne | aerportata |
aircraft carrier | aviadportŝipo |
air fleet | aviadŝiparo |
air forces | aviadfortoj |
antiaircraft | kontraŭaviada |
armed forces | armitfortoj |
armored cavalry | kiraskavalerio |
armor-piercing | kiraspenetra |
army forces | terfortoj |
army group | terarmegrupo |
assault | (mil.) alsalti |
attrition | disfrotado |
bandolier | kartoĉbalteo |
barn | farmtenejo |
bazooka | raketelĵetilo |
beachhead | marbordoteno |
blockhouse | blokhaŭso |
breakthrough | trarompo |
broadside fire | flankpafado |
cadre | kadraro, kadranoj |
carrier-based | ŝipbazita |
chief of staff | stabestro |
citation | (mil.) ordenlaŭdo |
clearing station | netiganta stacio |
cockpit | (avn.) pilotfako |
colonel | regimentestro |
column | (mil.) marŝantaro |
combat, single | unuopa batalo |
conscription | devigvarbo |
consolidate | solidarigi |
countersign | signalrespondo |
coverage | kovrilaĵo |
D-Day | Ta-Tago |
decorate | (mil.) ordendonaci |
decoration | (mil.) ordeno |
defilade | terŝirmitloko |
delaying action | malakcela batalado |
deploy | distendi |
destroyer | (nav.) destrojero |
Diesel | dizela |
dirt road | kotvojo |
dislodge | depuŝi |
division reserve | divizia rezervitaro |
dockyard | dokaro |
drop zone | elsaltzono |
dump | (mil.) tenejo |
echelon | stupigi |
enlist | soldatigi |
field ration(s) | kampporcio(j) |
fire control net | pafregada reto |
fire support | pafhelpo, pafhelpa |
flak | kakpo |
flame thrower | flamĵetilo |
foxhole | vulpkavo |
girder | ligtrabo |
glider | aerglitilo |
grenade launcher | grenadĵetegilo |
half-track | duontirilvagono |
holding attack | tenadatako |
jet aircraft | ŝprucplano(j) |
landing strip | alterirstrio |
landmark | orientilo |
mainland | ĉeftero |
master sergeant | serĝentestro |
missile | ĵetaĵo |
on call | sur voko |
ordeal | severo, provo |
outpost | antaŭposteno |
park | enparkigi, parko |
pillbox | (mil.) blokhaŭseto |
priority | unuaeco |
pursue | (chase) postkuri |
rallying point | kolektiĝejo |
range | (of gun) trafpovo |
ration | porciigi |
recoilless | senresalta |
runway | flugkurvojo |
sally | (avn.) elirataki |
schedule | laŭplanordigi |
sergeant major | ĉefserĝento |
sharpshooter | tiraljoro |
skirmish | bataleto |
sniper | solpafisto |
straggler | postiĝinto |
surprise attack | ekatako |
tanker | portpetrolŝipo |
teletype | telemaŝinskribi |
televise | televidebligi |
terrain | militteraĵo |
trailer | sekvaveturilo |
underestimate | neĝustetaksi |
winter | (infin.) travintri |
X-ray | rentgen-radio |