esperanto f3i-monthly bulletin published by the Esperanto League for North America ik 1/2001 Dumonata bulteno publikigata de Esperanto-Ligo por Norda Ameriko i!V Februaro 2001 LXri/ (5/cvp^u^^ Look insioje for: President's message 2 From the CO 3,8 Recenze tradukaĵoj 5 rtew from the Book Service 8 Esperanto in the media 9 Five most wanted Donacoj al ELriA Learn morel plus *VZIKA €tmn* 10 11 6-7 and Ftp! If we want to exchange anything beyond rudimentary messages with many of our future fellow English-speakers, we may well need help from something other than English. (Barbara Wallraff in What Glo- bal Language?, published in The Atlantic Monthly Nov. 2000) Ben STEVENS As much as I like to avoid "krokodil- adon", the message of this story isn't for those who already know the value of Esperanto, but for those who are still sort of playing with the idea, wondering if it's worth the time and effort. So, for them, I'm writing in English. Back in 1993, I picked up Esperanto as merely another linguistic project. I fig- ured if I was already studying several of the languages from which it was com- posed, why not learn it, too? It was just for knowledge, for fun. Like most Ameri- cans, I was entirely ignorant about Es- peranto's purpose, the century of history it contained, and its practicality in real life. In other words it was an abstract con- cept for me, devoid of life. Life... Fast-forward to the present, and we find that a new life is about to be introduced in this world. A real, tangible, live little person who would not have come into existence without Esperanto. In 1997, I was a Spanish major at a small university in Pennsylvania — a place so small, it didn't have exchange pro- grams to Spanish-speaking countries. I felt that to be serious about my studies, I would have to spend some time abroad. A professor suggested a small university in central Mexico, in the city of San Miguel de Allende. Since my university was use- less in this matter, I knew I had to find someone else to help me get there. I didn't know anyone in Mexico, so it occurred to me to take a chance and look for Esper- antists there. Using the online Esperan- tist address list (http://liome.wxs.iil/ —llde/adresaro.htm), I found a few pos- sibilities. I got two or three replies to the e-mails I sent. The only one who could help me was Ana Luisa Velasco. As a member of the Pasporta Servo, Anita had been inviting guests from around the world into her home for years. By the time I showed up in Mexico City in June 1998, she had everything planned out for me: museum trips, get-togethers with other Esperantists, and more related to my original goal, the bus to San Miguel. During my short stay there, we formed a friendship like no other I had known be- fore. After I returned to the U.S. we kept in touch on line. [■■•] In the fall of 1999, already graduated from college and working as a program- mer, I was in what you could call a "Dil- bertesque" rut. I felt I needed to go some- place where I could relax. So, I headed back to San Miguel. I gave Anita rather short notice that I'd need some help get- ting through Mexico City again, but she was ready for me when I got there. We're still not quite sure how it happened, but within just a few days, we could tell that something was changing between us. I hadn't planned on staying very long, but the days sort of dragged out into weeks. Our friendship was becoming something else. I did eventually make it to San Miguel, but Anita and I visited each other on weekends. We started planning to live to- gether in San Miguel. Unfortunately, the paradise of San Miguel is no place to find a job, so my plans there fell through. I was almost prepared to go back to my (daŭrigo sur paĝo 2) Esperanto League for North America PO Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530 USA/USONO ® 510/653-0998; i 510/653-1468 H President/Prezidanto: David T Wolff Vice PresidentA/icprezidanto: Grant Goodall Secretary/Sekretario: Ellen M Eddy Treasurer/Kasisto: Don Bushaw Other Board Members/AIiaj estraranoj: Jennifer Bondelid, Peggy Dolter, D Gary Grady, Raiph Lewin, Elizabeth Raible, Orlando E Raola, Derek Roff, Sylvan J Zaft, Michele Zielinsky Director, Central Office/Direktoro de la Centra Oficejo: Joel Brozovsky Vice Director, Central OfficeA/icdirek- toro de la Centra Oficejo: lonel Onet esperanto USA Bi-monthly bulletin published by the Esperanto League for North America Dumonata bulteno publikigata de Esperanto-Ligo por Norda Ameriko Vol. 37, No. 1 ISSN 1056-0297 Editor/Redaktoro: lonel One| w 510/653-0998; I 510/653-1468 H Materials for esperanto USA should be sent to/Materialojn por esperanto USA oni sendu al: esperanto USA PO Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530 USA/ USONO or by e-mail/aŭ e-poŝte al: e-usa @ The opinions expressed in this bulletin are those of the authors, and don't necessarily represent the point of view of ELNA or its bulletin/La opinioj esprim- itaj en ĉi bulteno apartenas al la aŭtoroj, kaj ne nepre prezentas la vidpunkton de ELNA au ties bulteno. Reprinting materials from this bulletin is permitted, provided that due credit is given, and a copy of the reprinted material is sent to ELNA/Estas permes- ate reaperigi materialojn el ĉi bulteno, kondiĉe ke oni ĝuste indiku la fonton kaj ke oni sendu ekzempleron de la re- publikigita materialo al ELNA. Deadline for the next issue/Limdato por la sekva numero: 26.03.2001. Saluton ciuj, >4r '*, eP> ** Our Web site just keeps accumulating stuff! Some new or updated items: * Quarterly reports from Board mem- bers. Now you can better understand what your elected members are up to. We hope to have quarterly reports from some of the committees and commissioners there as well by the time this article reaches you, too. (Other committees work on yearly matters, or don't have a lot of activity, so they sub- mit only annual reports.) * Sample Esperanto USA (in .PDF for- mat). Show your friends what they can get by joining ELNA. This includes a sample Internacia Manpremo by Sylvan Zaft. * Volunteer list. We still need people to help us spread the word. The CO and the Board already have full plates, so ELNA still needs your expertise and time. (Especially your expertise!) * "English is tough stuff!" A poem that has circulated for years. English certainly has some good features, but its spelling can break your heart. Show this to your English chauvinist friends and ask them to read it aloud (not "allowed"). * And, of course, the on-line book ser- vice. Order books from ELNA's vast selec- tion at any time of the day or night without leaving your PC. Many thanks to Jay Fishman for his work on all of these. Thanks also to Bill Harmon for his work j on bequests to ELNA. Irlene Kissling Shoemaker of Fayetteville AR left us a bequest which has finally worked its way through probate. According to Bill, we should receive a check for $67,021 about the time this issue of Es- peranto USA reaches you. If you want to remember ELNA this way, Bill can give you whatever assistance you need. Congratulations to Board member Peggy Dolter and her husband Ted, who are close to adopting a baby girl. Peggy is doing a great job on the LK and will ably juggle the child, her ELNA work, and a real life. (Please tell us how you do it!) This time, an Ege Bone! to Amanda Higley for her fine work in traveling around the US and telling the public about the excitement of Esperanto. You can see more about her travels at la/amanda. And an Ege Bone! to Allan Boschen, who is now a Life Member of ELNA, UEA, ESNE (his local group), and AATE. Thank you, Allan, for the support. Thanks - David WOLFF, President dwolff@world. std. com 978/264-0286 (8-10pm Eastern time week- days, noon-5pm weekends) (daŭrigo de paĝo 1) family in Pennsylvania, but Anita invited me back to her place and got me hooked up with a programming company in Mexi- co City. And that sealed our relationship, A couple of months later, we made it offi- cial by getting married, and now we're getting ready to raise a second-generation Esperantist. [...] As my story should suggest, I can't overstate how important Esperanto has become in my life. I used to feel un- comfortable when people would mock Es- peranto. "Nobody speaks it." "It's not a real language." It made me nervous be- cause I didn't have any first-hand evi- dence of how real it is. But now, when- ever I hear, "It's a waste of time," I just crack a smile, because I know that for my wife, myself and my baby, those few months I spent studying Esperanto were the best investment of time in my life. ELMA-Konqreso 2001 Yes, we will have our annual convention this year! It will be In beautiful Salt Lake City, in a brand new facility built for the Olympics. It will start officially on Saturday, 2001 May 26, and go to Memorial Day Monday, May 28. There will also be a less formal program on Friday evening, the 25th, for those who can come early. Mark your calendar and start thinking about how you would like to contribute to the program, be- cause the detailed information and registration form will be sent out| soon after this bulletin goes to press. See you in SLC ! < esperanto USA 1/2001 Esperanto for the New Millennium After a very long wait, and a false start (due to confusion about the fact that the year zero is the last year of the century, not the first), the new millennium is finally here! Hurray! Do you feel any different? Does the world seem different? What happened to all those promises of a New Age, of Peace on Earth, of drastic changes...? Hmm, well, maybe it's better that we haven't seen those drastic changes yet. And, as for a new age of peace and brotherhood—well, in the new millennium same as in the old, it's up to us, the human race, to bring that about. We cer- tainly would like to think that the stars are aligned better for such an evolution, or that the vibes are higher, the age of Maitreya is upon us, the world will see the Second Com- ing — and it may even be so. But all that doesn't change the fact that it is we who must make the change. Celestial influence might make it easier, but no one will do our task for us. How do we do it? It's no secret. The world's religions have been telling us for centuries (even if they haven't been practic- ing it themselves): the Golden Rule. Do onto others as you would have others do onto you. If you want peace, live peace. Vengeance is the opposite of peace, and can never bring about peace. Forgiveness is the key: turn the other cheek. That remains difficult for most of us to put into practice. Fortunately, we are not alone in this task — there are over six bil- lion of us out here that have exactly the same task, and most of us really want to do it. In order to succeed, though, we need to work together and help each other out. This is where Esperanto enters the picture. The values that are best represented by Esperanto — the Internal Idea, Homaran- ismo, respect for all cultures and all peoples — are keystones for building world peace. And the egalitarian communication enabled by Esperanto is the mortar that can hold it all together. Promoting and using Esperanto is a very practical and concrete way for each of us to contribute to the building of world peace and a better world for all its inhabit- ants. To those who haven't tried it, this may sound like a tall empty claim. How can a language build peace—haven't we seen that Joel Brozovsky wars can happen even between those who speak the same language? I don't make the claims from a purely theoretical basis, though. My own experience of using Esper- anto to meet and make friends with people all over the world — including from both sides of the Iron Curtain when it was still very solid — has convinced me that the strongest defence against war is a vast net- work of friendship of the sort that can be built most easily and satisfactorily through Esperanto. This is why I say that using Es- peranto is as important as promoting it. It is in using the language to establish friendships across all arbitrary boundaries, that we build the structure of peace. It is why, throughout the last century, dictators bound for world conquest have invariably found it necessary to brutally suppress Esperanto, a formidable obstacle to waging war. This is a big task, requiring time, en- ergy, and commitment. Fortunately, never has a task been so enjoyable as this one! It is hard for me to imagine anything that I would rather be doing than using Esperanto to make and maintain friendships around the globe, learning so much about the rich diver- sity of cultures and lifestyles on our home planet. If you need any inspiration about how much fun it is, go to one of Amanda Higley's talks about her recent adventures in Europe. If there isn't one scheduled near you, con- tact a high school, college, or youth organi- zation in your area and arrange to invite her for a talk. It is inspiring! Her kind of travel adventure is especially good for young peole, but the physical limits of age are gen- erally much less of an obstacle than the mental ones. Anyone with an open, flexible mind can have very rewarding adventures in Esperantoland. If for some reason traveling isn't an option for you now, you can join Pasporta Servo and invite Esperantists to visit you. Or you can make friends through correspon- dence, either by paper mail, or e-mail. The Internet provides an infinite number of ways to use Esperanto, from listening to "radio" broadcasts from all corners of the globe to getting world weather forcasts or current ex- change rates (in Esperanto), to chatting with people on any of a large choice of topics. You can find Esperanto literature to read, catalogs to order more (from ELNA, FEL, UEA, or others), lessons to learn the lan- guage, and thousands of individual and or- ganizational web sites in Esperanto to ex- plore. Just one search engine, Google, pro- vides links to over a million web sites if you ask it to search for the word Esperanto. The possibilities for using Esperanto are endless. El la. Centra Oficejo Postal Changes You may have noticed that the US Postal Service made some major changes on short notice, taking effect on January 7th. For many citizens of the US, it may look like a small change: only one cent more per letter. How- ever, for Esperantists and others with contacts in other countries, the changes are more dras- tic. The postage for a simple air mail letter overseas jumped from 60 1 in & cello instead of \ s' vielles: but this would Y ^^ be splitting hairs, for this is in ^' fact a successful trans- lation of antique and traditional poetry into a modem language and a parallel success in translating ancient musical aesthetic onto modem instruments. I am quite glad that the publishers in- cluded all of the lyrics in the original lan- guages. This is a wonderful help for linguaphiles who are interested in ancient Iberian languages. Miko SLOPER (Berkeley CA) esperanto USA 1/2001 7 Klasikaj libroj reaperas Kristnasko venis iom fine al la Centra Oficejo de ELNA! Frue en decembro mi ve- turis norden al Portlando por viziti s-inon Doris Tappan Connor, kaj ricevi de ŝi (por ELNA) grandan donacon: 19 skatolojn da Esperanto-libroj restantaj el la stoko de EANA. Tiu dumilo da libroj ripozis en kelkaj lokoj dum la jardekoj post la malapero de EANA, veturis fmfine al Portlando, kaj fine translokiĝis de apuddoma subtegmentejo al la dua etaĝo de la domo de s-ino Connor. Mi kaj mia amiko havis la honoron porii ilin de tie al la oficejo de ELNA. Kelkaj el la libroj konserviĝos en la ar- ĥivo de ELNA, sed la plimulto eniros nian librostokon, iom post iom kiam ni havas tempon iventari ilin, kaj estos aĉeteblaj. Kel- kaj jam pretas kaj iliaj priskriboj troveblas en la listo de novaj libroj sur tiu ĉi paĝo. Inter aliaj troviĝas multaj trezoroj el- donitaj inter la dua mondmilitoj de la fama eldonejo Literatura Mondo en Budapeŝto. Eĉ estas pluraj jarkolektoj de tiu legenda re- vuo. Troviĝas ankaŭ kelkaj valoraj verkoj de Doris kaj ŝia edzo George Alan Connor. Rigardu niajn listojn de novaj libroj, kaj la novan katalogon baldaŭ aperontan, por in- formoj pri aliaj trezoroj en tiu koiekto. Grandan dankon al Doris Connor pro la granda donaco, kiu ebligos al multaj el ni ĝui tiujn forgesitajn klasikajojn. Joel B. For the Central Office In the Esperanto movement there is al- ways plenty to do, if one has the time and inclination. But often we don't have as much time as we would like to devote to Esper- anto, due to other duties such as career, fam- ily, or other volunteer work. Well, there are also other ways to help. Currently we are trying to modernize the computer equipment in the Central Of- fice. We are still using some unbelievably ancient machines here! Here Is our wish list: 1. A PostScript laser printer of sufficient quality to produce camera ready mas- ters for printing (at least 600 dpi). 2. A more modern Power Macintosh computer (G3 or G4). 3. A large monitor for the Macintosh suit- able for doing layouts (at least 17", preferably bigger). 4. Some peripherals for the Mac, includ- ing removable media storage (MO, Jazz, ORB, etc.) suitable for backups, and scanner. 5. Modem Mac software. We have some, but more will be needed. Those who can help us acquire anything on the list, please contact me at the Central Office. Financial contributions toward this goal are always welcome too. Joel Brozovsky, office director 7194-079-3 LAD001 $37.20 New from the book service BATO, LA, Lena KARPUN1NA. A collection of largely autobiographical episodes depicting iife in Tadjikistan, told in simpie and fiuent style that is easy to understand, and through which clearly shines the charm of the ordinary people living in the mountain villages and cities. 2000.125p. 250x140. Paper, Belgium. ISBN 90 71205 87 8 BAT001 $13.20 BESTOJ EN NIA DOMO, Zdravka METZ. A col- lection of true stories and anecdotes from the in- terethnic Esperantist family of the authoress, the style is simple and clear, as If Zdravka were tell- ing these charming stones to a group of rapt chil- dren. In fact, that is how the stories were born. Illustrated. 1999. 63pl 215x135. Brochure. Cana- da. ISBN 2-9806246-0-8 BES006 $8.60 JOHANO LA BRAVA, Sandor PETĜFI. Trans. K. KALOCSAY. Spritely adventures of a peasant boy who survives and thrives through his own wit and effort, written in verse form by Hungary's most beloved poet. Second, revised edition. 1948. 65p. 165x120. Paper. Hungary. JOH001 $3.00 KAMARADARO DE PETRO NODETO, LA, Mato LOVRAK. Trans. Josip PLEADIN. Novel written in 1933 for children, about a group of kids who decide to repair the old village water mill. Capti- vating story toid with wit and humor, illustrated by Viado MLINJARI'C. 1998. 125p. 250x150. Hardbound. Croatia. ISBN 953-97001-3-2 KAM002 $10.70 LADATAMBURETO, LA, Gŭnter GRASS. Trans. Tomasz CHMIELIK. A nove! that created quite a scandal when it was first published in 1959, but went on to become one of the most important works of postwar German literature, and receive the Nobel prize for literature in 1999. "It is a saga about the free city Gdansk, a poetic attempt to save from oblivion the memory of that small world where Poles and Germans, Jews and Kashubs lived together." East-West Series no. 33. 2000. 534p. 210x150. Hardbound. Polland. ISBN 83- LEGOJ DE LA HOMA SOCIO. Trans. U. UN- GERT. This little book written between the two world wars is full of thoughts on human society and how it should (and shouldn't) be organized. Thought-provoking philosophy about social and state structures and the human condition. 1968. 79p. 130x90. Paper. Germany. LEG005 $2.00 LEKSIKAJ EKSKURSOJ (dua volume), Chris- tians DE VLEMINCK kaj Emile VAN DAMME. The second volume of word games, excersizes, and explanations aimed at building vocabulary and understanding proper word usage, by the same autors as ABC-Gramatiko de Esperanto. 2000. 204p. 200x140. Paper. Belgium. ISBN 90 71205 77 0 LEK002 $15.90 LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION - A COM- PARATIVE STUDY, Claude PIRON. Esperanto Document 46A (in English). An insightful study of the ways to communicate interethnically, giving advantages and disadvantages of the various sys- tems used, from several different viewpoints. 2000. 23p. 85x55. Brochure. Netherlands. ISSN 0165-2575 EDA046 $2.50 MARIA KAJ LA GRUPO, EMBA. Original novel in Esperanto. Maria is the not so visible motor behind the local Esperanto group, which comes into conflict with another Esperanto group over political lines. 1936.172p. 190x130. Paper. Hun- ^ gary. MAR006 $5.00 MIA SPEKTRO (poemoj 1931-1935), N. KUR~ ZENS. Thought-provoking and smile-producing short poems expressing moments and feelings that are likely to strike a chord with most of us. 1938. 64 p. 190x125. Paper. Hungary. MIA005 $3.20 MIRINDAJ AVENTUROJ DE METILERNANTO HLAPIC, Ivana BRLIĈ-MAZURANIC. Trans, Maja TIŜLJAR. Children's story about a little ap- prentice shoemaker who runs away from the shoe- maker's shop for a week of wonderful adventure. 1998. 111 p. 200x170. Paper. Croatia. ISBN 953- 96918-2-6 MIR004 $10.30 MUZIK-NOTOJ, KALOCSAY, BAGHY, and oth- ers. A rare collection of songs with music notes from Hungary. The words are by Kalocsay and Baghy; the music is by Kalocsay, Sarossy, Kalman and others. Year not indicated. 34p. 230x155. Brochure. Hungary. MUZ003 $1.50 SAY IT IN ESPERANTO, George A. CONNOR & Doris Tappan CONNOR. One of a series of Dover Phrase Books, small enough to easily fit into a shirt pocket, with 1325 words and phrases in English and Esperanto. The phrases are num- bered and categorized for easy reference. Index and brief grammar and pronunciation guide. 1957. 160p. 130x90. Stitched paperbound. USA. SAY001 $2.50 8 esperanto USA 1/2001 Esperanto in the media A several-page article about language learn- ing, by Scott Smith, appeared in the Novem- ber 2000 issue of Hemispheres, under the title Say What?. Although the editors didn't find the paragraph on Esperanto worth pub- lishing, they did allow the E word at the end of the article, in a brief side bar about the author: "Scott Smith is a Los Angles writer who speaks German and Esperanto - a tongue he says opened his eyes about learn- ing a second language." A long letter about the safety-instruction booklets on airplanes, by Arland R. Meade (Bartow FL), appeared in The Polk County Democrat (Nov 6, 2000). The author sug- gests that Esperanto be included among the languages used on those booklets. Otto Haszpra (Budapest HTJ) published a let- ter in support of Esperanto as a common lan- guage for Europe in The Economist, Nov 18, 2000). Says Mr. Haszpra:"... [T]he introduc- tion of Esperanto into the international (Eu- ropean or global) contacts, inclusively those within the EU, would be non-discriminative, democratic and very economic." "Shortly after the turn of the 20th century, Dr. Ludwig Zamenhoff [sic!], a Yiddish- speaking Russian Jew, tried to bring the di- verse culture of the world together through a linguistic device called Esperanto. Now, a turn later, the universalizing strategy comes to the already universal world of musing with Klezperanto." (From a review of the CD Klezperanto published in Jewish Advocate, Nov 24, 2000) "The other day I spied a Hyundai bearing these two bumper stickers: "Robin Hood was Right" and "1-800-ESPERANTO". That about sums it up. Why don't you rob the rich to feed the poor, and speak Esperanto while you do it? Or just go live somewhere else." (Katherine Mieszkowski in San Francisco Bay Guardian, Jan 17, 2001, p. 29) "The universal Language?" asks daily newspaper The Olympian in the capital city of Washington State in a Sunday feature ar- ticle on Esperanto and the local Esperanto Group of Olympia, on Jan 21, 2001. With a photo of Ellen Eddy explaining something to the group, a positive tone is conveyed when describing the group's activities and aspirations, but as is often the case, when quoting a local "expert" linguistics profes- sor, the article ventures into a garble of poor- ly informed speculation; fortunately, milder than some we have seen. It is accompanied by a 30-word sample vocabulary and a very good list of resources, including several web pages, the free correspondence course (with the old address!) and ELNA. Amanda Higley's first lecture in the second leg of her lecture tour elicited some good publicity in Davis CA. In the Jan 8 edition of the Davis Enterprise, a two-collumn ar- ticle Traveler shares her Esperanto experi- ence serves as a very good announcement for her talk two weeks later. On the day of her talk, Jan 25, the main front page article of the University of California at Davis' newspaper The California Aggie was about Esperanto: Creating a Universal Language. The Esperanto course taught at the univer- sity by Henry Studer is featured in the ar- ticle and its photo, as well as Amanda's up- coming talk. But there is much background information apparently dug up on the Inter- net that is fairly loose with the facts. In spite of the editor's attempt to portray Esperanto as controversial, the article attracts much at- tention to the language, and portrays it most- ly in a positive light. One result, partly due to those articles, was 45 people in attendance at Amanda's inspiring talk. 1 E MOST WANTED by the Jisperainto .League These volunteer tasks are on the lam. The League needs your help in apprehending them! Task: Corporate style guide. Find or write profes- sional guidelines for a unified appearance for all ELNA publications. Priority: 1. Time: 1-2 hours per week. One-time (English). Task: Resources Committee head. Do fundraising inside and outside of ELNA, find other resources. Priority: 1. Time: 1-2 hours per week. Permanent (English). Task: Commissioner for Complaints. Forward com- plaints from reticent members to the appropriate person. Priority: 2. Time: 1-2 hours per month. Permanent I (bilingual). Task: Publicity Committee / mass media. Produce and distribute press announcements. Priority: 1. Time: 1-2 hours per week. Permanent (English). Task: LK Photographer. Take photos at National Convention for EsperantoUSA. Priority: 2. Time: 5-10 hours per year. One-time (bilingual). We are proud to announce that the task of leading the Esperanto Library Committee has been captured by Or- lando Raola! You do not need to be an expert - but you do need enthusiasm! To help, contact one of our agents: Timo- thy Boronczyk at H organmaxi20@riotmail.corri, 8 607/753-4249, or 331 Shea Hall, Cortland NY 13405; or David Wolff at H, 8 978/ 264-0286, or 6 Durkee Rd, Acton MA 01720. esperanto USA 1/2001 DONACOJ AL ELNA DURING THE PERIOD Nov 1 - Dec 31 2000 DONACOJ AL ELNA DUM PERIODO 1 nov - 31 dec 2000 children around the world: J Tilman Wil- liams: 100.00; Kiho Pai: 30.00; Irene Leland: 30.00; Dorothy Holland: 25.00; James Faughnan: 20.00; Mary Napolitan: 20.00; Henry Ginn: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Dorothy Keeble: 10.00; Myron Bondelid: 10.00; Donald Houpe: 10.00; Leah Goldberg: 10.00; Ronald Glossop: 10.00; Suzanne Moser: 9.00. general fund: Doris Vallon-Wheeler: 100.60; David Halley: 100.00; Children Around the World: 100.00; Arrneke Mattson: 50.00; Antonio Gomez: 50.00; Robin Hertel: 30.00; Prenda Cook: 20.00; Dorothy Howard: 15.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Magdalena Mihailovici: 10.00; Arthur Poole: 10.00; Michael Jones: 5.00; Patrick Campion: 5.00; Luis Fumero: 5.00. Gibson fund: Prenda Cook: 95.00; Julie Spickler: 22.00; John Buchanan: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Robert Bussard: 10.00; Rebecca Djang: 5.00. glenny fund: Beth Epstein: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00. goldman fund: Pauline Ledeen: 50.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Myron Bondelid: 10.00 history fund: Prenda Cook: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00. KLARA zamenhof fund: Douglas Zander: 30.00; Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Ronald Glossop: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00. lewis fund: Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Sally Lawton: 25.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00. nask fund: Stanley Neil Glass: 100.00; Ronald Glossop: 50.00; Julie Spickler: 30.00; Irene Leland: 30.00; Pauline Ledeen: 25.00; Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Sally Lawton: 25.00; Patricia Egan: 20.00; Julie Regal: 20.00; Prenda Cook: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Patrick Campion: 10.00; Donald Houpe: 10.00; Elisabeth Hicken: 10.00; Arthur Poole: 10.00; Steven Turpin: 10.00. schulze fund: Edwin Grobe: 100.00; An- tonio Gomez: 50.00; Pauline Ledeen: 30.00; Arthur Lynch: 25.00; Dorothy McKeague: 25.00; Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Marc Wathen: 20.00; Frauke Elber: 20.00; Elson Snow: 20.00; Julie Regal: 20.00; Sonoko Kuzume: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Dor- othy Keeble: 10.00; William Wurzel: 10.00; Charles Dahlke: 10.00; Ronald Glossop: 10.00; Charles Martoecia: 5.00. Thompson fund: Maria Murphy: 100.00; Doris Vallon-Wheeler: 100.00; Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Julie Regal: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00. video fund: Ellen Eddy: 500.00; Christine Eddy: 500.00; Doris Vallon-Wheeler: 100.00; Mary Anderson: 75.00; Robert Brown: 70.00; Antonio Gomez: 50.00; Julie Spickler: 30.00; Irene Leland: 30.00; Lisa Tauxe: 27.00; Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Sara- Ann Estling: 20.00; Elson Snow: 20.00; Julie Regal: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Myron Bondelid: 10.00; Donald Houpe: 10.00; Charles Dahlke: 10.00; Ronald Glossop: 10.00; Stephen Young: 10.00; Larry Gregg: 10.00; Charles Galvin: 10.00. wolff fund: David Wolff: 3700.00; Donald Bushaw: 500.00; Michele Zielinski: 100.00; Antonio Gomez: 50.00; Bernice Garrett: 25.00; Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Sally Lawton: 25.00; Frank Carter: 20.00; Julie Regal: 20.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00. wood fund: Dorothy Holland: 25.00; Anna Steffes: 10.00; Ronald Glossop: 10.00. Thank you all! Dankon al ĉiujl Mencfinde La pasintjaran OSIEK-premion gajnis Trevor Steele pro sia libro Falantaj muroj, aperinta en 1994. Pasintjare aperis ĉe la brita eldonejo Canon- gate la anglalingva traduko de Maskerado ĉirkaŭ la mondo de Teodoro Schwartz/Ti- vadar Soros. Tradukis la libron, kin aperis sub la titolo Maskerado, Humphrey Tonkin. La baldauan reeldonon de la Esperanta origi- nalo prizorgas UEA. La Moravia filharmonio kunlabore kun Master Musicians Collective prezentis pre- miere la 6an de oktobro 2000, en Olomouc (Ĉeĥio), "Simfonion n-ro 1 - Esperantista" de David Gaines (Ashburn VA). La registr- ajo de la prezentado aperos kompaktdiske dum la nuna jaro. Sciencfikcia kongreso en Des Moines, DemiCon 12, bonvenigos aŭtoron Harry Harrison kiel honoran gaston en la 4a kaj 5a de majo 2001. S-ro Harrison estas mond- konata kiel kreinto de la amata Rustimuna Stalrato, kin devis lerni Esperanton por siaj intermondaj aventuroj. Gratulojn al Roberto Leibman (Folsom CA), kin patriĝis la 3Ian de januaro 2001. Adiaŭon al Philip A. Schatzman (Whitefish Bay WI), forpasinta antaŭ unu jaro. North American Summer Esperanto Classes (NASK 2001) This summer the NASK wil! take place in a new, sunnier location, the University of San Francisco, which is situated only three miles from the city cen- ter. Students will be housed in one of the newer dor- mitories, Gilson Hall. From some of the windows one can even see the Golden Gate Bridge. We are trying some changes in format as well as venue. This year the courses will be two weeks in length (July 1-14) rather than three, which we hope will make it easier for some people to attend, and will focus on two levels in particular: intermediate learn- ers who want to get lots of practice in using the lan- guage, and teachers and group leaders who want to learn more about audio-visual methods of teaching Esperanto. As usual, the courses will be taught by excellent instructors, and there will be many evening and weekend activities as well. More details will be available soon. If you are interested in attending this year and would like more information as it becomes available, please contact Ellen Eddy: 11736 Scott Creek Dr SW, Olympia WA 98512; H . Unu plia jaro kaj mi, kiel esperantisto, ekraj- tos trinki alkolaĵojn... laŭ la usonaj leĝoj. Priskribi kion kaj kiom Esperanto faris por mi en la lastaj 20 jaroj postulus tutan jarkolekton de Esperanto USA. He per priskribo de tiuj spertoj - ofte tre personaj - mi volas altiri vian atenton. Mi konfesu tamen, ke por festi mian 20-jar- iĝon, kiel esperantisto evidente, mi vojaĝis al la Malnova Kontinento, kie, for de la usonaj lego], mi ĝuis ion unike bavarian: Rauchbier, t.e. fumaj- itan bieron. Sciante ke ankaŭ mia oficeja kolego festas ĉi-jare belan [esperantistan] aĝon - 30 ja- rojn! - mi kunportis keikajn botelojn da tiu fumajita lupolsuko ankau por Sia ĝuo (supozante ke en la urbo ĉe la Sala Lago ion tian ni ne trovos). Tamen, tio ne estas kialo ne partopreni la 49an jaran kon- greson de ELNA, kaj sekve mi invitas vin serioze konsideri la eblecon veni al SLC por renkonti la estraranojn kaj la dungitojn de ELNA. Se vi volas plibonigi vian Esperanton en ag- rabla etoso, pensu pri la ĉi-jara NASKE, eĉ se unu trionon malpli longa ol kutime. La ĉi-jara gast- ejo de la kursaro ja situas EN la urbo ne ĈE la urbo, kaj la ŝancoj vidi la sunon dumtage estos same grandaj kiel la ŝancoj vidi nebulon ĉe SFŜU. Eble vi ne rimarkis, sed okaze de la jar(mil)- ŝanĝo, ankaŭ tiu ĉi bulteno iom ŝanĝiĝis. Ekde tiu ĉi numero mi uzas novan programon por fin- prepari la bultenon. Ju pli mi lernos ĝin (la progra- mon) des pli beliĝos la bulteno, kies aspekto estos pli profesia. Pri la enhavo, tamen, mi ne multon povas diri: ĝi dependas de la ricevitaj kontribuajoj,| de vi. Jen do mia peto: kontribuu al Esperantos USA. Kaj, jes ja, ĉion bonan en la nova jaro... kun aŭ sen Rauchbier, sed certe kun Esperanto. 10 10 esperanto USA 1/2001 ELNA CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Learn Esperanto in the convenience of your own home through ELNA's Home Study Program. There is no time limit. Each level is self-contained so that all you need is some spare time and a tape-recorder. In addition, your course will be guided by a qualified instructor of Esperanto who will give you the personal attention you need. Levels One and Two emphasize development of everyday Levels Three and Four, both completely in Esperanto and conversational skills. adapted from two very popular Eastern European text- books, focus on grammar and Esperanto history. Although LEVEL ONE • Using the textbook and cassette tape for the they both contain word lists with Esperanto definitions, a popular Jen nia mondo 1 radio course, this twelve-lesson good English-Esperanto dictionary would help, especially course will guide you to mastery of basic Esperanto. for translation exercises. No cassette is included in the COURSE MATERIALS: Workbook (32 pages), Jen nia course materials; however, students are encouraged to ex- mondo 1 book (66 pages), Jen nia mondo 1 audio cassette, change tapes with their instructors. $42.00 (+ $1.70 sales tax for Californians) LEVEL THREE • Based on an Esperanto class's adven- NOTE: If you already have the Jen nia mondo 1 set, you may deduct tures and including fables, anecdotes and Esperanto history, $16.60 from the price of the course. (Californians deduct $18.00.) this twenty-five lessoncourseuses progressively more com- plex texts for expanding vocabulary and polishing grammar. LEVEL TWO - This thirteen-lesson course focuses on a C0URSE MATERIALS: Workbook (183 pages) more detailed analysis of Esperanto as a language in its own $53 5Q (+ $L, 0 sales tax for Californians) right, and is recommended for the serious student as a fol- low-up to Level One. LEVEL FOUR • In the fourteen lessons of this course the COURSE MATERIALS: Workbook (53 pages), Jen nia srudent is exposed to the highlights of Esperanto history and mondo 2 book (89 pages), Jen nia mondo 2 audio cassette, ^^ and the fme points of Esperanto grammar5 as well $47.50 (+ $2.00 sales tax for Californians) as tQ the art of transIation. COURSE MATERIALS: Workbook (98 pages) NOTE: If you already have the Jen nia mondo 2 set, you may deduct _„ ftft . . . „ _ ..„ . . $18.80 from the price of the course. (Californians deduct $20.25.) WJ.UU (+ $. /5 sales tax tor Calllornians) ELNA CORRESPONDENCE COURSE REGISTRATION FORM Return the form with complete payment to ELNA, PO Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530 Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Telephone/Fax:___ E-mail: Please enroll me in the correspondence course indicated below [only one, please]. I am enclosing $_ mj LEVEL ONE LEVEL THREE □ □ LEVEL TWO LEVEL FOUR □ VOJAĜU KUN ESPEEAITISTOJ EN 2001 5a TUT-AMERTKA KONGRESO DE ESPERANTO 86a UNTVERSALA KONGRESO DE ESPERANTO 15-21 aprilo, Meksiko, Meksikio 21-28 julio; Zagreb, Kroatio Temo: "Ameriko - unu kontinento, diversaj historioj" Spertu Esperantion en urbo kie Esperanto tre bone fartas! Zagrebo, Dumkongresaj ekskursoj okazosla 17ande aprilo al la Universitato ĉefurbo de Respubliko Kroatio, estas urbo kun riĉa historio, kaj kaj Soĉimilko; la 19an, al granda piramido; la 20an, promenado tra mezepoka etoso; tamen, urbo turnita al la estonteco. Esperantistoj la urbocentro; la 21 an, bankedo kaj la 22an, vizito al la Antropologia abundas kaj multe helpos nin ĝui Esperantion! Parenteze, en Kroatio Muzeo. restas plejparte la allogajoj de antaŭa Jugoslavio. Pasporto kaj la Sekvos POSTKONGRESA EKSKURSO AL OAXACA Familio Bonvolo nepre akompanos nin. Informojn oni povas akiri 23-27 aprilo. Aliĝilo haveblas de la adreso: de: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL- 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Nederlando; H Se vi preferas, petu aliĝilon de Esperanto-vojaĝservo. Aliĝo kostas nur $80. D-ro Grant Goodall (vicprezidanto de ELNA) partoprenos POSTKONGRESA EKSKURSO EN SLOVENIO KAJ la kongreson por prezenti seminarion pri kial kaj kiel uzi Pasporto- ALBANIO (nur por aventuremaj esperantistoj!) n por instrui Esperanton. 29 julio-9 aŭgusto Ni iros norden el Zagrebo al la belega Bled-regiono por 2 noktoj. 50a KONGRESO DE ELNA Estas malfacile atingi Albanion, sed ni flugos el Ljubljana, Slovenio 26-28 majo 2001 al Tirana, ĉefurbo de Albanio, kaj revenos al Ljubljana. Albanio, la okazos en Salt Lake City, Utah. FestuEsperantondumMemortago! plej izolita kaj neglektita lando en Europe, malfermis en la lasta Forta, juna, entuziasma grapo atendas nin ĉe la Sala Lago. Make jardeko siajnpordojn al internacia turismo, speciale al esperantistoj. your flight reservations and buy your tickets right away to avoid Rande de la evoluinta, "civilizita" mondo, Albanio havis la bon- "holiday" prices and to arrive in time for the interkona vespero on ŝancon konservi sian naturon apenaŭ tuŝita de modernigo. La spir- May 25th. Aliĝiloj baldaŭ haveblos, sed jam nun vi povas aranĝi haltigaj montoj, la kristalakvaj lagoj, la fajnsablaj plaĝoj kaj la plur- viajn flugojn. jarcentaj historiaj restajoj allogas aventuremajn vojaĝantojn, por kiuj la kvalito de la ŝoseoj, transportrimedoj kaj hoteloj gravas malpli NORD-AMERIKA SOMERA KURSARO de ESPERANTO ol la varmeco kaj gastemo de ĉi tiu malgranda, malnova sud-eiiropa (NASKE) popolo. 1-14 julio, Universitato de San Francisco. Ankoraŭ la "plej bona" Post jardekoj de malpermeso, Esperanto regajnis siajn rajtojn en s§ en la mondo. Ci-jare la ĉef-instruisto estos Grant Goodall, kaj "Es- Albanio, kaj niaj samideanoj tie - daŭre izolitaj geografie kaj eko- peranto - Pasporto al la tuta mondo'1 estos oficiale uzata por instrui nomie - senspire atendas nin por diri al ni: Bonvenon en Albanion! al komencantoj kaj progresantoj, kaj al tiuj, kiuj interesiĝas pri in- Por tiuj kiuj bezonos pli da komforto, ekzistas ankaŭ aliaj ekskursoj, struado mem, kiel uzi ĝin por instrui. Detalaj informoj haveblos de inkluzive la italan E-kongreson en Trieste kaj aliaj de UEA. Informoj Ellen Eddy, 1176 Scott Creek Dr SW, Olympia WA 98512; H pri ĉiuj haveblas de: Esper®nt®-voĵ®ĝs@rvo 104 LaSalle Av Oakland GA 94611 S 510/339-2001; B lusihao?nion-aol.coin Esperanto League for North America PO Box 1129 El Cerrito CA 94530 Non-ProtitOrg US POSTAGE PAID Permit #1040 Leesburg, FL 34748