624 Second St. Lancaster, PA 17603-5114 ISSN #1078-6554 * £2 ■#■ 8 * £5 * 8 •*• 8 * 8 * Founded in 1993, it is the offi- cial newsletter of the US Young Esperantists. It is published 6 times a year and sent out to all members and supporters of USEJ. Contributions may be sent to the address above. Opinions ex- pressed in articles are those of the authors and not of USEJ or the Editor. ■*■ 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * Fondita en 1993, ĝi estas la oficiala novaĵletero de la Usona Societo por Esperantista Junu- laro. Ĝi eldoniĝas 6 foje jare kaj estas dissendata al ĉiuj membroj kaj subtenantoj de USEJ. Kontribuaĵoj estu sendataj al la adreso supre. Opinioj esprimi- taj en artikoloj estas tiuj de la aŭtoro kaj nek de la Redaktoro, nek de USEJ. *8*8*8*8*8*8* Redaktora/Editor: Jozef Truong Artdjoj/Art: Matthew Horton Kompostisto/ Layout: Sybil Harlow Limdato de numero 10: la 15 dejunio Deadline for issue 10: June 15 Vi trovos aparte bonan artik- olon ĉi-numere, tiun de Thomas Gray pri kiel fondi lokan klubon. Espereble ĝi instigos vin agadi, se vi ankoraŭ ne faras ion... En sia artikolo Thomas men- ciis, kie oni vokis (baptnomis, eble?) lin "Esperanto-Knabo" ĉe lia lernejo. Mia nomo ĉe mia gimnazio estas nur iom pli bona- "Esperanto-Viro", kiu havas ka- pablon superi (lingvajn) barojn pernurunusalto! Jes ja, la ridoj kaj la mokoj es- tas sufiĉe timigajjSed kion fari? Jen du personaj konsiloj: plej grave, kontaktu aliajn, aparte ti- ujn junulojn de via propra re- giono! Ju pli da kontaktoj, des pli da memfido vi gajnos. Kaj memoru ĉi tiun diraĵon:"Se ĉiuj diras ke vi estas malĝusta, vi estas unu paŝo antaŭ ili. Se ĉiuj ridas je vi, vi estas du paŝoj antaŭ ili." Se vi jam laboras/is por Espe- ranto, vi devus esti mejloj antaŭ la cetera mondo.... VcZi&iaAfi&hf, Gray's guide for local groups 3 Kalendaro '95............ 4 CU@R.................. 4 Lingva Angulo............. 4 @esperanto.............. 5 Bennem................. 5 Korespondu! ............ 6 Can the UN be saved?..... 6 KTPajn .............. 7 Usona Esperanista Junularo Central Office 624 Second Street Lancaster, PA 17603-5114 (717)393-4273 USEJ is the non-profit, na- tional organization for Espe- rantists 27 years old and under. Membership: $15/year Subscription to KTP!: SlOVyear Donations, subscriptions, etc., can be made payable to "Usona Esperantista Junulara" and sent to: Nathan Treadway Treasurer, USEJ 3769 South A Street Richmond, EN 47374 © 1995 Usona Esperantista Junularo L f\irl^k First Esperanto magazine in the Western Hemisphere: "L'Esperantiste Canadien" (1901) -k ii*y USEJ-estrarano Thomas Gray de Houston, Teksaso, donas kelkajn konsilojn pri liaj spertoj kiam li prizorgis lokan grupon ĉe Ha gimnazio. Sendu al ni ankaŭ viajn konsilojn kaj ideojnl After I became interested in Es- peranto in the spring of 1989, I decided to share my new discov- ery with the rest of the student body at my high school, the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (Houston's locally fa- mous fine arts-oriented high school) and began my own Espe- ranto group called the Klubo Es- peranto HSPVA. My group lasted for two years and during its lifetime the club met with limited success. How- ever, if nothing else, the group's mere existence at least made the students aware of Esperanto. Even if few actually learned the language, people discovered what it was and why it was necessary. The following are some of the tips for getting an Esperanto club started: If your school requires a faculty sponsor, your best choice would be a foreign language teacher. He or she will probably not only show the most interest in your en- deavor, but as well may be will- ing to provide you with the assistance on how to promote or even teach Esperanto. If you attend a college or uni- versity, you may have to officially register with your school's student activities program. Groups that wish to put up flyers or posters around campus alerting students about their meetings or other events must also get their flyers and posters approved at this of- fice. Check with your student ac- tivities program to see what its requirements are. S9» Put up flyers and posters around your school advertising your group. In addition to announcing the meeting time and place, you should describe what Esperanto is and what its purpose are; graphics and color do help. *&• Think of what purpose you want your group to accomplish: Do you wish to increase student knowledge about Esperanto, teach it to students, form a conversation and discussion groups, or do all three? s> Be prepared for every meeting, and have an activity or lesson planned in advance. Make it interesting and fun so that people will keep coming back to your meetings. '&* If you plan on teaching Esperanto, make sure you know at least the grammar and crude vocabulary of words and important prefixes and suffixes. It's not as easy 0 as you might think to teach yourself Esperanto at the exact same time you're teaching it to others. *&• Don't expect too many people to show up. This is, after all, a language and not something most students would consider "fun". s> Hold your meetings in the same place, at the same time, on the same day, every week. Also, it probably isn't a good idea to hold meetings more than once a week. ^» Although you probably won't be criticized outright by your peers, expect your fellow students to use it to poke fun at you. Once I began the Klubo Esperanto, my classmates began calling me "Esperanto Boy" and teasing me about the language. I didn't mind, however, as it was all in good fun. In fact, my popularity at school probably increased as a result of this added attention. If you do have the time to do so, go ahead and start a group! It is somewhat time-consuming, yes, but you have nothing to lose. Be- sides, even if not very many peo- ple to show up, you will at least, through your posters and flyers, make you schoolmates aware that Esperanto exists. And that, at this stage of the game, is most impor- tant. Bonan ŝancon! Of Thomas Gray Houston TX Got something to add or ask? Contact USEJ or Thomas Gray 4381 Fiesta Lane Houston TX 77004-6602 3 KTP! * La unua Esperanta gazeto en la okcidenta hemisfero: L'Esperantiste Canadien" (1901) * KALENDARO 1995 09-11 jun Ste. Catherine-de Hatley, KANADO Somera Rekontiĝo de E-o Societo Kebekia ft ESK, 6538-A rue de Bordeaux, Montreal QC H2G 2R8, KANADO 01-15 Jul Bydgoszcz, POLLANDO Junulara Esperanto Feriado ft Esperantotur-MT, str. M.Skk>dowskiej-Curie 10, PL-85-094 Bydgoszcz, POLLANDO 07-16jul Girionya, LITOVIO 31aj Baltiaj Esperanto-Tagoj ft Litova E-o Asocio, abTk. 167, LT-3000 Kaunas, LLTOVIO 07-16 jul Katocsa, HTJNGARIO 4a Verda Olimpiko de Sako ft Roger Blaine, 1146 Strong Ave., Elkhart IN 46514. (219)293-2241 15-18 jul New York, NY. 43a Nacia Kongreso de Esperanto ft COdeELNA. 22-28 jul Tampere, FEVNLANDO 80a Universala Kongreso ftCO-jdeUSEJ,ELNA, Esperanto Vojaĝ-Servo Jljul- 07 auĝ St Petersburg, RUSIO 51a Internacia Junulara Kongreso ft CO-jdeUSEJ,ELNA, Esperanto Vojaĝ-Servo »8-14 auĝ Tata,BXJNGARIO Internacia Junulara Semajno/ Mez-Eŭropa Junulara Semajno ftHEJ,pk.87 H-1675 Budapest, HUNGARIO ?? auĝ Meksiko, MEKSIKIO 2a Nordamerika Junulara Tendumado ft CO de USEJ Esperanto Vojaĝ-Servo 6104 LaSalle Avenue Oakland, CA 94611 (510)339-2001 °i30€ /%.». Norman Fleury kaj aliaj organizan- toj de la jam fama Aŭtuna Renkon- tiĝo Esperantista preparos por la dua fojo. ĉi foje, Hi kalklos ankaŭ je la ĉeestado de kelkaj usonaj junuloj. After the resounding success of the 1st Aŭtuna Renkontiĝo Esperantista last October which united nearly 60 Esperantists from Canada and the United States, a second time around is natural. This year's ARE is taking place once again at the Okemo Ski Resort in Ludlow, Vermont, the weekend of October 7-9. Esperantists from both Canada and the United States are ex- pected to gather in Ludlow, although guests from overseas may show up as well. Organizer Normand Fleury is espe- cially looking for more participation among young people. Hopefully, USEJ members can manage to attend since members of KEJO, the Quebec regional young Esperantists' organiza- tion, will probably be there as well. Fleury mentioned the possibility of reserving rooms at a local motel or youth hostel for those who prefer not to stay at the ski lodge. Being the most international Espe- ranto conference available in the Northeast, ARE is definitely worth tending. ft For more information, contact Joseph Tmong, CO of USEJ, or Normand Fleury, ESK, 6358 rue de Bordeaux, Montreal QC Canada, H2G 2R8. A^k ingva ^/ angulo Saluton! Gamarĝoba! Bonan tagon! Dila mŝvidobisa! Kiel vi fartas? Rogor ĥar Mi fartas bone. Me var kargad. Mi fartas malbone. Me var cudad. Medicina studento Alexandre Levidze sendis al ni la jenajn frazojn en la kart- velia ("Georgian"). Gi estas linvo paro- lata de kvar milionoj da homoj, plejparte en Karvelio, unu al la novaj respublikoj de la antaŭa Sovetunio. Mi fartas sufice bone. Me var sakmaod kargad Kio estas via nomo? Ra gkvia? Mia nomo estas ... Ĉemi saĥelia Ĉu vi parolas E-on? Tkveen saubrobt esperantos enaze? Dankon! Gmadlobt! (Notu: Ni prezentas jene nur la prononcon. Se vi interesiĝas lerni la skriban kartevelian, kontaktu Alexandre mem! Lia adreso aperas en la "Ko- respondamiko" kolumno.) ft 4 r\ f r ! * Berne, Switzerland, is the only city to ever host two consecutive UK's (1939 and 1947). * ^Esperanto Eniri la mondan komunumon ofte inspiras homojn lerni Espe- ranton, sed laŭ junaj Espe- rantistoj niaj opportunoj kunveni kajparoli kun alilandaj Esperantistoj estas limigitaj. Ĝis nun ... A good place to start is the Es- peranto FAQ which answers many basic questions about Es- peranto and resources on the Net. It is often available, along with the Flavaj Paĝoj, a listing of subscribing to the mailing list (they send you e-mail with the posted messages) by sending an e-mail message with the text 'subscribe' to esperanto-I-request@netcom.com If you are looking to contact other esperantists around the world one-on-one, then you can get their e-mail addresses from the La Esperanta Retadresaro, a voluntary listing of Esperantists on the'net. You can list your ad- Esperanto services on the net, in soc.culture.esperanto and can also be retrievable from ftp.netcom.com /pub/el/elna/Introductory The primary newsgroup for Esperanto on the 'net is the soc.culture.esperanto is the pri- mary newsgroup for Esperantists and Esperanto. If you don't have USENET newsgroup ac- cess you can still join in by dress there as well by sending your name and e-mail address to DerkEDERVEEN You can also join a penpal serv- ice, by sending e-mail to: Duncan C. THOMSON And there is 'live chat' the "In- ternet Relay Chat" ("IRC") at Kanalo #esperanto: Tuesday, 10 -12 noon, and Sunday, 10 pm-lam EST There are many FTP sites and WWW (TTT) pages where you can access Esperanto files, in- cluding fonts, articles, and litera- ture. Among the most popular : ftp.stack.urctue.nl /pub/esperanto garbo.uwasa.fi /pc/rNDEX http ://www.webcom.com/~donh If you have access to the Inter- net, via one of the pay services or through your school (They of- ten have computer labs, desig- nated for common student use, so check into ft); you can truly enter the global community. l3r Sybil Harlow Sacramento, CA This is the first in a continuing series of articles on Esperanto and computers. Next issue: Esperanto and word processing. If you have any specific questions please write to me at the CO or e-mail me at sybilh@netcom.com (c) 1994 Matthew Horton WHERE'S BENNEM GOING?) DIDN'T YOU TELL HIM IT'S TIME FOR LUNCHX /IvilDIVENAS. KEY USATAS...AŬAUE _VSIMPLE FRENEZAU 5 r\ T P! jr Berne, Svisio, estas la sola urbo en la mondo kiu gastigis sinsekvajn UK-ojn (1939 kaj 1947) * If you would like to make build a friendship beyond our borders, con- sider corresponding with one of these people. Brazilo by *£ ♦ 36-jaraĝulo ŝatas biciklumi kaj aŭskulti muzikon: Geraldo Luiz de FREITAS, Rua Mai. Deodoro. 193, Centro, BR-76170-000 Anicuns (GO). Ĉeĥio ♦ Matematiko kaj komputiloj plaĉas al tiu 15-jaragulino; JanaVOSATKOVA, Zachlumi 94, CZ-34951 Cebiv. Hungario ♦ Sprechen Sie Deutsch und Esperanto? 15-jaraĝa knabo deziras korespondi germane/ esperante; KORSOS Tamas, Vorosmarty u. 20/b, H-6528 Batmonostor. Italio ♦ Lingva studento kolektas poŝtkartojn; FabrizioPAGLIAROLI, Conrada Barchi 20, IT-04019 Terracina. Kartvelio ♦ Medicina studento dez. kor. k/aliaj medicistoj; Alexandre LEVIDZE, str.Leninakani 13, GEO-3 84007 Kutaisi. C^n^is Kvankam Modelaj Unuĝintaj Naciaj programoj okazas ĉijare en miloj da lernejoj tra Usono, aparta rimarkinda Modela UNO estas pla- nata nun por la 80a UK en Tam- pere — Modela UNO tute en Esperanto. Tamen, dependas je la monda junularo mem, ĉu tia entuz- iasma projekto povas sukcesu One especially unique celebration among the hundreds of different events marking the 50th anniversary of United Nations this year will be an international Model UN — in Esperanto. The event, under planning for nearly two years, will take place during the 80th UK in Tampere, Fin- land. In this Model UN, young dele- gates from around the globe will gather to debate in Esperanto the problems and dilemmas facing minorities. The organizers Geoffrey Greatrex and Mark Fettes, however admitted the Esperanto community has not been as helpful as they expected in providing delegates. Delegates from countries such as Costa Rica, Den- mark, Romania and Belerus have ex- pressed interest, but missing are nations such as Norway, Belgium, Austria. . . nations important in UN affairs and with fairly strong young Esperantist movements. Fortunately, several USEJ members have asked for more infor- mation about the Model UN; the fi- nal team will be selected this summer. So, currently, it appears that an American delegation will be present in Tampere. During the day-long assembly, the American delegates will join with other representatives to discuss the minority situation throughout the globe in United Nations format. While the main goal of this initiative is to allow young people to use Es- peranto for something constructive which surpasses pen pals and con- ferences, another hope is to demon- strate to the journalists and other media present that Esperanto should be used at such international events. . . and at the United Nations itself, understandably. Even if you're not in Tampere, you can still mention Esperanto at any Model UN meetings you attend on this side of the Atlantic. Oddly enough, someone nearly always brings up a proposal on ways to solve the UN language problem, not realizing that a solution has been around for more than a century.. .ik More information on the Model UN and its progress is available from the Central Office of USEJ. O f\irl*k Two of the first Land Sections of TE JO were in Morocco and Uruguay, ir A. • 12, T)anU.ojn a\ Vi tŜiuj ^L We thank the following persons for their help to USEJ during the first few months of 1995: Lydia Tabor (Forest Hills, New York), Mary Napolitan (St. Clair Shore, Michigan) and Margaret Zarchy (Studio City, California), for donations of various book- lets, brochures, and Magazines; and to Gigi Harabagiu (San Fran- cisco, California), for becoming a new Patron of USEJ. Se /Mi ĉSs+us "Riculo . . . Who said you couldn't get rich by Esperanto? The Esperanto group of Kronach, Germany, has an- nounced a contest for graphic artists on the theme "Homaj bildoj" (Human Pictures). Top prize? 10,000 DEM (about $6,600)! Other additional prizes will be 3,000 DEM (about $2,000). So why not take a shot at it? Deadline is May 1995. Esperanto-grupo Kronach, Armin Grotzner, Giessubel 26, D-96317 Kronach, GERMANY. "ĉsperanto en B" de David Ckoanes %# During the recent JES meeting in Pennsylvania, Peabody Conservatory of Music student David Gaines spoke a little about the graduate work he is doing there, which includes composing what he thinks the may well be the first symphony ever written in Esperanto anywhere . More info on the world premier of the symphony later... David Gaines, 113 W. Mulberry Street, Baltimore MD 21201-3619. retadrespj: gaines@gigue.peabody.jhu.edu OT d.gaines7@genie.geis.com "1996 CDJK (DU.azon+c\ en C\erynan\o j^f\ At the recent TEJO Board Meeting, the Board decided WT^ to award the 1996 UK to Germany, which would fit in with TJEA's current plans of allowing Prague to host that year's UK. Italy and Hungary, who also placed bids for that 1996's UK, are already making plans for future UK's. Salutojn el T^adio f-irmlando According to their latest broadcast schedule, YLE Radio Finland, which nor- mally doesn't broadcast in Esperanto, has decided to make special broadcasts in Esperanto during the 80th UK in Tampere at the end of their broadcasts in Eng- lish^!). Make your support heard—it may make them think of REGULARLY broadcasting in Esperanto. Call (toll free, even!) 1-800-221-9539, write to rfiniand@yle.mailnet.fi or (by snail mail) PO Box 462, Windsor CT 06095. SWpendo] por SF\SL4 ankomw kaveblas If you have been tossing around the idea of going to the world- famous San Francisco State University Esperanto Course, you'll be happy to know that scholarships for deserving students are still available. The course, running from June 26 to July 14, will offer this year Duncan Charters, Spokenka Stimec and Atilio Orellana Rojas, three renown and talented Esperantists. Contact EIC ASAP about SFSU: Cathy Schultze, Esperanto Information Center, 410 Darrell Road, Hillsborough CA 94010 Kostariko ♦ 19-jara katolika monaĥo volus korespondi tutmonde; Fray Martin de Jesus, Mision Reina de los Angeles, San Jose de la Montana - Heredia. Kubo ♦ Manuel Rodriguex G, PO Box 29, Ciego de Avila- 1,C.P. 65100 Pollando ♦ Instruisto dez. interŝangi poŝtmarkojn k/filatehsto; Eugeniusz PIASECKI, ul.JMatejki2, PL-67-400Wschowa. Rusio ♦ Junulino amas "rep" kaj "hip-hop" muzikon; NataljaLUGOVAJA, pr. Kirova54-l, RU-183032 Murmansk ♦ Komencanto kolektas lcalendaretojn kaj ŝatas kudri kaj brodi; Rimma GAZIZOVA, 278-63 K. Marx Street, RU-426008 Ijevsk. ♦ 13-jaragulino ŝatas muzikon, dancojn kaj naturon; Eugenija Malcanova, ul. Planernaja 3-5D, RU-183039 Murmansk. IVjgo ♦ Lernanto el Lome dez. kor. k/junulo; K. Paulo EGBARE, s/Chef Gnassingbe Kossi, GAT-BTLBP938, Escadrille, Lome-Aeroport. S3 ^3 ^ 7 r\TP! * Du el la unuaj Landaj Sekcioj de TEJO estis en Urugvajo kaj Maroko. * frSS9-8Z,0I MSSI ^HS-e09LI Vd ^SBanrji idlM Have you already made summer plans? If not, look at what you could be doing: ♦ Taking an Esperanto class for college credit > Scholarships still available at some schools - Contact the 6LNĤ CO for further details ♦ Joining us in New Vork, New Vork for the €LNfl congress. There will be events especially for us including: > an excursion to Les Miserables > a performance by "ĥKVO" the rock band > a visit to Politically Incorrect- i the intelligent TV talk shouu > ĥ tie-dying t-shirt fun fest > ĥ picnic in the park What's Inside: |||piomas Gray guides us ghrough his experiences in starting a cluĴ^| • The lowdown on this year's ARE conference -BENNEM -The first in a series of articles on computers and Esperanto -and much more ... ,/