m NMSimu NEWS OF THE LANGUAGE PROBLEM AND ESPERANTO AS A SOLUTION Bimonthly organ of the Esperanto League for North America, Inc., Box 1129, El Cerrito, CA 94530 USA. Telephone (415)653-0998. Editor: Catherine L Ŝchulze. Graphics: Wm. R.Harmon.lncludes promotional sectioninEnglish and informational section inEsperanto for ELNA members.lSSN 0030-5065. Vol.17, No.5 September-October 1981 •*. •*. ft*. tf **rv **• *C C- "Por Esperanto kiel movado agu; por ĝi kiel realajo pagu; kaj kiel altan idealon konservu ĝin en via koro." — Esperanto, 4-73 INSIDE: BOOK SECTION - GIFT IDEAS [more on] AVIATION SAFETY- LANGUAGE PROBLEM COMPUTERS, LANGUAGE & CULTURAL PLURALISM LOCAL CLUBS AND CLASSES LANGUAGE IN THE NEWS CALENDAR OF ESPERANTO EVENTS DECEMBER IS ESPERANTO BOOK MONTH DECEMBRO, MONATO DE LA LIBRO MAYDAY...MAYDAY...MAYDAY...MAYDAY The Aviation Safety Institute was the subject of an article in the Travel Section, San Francisco Examiner (April 12}, "In the Interest of Safety in the Air" by Bob Coligoski. Long interested in the role of language in some aviation accidents and near-accidents, Cathy Schulze wrote ASI, sending a copy of the ELNA NEWSLETTER (March-April 1981) in which the article International Aviation and the Language Problem appeared, John B. Galipault, President of ASI, replied as follows: "Thank you for your letter and copy of the ELNA NEWSLETTER. I have enclosed the most current copy of our MONITOR. "I participated in the Bilingual ATC Conference at Ottawa in 1976. I gave a paper on the problems of air traffic control and the importance of a common language for all international operations. Feelings were running very high at that time, albeit there have been no positive results that permit confidence in the basic premise. "ASI would be very interested in any research in- vestigations that would help to reduce the possibility of language-related pilot/controller errors. If the Esperantic Studies Foundation is interested, we would be pleased to discuss the whole issues. "I have enclosed a listing of language-related in- cidents reports send to ASI controllers and pilots operating in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. If you have difficulty interpreting the data, let me know." With the MONITOR Mr, Galipault sent a computer printout of twelve language-related incidents between Sep. 13, 1980 and Jan. 29, 1981 at Brownsville, Texas airport alone. ASI, an unbiased, non-profit, tax-exempt organiza- tion, operates, as does the Esperanto League, with a small staff, entirely funded through contributions and consultation work. ELNA and Esperantic Studies Foundation will ap- preciate reports from anyone undertaking research on the Language Problem in International Aviation. The address for ASI is: ASI, Box 304, Worthington, OH 43085, telephone 1~(800)-648-7386. The address for ESF is: Esperantic Studies Founda- tion, attn: Dr. E. j. Lieberman, 6451 Barnaby St. N.W., Washington, DC 20015. INTERNATIONAL AVIATION and PROBLEMS OF LANGUAGE Paul Puvrez, Toronto aeronautical engineer, sug- gests clarifications in the article in the March-April 1981 NEWSLETTER in which he was widely quoted, as follows: OICA is the Esperanto for Organize de Inter- nacia Civila Aviado. The article should have used ICAO for the English International Civil Aviation Organization. The second paragraph, second line should read: "...to acquire a license permitting international flight, thus conforms to the decisions of ICAO, pilots, navigators..." To the third paragraph Mr. Puvrez suggests adding: "Therefore, the selection by ICAO of English -or of any other national language — for international use is to be deplored. A change in favor of Esperanto, should take place as soon as possible. But the pro- blem is a complex one and it is impossible at this stage to predict when the change will take place." The very last sentence in the article should read: "The public at large pays this cost." 2 NEW VOLUME ON COMPUTER-BASED LANGUAGE LEARNING The Language Learning Laboratory of the Universi- ty of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana has just published "The PLATO System and Language Study" as Vol. 3, No. 1 of the review Studies in Language Learning, The volume contains articles on computer-based language learning, including'three articles dealing with Esperan- to. "PLATO Esperanto Materials" by Judith Sherwood describes many kind of interactive lessons, including materials which supplement the first five chapters of the textbook Teach Yourself Esperanto. "Computer Processing of Esperanto Text" and "Speech Synthesis Applied to Language Teaching" by Bruce Sherwood describe the technical aspects of manipulating Esperanto in a computer system. The volume can be ordered from SLL Subscriptions, Language Learning Laboratory, G-70 Foreign Language Building, Universi- ty of Illinois, 707 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801. Price $5.25. COMPUTER ASPECTS OF ESPERANTO AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES at University of Illinois-Urbana Bruce Sherwood, Professor of Physics at Ul-Urbana, reports that Chicago students using the PLATO system for computer instruction are able to ask questions about grammar and receive advice from experts in Ur- bana. Thus a public forum on Esperanto is possible through electronics. NOTE: A basic Esperanto lesson is also available through The Source, a telecommunications network. To access it, users simply type R ESPERO. Bruce Sherwood at Symposium on "Esperanto and Cultural Pluralism" at Duke University, North Carolina and elsewhere Prof-o Bruce Sherwood de Univ.-lllinois (Urbana) in- vitite prelegis la 24-an de junio al socisciencistoj de Universitato Duke (Norda Karolino) pri "Esperanto kaj Kultura Pluralismo", kadre de simpozio pri "Alter- native) al Kultura kaj Lingva lmperiismo" organizita de la antropologo Prof-o William O'Barr. Je 10a de septembro, li prelegis en la semajna kolokvo de la fako de fiziko ĉe la Universitato de Il- linois pri "La Lingva Problemo en Internacia Scienco kaj Teknologio". La universitata radio-stacio (PBS) sonbendis kaj in- tervjuis, kaj je la 16a de septembro lerte elektita kvin- minuta programeto estis elsendita, sekvita post unu horo de 40-minuta konversacia programo kun Sher- wood kiel gasto. Okazis vigla telefona partopreno de la aŭskultantaro, sufiĉe pozitiva. Sherwood estas invitita prelegi la 4an de novembro ĉe Wilmington (Ohio) Kolegio pri la lingva problemo en scienco, en kolokvo por profesoroj de scienco. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS SYMPOSIUM,Budapest, 27 Dec 1981 through 2 Jan 1982. Organized by the Science Commission of the Hungarian Esperanto Association, the Hungarian Economics Society, the Budapest Science Center of the Universala Esperanto-Asocio, et al. The working language will be Esperanto. Subjects discussed will in- clude: The Social Role of the Economic Sciences; The Situation in Advanced Economic Studies; World Pro- blems and National Planning; Establishment of a New Economic Order; Language Problems from an Economic Standpoint; Problems of Terminology in Economics; Social Experiments; etc. MIKSPOTO Esperanto Support in the French Parliament. Esperan- to in French Schools? France's new president, Francois Mitterand, wrote to S.A.T., a Paris-based Esperanto publishing organiza- tion just before the recent national elections: "Let me make clear that my parliamentary friends, in the previous session of the National Assembly, sub- mitted a proposal to introduce the international language into secondary and higher education as an elective. If the French people put their trust in me, I will ask the government to submit that bill to Parlia- ment." Esperanto Support in the British Parliament Brian Barker of the British Esperanto Association reports outstanding success in distribution of the FREE POSTAL COURSE and encourages us to con- tinue its distribution here. (See notice in this issue of the NEWSLETTER giving details of this new educa- tional device.) Mr. Barker reports that, as of September 1981, there are 147 Members of Parliament in the Esperanto Parliamentary Group. Baroness Fisher of Rednal, JP, is Chairwoman; Joint Secretaries are Jack Dunnett, MP, and Robin Squire, MP. The World Conference on Tourism in Manila last fall issued a resolution which read in part: "(The Conference) underlines the importance of a knowledge of languages, especially of those with a universal application such as Esperanto..." This passage was the result of a brief to W.O.T. from the Hungarian Minister of Commerce, Vilmos Saghy (an Esperantist) and the activities of the head of the Hungarian government delegation in Manila, Mar- ton Lengyel (an Esperantist). AN AFRICAN VIEWPOINT "ENGLISH MUST GO... Why do we Zambians have to suffer the humiliation of learning and using the English language? By doing so, we show that we are still dominated by our former colonial oppressors. We are now free of the chains of British imperialism and we should demonstrate our independence by refusing to use this language. We are Zambians and have our own languages which we could use at all times. The use of English in schools should be banned so that in future, only Zam- bian languages will be spoken and written in Zambia. Only then can we show the world that we are truly a strong and independent nation. - Andrew Nyamulumba, Chongwe, 1980.08.18 in a Zambian newspaper ESPERANTO AT THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, New York In his introduction to What is Modern Painting?, Alfred H. Barr, Jr., wrote: "...there are no foreign languages in painting as there are in speech; there are only local dialects which can be understood interna- tionally, for painting is a kind of visual Esperanto. Therefore it has special value in this riven world." BarKs words held special meaning July 19 when members of the Esperanto League visited the Museum whil in New York for a conference on Esperanto in the Service of the United Nations. Patricia Egan, Grants Officer at the Museum and an Esperanto-speaker, guided the visitors through the galleries. She translated from Barr's writings on several of the masterworks on view, including van Gogh's The Starry Night, Picasso's Guernica, and Pollock's One. For Esperantists who have a particularly progressive world perspective, the pioneering history of the Museum and the international scope of its collection represented visually the beauty of international com- munication. NOTO: Pri One de Pollock: 'La grandega, tut-mura pentraĵo, Unu, de Jackson POLLOCK, reprezentas la apoteozon de pentro kaligrafia.' Pri La Stela Nokto de van Gogh: 'Kirliĝintaj strekoj de dika pigmento pli altigas la efikon ritman kaj esprimas la emocion ardan je la bazo de la vidafo nokta de van Gogh/ - Patricia Egan TONKIN LECTURE AT DAG HAMMARKJOLD AUDITORIUM, UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK, July 20, 1981 Humphrey Tonkin, Professor of English at Universi- ty of Pennsylvania, and former President of the Universal Esperanto Association, Rotterdam, outlined the status of Esperanto at the UN, tracing the history of the international language from the League of Na- tions until the present. The complete text is valuable for anyone interested in Tonkin's subject: "Esperanto in the Service of the United Nations." He has developed a comprehensive bibliography on the sub- ject. NEKROLOGOJ Sigurd Glassen, longtime member of the Esperanto Association of Los Angeles, died last summer. Our condolences go to Mrs. Ellen Glassen, his widow. Carolyn Lanzone, long a supporter of Esperanto who encouraged her sons, Francis and Joseph, to study Esperanto, died August 14. She was Cathy Schulze's sister. Edward W. Pharo, veteran ELNA member of Somer- ton, Pennsylvania, passed away last May according to information from Edwin C. Harler. We extend our sym- pathy to Mrs. Pharo. A Zambian student, who sees the need for a neutral language for international use, is trying to promote Esperanto as the best guarantee native languages will not be lost, needs English-language learning aids and promotional materials. Write in English to: Mr. Chitambi KAPUNGWE, P O Box 34794, LUSAKA, Zam- bia, Africa. RECOMMENDED Build a Strong Local Club! Distribute the FREE TEN- LESSON POSTAL ESPERANTO COURSE. Local clubs are finding the Free Postal Course an effective tool for developing a lively local club. Club members receive permission to display them at local libraries (with or without an Esperanto book display). Order from: Esperanto Press, RR1, Bailieboro, Ontario, CANADA KOL 1 BO Price List 1000 (500 3/81, 100 3/b2, 80/70/50/40/40/30/30/30/30, $30 plus 20% shipping) 500 (250/50/40/35/25/20/20/15/15/15/15, $20 plus 20% shipping) 200 (100/20/16/14/10/8/8/6/6/6/6, $10 plus 20% shipp- ing) If 2000 lessons are ordered, local address will be im- printed and cost, including shipping, a bargain $66/ LOCAL CLUB PROGRAM SUGGESTION SEMAJNO DE INTERNACIA AMIKECO, 21-27 Februaro, prezentas okazon por bonaj klubprogramoj, por inviti fremdajn studentojn al festoj, por peti urbestrojn fari proklamojn por SIA. En marto, la EKVINOKSO donas neŭtralan okazon por internaciaj interŝanĝoj kun plumamikoj, ĝemelurboj. LOCAL CLUBS ESPERANTO — a society of amateurs? The original meaning of the word 'amateur' (from the Latin amare : 'to love') — to do something for the love of it. The work of the local clubs is invaluable to the League. CALIFORNIA Berkeley: Stella Toogood Cope is teaching a lively basic course using direct method. Mar Vista: Ryokan College again offers Esperanto Courses. Elwin !4 reed has been invited back to in- struct basic and intermediate courses. Millbrae: The local Recreation Center has invited Cathy Schulze to teach the basic Esperanto course this fall. Northridge: Experimental College of California State University provides a beginner's class on Thursday evenings. San Diego: 'Imitinda Ekzemplo' — Alberta Casey has donated $100 to Friends of the Library, University of San Diego, for purchase of Esperanto books. Al tiuj malmultaj aktivuloj kiuj rifuzas uzi Esperan- ton en kunvenoj kaj insistas, ke, por interkompreniĝi, oni parolu angle, ni rekomendas, ke ili sekvu la vojon de la modela San Diego Klubo jene: S.S.S.S. 12-13an de septembro, klubanoj renkontiĝis en Julian, CA, kie ges-roj F. Helmuth organizis la kunsidojn. Oni parolis nur Esperanton dum la tuta "Sudkalifornia Semajnfina Seminario Senkrokodil(ig)a." D-ro David Jordan de Universitato de Kalifornio San Diego gvidis la kun- sidojn. 19 malkrokodiloj partoprenis el San Diego kaj Los Angeles kluboj. La ĝenerala interkonsento estas, ke tiu vigla entrepreno ripetindas. Thousand Oaks: The News Chronicle of September 15 carried a letter about Esperanto by James Fonseca, Ph.D., Chairman, Dept. of Spanish, California Lutheran College, and Scott S. Smith, representative of the Mormon Esperanto Croup. The Thousand Oaks Esperanto Club is developing effective Esperanto pro- motional ideas. ILLINOIS University of Illinois: University of Illinois-Urbana Campus "Y" Esperanto class is taught this fall by Prof. Bruce Sherwood. Nancy Hattaway, student in the three-week intensive Esperanto course at San Fran- cisco State University last July, with the help of Larry Hanes, staffed an Esperanto information table during students' "Activity Day." Southern Illinois University: Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville classes are taught by Prof. Ronald Glossop and Prof. Rino Cassanelli. Prof. Pierre Janton of the University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, will be a guest professor on SIU campus, 29 March to 10 June. MASSACHUSETTS Boston: The Boston Esperanto Club holds a monthly workshop at Massachusetts College of Art. The first hour of each program is in English and Esperanto. After that, only Esperanto is spoken. Westfield: Westfield State College fall Esperanto class has as its instructor the popular Allan Boschen. Boschen, a C.E. engineer, researched C.E. com- munications problems at General Electric Interna- tional offices in New York in preparation for a discus- sion at Westfield Rotary Club. Developing countries represent a big potential market for G.E., but they want technical literature in their own languages - not in English or French. Boschen found G.E. people unaware of Esperanto as a logical solution to some of their language problems. NEW YORK New York: The Esperanto class at Edward B. Shallow School, Brooklyn, received an Exxon award last June. Vincent Bono taught Esperanto to his 6th graders. An evaluation project, based on these classes and control groups, entitled "The Relationship of Esperanto to the Study of Other Languages," has the cooperation of Donald DelSeni, Principal; Vincent Bono, the teacher; Leo Benardo, Director of Foreign Languages; and David Weiss, Deputy-Director at the Board of Educa- tion. The underlying aim is to demonstrate the role of Esperanto as preparation for future language study. The chief investigator will be Dr. Mano Shivasankar, a social scientist from Drew University. City-wide In-Service Esperanto training classes for teachers are offered this fall. One of these starts its third year at the High School of Art and Design. The second is new, to be taught by Vincent Bono, and will be located at the Shallow Intermediate School. - Report sent by Dr. Julius Manson NORTH CAROLINA Greensboro: Eugene H. Thompson Jr., emeritus pro- fessor at Guilford College, was cited in the Spring issue of Kentucky Alumnus of the University of Ken- tucky with special mention of Esperanto, which he taught in addition to French and Latin. TEXAS Fort Worth: Michael K. Jones reports that the new Fort Worth Esperanto Group meets bi-monthly. LANGUAGE IN THE NEWS Journal Herald (Ohio): "Television and other mass media that misuse language should be made to pay a 'grammar tax'," says James F. Cool, Wilmington Col- lege associate professor. This public statement by Cool resulted in a flood of media interviews. One of the best of these was by Lawrence Wade in the journal Herald last May. Following are some of Dr. Cool's observations: "We ask businesses to pay fines when they pollute the environment... Why not make the media pay a penalty when they pollute the minds of their audience with substandard grammar and careless language? "Young people look up to media figures as role models, adults to emulate," explains the professor who has masters and doctoral degrees in comparative literature from Yale University. "When prominent figures and teenage idols use in- correct language, young viewers consciously imitate their mistakes. If a fine were imposed for every mistake, television networks would stop interviewing people whose mistakes cost money. "Or better yet, you would eventually have NBC giv- ing English lessons to the persons they interview. In some interviews with athletes, if you extract all of the 'likes' and 'you knows' there would be nothing left." He had much to say about commercials, too. "Communication is becoming increasingly impor- tant as we increase our use of computers. If people can no longer give or follow even simple instructions, how can they ever operate the complicated com- puters and other machinery needed to keep our modern society and economy functioning?" Ed. note: Dr. Cool has been invited to direct the Esperanto courses at San Francisco State University in the 13th year next summer. New York Times (Aug. 19) published a letter by ELNA Central Office Director Donald Harlow under the heading "The World Needs a Second Language." Sacramento Bee: Iran's Foreign Ministry issued a state- ment that President Mohammad Ali Rajai had been misquoted by Associated Press in his reply to a con- gratulatory message from French President Francois Mitterand. AP quoted Rajai: "Your government's diplomacy has changed the French nation into a center of hell." The Iranian statement said Rajai used the term "center of gravity." In the Iranian language Farsi, the expressions 'markaz saql' (center of gravity) and 'markaz saqr' (center of hell) are similar. Millville Daily (July 21): "Language Movement Grows" was the heading given a long letter by Horace B. Hand in which he said: "The Universal Esperanto Associa- tion based in Rotterdam but having one of its offices opposite the UN Building in New York, has some 2250 official representatives in 66 countries on six con- tinents. ... "The movement is growing steadily. ... Let us hope that the educational authorities of our country will ... soon include Esperanto in the knowledge and skills available to the American people." Oregon Herald (June 26) published a letter by F. H. Sumner advocating Esperanto as a tool for effective world communication. THE GRAB BAG. (San Francisco Chronicle August 9) asks: "What were Albert Einstein's dying words?" Answer: "Nobody knows. He spoke in German at that significant moment, and the attending nurse couldn't understand him." San Mateo Times (August 13) and Daly City Record (August 11) ran extensive interviews with Cathy Schulze by Paula Harrington. Among other quotes Schulze said: "From the standpoint of personal safety and travel, if there were a universal language it would be very helpful. But there are larger issues involved. If we are going to communicate with other peoples in these complex times we relly need a common language." The articles resulted in invitations to speak at Rotary clubs in Millbrae and Burlingame and an ex- hibit at South San Francisco Library. ESPERANTO IN FICTION Spymaster Eric Ambler in his most recent novel, The Care of Time, has a secret message written in Esperan- to and in shorthand in the middle of a possibly fraudulent document attributed to a 19th century Russian anarchist. EK-Vortaro de Matematikaj Terminoj. R. Hilgers- Yashovardhan, Leuchtturm-Verlag, 161p, $10.95. Ĉu vi iam kuŝis sendorme dum tuta nokto, scivolante, kiel diri en Esperanto: A subset T of a vector space V over K is called a generating set of V if there is no true subspace V of V which contains T. Nu, vi ne plu devas ĝeni vin pri tio. La Eŭropa Klubo, pere de Leuchtturm-Verlag en Germanio, pro- vizis al ni la solvon de via sendormeco-problemo. Temas pri ĉi tiu nova kaj tre belaspekta terminaro. La terminaro prezentas al ni 460 terminojn, de ABSCISO (angle abscissa) ĝis VOJKONEKSA (angle pathwise connected), kun tradukoj en la sep ĉefaj lingvoj de la Eŭropa Ekonomia Komunumo: angla, dana, franca, germana, itala, nederlanda, kaj por- tugala; kelkfoje troviĝas tradukoj eĉ en la cetera; lingvoj de tiu parto de Eŭropo: ejra, greka, hispana, kaj turka (ĉu vi hazarde sciis, ke en la ejra-gaela lingvo "gaŭsa distribuo" estas daileadh normalachj). Por tiuj, kiuj preferas trovi sian vojon aiidirekten [al Esperanto), troviĝas apartaj terminaroj de la sep ĉefaj etnaj lingvoj al Esperanto. Ho, jes. En Esperanto, la supera frazo skribiĝas: . Subaro T de vektora spaco V super K nomiĝas generan- taro de V se ne ekzistas vera subspaco V de V kiu entenas T. Dormu bone. - Donald Harlow The Sun Paper, Baltimore, Sept. 28 and the Baltimore Jewish Times, Sept. 18 featured lengthy interviews with Thomas Goodman, known as "Mr. Esperanto" in Baltimore. Thomas Goodman with his Esperanto class of 5th and 6th graders at Pilgrim Christian Day School, Baltimore. Pilgrim Christian Day School, Baltimore, invited Thomas Goodman to teach Esperanto to 22 fifth and sixth graders from September, 1980 to May, 1981. By spring the students were using dictionaries for reading, writing and even some Bible translation (both ways). Throughout the course relation to other languages was discussed. The last class, conducted entirely in Esperanto, featured aspects of Esperanto culture and travel. The class was given a dinner at a nearby restaurant where Esperanto buttons and diplomas were presented. This fall, Mr. Goodman is offering a course for adults at Johns Hopkins University. : > Shanghai Marine Traffic li students study Esperanto \ Linguine or Linguistics? was the title of a feature article in the San Diego Union by Leslie James about the ESPERANTO RESTAURANT on Mission Boulevard in San Diego CA. - photo by Alberta Casey DUA ELNAA 21 okt Celitaj urboj: Beijing, Wuxi, Guilin; kaj Hong Inkluzivas flugkoston < tisto gvidos. Ciuj man, tre bongustaj, laŭ rap vizitado kun Ĉinaj Esp Rezervu vian lokon nur Sendu deponon de $25 Travel Service, 578 Gr Telefono: [415] 836-171 Charles Power ĉe la San Francisco Esperanto-Klubo en Junio Power, dum la pasintaj kvar jaroj Kongresa Sekretario ĉe UEA, Rotterdam, revenos al Usono je la jarfino. speranto Study,Group. 80 nlei and Mrs. Ŝijimin. Memoraĵo de la Suzhou-a Esperanto-Ligo sendita pere de Bill Harmon al SFERO. Tenas la standardon Doris Vallon- Wheeler, Vicprezidanto; Chris Warnken, Prezidanto; kaj Daniel Burke, eksprezidanto de SFERO. O ALCINIO! v1982 ii, Nanjing, Hangzhou, 21 tagoj - $2985 entute. ancisco. Ĉina Esperan- Cinio inkluzivitaj (kaj i la unua vizitgrupo!); Dj diversloke. grupo pleniĝos rapide! j persono al: Esperanto 3., Oakland CA 94610. Maya Kennedy, Librarian, and Don Harlow, Director of the ELNA Central Office, arranged this Esperanto book exhibit in September at Thurman Casey Memorial Library, Walnut Creek CA. NOVA} LIBROJ Jen kelkaj novaj libroj ricevitaj de nia libroservo depost pretigo de la nova librolisto. Ĉu vi ne deziras aidoni ilin al via libraro okaze de la Tago de la Libro? □ Kiel Diri...? Lentaigne, 67p, 1980. A collection of common phrases and expressions in Esperanto, ordered by content and usage. $3.60 □ Diablef en la Botel'. Stevenson. A well known short story by Robert Louis Stevenson. This is a new supply of an old printing. $0.50 D Elektitaj Fabeloj. Grimm, 199p, 1981. Twenty- eight selected stories of the Brothers Grimm; a reprint of Kabe's translation. Includes "Cinderella" and "The Bremen Town Musicians." $10.50 D Kalva Kantistino, La. lonesco, 56p, 1978. lonesco's famous short play. A burlesque study of pet- ty bourgeois banality, in translation by G. Lagrange of the Parisian Esperanto Theatre. $3.50 D Tridek Roluloj. MacGill, 72p, 1981. Five short sketches, in order of increasing complexity, with ac- companying exercises. These playlets are suitable either for basic Esperanto courses or for club meetings. $3.50 D Divershumora. De Jong, 36p, 1980. Original poetry by a Dutch Esperantist poetess. $1.95 D Pendumilaj Lidoj. Morgenstern, W8p, 1980. A collection of short and witty "folk" poems [lidoj, fr. German lieder) by an early twentieth century German poet. $6.50 □ Strangled Cries. Baibin, 24p, 1981. Original poetry in Esperanto about the Holocaust, presented bilingualiy with English translations. By a well-known American Esperantist poet. $2.50 D Inter Sovetaj Popoloj. Diksztejn, 173 plus 176p (2 vol), 1981. The experiences of a Polish trade unionist in the Soviet Union during World War II. You may wish to read this one in conjunction with Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago. $4.95 D Eduko kaj Vivsignifo. Kriŝnamurti, 22p. $0.95 D japanaj Fabeloj. Mikami, 70p, 1970. A collection of popular Japanese children's stories with color il- lustrations. $3.75 D Vulpoj de Cironnyp. Takahashi, 48p, bound, 1979. A poignant story, with ecological overtones, about a family of foxes on a remote Japanese island. Lavishly illustrated. $7.95 D Basic Esperanto Course. Piron, I51p, 1981. A course for English speakers, written by Piron especial- ly for the summer courses at San Francisco State University. This course is not a self-teacher, and should be used in classes under a teacher's supervi- sion. It may also be used as a reader in conjunction with any basic Esperanto textbook, such as Teach Yourself Esperanto. $8.00 (ELNA membership dis- counted price: $6.95) Plena Analiza Gramatiko de Esperanto. K. Kalocsay & G. Waringhien, 4a eldono, UEA, 599p, 1980, bindita. La unua sento, kiu verŝajne atakos la leganton ĉe /a ekrigardo al tiu ĉ; libro estos timo, kaj Ha unua penso - amara bedauro pri la HHputa 16-regula gramatiketo de 1887. Tiel skribis la verkintoj de ĉi tiu verko en la an- taŭparolo al la unua eldono (1935). Tiom pli la nuna leganto certe timos, ekvidante ĉi tiun dikegan (600-paĝan) binditan volumon. Ĉu tiel granda kaj komplika estas la Esperanto-gramatiko? Pli bone dediĉi sian tempon al facila lingvo, ekz. la rusa aŭ la japana... lomete trankviliĝu, karaj. Unuavice, la verŝajna grandeco de la libro estas iom trompa. Post paĝo 528, ĉio estas parto de la indekso (ĝi havas bonegan, facile utiligeblan indekson); antaŭ paĝo 22 troviĝas kvar an- taŭparoloj, po unu por ĉiu ĝisnuna eldono, kaj — neellasebla! - represo de tiu "liliputa 16-regula gramatiketo". Duavice, oni devas memori, ke la vorto "gramatiko" ampleksas diversajn pekojn. Laŭ unu klasifiko - tiu de Kalocsay kaj Waringhien — gi entenas: Vorto (Or- tografio kaj Interpunkcio, Fonetiko, Morfologio kaj Sinetio); Frazo (Vortsintakso, Propozicio-Sintakso, Frazsintakso); Vortfarado (Vortkonsisto de Esperanto, Kunmetado, Derivado, kaj polemika Kritiko). Ĝenerale nur la tria sekcio de la unua parto — iom pli ol cent paĝoj — respondas al la "gramatiko" kiun mi studis, "lernante" ia latinan lingvon. Unu parto de ĉi tiu "gramatiko", la Vortfarado (137 paĝoj), estas esence Esperanta unikajo. Ekzistas aliaj disdividaj klasifikoj de la gramatiko. Oni povas diri, ke temas pri: Unue, tiu parto, kiun difinas la Fundamento — ne nur la 16-regula gramatiketo, sed ankaŭ la Ekzercaro; due, tiu parto konsekvenca je la gramatiketo kaj la naturo de la homa pensmaniero, do implicita sed ne eksplicita en la Fundamento; kaj trie, tiu parto, kiun konsistigas la nuntempaj parolkutimoj de la esperantistoj — parto eble gravurita sur la paĝoj de PAG sed ne sur ŝtonaj tabuloj (ekzemple, uzado de ne -inte anstataŭ sen -/). Laŭ mia takso, tiu tria parto estas la plej granda parto deJVKG, kiu sekve estas priskriba, ne preskriba, verko. Ĉu la libro estas necesa por ordinara esperantisto? Mi dubas. Persono ĝisfunde studinte Teach Yourself Esperanto povas facile kaj ĝuste skribi leteron en la lingvo kaj, post iom da ekzercado, ĝin paroli konver- sacie kun sufiĉa fluo, ne bezonante kompreni la diferencon inter sufiksoido kaj vera sufikso; persono traleginte Step by Step in Esperanto estas sur la vojo al oratoreco aŭ verkisteco, eĉ se li neniam scias, kio efektive estas la fundamenta difino de "faktitiva voĉo". Sed por tiuj personoj, kiuj sentas nesupereblan deziron ne nur uzi la lingvon, sed ankaŭ kompreni gian tre kompleksan (notu bone: ne komplikan) strukturon, mi rekomendas akiri d tiun libron. Noto: UEA, reklamante ĉi tiun volumon, rangas ĝin kun Plena llustrita Vortaro, Enciklopedio de Esperanto, kaj Esperanto en Perspektivo kiel bazan konsultlibron pri ĉiuj aspektoj de la Internacia Lingvo kaj de la Movado ĝenerale. Ignorante la Movadon kaj traktante ĉi tie nur la lingvon, mi rekomendas por via iibrobreto la jenan triopon — kompreneble, nur se vi estas ĝisosta verdulo, amanto de nia kara lingvo... Plena Analiza Gramatiko - $22.95 Plena llustrita Vortaro - $60.00 ($50.00 por ELNA membroj) Fundamento de Esperanto - $5.50 brosurita $6.95 bindita ($5.95 por ELNA membrojj Inter Sovetaj Popoloj 1939-1946. Petro Diksztejn, Cer- c/e esperantiste de I' Agenais. 2 vol, 173 + 176p. Paper, mimeo, $4.95. In August, 1939, Diksztejn, a Polish trade unionist in prison in Warsaw for anti-government activities, heard through the prison grapevine that German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop had just signed a treaty of eternal peace and friendship with his Soviet counterpart, Vyacheslav Molotov. Diksztejn, like many of his countrymen, wondered what the outcome would be. He was not kept in the dark for long. The beginning of World War II, the partition of Poland, and the flight of Diksztejn and his wife east to the Soviet Union — the "Workers' Paradise" — make up only the first eight pages of this odyssey. The rest of the book is devoted to Diksztejn's experiences in that huge, strange, enigmatic nation which Diksztejn himself characterizes as — at least under Stalin — a "hell on earth." Diksztejn had a unique chance - and one he pro- bably would have passed up, given the choice — to see a number of different sides of Soviet life. Starting work as a refugee bed-frame painter on a commune in White Russia, he passed on — through the hands of the NKVD - to the best cell in Borisovo Prison and then to a forced-labor camp on the Pechura River east of Archangel. Freed after the Polish government was reconstituted and the Germans attacked the U.S.S.R., he went south and spent time on a kolkhoz - collec- tive farm — in Uzbekhistan, and later in a railway camp — whose labor was provided in ways that the Pharaohs would have recognized — in southern Siberia. Finally repatriated to a Poland now firmly allied to the U.S.S.R., almost his last comment — quoted from a traveling companion — is: "Comrades. I have the impression that we are traveling from Russia to Russia!" Diksztejn is not in competition here with Solzhenit- syn. He does not explore the Soviet prison and labor camp system anywhere near as thoroughly as the ex- patriate Russian does in Gu/ag Archipelago; Diksztejn's work is an autobiography, not a treatise. On the other hand, he treats us to a sweeping look at the life of "free" people under the Stalinist regime - a life frighteningly similar to that of those in the labor camps (though we must remember that we are here looking at wartime conditions). Diksztejn's Esperanto is good, easily readable, with a definitely Eastern-European style to it. Reading this book, you may learn a few things you didn't know before. You might learn how to make a deck of cards out of the pages of a library book while in prison (for- bidden). You might learn why it is unsafe for an NKVD prisoner to take a step either to right or to left (forbid- den). And you might learn something about the state of mind of an ordinary human being living in a society in which his chief free-time occupation is picking the lice out of the ruins of his clothing. - Donald Harlow PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ELNA OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE NUMBER ESPERANTO PERIODICALS Budapeŝta Informilo. Monthly publication of the Hungarian Esperanto Association. 200-300 pages per year, includes regular schedule of events throughout world, "deziras korespondi" column, specialist ac- tivities, articles of general interest. Calendar year 1981........................$7.50 El Popola Ĉinio. Monthly publication of the Chinese Esperanto League. 600-700 pages per year, many blackand-white photos, three color sections each month. Includes articles on Esperanto, articles about China, large "deziras korespondi" column. 12 Months................................ 6.00 24 Months. ................................10.00 36 Months................................15.00 [See advertisement on back page for special rates!] Fonto. New literary magazine; illustrated, edited by William Auld. Published in Brazil, 42 pages monthly. A worthy successor to Norcfa Prismo. Per Year.................................$15.00 Heroldo de Esperanto. Independent newspaper of the Esperanto movement. 17 issues per year, 4 to 8 pages, newspaper format. Occasional special supplements. General information on the Esperanto movement, book reviews, "deziras korespondi" column, literary corner. Calendar Year............................$16.00 Add for Airmail service......................3.00 (Legantoj de HEROLDO atentu! Malgraŭ daŭra in- flacio, HEROLDO dum kelkaj jaroj sukcesis teni la kotizojn stabilaj. Por 1982, ĝi finfine devis altigi tiujn kotizojn, sed ĝenerale nur je 10%. Por Usonaj abonan- toj, la novaĵo estas eĉ pli bona: la kotizaltigo estas nur unu dolaro! Tute novaj abonantoj - t.e., tiuj kiuj neniam antaŭe abonis - rajtas aboni je la malnovaj tarifoj - $15 kaj $18 - gis la 15a de decembro 1981. Cetere ili ricevos ĉiujn numerojn de HEROLDO eldonitajn post la dato de la abono en 1981, tute senkoste.) Hungara Vivo. Bimonthly general publication of the Hungarian Esperanto Association. 40 pages per issue, with articles about Esperanto and Hungary, book reviews, short stories, poetry, puzzles, "deziras korespondi" column. Calendar Year.............................$7.50 Subscriptions to any of the above should be sent to ELNA, P.O. Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530. b ■ m m m aauaamammaaBrnmrnnamaBUi I MONATO " "La revuon MONATO oni senhonte povas montri " al £iu ajn homo!" " Unu el la multaj entuziasmaj eldiroj pri la propaganda i valoro de unika revuo por unika lingvo. Per MONATO . |vi pli facile povas konvinki homojn pri la valoro kaj , 1utilo de la internacia lingvo. Tial MONATO manku en . ,neniu ekzpozicio, varb-vespero, urba kaj universitata ■ .biblioteko, aŭ E-kurso. • .Eldonejo TK/STAFETO, Miksebaan 65 A, B-2130 ■ Brasschaat, Belgio. " " MONATO - internacia magazino sendependa - ] ■ originalo! [ *ABONU £e ELNA, P.O. Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530 . .Prezo: 11 ampleksaj numeroj jare, kun multaj bildoj plus* .poŝkalendaro, $26.75. « , (Petu provnumeron rekte ĉe la eldonejo.) JUNULARO TEJO kongresis en Meksikio 10-17 julio 1981. 108 par- toprenantoj el 19 landoj kunvenis en Oaxtepec kie ili pritraktis la temon "Infano kaj Esperanto" konkludante la agadon por la pasinta Jaro de Infano kaj prepare ai If Internacia Jaro de junularo, pro- klamitan de Unuiĝinta Naciaro por 1985. Ili diskutis programon por akceli agadon kun junuloj ekster Eiiropo, specife la junularajn Esperanto-grupojn en Japanio kaj Koreio. AGADO E3 "LUMO POR KAMERUNIO" Jacques Tuinder sendas dankojn al la Kaliforniaj Esperantistoj kiuj kontribuis 112.68 ned. guldenojn por blindula hospitalo en Ndoungue, Cameroon (Afriko). Esperantistoj kontribuis, dum 15-jara agado, .100,000 guldenojn. Ankoraŭ, en tiu ĉi Internacia Jaro de la Handikapuloj, monsumo bezoniĝas por provizi 40 litojn kaj operacian ĉambron. NOTU: Plua financa helpo al la hospitalo por blin- duloj en Kamerunio povas esti kontribuita per UEA. Ĉi tiu projekto estas inda por la Internacia Jaro de la Handikapuloj. ELSTARA ESPERANTO-AGADO EN PINE BLUFF, AR Dum printempo, S-ro Smith, lernejestro de Coleman Elementa Lernejo, akceptis proponon de Audra Anderson ke ŝi instruu Esperanton al 16 talentaj in- fanoj en klasoj 4, 5, kaj 6. Dufoje semajne Anderson veturas per la lerneja aŭtobuso kie la infanoj ankaŭ petas lerni Esperanton survoje dum aliaj infanoj aŭskultas kun intereso. Car S-ino Anderson estas blinda, la infanoj legas al ŝi, ŝi prononcas kaj difinas. Unue la instruistoj ne satis la Esperanto-instruadon sed ŝanĝis la sintenon kiam ili rimarkis pliboniĝon de la infanoj. La estro de la meza lernejo invitis ŝin daŭrigi la in- struadon ĉiaŭtune. RESUME: Successful Esperanto instruction to 16 gifted 4th, 5th and 6th graders last spring by Audra Anderson in Pine Bluff, AR will be expanded this fall to include 7th grade, Mrs. Andersons is blind, and her initiative is to be commended. Reported by Roan Stone UTERATURA KONKURSO (Esperanto-Angien) "La Vosto de la Vero", a short story written in Esperanto by Bernard Golden, is offered to those who would like to translate it into English. The best translation will appear in the ELNA Literatura Suplemento. For a copy of the original story, send a stamped, self-addressed #10 envelope to Cathy Schuize, 410 Darreli Road, Hillsborough CA 94010. ESPERMENSA: The address which appeared in the July-August Newsletter should be corrected to read: T.S. Rood, 2505 Pierce A v., Ames IA 50010. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF ESPERANTO. Report all classes to the new Education Secretary: Anne Whittaker, 1469 Springhill Dr. #8, Kamloops B.C., Canada V2E 1H5. NOTE: AATE collects statistics for North America, which are reflected in world records on Esperanto teaching. It is important for all teachers to report their classes. JAPANIO AKT1VA8, novajietero redaktita de Yoshimi UMEDA, daŭre informas pri miriado de Esperanto- agadoj de Japanaj Esperantistoj. El n-ro 12 (jul-aug); • En junio la tutlanda delegitaro kunsidis en Tokio kie ili pritraktis temojn prifinancajn kaj agadajn. • Konstante tra tuta Japanio okazas kursoj bazaj kaj perfektigaj. • La eminenta Rokuro TOKUDA, kiu longe aktivis por amikeco inter ĉinaj kaj japanaj Esperantistoj, parolis al pli ol 30 edukistoj ĉe la Centra Publika Domo en Ŝizuoka. • Peter Schilperoord el Britio prelegis en urboj tra Japanio pri diversaj temoj inkluzive la 128-membran (nun 147) por-Esperantan grupon en la Brita Parlamen- to. En la lasta tago de sia 78-taga vizito, S-ro Schilperoord vizitis instituciojn por handikapuloj en Tokio kie laboras Esperantistoj: Tokio Metropola Bon- farta Centro por Mense kaj Korpe Handikapituloj; Asocio de Helen Keller; Japana Brajla Biblioteko. La ekipafoj ĉie estis unuarangaj. S-ro Teiiti TANAKA ludis la "poŝkalkulan koncerton" per tre eta poŝkalkulilo. •Japana-Esperanta Vortaro. japana Brodkasta Kor- poracio televidis programon pri Esperanto. Oni spektis scenon en Esperanto-klaso ĉe la Municipa Fremdlingva Universitato kaj ĉe la oficejo de la Kansaj-Esperanto-Ligo kie deforantoj finaranĝas por baldaŭa debuto de grava Japana-Esperanta vortaro, kompilita de la fama autoro Masao MIYAMOTO. ESPERANTOLOGIO ĈE UNIVERSITATO HAIFA. La Programo de Jidaj Studoj de la Universitato Hajfa komencis longdaŭran esplorprojekton pri la judaj aspektoj de Esperanto. Por provizi al la israelaj espeantologoj ĝenerale kaj al la esplorantoj pri la judaj aspektoj de Esperanto aparte esplormaterialojn, la Programo de Jidaj Studoj nun petas ia kontribuadon de eldonitaj aŭ ne- eldonitaj buŝaj aŭ skribaj materialoj en aŭ pri Esperanto (ĉu de juda intereso aŭ ne). Tiuj, kiuj emas kontribui originalajn aŭ fotokopiajn materialojn skribu al: Dr. David L. Gold, Yiddish Studies Program, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa 31 999, Israel. ANONCOj ESPERANTO SANKTA BiBLIO. Cathy Schuize would like to buy a second-hand Bible for a new Christian convert in a developing land. Send offer to CS, 410 Darrell Road, Hillsborough CA 94010. CROCODILE COMBS. Suitable for consolation prizes. Proceeds to student scholarships for SFSU summer Esperanto courses. One comb, $2, including shipping. Add $1 for each additional comb in the order. Cathy Schuize, 410 Darreli Rd. Hillsborough CA 94010. VETERINARY INTERN, Esperantist, seeks opportunity to work as a veterinary helper in San Francisco area next summer. For details contact Cathy Schuize, 410 Darrell Rd. Hillsborough CA 94010. ESPERANTO-MUZEO, Str. D-ro Zamenhof, 12 Sant Pau D'Ordal, Barcelona, Hispanic invitas vizitantojn. S-ro Hernandez Izal, la kuratoro de la Muzeo, petas ke oni sendu al la Muzeo Esperantaĵojn; gazetojn, bultenojn, cirkulerojn, ktp. 10 ESPERANTO LEAGUE FOR NORTH AMERICA — BOX 1129, EL CERRITO, CA 94530 Enclosed is $_ Enclosed is $_ NAME_____ for Dnew □ renewal membership in ELNA for the year 1982. as my tax-deductible donation to ELNA. ADDRESS Name and address of each new member published in ELNA Newsletter and next edition of the ELNA Adresaro unless member indicates otherwise. CITY, STATE, ZIP Check correct category: DRegular ($25) □ Family ($37.50)DYouth (18 or under) ($12.50) DStudent (full-time, 25 or under)($12.50)DSenior (65 or over) ($12.50) DLife ($500) DATE OF BIRTH (If applying for Youth, Student, or Senior Membership)________________ Telephone Number: Area Code [ ]_ Radio Call Sign May we publish your telephone number in the ELNA Adresaro?. May we publish your address?_ ELNA SERVICES Office Hours - ELNA CENTRAL OFFICE 653-0998 Monday - Friday 9:30 - 4:30 [415] CORRESPONDENCE COURSES - Basic and Advanced - Write ELNA Central Office for registration forms. EXAMINATION SERVICES Send self-addressed stamped envelope for syllabus and application form for the Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced Examination to: Usona Ekzamena Servo, 1010 Crestwood PL, Santa Barbara CA 93105. ELNA TAPE LIBRARY Send self-addressed stamped envelope for list of available tapes to: H. K. VerPloeg, 321 E. 19th Ave., Spokane WA 99213 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES Contact Lucy Harmon, ELNA Travel Committee, 578 Grand Avenue, Oakland CA 94610 for information on all travel needs or plans. Telephone: [415] 836-1710. ELNA BOOK SERVICE - Magazine Subscriptions, bulk informational materials, classroom texts, etc. Order from ELNA Central Office. SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP Fund for advanced Esperanto study. Contact Cathy Schulze, 410 Darrell Road, Hillsborough CA 94010 for information. VIRINAJ AFEROJ: Stein. Kontaktu Cathy Schulze au Ellie VOLAS KORESPONDI CHINA Shen Xiaoxi, Fengyang Lu, 346 Hao, Qianmen, Gongy- ingchu, Shanghai, China. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Roman Bartl, Pod Kastany 14, 61600 BRNO, Czechoslovakia. jifi Danda, Vedomice-Zavadilka 191, p.Roudnice n/Labem, Czechoslovakia. 53-jara, teknikisto pri agrokulturado. Hobioj historio, moneroj, pm, muziko, pentroarto. EAST GERMANY Manfred Granitz, DDR 9091 Karl-Marx-Stadt, Ernst- Schneller-Strafie 87, East Germany. Profesia kuiristo. INDIA Babu I. Maliakkal, B-1 Staff Quarters, Devagiri Col- lege, Calicut-673008, Kerala, India. 22-jara, kemioinstruisto. ITALY Leonard Pignataro, Via F. Pinto 64, 1-84100 Salerno, Italy. JAPAN Japana Esperanto-lnstituto peras internacian korespondadon. Tiu kiu deziras korespondi kun japanaj gesamideanoj, skribu al jena adreso per presliteroj kun detala klarigo pri nomo, sekso, ago, profesio, hobio, kaj se eble, foto. Japana Esperanto- lnstituto, Waseda-mati 12-3, Sinzyuku-ku, Tokio 162 Japan. POLAND Maria Srogosz, ul. Kruczkowskiego 11m1S, 93 236 LODZ, Pollando. 31-jara ekonomikisto. Ernest Tews, OS. Wzokniarzy 5/18, 58260 Bielawa, Pollando kolektas Esp-gazetojn malnovajn pri prareligioj. SPAIN Jose M. Rodriguez Vasquez, C/Santa Ana, No. 9, 1,2, Vilanovo kaj la Geltru, Barcelona, Spain. USSR Vasilij Crigorenko, Krasina-str., 95, 1 oĝ.16, POLTAVA-28, Ukraina SSR, SU-314028. 11 Esperanto League for North America, Inc. P.O. Box 1129 El Cerrito, CA 94530 Usono/USA Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Berkeley, CA Permit No. 330 NEWS - PLEASE EXPEDITE Address Correction Requested Return Postage Guaranteed ESPERANTO CALENDAR 1981-1982 29 Oct • 1 Nov American Soc. for Cybernetics George Washington University 1-18 November European Club, Paderbom, Germany Language Cybernetics Conference 10 December Human Rights Day 13-16 December Int. Renkontiĝo Esp., Acapulco Emilio Arias, Del, Mexico City 15 December Zamenhof Day - Esperanto Book Day 27-30 December Modern Language Assn., New York 27 Dec -1 Jan Int. Economics Symposium, Budapest 15-17 January Festival for Mind-Body-Spirit, Shrine Expos. Hall, Los Angeles 21-27 February Semajno de Internacia Amikeco - Interna- tional Friendship Week 2-4 April California Esperanto Conference, San Diego 28 Jun -16 July San Francisco State Univerity Esperanto Sum- mer Sessions 16-20 July ELNA Annual Convention, St. Petersburg FL 17-19 July Dua Tutamerika Esperanto Konferenco, Bogota Colombia 24 Jul-1 August Universal Congress of Esperanto, Antwerp, Belgium 1981 • 1982 • 1981 • 1982 • 1981 • 1982 • 1981 • 1982 ELNA DUES FOR 1982 Individual Member $25.00 Family Membership 37.50 Youth Member (under 18 years) 12.50 Student Member (under 25 years) 12.50 Senior member (65 or over) 12.50 Life Membership 500.00 NOTE: Dues for Life Membership remain $400.00 through 31 December! Take advantage of this never-to- be-repeated bargain while you still can!) HEROLDO DE ESPERANTO - Independent newspaper in Esperanto. 17 issues yearly; news, views, reviews, poetry, humor, calendar of events, science. 1982 Subscription Prices: SURFACE MAIL................$16.00 VIA AIRMAIL..................$19.00 1982 TARIFF FOR U.E.A. BARGAIN YEAR! U.E.A. DUES REDUCED! Member-Yearbook (MJ) $12.00 Member-Subscriber (MA) 30.00 Societo Zamenhof (additional) 60.00 Subscription only to Esperanto 18.00 Subscription only to Kontakto 9.00 Life Membership in UEA 750.00 Send payments for UEA memberships or subscriptions to UEA , Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530. You may in- clude UEA memberships or subscriptions with ELNA membership dues or book orders. ABONU AU REABONU La Ĉinan Monatan Gazeton en Esperanto EL POPOLA ĈINIO Special Subscription Campaign for 1982! A 20% reduction for new or renewal subscriptions received by ELNA before February 28, 1982!! Thru 2/28 After 2/28 por 1 jaro $4.80 $6.00 por 2 jaroj $8.00 $10.00 por 3 jaroj $12.00 15.00 And an EXTRA SPECIAL value for persuading your friends to take out a NEW subscription to EL POPOLA CINIO: Get four new subscriptions, send with your name, address and payment to ELNA, and the publishers of EL POPOLA ĈINIO will award you a "book coupon" worth $5.00 toward any of the many books published by the Esperanto Section of Guozi Shudian (Chinese Publishing Center). El Popola Cinio is one of the most outstanding Esperanto publications in the world. Look it over and you'll agree! Sendu abonpagojn al la loka peranto: ELNA CENTRA OFICEJO BOX 1129 EL CERRITO, CA 94530 12