I H ? 0 R H A T I 0 IT C E N T E H % ' S S P 2 3 a HI Ŭ L E A SUE J? CH I 0 3 T H AMEBIC* 156 Pif'-;: Avenue / lew York, N.Y.. 10010 NEWS L\E T T E H HjASH; The Esperanto Information Center has been firmly established on Fifth Avenue. ---------Gome and see us when visiting our great city. Phone number: (212) 989-2716. During the summer, correspondence and requests for information were ably and conscientiously handled by Mrs. Helen Starr — our thanksl low, Allan JPineberg is acting as office secretary. President HEUIUTH reports that Bill Harmon, has been elected the new. est rarest ro and "Washington, D.C. chosen as site of 1966 ELBA Conven- tion, with date to be fixed later to suit caravan proposed for Budapest UZ. 50th UEA CQHG3E3S TQZYi: 55 Americans participated. High spot - August 3 reception at U.S. Embassy. Tokyo, the Oomoto ?estival .and Hong Zong were unforgettable experiences. I Fifteen hundred delegates from over forty countries participated in the World Esperanto Congress. JyC >fC 4* ELffA C02TG3E33 PORT LAUD: A high of efficiency was s«rfc by Tom Davidson and his many devoted assistants-. Washington will have to work hard to attain similar excellence. The Portland Congress expressed thanks to Bernard Stollman and his family for the brilliant • initiative and energy expended for EIG during 1964/65. Bernard jontinuesf to serve as a member of the Executive Board of EIC He reports new world- wide distribution of his Esperanto and other discs-. T* •t* •$* ifi ;ĵi ^. THE GLOBE-CIRCLING HURRAYS: .....and do we miss the LI arrays - and iheir carl wary and Con were deservedly.named Esperantists of the ^ Year by the Portland Conference. Now requests from Taiwan and the Phillipines reveal their lively trail. In a letter from Manila,- dated September 20, liary reports, "Am teaching 2 classes -a day in our hotel room and one on Saturdays." A delay caused by the Indo- Pakistani war may mean extended courses. The Hurrays' address:: Aroma Hotel, 813 Eizal Avenue, Manila, P.I. NEWSPAPER PUBLICITY: Cl'iiia Post, Taiwan, Sept.. 9r 1965 - long Hurray interview. Manila Bulletin, Sept. 11,.1965 - the Hurrays again. San Mateo Times.,. Sept. 17, 1965 - Bill Schulze in Tokyo. Union Bull at in, Walla-Walla, Wash., Au-.9, 1965 - editorial on Esperanto, Aug.29, 1965 - features report on n„ + * i - «, ,_ „ Esperanto classes, Betnlenem ulo.be-Times, ^ug. 14 % 1965 - interview with Donald L, llunro, „ it it - 0:1 -ni8 5-country European trip. liUg. 30, 1965 - reports on picnic held upon the I '" . Munros' return. Horning Call, Allentown, Pa., Aug. 3Qr 1965 - also mentions Mr.Munro's travel report at piGnic. Long Island Star-Journal, Newsweek, Great Neck Record, ana Great Heck News — all featured news about classes in Jet/ York metropolitan area, * + + "SSri SaCeir^TTmas :fa-pt • ^> 196o) reports tne granting of a sabbatical year to Dr. 2d win Zeldman, principal of the Sunhybrae School, begin- ning in July of 1966. Dr. Zeldman is planning to travel in Europe to study the teaching of foreign languages there and to establish commun- ication and correspondence in Spanish, French and Esperanto between schools in Europe and San iiateo» 01-IHE-GO NE'C YORKER: Hargot E. Gerson, Executive Secretary of EIC, spent part of this summer in Great Britain, where, in meeting with many European Esperantists, she was able to get a clear picture of the current trends in the European Esperanto movement. With E3TIL 3VAI1E back in the UN, and with the help of the Staff Glub Chairman A. Schwartz and its members, chances are good for continuing the class on Cot. 7. .again there is a good exhibit in the UE Staff Lounge, and an attractive announcement in Secretariat News (Sept.30); its earlier reprint, "UNESCO - Esperanto: Ten Years of CoSperation" iJan. 15/65], is still being widely used. The "CATHOLIC TRAVELER" magazine requested a feature artiole on Esperanto, prompted bj publicity in the "Long Island Star-Journal." Eembers should read and react to the article by Clare Booth Luce in LicCall's October issue. ESPERANTO LEAGUE EcE NuRTH AMERICA is now officially listed in "U.S. Mission to the United Nations NSC List" with Starr and Gerson as dele- gates* If more jpew Yorkers would write to Senator Robert .Kennedy, he might sign our UN petition, or at least acknowledge same, because even Senators find it pays to respond to taxpayers' mail. Other states please copy* The filing of the petitions has been extended to the end of the year. What are YurJ doing about it? TEOD0R0 3. SVREC' s "Ka sice r ado Cirkau la l.lorto" (Stafeto, 248 pp), is a striking personal story of oersecution in .Central Europe by a veteran member of the New York Club. The book is available at -5*00, auto- graphed; postage paid. All Q.ueens Borough Libraries have received copies of PLENA YuRIARQ. Other cc;oies being offered by American Library Association in its journal. No. I issued Oct./65 by EIO Executive Board - Lark Starr (Oh.), Hargot H. Gerson,(Exec. Secty.), John Lewine, Bernard Stoilman, Thea Nohn.