^S? ESPERANTO LEAGUE for NORTH AMERICA Subscription: $2.00 per year NEWSLETTER APRIL 1965 Published by the ELNA Information Center, ESPERANTO DCMO, 180 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 1002U. (212) 799- 2800. Cable: MYUWICORE. Bernard Stollman, Directory Mary Murray, Associate Director-3 Margot H. Qerson, Coordinator. The NEWSLETTER is sent free to every member of the ESPERANTO LEAGUE FOR NORTH AMERICA. Adult membership: $5.00 per year; Student membership (under 21) $3.00j Family membership, $7.00 Late Flashes ...... New record com- pany, ESP-LTISK1, uses ESPERANTO on its album jackets. The disk firm specializes in the "new music", a fusion of improvisational musics with musics from the world. First releases are THE ALBERT AYLER TRIO, ESP-1002; THE GIUSEP- PI LOGAN QUARTET, ESP-1007; and THE BYRON ALLEN TRIO, ESP. 1005. (see illustrations). The company is brainchild of EIC Director BERNARD STOLLMAN. Its catalogue is FREE from ESP, 180 Riverside, New York 10021*. 3ERT AYLER TRIO SF^iTClALLlNTTY THE GIUSEPPI LOGAN •-: QUARTET '"'JSfipgmM tewSSiim B' JH/iw 'y\ - Hf M ^LJBi f\ \ijL m^ pT\ ■ ^H ^Br J '■ A jf yj ">. JC^^ ' I 1 ^m^ 3p* lii ( \f Ir^mil J numĵjKI 1/aHKllrt^Ur Late Flashes cont'd. ....British Prime Mini- ster Harold Wilson learned ESPERANTO as a child, according to a review of a recent biography appearing in the N.Y. TIMES BOOK SECTION in March. Has he signed the Petition? E.L.M. WENSING, UEA VicePresident and director of the Inst- itute for Esperanto in Commerce and Industry, has bounced back after a three week illness. His favorite project is an international dictionary of commercial and industrial terms, rapidly nearing completion under editorship of FEIKO MUNNIK- SMA of the Netherlands, aided by international team of Esper- antistswho supply translations in........English, French, ..German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish.... NEW AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS to combat shortage of trained Esp- eranto teachers is top priority need.DUNCAN CHARTERS,Britain's ','brain-drain" loss to the U.S., reports from the U. of Indiana that he expects to complete aŭdvidkurson by September, lauds Indiana's facilities as best in nation for preparation of such teaching aids. ESPERANTO PUBLISHING COMPANY has new catalogue at the printer, plans massive mail order program to draw new ELNA adherents and book orders as ELNA membership climbs precipitously. Catalogue available to book services with your imprint at low cost. Write for details to EIC..... MARGOT GERSON'S first ESPERANTO DOMO class begins as we go to press, starts evening of April 12. THEO KOHN, who taught ESPERANTO at the University of Vienna and in Israel, has ac- cepted the teaching assignment. Meanwhile, septuagenarian MARK STARR completes a 12 lesson course at the UN for UN Secre- tariat personnel, distinguished by almost perfect attendance. (a few students were called away to foreign assignments)..... Globetrotting Argentine psychosomatic specialist VERA SKOLNIK enthralled the UN class during her visit. Her remarks to them in ESPERANTO were completely intelligible,after only a few les sons...Octogenarian and lifetime Esperantist DON STEPHENS has snared signatures of UPTON SINCLAIR, NORMAN THOMAS and many ither notables, including members of Congress and the U.S. Senate for the UN petition, in between his many flights down the Eastern seaboard in connection with civil rights projects, UEA is a candidate, for the Nobel Peace Prize this year, havinc been nominated by eminent educators, scientists, and members of governments......Fall school program of the New York City YMCA offers ESPERANTO.. .F-ino NELLY PEREZ YIP is the guiding spirit of an Esperanto Club and extracurricular class attthe University of San Piedras in Puerto Rico... She took lessons from JEN and ELNA luminary ANN BODINE... 2 ft ft ft Dianks, LOUISA SCHMIDT for the above it em.... DOROTHY* HOLLAND «rites that she has just taken on a part-time job as instru- ctor for the Esperanto correspondence students of the Hadley School for the Blind in Winnetka, 111. ft ft ft MR. and MRS. COM MURRAY, who will have/worked at the EIC for fifteen months, will depart JULY 1 for/a one year tour of the «rorld, jumping off from Portland to Tcfcyo. They will speak Cor ESPERANTO everywhere they go. Meanwhile, it is most urgent that a retired Esperantist couple be found to replace them. "The post is not salaried. The Murrays1 large pleasant 2 bed- room apartment will be available COMPLETELY furnished for $135. (which includes heat, hot water, and rubbish collection). If ane couple can not stay a full year, two couples could stay for six months each. There are many delightful advantages to life in New York, including the World's Fair, shopping, museums, schools, and the inner satisfaction of knowing that one's sfforts are furthering ESPERANTO. Please inform EIC by May 1$. ft ft ft lie wish to acknowledge the generous contributions to the EIC ?f the following persons: JOHN SABIN JOSEPHINE H. FREEMAN "CLAUDE A. BECQUET MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM A. TILLMAN IRS. WILLIAM F. DAY, JR. MARYBETH HORNBECK ĴORIS VALLON MR. MAYBELL WATSCN (HE SOLVANG CONFERENCE JAN LONG 4R. AND MRS. GEORGE HARVEY FRANS JAHGER JSSLIE GREEN DUNCAN CHARTERS XM AND MARY MURRAY MR. AND MRS. DAVID STOLLMAN [If your name has been inadvertently omitted, please let us know, and it will appear in our next issue) D . □ BERNARD STOLLMAN will speak on ESPERANTO to the men's club of the First Presbyterian Church in the Bronx, Tuesday evening, April 13. ATTENTION PUBLIC SPEAKERS: Many church, civic and social organiz- ations will welcome speakers on the subject of ESPERANTO. Some will pay an honorarium as well. Here's a golden opportunity to enlist new members for ELNA.....1,000 copies of HERDLDO DE ESPERANTO will soon reach EIC, for inclusion in a forthcoming issue of the NEWSLETTER. If you don't already subscribe to this fascinating, fact-andfftoto-f illed" world newspaper of ESPERANTO,rush $1* to D. E. Parrish, 328 W. U6 Street, Los Angeles 37,Calif. □ □ 3 THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA LEAGUE meets monthly in San Fran- cisco...has outgrown its quarters and is moving to a larg- er hall....The bulletin of the ESPERANTO CLUB OF LOS ANGE;; LES reports in its March issue that our Mr. SCHERER spoke"" on ESPERANTO at the annual meeting of the California Schol- arship Federation (1500 outstanding high school students from the Los Angeles area) on Saturday, March 27.... The SOLVANG (California) conference had 92 participants and was a great success. The telephone conversation between Tokyo and the conference worked out perfectly and will be repeated at next year's conference.. it it i^r At, LA USONA ESPERANTISTARO : La Esperanto-Societo de Portland, Oregon (ESPO) invitas 8iun Esperantiston ĉeesti la 13-an nacian kongreson de Esperanto. La Esperanto Ligo por Nord-Ameriko akceptis nian iuviton kaj la "Urbo de Rozoj" fariĝis via kongres-urbo. Vi estos niaj gastoj dum kvar tagoj en julio, 1965. La kongre so komencos je la 22-a kaj finiĝos je la 25-a de julio. Nia klubo ESPO estas granda kaj viglaj jam planitaj por vi estas multaj okazaĵoj. Malmultekosta estes nia kongreso. La kongres-kotizo estas $1C por ciu persono» Tamen, estas nur $5 por universitatanoj kaj membroj de familioj. Ci-tiu sumo inklusivas la registradon, bankedon, kaj aliajn okazaĵojn. Ne inkluzivitaj estas la eks- kurso, hotel-kostoj, kaj mangoj. La kongres-hotelo estas granda, bone situata, luksa, tamen malmultekosta.(L.K.K. Kongres-Centro, 6011 S. E. Gladstone St.,Portland, Oregon 97206.) •& i? i? 50-a UNIVERSALA KONGRESO, TOKIO. Flight from Portland, group round trip $$$$. Leave July 26, return trip via Honolulu stoĵ off at Honolulu August 1$. You can remain in Honolulu indefi- nitely before returning, at no extra fare, to any Western seaport. If you plan to i>ake siue «jrip oo Hong Kong you will need cholera and small pox shots. Six months prior membership in ELNA required. 8 August - 15 August: 21st International Youth Congress of TEJO in Kyoto, Japan. The program will include a training 4 seminar for TEJO-leaders, and the annual meetings of the TEJO General Committee.(21-a Internacia Junulara Kongreso de TEJO, Kansai Esperanto-Renmei, 3-10 Nakatu-Hamadori, 0oyodo-ku_, Osaka, Japan.) •& ft ft 13-August - 20 August: 2nd International Conference of Softools in which Esperanto is taught. Bishop's Stortford, England. Quotations M. Rene Maheu, Director-General of UNESCO, in his Hew Year message to the young people of the world: "International cooperation is a necessity for modern civilization, because the opportunities for development which this civilisation offers can only be exploited, the problemsof development which it presents can only be resol- ved, by organizing the communication of knowledge, the con- frontation of ideas, the pooling of resources and the con- junction of efforts within increasingly extensive and com- plex systems which transcend the boundaries of nations,how- ever vast and powerful these may be." In his address tothe United Nations General Assembly on Nov- ember 10, 1961, the late Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, said as follows: "Even today,, between countries which are opposed to each other in the political or other fields, there is a vast amount of cooperation. Little is known,or little is said about this cooperation that is going on,but a great deal is said about every point of conflict,and so the world is full of this idea that the conflicts go on and we live on the verge of disaster. Perhaps it would be a truer picture if the cooperating ele- ments in the world today were put forward and we were made to think that the world depends on cooperation and not on conflict." Newark Evening Hews -Sunday, March 14,1965: One Language in 35 Years Linguist Makes Prediction By LENORA CERRATO Earthlings will communi- cate with one another in a single language by the year 2000, according to Dr. Mario Pei of Glen Ridge, linguist and author. Pei, 64-year-old professor of Romance Philology at Colum- bia University, believes there should be an international language. The pleasant, unaffected language authority remarked: "There are 3,000 natural lan- guages spoken in the world today, and there have been 800 attempts at developing one constructive language." The most successful, he said, has been Esperanto, which means 'hoping' or 'hopeful,' ana which originated in Po- land in the 1880's. 'Conglomeration' Pei said that Esperanto claims a sizeable number of adherents Esperanto is spoken by many people today in Brazil and Japan, and in the smaller countries of Europe. In a Gal- lup Poll in 1950, Esperanto ran second to English as the choice for an international language, Pei said Opposition to an interna- tional language,, he said, comes from "the older gen- eration," whose language habits and patterns are usu- ally firmly established. "They want to know: 'Why should we learn another language?'" Target Date: 2000 But with the science of communications expanding al- most daily, * ^ ^Sv while class of men and women listens intently. :*W: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION ESPERANTO LEAGUE FOR NORTH AMERICA In accordance with Article VII these are hereby submitted to the members of EtNA not less than 100 days before the Portland-Kongreso. July 21-25- 1965. They are recommended by the Statuto-Komisiono and the Estraro. Members will vote when they elect officers. (Numbers refer to clauses in the constitution.) #205 Delete present sentence. Substitute: "Beginning with January 1, 1966, all memberships shall be on a calendar year basis." #207 Delete present paragraph. Substitute: "The Executive Board may, by a two-thirds vote of the entire board, suspend a mem- ber only for an act or acts directly harmful to the work of the League or of the world Esperanto movement. Definite charges of such acts, with supporting evidence, must be signed by not less than five members. The accused member shall be furnished with a copy of the charges and given an opportunity to reply. He shall have the right to appeal the Executive Board decision to the following Congress. The Executive Board shall report a suspension to the following Congress. Congress has the power to expel by a two-thirds vote of the delegates. #208 Delete, (contained in new #207). #301 Delete present paragraph defining dues. Substitute: "The Executive Board may regulate the amount of the dues, subject to the approval of the Congress," #401 Substitute: "The officers of this League shall consist of: President, Vice President. General Secretary, Treasurer, and nine Directors. These 13 officers shall constitute the Executive Board and shall govern the affairs of the League between Congress- es. Each officer shall have one vote. #403 Delete words, "beginning from the election in 1954." #404 Delete sentence, "However, the first Vice President shall serve until the clese of the Congress in 1953-" #405 Combine with 404 as one paragraph. #406 Delete sentence, "However, the first General Secretary shall serve only until the close of the Congress in 1953" #407 Delete sentence, "However the first Treasurer shall serve until the close of the 1955 Congress." Add new sentence, "He shall keep the official membership list of the League and shall keep the Secretary and the Membership Chairman informed of membership additions and changes of address." #408 Add new paragraph, "The Directors shall serve for three years, with three being elected annually." 10 #109 Delete first word, "They." Substitute the words, "The Directors. In second sentence delete the words "from among their members." #410 Add: All newly elected Officers shall assume office Immediately after the close of the Congress during which the election was held. #411 Add new paragraph: "No member may hold more than one Executive Board office at the same time". #412 Add new paragraph: "Pilling of vacated offices. a. If the President vacates his office for any reason, the Vice President automatically becomes the President to complete the unexpired term of the vacating President. b. If the Vice President vacates office, or if he becomes Presi- dent as provided above, a new Vice President shall be appoint- ed by the Executive Board. c. If the Secretary or Treasurer shall vacate office, the Presi- dent shall, with the approval of the Executive Board, appoint a member to complete the unexpired term of Secretary or Treasurer. d. If a Director shall vacate office, a new Director shall be elected at the subsequent Congress to complete the unexpired term of said Director." #500 Add new paragraph. "Eligibility for holding office: Any member who will be at least 21 ears of age as of the date of the be- ginning of the term of any office, may be nominated for such office. #501 Change the last sentence to show five Instead of ten members needed to sponsor a candidate. #503 Clarify the procedure as follows: Members shall mark but not sign the ballot, then enclose the ballot in an unmarked envelope and seal it. This envelope shall then be placed in another envelope for mailing, which shall bear the word "BALLOT" and the name and address of the member, and shall be mailed or de- livered to the General Secretary or as directed on the ballot. No other material should be included. All ballots must be in the hands of the General Secretary by the first day of the Congress. #601 Add the words, "not later than" after the word "Board" in the last sentence. Add new sentence: "Invitations for the Congress City should be presented before the close of the preceeding Con- gress. Clauses will need to be renumbered to adjust for delltlons and additions. 11 Esperanto League for North America 180 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y 1002k Return Postage Guaranteed THIRD CLASS MAIL 1 ESPERANTO PUBLISHBIG COMPANY invites you to write for its FREE catalogue of books, re- cords and other teaching aids... the most comprehensive selection in Worth America. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope for prompt reply, to ESPERANTO PUBLISHING COMPANY, 180 Riverside, New York lk)024.