m m SPRING BULLETIN-1962 BBP5RANT0 ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA, 114 W. 16 ST., NEW YORK 11, N. Y. In our Fall Bulletin, we stated our temporary difficulties and provisional effort concerning the big task of removal of materials, books, boxes, etc, to new quarters. This is almost a super-human task, when regular day-to-day correspondence and book orders (which we welcome of course) must be immediately attended. Editing activities suffer under these conditions. Illness has also played a part. But we now turn to long-range plans, and with continued loyalty and understanding on the part of our members, we shall pull through this period. This Bulletin goes with Election Sheet and Announcement of the superb Congress arrangements at Portland, Oregon, 20-22 July. We announce below PREMIUMS IN BOOKS to provide lots of reading and as recompense to all who continue as Members of EANA. Our desire is to give utmost value for members dues of |5 for each year. Therefore, see re RENEWAL PREMIUMS at end of Bulletin. PREVIEW OF NEWS & EVENTS» Eminent Brazilian Esnerantist. Prof. J.B, Itello e Souza. who attended the Universal Congress under EANA auspices in Washington, D.C., in 1910, and who participated in two recent EANA Congresses, visits us again. The recent very tragic death of three of The Great Wallendas. most famous high-wire walkers in circus history, included the brother of one of our long-time members. Esperanto continues to progress in Puerto Rico under the leadership of Dr. Mario A. Agrait Marty with whom we have cooperated to build a sound Esperanto movement there. Claudette Toro sends us the first issue of the bulletin Bsnerantulo en Puerto Rico, which Dr. Agrait sponsors. Dr. Lee Min Han, long a Member of the Sustaining Board of EANA, sends news of his Es- peranto group and new Esperanto library, from his medical post in Gondar. California has a new Attorney in the person of our 'Estrarano' J. Henrv Kruse. Jr.. in Oakland. He vra.8 already an Attorney in New Jersey and has recently passed the California exam. Rev. John Laws has concluded a successful Esperanto course which he taught at Colby College. And at St, Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing in Ohio, Sister Louise Marie is Advisor to a group of 20 Esperanto students. These are some recent news items, FUNDS FOR EXTRA OFFICE HELP* We do not receive salaries, and so for some time now Mrs. Connor has been employed at public school teaching (we hope only temporarily). The need for funds to pay extra office help is great. A new Member of the Sustaining Board makes the following offers If 19 other members pledge $5 per month, he will give an additional $5 per month. This would provide §25 per week for the HELP needed. Our generous member is EDWIN R. FLEMING of Washington, D.C. Will YOU join with him? And perhaps there are some who can afford to join the general Sustaining Board at $3 per month. Those who can afford 05 per month will qualify for the SPECIAL HELP FUND. UNIVERSALA ESPERANTO-METODO (Dr. Benson)s A few years ago we received, from very generous and helpful members, two copies of BENSONA for the EANA libraries. Now we again urgently appeal to our members for ONE copy to send to a famed Espist author in Europe, for important studies. If you have, or can secure, a good or fair copy of "Universala Esperanto-Metodo", PLEASE send it to us. We will gladly pay a premium price, or exchange for almost any number of books 'which you may want from our stocks. OUR OFFER TO RENEWAL MEMBERS» Each year we have offered FREE PREMIUM BOOKS for Renewal, but never before have we offered so much value and so many Esperanto items to choose from. Send in your 05 Renewal NOT and choose S3 worth of items free from the enclosed yellow Premium List No. 11 or from the following Special Suggestions. In addition we will include any missing numbers of AE, if there be a lapse of time, and extend Membership for another full year. SEND PJSNEWAL NOW! Use the handy coupon. A FEW EXTRA SPECIALS FOR RENEWALS* The following suggestions, although worth more than |3, will be considered as your 03 Premium for Renewal, in case you prefer them. Esperanto» The World Interlanguaee. revised cloth edition (reg. $3.50) $ 3.00 Antologio. Svisa. see description in Premium List No. 11 (reg, $3.95) Big Esperanto Sortimento Plua. in case you do not have the small col- lection of "Sortimento", regularly sold at $1, note that we Trill send ALL of them PLUS additional handy size stories, legends, etc., making a grand assortment for self or club, worth more than $4 separately 3.00 3.00 FOR THOSE MO HAVE ALREADY RENEWED (but have received only part of their Premium)» Those who have received "Esperantos The World Interlanguage", and of course those who may have received any other Premium to value of $3, already have their Premium. But if you have NOT received Premium in full thus far, we note the amount due you in selections from List 11, stamped on the coupon below. Do not hesitate to request any amount of Premium rightfully due you. You may use the handy coupon below. ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA, 114 W. 16 St., New York 11, N. Y. Here is my RENEWAL for Membership in EANA ($5 Regular, $10 Patron). In addition to a full year's membership and all publications and magazines as issued, send me the free PREMIUM ITEMS to the amount of $3, which I have checked or noted on 'she Premium List No. 11 or on separate sheot, or indicated from the EXTRA SPECIAL list. Since I have already sent in my Renevral, please send me free Premium Itsms tc the amount of $_________to complete my $3 worth as explained in Bulletin, Name Address