INTERLANGUAGE AMERICAN ESPERANTO MAGAZINE ^^^^. AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO | A\ Ofiaala Organo dc la '■■-% PROKUMu W ushkcon ESPERANTO -ASOCIO TRA LA TOTA HONDO de NORD- AMERIKO X ■ " ■ " ■'..-' NOY-DEC, 1954 1 I Vol. 68 AMERICAN ESPERANTO MAGAZINE (Ameriia Esperantisto) G. ALAN CONNOR, Editor 114 West 16th Street New York 11 N. Y. Nos. 11-12 Associate Editors: Dr. William Solzbacher, Doris Tappan Connor, Dr. S- Zamenhof, V. Rev. Gabriel N. Pausback, Myron Mychajliw. Sustaining Board: Portia Anderson, Dr. Luella ft. Beecher, Dr. F. W. Breth, John M. Brewer, A.M. Brya, Jarvis E.Bush, A. Chmielewicz, C.C. Cummingsmith, S.M., Preston Davis, Jr., Ernest G.Dodge, Esperanto Association of New Jersey, Anonymous, Bertha E.Mullin, Tony Nabby, C. D. Prewitt, George Hirsch, Wilfrid Rouleau, Bertha F. Sloan, Harold S. Sloan, Dr. W. Solzbacher, Mazah Schulz, David Therrien, W. E. L. Todd. Office Assistants: Lola Mae Muse, H, S. Harris 3=3 THE BEST IN ESPERANTO LITERATURE Kon-Tiki, Heyerdahl, exciting true adventure of six men on a 40-foot raft, 80 fotos, 236 pp., full-cloth #3.90 Gdsta Berling, Lagerlĉf, fascinating novel of adven- ture and love in old Sweden, 552 pp., full-cloth.... Peer Gynt, Ibsen, story in poetry of wild adventure, impulsive love in Norwegian life, 258 pp., cloth... La Normandaj Rakontoj, de Maupassant, 19 delight- ful stories, richly illus., 210 pp., grey-brown cloth Tipoj kaj Aspektoj de Brazilo, wonderful details of Brazil, 151 pp., 36 full-page ills., art leatherette.. Sveda Antologio, selections from Swedish literature, Parts I & H in two deluxe vols., 432 pp., full-cloth Svisa Antologio, trans, fr. the four langs. of Switzer- land, with linguistic comment, 540 pp., full-cloth.. Sep Pratoj, Kivi, robust, hilarious tale of 7 brothers in rural Finland, 360 pp., 34 ills., bound in boards Dante: Infero, rare, a monumental translation in orig- in inal verse form, 304 pp.,l6full-page ills., haif-cioth rl (Members of EANA deduct 10% from above prices.) Esperanto Book Service, 114 W. lb St., New York 11, N. Y. 3.90 2.35 3.60 4.00 5.85 5.85 3.00 o.>o Jarabono eksterlande por kalendara jaro: $1.50 au egalvaloro. Subscription rate in the United States and Canada: $3.00 per year. Make checks payable to the Esperanto Association of North America. Patron Membership in the EANA - flO.OO per year Regular Membership in the EANA — S5-00 per year Student Membership & Armed Forces — S3.00 per year AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO Vol. 68 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1954 Nos. 11-12 "AGGRESSOR FORCE" OF THE U. S. ARMY APPLIES ESPERANTO TO ADVANTAGE The following news note was printed in TRIAD, journal of the Third Marine Division, It was sent to us with additional comments by a member of EANA who participated in an "aggressor" unit. "Batalas, batalas, detruas malamikon, Atakas, atakas, frapas malamikon!" Thus, singing in their "native" tongue, Aggressor Forces on Iwo Jima during the recent operation Flag Hoist met the attacking forces of the 3rd Marine Division. No, the aggressor troops were not from some foreign nation, but mem- bers of the Division using the official Marine Corps aggressor language, Esperanto. Esperanto is a language perfected many years ago with hopes that it some day might be adopted as an international language. It is based on stem words from practically every dialect. For instance, "batalas" in the first line of their song is "fight" as in battle. Each member of the Aggressor Force was provided with his own ID (identity) card and service record book, all written in Esperanto. In ad- dition, Esperanto newspapers, documents, overlays and map symbols were used exclusively. In keeping wjth the aggressor Esperanto spirit, uniforms of the 2nd Battalion during the operation had the word MARSOL, a contraction of Marsoldato or Marine, on the left collar tab. Since these men were a part of Task Force SHENG (Victory), they wore a shoulder patch bearing the word Sheng on their right sleeve. (Ed: evidently some chinese has been mixed in here.) The use of Esperanto by Aggressor forces provides another example of the thorough manner in which Operation Flag Hoist was conducted. * * * Our correspondent explains that the new edition of the army field man- ual contains what is supposed to be an Aggressor's military service re- cord book. It is written in Esperanto and English. The manual also con- tains identity cards and other documents in Esperanto and English, that may be copied for maneuver purposes. To quote from the manual itself: "LANGUAGES: Esperanto is the official Aggressor language and is used on all printed Aggressor forms. Aggressor troops, however, may use the language of their assumed national origin. Therefore, documents may be prepared, and interrogations conducted in Esperanto or in any of the languages used by Aggressor". Our correspondent also reports that Esperanto was used in a regular army training film showing how to handle prisoners-of-war. Signs in the stockade such as "File Here" or "Give Rank and Serial Number" were in Esperanto. ESPERANTO IN ACTION The Rotary Club of Guararapes, Brazil, has included the promotion of Esperanto in the program of its Commission on International Relations. An English-Esperanto Chemical Dictionary, by Dr. D. R. Duncan, is ready for the printer and will be published by the British Esperantist Sci- entific Association in London. The mathematical journal, "Annali di Matematica, of Bologna, Italy, recently published a significant article (on para-analytical functions) in Esperanto. The author is Professor M. Frechet, a famous mathematician of the University of Paris and a former President of the International As- sociation for Esperanto in Science (ISAE). In Italy, schools and colleges featuring Esperanto classes include the following: the University of Bologna; the Teachers Colleges of Flor- ence and Alessandria; the Institute of Commerce at Catania; the Marigno- ni School of Commerce at Milan; the Institute of Technology at Como; the Athenaeum of Sassari; the Schiapatelli Technical Institute at Milan; the Municipal School of Foreign Languages at Milan; the Vocational School for Railroad Employees at Bologna; the High School of Lucca; Carducci High School at Florence; Minghetti High School at Bologna; Azuni High School at Sassari; the N. Sauro School at Como. The Dutch Overseas Radio System broadcast special shortwave re- ports about the Universal Esperanto Congress held at Haarlem last July and August to all parts of the world. The programs were beamed espe- cially, at different hours, to North America, Central America, South Amer- ica, Spain, Europe and Africa, North Africa, South Africa, the Middle East, India, and Indonesia. The Fortieth Universal Esperanto Congress will be held at Bologna, Italy, from July 30 to August 6, 1955. T/ie practical usefulness of Esperanto in the service of humane causes was demonstrated once more recently when a lady in Cologne, Germany, was able to locate the tomb of a nephew who had died in the war near Udine, Italy. Being a member of the Esperanto movement, she used the services of two members of the Esperanto movement in Italy—with almost immediate success, according to Germana Esperanto-fievuo. The 1954 edition of The New International Year Book (Funk & Wag- nails Company) and of the Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Encyclopedia Year Book contain articles on Esperanto (on pp. 151-52 and 139-40, re- spectively) and listings of the Esperanto Association of North America in their sections on Societies and Organizations (pp. 491 and 384). 82 The President of the Esperanto Federation of Normandy, Marcel Bosc, recently was honored by the French Government which conferred upon him the title of "Officier d'Academie" for his Esperanto activities. The Min- ister of Education, Andre Marie, surrounded by a number of Senators, Re- presentatives and public officials, presented the decoration to him. One of the masterpieces of Dutch literature, Joost van den Vondel's "Gysbreght van Aemstel", published in 1637, was staged in an Esperanto translation at the 25th International Catholic Esperanto Congress held in Amsterdam in July-August 1954. The play, which deals with the history of Amsterdam, was translated by the President of the Esperanto Acade- my, J. R. C. Isbrucker. The State Legislature of Parana, Brazil, voted for a subsidy of 60,000 cruzeiros (about $3,250) to the Esperanto Association of Parana. "Met/isch Contact", organ of the Royal Dutch Society for the Advance- ment of Medicine, in an article on the language problem at international conferences, strongly recommended Esperanto. At a Hobbies Exhibition recently held at Central Hall, Westminster, London, England, an Esperanto Stand attracted thousands of interested visitors from all parts of Britain and from overseas countries. All papers read at the Brazilian Congress of Psychology, at Recife, State of Pernambuco, will be translated into Esperanto, following a pro- posal made by the Reverend Francisco de Barros Leal, S. J. The Modern Language Journal of October 1954 (Editorial Office at the University of Michigan) contains an article by Ellen Salomon, "A Gener- ation of Prognosis Testing", mentioning (on pp. 301-302) prognosis tests constructed by Percival M. Symonds, which use Esperanto for the purpose of testing a"student's ability to learn foreign languages. The Art Teachers' Training Department of Birmingham, England, has decided to use Esperanto for the organization of an International Ex- hibition of Children's Drawings. The International Trade Fair of Lyon, France, has published a cata- logue using six languages, including Esperanto. /n Antwerp, Belgium's principal seaport and second-largest city, a street named after Dr. L. L. Zamenhof, author of Esperanto, was dedicated recently. Members of the Esperanto movement from many countries at- tended the ceremony. The State Teachers College of Arnhem, Netherlands, recently started an Esperanto class taught by Professor J. Lukkes. It is the first such class organized under a new law passed by the Dutch Parliament. The University of Western Australia, in Perth, recently opened an Es- peranto class under the auspices of its Adult Education Board. Thirty-seven students of the Military College, Rio de Janeiro, BrazU, recently passed Esperanto examinations with success. 83 ESPERANTO FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSES Esperanto-Missionen", a new organization in Sweden, uses Esper- anto for distributing Christian (fundamentalist) literature throughout the world. So far it has published four pamphlets. The Spiritualist State Federation of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has included the "study and promotion of Esperanto" in its constitution as one of the organization's regular activities. A Japanese religious sed'Amo-no-KuseJu" has begun to use Esper- anto for making its ideas known outside the country. La Sankta Skribo de Amo, published at tenmori, Japan, is beautifully printed in excellent Es- peranto. Another sect, Oomoto, has been using Esperanto for many years and publishes a magazine in the interlanguage. The Thirty-Sixth International Eucharistic Congress, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 1955, will have an Esperanto Section and will use Esperanto as one of the principal languages for promotion and infor- mation bulletins, it has been announced by the Most Reverend Helder Camara, Auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janeiro and General Secretary of the Organizing Committee. Previous Eucharistic World Congresses, where Esperanto was used, were held at Budapest and Barcelona. "The Imitation of Christ", by Thomas a Kempis, a religious classic for more than five hundred years, recently appeared in the Netherlands in a complete, 335-page, Esperanto edition, translated by the late Brother Wigbertus Van Zon. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold, the book is available from EANA for $1.50 postpaid. The Moral Rearmament Movement has its own international Esperanto group, with headquarters in Denmark. A book of evangelical hymns, Evangelia Kantaro, published by the International Christian Esperanto League, contains 50 hymns in Esper- anto translation, with simple music notes. Available from EANA, 50^. The Spiritual Science Institute of Martinius, with headquarters in Denmark, has established an Esperanto Section to publish and distribute books in Esperanto about the cosmic analysis of the world according to Martinius. Recent publications include a nicely bound, 126 page book, La Homaro haj la Mondbildo (Humanity and the World Picture) at $1.20. A Buddhist magazine "La Budha Lumo" is published every three months in mimeographed form by the Buddhist Esperantist League. Head- quarters of the League is in England and the journal is edited by Rev. Rudolf Petri of Sweden. Tfie Universalist Church of America, through its General Superin- tendent, Robert Cummins, has expressed keen appreciation of the leaflet Naskigo de la Universalista Kredo (Birth of Universalism), which was published in Esperanto by Commander & Mrs. R. E. Lambert. A fourth edition of a favorite book of hymns, Hirrtnaro Esperanta, by M. C. Butler, has just been published. 236 hymns, 60