INTERLANGUAGE ' ^Ju. -....... .-... ■. • ;:llll§f AMERICAN ESPERANTO MAGAZINE m «PEOPLES SPEAKING TO PEOPLES» A WORLD INTERLANGUAGE NEEDED ESPERANTO SOLVES THE PROBLEM Oficiala Organo de la ESPERANTO -ASOCIO de NORD-AMERIKO APRIL 1951 Twenty-five Cents Vol. 65 AMERICAN ESPERANTO MAGAZINE (Amerika Esperantisto) G. ALAN CONNOR, Editor 114 West 16th Street New York 11, N. Y. No. 4 Associate Editors: Dr. W. Solzbacher, Doris Tappan Connor, Dr. Norman McQuown, Dr. S. Zamenhof, V. Rev. Gabriel N. Pausback, Howard E. Latham, H. S. Harris. Sustaining Board: Dr. Luella K. Beecher, John M. Brewer, Olive Campbell, J.F.Clewe, Preston Davis, Jr., E.G. Dodge, R. E. Dooley, Harold Ewen, Dr.. G. P. Ferree, Anonymous, Thomas Goldman, George Hirsch, H. F. Keller, Eulalia Marks, Tony Nabby, R. C. Palmer, D. B. Richardson, Tom Robbins, Beatrice Ruff, Mazah Schulz, Bertha F. Sloan, Harold S. Sloan, Isabel Snelgrove,Francis H.Sumner,Adeline Vigelis, Anonima. Office Assistants: Lola Mae Muse, Myron Mychajliw. KONTI By THOR HEYERDAHL The greatest true adventure story ever/ Now available in Esperanto. 6 modern Norsemen cross the Pacific on a 40-foot raft to unravel a 1000-year-old mystery. From first gripping page to last, you will say it's wonderful. The Esperanto edition has been translated in vivid, flowing style, retaining all the wry good humor and ex- citing adventure. Mith 80 photographs. Bound in blue cloth, stamped in gold. $3.90 Postpaid Enjoy reading this exciting best seller today I Order from: Esperanto Book Service, 114 W. 76 St., New York 11, N.Y. Jarabono eksterlande, $1.50 por kalendara jaro Make Checks Payable to Esperanto Association of North America Minimum Membership in E.A.N.A.—#3.00 per Year Active Sustaining; Membership — $5.00 per Year AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO Vol. 65 APRIL 1951 No. 4 international Language of the Air «*• ' f) ■^ °^ ^ difficulties that has always attended the use of radio- vX. telephony in air-ground communications is that of language. .. There have been many examples of... misunderstanding even when the two individuals concerned speak the same tongue but are not thoroughly familiar with each other's local idioms, for example, when an English pilot is communicating with an American controller. At the best, such a situation leads to wasted time in repeating mes- sages; at the worst, it could result in disaster. Many of these diffi- culties could be resolved by replacing the many alternative ways of saying the same thing by a single carefully prepared set of phrases that would be uniformly understood by aviation personnel throughout the world." These quotes are taken from ,a report recently published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), with headquarters in Montreal, Canada. ICAO,in which 55 nations hold membership, is a specialized agency of the United Nations. The report is entitled The Language Problem in Radiotelephony Communications and deals with "the concept of an international language of the air." It includes extracts from a paper on "Language Engineering" which Professor George A. Miller, of the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory of Harvard Uni- versity, read before a Speech Communication Conference at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology, June 3, 1950. Referring to the "practical problem that arises when pilots who speak one language fly airplanes into countries that speak another language," Professor Miller stated: "In the past the rule has been that the language spoken is that of the airport; the pilot is expected to be polylingual. The kinds of difficulties that arise under this sys- tem are -not hard to imagine. Under adverse conditions communica- tion between speakers of the same language can be difficult; in an unfamiliar tongue it becomes impossible." Both ICAO and Professor Miller seem to incline to the idea that a set of code words and rigid sentences based on English might be a solution of the problem. "A start has been made by circulating to ICAO Contracting States a proposal for an internationally acceptable set of numerals," the ICAO report states. "A qualitative survey is being undertaken of the type of information that is exchanged by radiotelephony in all parts of the world." It seems very unlikely, however, that any code based on English 27 could satisfy the conditions which Professor Miller enumerates as basic qualities needed in an "international language of the air." Esperanto, on the other hand, with its simple grammar, stream- lined vocabulary, phonetic spelling, and richness in vowels a^ssuring a high degree of understandibility under adverse conditions, has a strong case to present. It has been used successfully, though on a limited scale, in international aviation. Such early pioneers of aer- onautics as Henri Farman and Ernest Archdeacon advocated and used Esperanto. As early as 1909 a preliminary Aeronautical Terminology in Es- peranto was published in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1913 a more de- tailed Aeronautical Dictionary English-French-German-Spanish-Ital- ian-Esperanto appeared in Paris. An up-to-date Aeronautical Term- inology (Aeronaŭtika Terminaro), by E. D. Durrant, was printed in England in 1941. Books in Esperanto dealing with aviation include: a publication of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dealing with Santos- Dumont, the Brazilian Air Pioneer, issued in 1945; a magnificently illustrated 416-page volume on the Andree Expedition to the North Pole, published in Sweden in 1930; and a booklet on rockets and space flying, written in Esperanto by Ernest Dodge, of Washington, D.C., and published in the Netherlands in 1938. The booklet on Santos-Dumont is available from EANA's book service at 50(p; the booklet of Mr. Dodge (Flugado Alimonden), 23$. "A Bright Green Star in My Lapel! And in My Pocket a P. G. L, / " George W. Bailey, pilot with one of the east coast airlines, flew in from the south recently and visited v~Ŭthe Central Office. On his uniform, just above his wings, he carries the green star symbol of Esperanto. He tells us that on each flight someone is sure to ask him what the green star signifies. At this point he pulls from his pocket one of the little booklets, PGL 183, to present to his questioner. A fine idea! Each one of us can find many opportunities every day for distributing information on Esperanto. The Personal Growth leaflet on Esperanto (PGL 183), published by the National Education Association, is the ideal leaflet for this purpose. It presents, in a nutshell, the aims, history and aspect of Esperanto. Since January 1, 1951, the PGL sells at 2# each. We can supply you with any quantity, all postpaid: 25 for 50V; 100 for $2.00 ; 1000 for only $15.00. Order your supply from EANA today, and help promote Esperanto in America. (We enclose an order blank for your convenience). 28 ESPERANTO IN ACTION Sfiorfwove radio programs in Esperanto at present are broadcast regularly from Berne, Switzerland (four times a week), Stockholm, Sweden, and Sofia, Bulgaria (three times a week), Rome, Italy (twice a week), Vienna, Austria (one a week plus once every second week), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Paris, France, and Guatemala City, Guate- mala (weekly). There are occasional broadcasts from other countries including Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Morocco. In Rome, Italy, at the annual "Sermon of the Nations" in the Church of S.Andrea della Valle, Esperanto was among the languages in which children from all over the world presented addresses and poems. Carlo Minnaia recited in Esperanto Mia Preĝo (My Prayer). The People's Wor/c/ Convention, held in Geneva, Switzerland, from December 30 to January 4, to prepare the establishment of a World Parliament, was addressed in Esperanto by citizens and nat- ives of Great Britain, Egypt, Israel, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Rumania, and the Netherlands. Those who spoke in Esperanto in- cluded the President of the Convention, Dr. Edmond Privat. The State of Tennessee, in the United States, and parts of the British colony of Nigeria, Africa, were the only areas in which delegates to the Convention were elected directly by the people. Religious organizations in Japan ate increasingly making use of Esperanto for spreading their ideas abroad. Recent Japanese Es- peranto publications include several Buddhist pamphlets, e.g. Nalaka Sutra and Forhejma Sutro; a monthly magazine, Oomoto, organ of a Shintoist sect, and Esperanta Katoliko, a Catholic quarterly. The International Esperanto Museum in Vienna, Austria, was granted a subsidy of 6,000 shillings ($500) from the Education De- partment of the Austrian Government. In Denmark's capital, Copenhagen, 24 Esperanto classes were taught during the past fall and winter; 21 of them received govern- ment or city subsidies. In Brazil's famous seaport, Santos, from where coffee is shipped all over the world, the City Council decided to organize Esperanto classes in the city-operated Institute of Commerce. In Hamburg, Germany, 265 officials attended Esperanto classes during the past season. 29 S0*\ SPECIAL WORD TO OUR NEW MEMBERS /v\a7fb\ Esperanto offers you an unlimited amount of enjoyment A \ Y2- i~ ** a°d activity. It can be used in making new contacts .throughout the world; it broadens experiences and view- ^^^X points through reading and correspondence; it is \ challenging in that one may master it and still .r\f(\v \find plenty to learn; it is infinitely worthwhile -^ \ because it promotes world understanding. y i i. - ^mrftf^ Here are some of the things that you can do l2r^%.. ^rttŭP^toT your own enjoyment and to help promote Esper- anto. Select what appeals to you most, ask for the materials that you want, and let us help you: 1. Organize a study group and study together with your friends. A complete guide is available suggesting definite plans for twenty les- sons in conjunction with the Connor Correspondence Course. 2. Correspond with Esperantists in foreign countries. You can al- ways find someone with common interests. Names are published in this magazine, or write us your special requirements. 3. Act as an Esperanto Community Leader, organizing study groups, introducing the Connor Course and distributing Esperanto books. Send for the Community Leadership Plan. HAROLD S. SLOAN, Public Relations Committee GRENERO AL GRENERO FARIGAS GRANDA AFERO Subtena Konsilantaro: Ni havas la honoron publikigi sur la dua paĝo de ĉiu numero de AE la liston de tiuj novaj kaj malnovaj membroj, kiuj respondis al nia Januara alvoko kaj aliĝis al la Subtena Konsilantaro de EANA. Al ili ni ŝuldas grandan dankon pro ilia oferema subteno. Aliaj kontribuoj al EANA: D-ro C.Stockard ($10), B.Haag ($6.30), C.Holbrook ($5), A.Hutcheon ($5), F.L.Parsons ($5), M.Chrenka ($4), J. Dubin ($3.60), C. Baldwin ($3), M. Storms ($3), L. DeVilbiss ($3), C.Ayres ($2.50), A.I.Rogus ($2),P.Thiessen ($2), W.Donner ($1.60), C.Cummingsmith ($1.50), S.R.Docal ($1.50), R. G. Lindsey ($1.10), R.T. Bye ($1), M.W. Fenner ($1), J. Murray, N. Rdmbout, W. Rouleau, R.H. Williams ($1.25 kune). Koran dankon al ĉiuj. "Amerika Esperantisto" en Publikaj Bibliotekoj: Ni sincere dan- kas la sekvantajn membrojn, kiuj por 1951-a jaro bonvolis donaci abonon de AE por publikaj bibliotekoj: E.Etter (2), H.Lawrence (I), L.Obreczian (2), J.Franzus (1), F.Vedder (1), G. P. Ferree (10), A. M. Brya (10), G. W. Bailey, Jr. (1). D. Broadribb (1), 30 The Esperanto Association of North America EANA CONGRESS - SPENCER, IOWA JUNE 29 - JULY 1, 1951 Spencer, Iowa — "Main Street, U.S.A. The 41st Annual Congress of the Esperanto Association of North America will be held in the heart of the United States, in the typical American town of Spencer, Iowa. Its location is also the approximate center of the territory of EANA, being centrally located for Canada and the USA, as well as for the eastern and western coasts. Spencer is situated in northwestern Iowa. It is the gateway to the popular Vacationland known as the Iowa Great Lakes, consisting of "The Okobojis" and "Spirit Lake". Combine your vacation in the playland area with your attendance at the Congress. The local congress committee is under the leadership of Konrad Kail and C.W. Baldwin, along with the splendid new group of Esper- antists in Spencer. They are arranging a program of pleasant get- togethers, official sessions, banquet, and a real old-time farm picnic that will long be remembered. Accomodations at the Hotel Tangney. This is an occasion for you to enjoy the friendly atmosphereof a lovely mid-west community. Official sessions of the Congress will be held June 29, 30, and July 1, with get-acquainted party planned for Thursday evening June 28. Congress Tickets $3.00 per person; Banquet $3.00; and Deposit for rooms $3.00 (see full details on enclosed leaflet). Make your plans now, and send for tickets and deposits to EANA. Buy a Congress Ticket S3, and help support the 41st EANA Congress in Spencer, Iowa. 31 £££ ESPERANTO - KRONIKO Combat Forces Journal, Morfo 7957, eldono de la Asocio de la Usona Armeo, publikigis leteron al la redaktoro, skribitan de nia dumviva membro, Van Allen Lyman. S-ro Lyman trafe priskribis la meritojn de Esperanto por membroj de la milita servo. Rezultis multaj inforrnpetoj pri Esperanto al EANA, kaj el tiu grupo, ni bonvenigas novan membron de la Subtena Konsilantaro, S-ron H.F.Keller. Durn radio programo "Talk Back" de /VBC(Nacia Brodkasta Kora- panio), disaŭdigata en tuta Usono, S-ino Doris Tappan Connor prez- entis tri-minutan paroladeton pri Esperanto je la 23-a de Februaro. La parolado estis respondo al letero de sinjorino, kiu petis la kon- cernan radio-programon pri la nuna stato de Esperanto. Orgenisto-instruisto, S-ro A.I. Rogus, el Passaic, N.J., enmetis diversajn artikolojn pri Esperanto enpollingvan gazeton NowySwiat. En Universitato de Miami, subaŭspiciode D-ro D.Steinhoff, Jr., estro de la Vespera Fako, okazis malgranda konkurso inter studentoj pri latemo Kial ni bezonas intemacian lingvon? Gajninto de la unua premio ricevis monsumon, kaj dua gajninto, Bob Weiner, ricevis mem- brecon en EANA. D-rino L. DeVilbiss kontribuis la premiojn. Paroladojn pri Esperanto faris Joseph R. Scherer al la Rotaria 1'lubo de Carlsbad, Kalifornio, kaj al la Klubo "Kiwanis" de East Bollywood, en Novembro 1950 kaj Januaro 1951, kaj alia Societo "Humanist" en Los Angeles en Februaro 1951. Esperanto-Klubo de Fitchburg, Mass., sendis lastatempe la ko- tizojn de ĉiuj membroj de la grupo al la Centra Oficejo. Pasintjare, tiu klubo gajnis duan pozicion, 31 poentojn, en Nia Konkurso pri varbado de novaj membroj al EANA kaj abonantoj al AE. Nun deforante eksterlande en servo de la Stat-Departementode Usono, estas David B. Richardson kaj William P. Vathis. Davido, kun sia ĉarma edzino, Myra, troviĝas en suda Germanujo, kaj Vilĉjo nuntempe deforas en Hong Kong. Geedziĝoj en nia Esperanto-familio: En Washington, D.C., je la 17-a de Marto, geedziĝis Thomas A. Goldman kaj Teuntje Visser el Nederlando. Pro la fakto, ke la gepatroj de F-ino Visser estas en fora Nederlando, nia samideano Ernest G. Dodge agis kiel anstataua patro de la carma novedzino. En Denver, Kolorado, je la 16-a de Marto, Ted Crawford edziĝis al fraulin- eto nomata Georgia. En New York, David Jagerman kaj Adrienne Israel anoncas sian geedziĝon je Sep- tembro 1951. Al la novaj paroj ni deziras feliĉon! 32 KIEL INTERNACIA ESTAS LA VORTARO DE ESPERANTO ? Naulingva Etimologia Leksikono. Louis Bastien. Nova eldono, 1950, Esperanto Publishing Company. 335 paĝoj. Tolbindita. Havebla de EANA. $2.00 £* N la propagando de Esperanto estas tre utile montri, ke preskaŭ ^^ ĉiuj Esperanto-vortoj havas altan gradon de internacieco. Per- sonoj, kiuj studis aliajn lingvojn antaŭol lerni Esperanton, kaj Es- perantistoj, kiuj devas aŭ deziras lerni aliajn lingvojn, povas ŝpari multe da tempo kaj energio, se ili bone komprenas la intefnaciecon de nia vortaro. Grava helpilo por ili kaj por ĉiuj Esperantistoj estas la Nau- lingva Etimologia Leksikono de la fama franca veterano de nia mov- ado, Generalo Louis Bastien. La vorto "etimologia" en la titolo ne estas tute ĝusta. Etimologia verko devus studi la devenon (etimo- logion) de ĉiu vorto kaj atenti multajn lingvojn ne aperantajn en la "Leksikono", ekz. la grekan, araban, hebrean, malnovslavan kaj sanskritan. Tia etimologia verko ankoraŭ mankas en Esperanto. La verko de Generalo Bastien konsistas el paralelaj vortlistoj en Esperanto, latina, franca, itala, hispana, portugala, germana, angla kaj rusa lingvoj. La rusaj vortoj aperas en latinaj literoj. La vortoj en la diversaj lingvoj ne ĉiam estas tradukoj de la Esperanto- vortoj, sed estas samdevenaj kaj similaspektaj. La libro estus multe pli utila por propagando inter lingvistoj kaj por praktika uzo, se ĝi ne enhavus centojn da preseraroj, multajn aliajn erarojn kaj multegajn mankojn. Tian verkon oni devus zorge prepari kaj revizii kun la helpo de fakuloj. Evidente oni faris tion en sufiĉa grado nur pri Esperanto kaj angla lingvo, iomete malpli pri franca kaj latina, multe malpli pri itala, hispana kaj portugala, kaj preskau tute ne pri germana kaj rusa lingvoj. En franca lingvo, por mencii nur la unuajn tri paĝojn, oni facile estus povinta eviti la er- aran ortografion de abcbs, adjudant kaj age. Por klarigi mian kritikon, mi elektas kiel ekzemplon la unuajn du paĝojn, abato — adicii. Tiu unu tabelo enhavas 9 preserarojn: 1 en franca, 1 en itala, 1 en hispana, 4 en portugala, 1 en germana, 1 en rusa lingvo. La rusa kolono enhavas nur 5 vortojn. Gi povus kaj devus enhavi 12. Mankas: obruvistij (abrupta), absent (absinto), absorbirovat' (absorbi), abstinencia (abstini), absurdnij (absurda), adaptacia (adapti), adept (adepto). Oni povus disputi pri obruvistij, sed ne pri la aliaj. Kian utilon havas la rusa kolono, se mankas en ĝi la duono de la internaciaj vortoj? Ciuj vortoj en la unua tabelo estas latindevenaj, sed mankas 5 latina j vortoj: abiturus (abituriento), bonus (aboni), praecoquus (abrikoto), acceptare (aĉeti), ad Deum (adiaŭ). En la germana kolono mankas 4 vortoj: abrupt, absorbieren, akzeptieren, Adaptation; en la angla unu: accept. En la germanaj kolonoj de la unuaj dek paĝoj mi trovis 12 pres- 33 erarojn kaj 27 mankantajn vortojn. Se oni aplikas la saman propor- cion al la tuta libro, tio faras sumon de 183 preseraroj kaj 421 man- kantaj vortoj sole por la germana lingvo. La internacieco de kelkaj Esperanto-vortoj aperas nur malper- fekte. Por frapi, ekz., Generalo Bastien mencias nur la francan frapper, la germanan rappeln kaj la anglan rap. Se li enmetus la italan frappare, la germanan frappant kaj la rusan frapirovat', la internacieco de la vorto'estus evidenta. Kelkaj eraroj en la Leksikono kaŭzas tre strangan impreson. Koakso, ekz., estas koks en rusa lingvo, ne kok, kiu signifas ŝipa kuiristo. Cifro estas Chiffre en germana lingvo, ne Zifferschrift. En franca lingvo regno estas regne. ha Leksikono donas la neekzist- antan vorton regner, dirante, ke ĝi signifas reĝi. Kelkajn liniojn pli malsupre oni trovas la korektan vorton por reĝi: regner. Eĉ en la nuna formo la libro estas valora pliriĉigo de ĉiu Esper- anto-biblioteko kaj meritas rekomendon. — W. SOLZBACHER, membro de la Akademio de Esperanto DEZIRAS KORESPONDI Kosto de anonco: Eksterlande, unu vorto aŭ tnallongigo por unu cendo (ses vortoj por 1 int. respondkupono); Enlande, unu vorto por du cendoj. Finlando. F-ino Oili Lahtinen, Tapio, Kiuru. Dez. kor. PKI, PM, kaj pri literaturo, historio, mondaj aferoj. Hispanujo. Juan Domenech, Sepulcro, u.ll, Zaragoza. Li kaj liaj kunuloj serĉas korespondant(in)ojn en Usono. Japanujo. Prof. Nukima, Oota-Co, Suma, Kobe. Multaj kursanoj deziras korespondi. Japanujo. D-ro Hideo Shinoda, Shinoda-Byoin, Kasumicho, Kama- gata-shi. Serĉas korespondon kun kompetenta medicinisto, kiu volas serioze klopodi utiligi nian lingvon en medicina kampo. Jugoslavujo. Vinko Skomina, Kumiĉiceva 28, Rijeka III. Juna oficisto deziras korespondi kun Usonanoj. Usono. R. Faltus, 50 Miguel St., San Francisco 12, Calif. Dez. inters. PM kun Esperantistaj filatelistoj tra la tuta mondo. Argentino. Juan Varano, A.M. Cervantes 4550, Buenos Aires, Dez. kor. pri radio, elektro, kaj matematiko kun usonanoj. Brazilo. Julio Vidal, Rua Sao Januario 199 (Fonseca), Niteroi, Deziras korespondi per ilustritaj poŝtkartoj. 34 POPULAR ESPERANTO BOOKS The Central Office is equipped to supply all your book needs. Here are a few popular and standard items. 10% discount m quantity. ESPERANTO HOME STUDENT, James Robbie. Beginner's text for class or self-instruction. Brief course of 64 pages .................................... .25c REED'S PRACTICAL GRAMMAR, Dr. Ivy Kellerman-Reed. Very complete beginner's text for self or classes, giving extensive ex- amples, dialogue, etc. Offset reprint ,with some pages slightly blurred but fully usable. 142 pp. with index. Original price 75c, reduced to less than half-price ..........................................................................„.. .35c PRACTICAL ESPERANTO, Dr. ¥m. Benson. Many use this text for class or self because it is unique with 650 entertaining illus- trations for rules, affixes, vocabulary, etc. Grammar in English, exercises in Esperanto with pictures. 160 pp......„......„......................... 30c ESPERANTO: THE WORLD INTERLANGUAGE, Connor-Solz- bacher-Kao. The new complete manual of Esperanto. "Six-books- in-one": history, textbook, reader, world directory, and two dictionaries. All in one volume. 245 pp............Paper $1.50; Cloth $3.00 UNIVERSALA ESPERANTO METODO, Dr. Benson. A rare won- der-book with 11,000 pictures, all-Esperanto, 560 pp.............Cloth $6.00 ESPERANTO GRAMMAR & COMMENTARY, Cox. A detailed analysis of Esperanto grammar, with examples .371 pp.......Cloth $1.50 WORLD'S CHIEF LANGUAGES, Prof. Mario A. Pei. A guide to languages of entire world, inch Esperanto. 663 pp...................Cloth $6.00 AMERICAN POCKET DICTIONARY, Froding. Esp-Eng & Eng- Esp. Beginner's little pocket companion. Offset ed. 80 pp....................25c EDINBURGH DICTIONARY. Esp-Eng & Eng-Esp. Complete, in concise form. The very best small dictionary. 288 pp...................Cloth .85c MILLIDGE ESPERANTO-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Latest edition with 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th "Aldonoj al la Universala Vor- taro de la Lingva Komitato". 490 pp.......................................................Cloth $2.60 FULCHER & LONG ENGLISH-ESPERANTO DICTIONARY. Latest edition including appendices of proper names and neolog- isms. Each meaning listed individually. 348 pp........................«Cloth $2.35 FUNDAMENTA KRESTOMATIO .Zamenhof and others. Model chrestomathy and literary guide. 472 pp...............................Paper bound 1.50 Rare ed., ptd 1924, royal blue cloth with gold ____Cloth bound 2.50 KARLO, Privat. Very popular easy first-reader, used in many classes. Life of Karlo from boyhood to marriage. 43 pp....................~.............25c THE BIBLE in Esperanto (Sankta Biblio). The best "Reader". Bound in blue, art vellum, 8vo, 996 pp..........................................Cloth $2.00 ESPERANTO SORTIMENTO. Five books, good reading at low cost: Akrobato de Nia Sinjorino, legend of France, 25 pp; Blanche-Virgulino de Lille, medieval romance, 42pp; Lando de Arĝenta Akvo, story of Far West, 48 pp; Miserere, music story, Thais, by Anatole France, (2-in-l) 66pp; Rozujo ĉiumiljara, miracle of love, 48 pp. Each book 25 c. Entire sortimento for only $1.00 INDIAN BEAD STARS. White ground, green star in center ..........85c GREEN STARS. White ground, gold trim, brooch or button........50c Esperanto, 114 W. 16 St, New York 11, N. Y. POPULAR ESPERANTO BOOKS FROM MANY LANDS II Tipoj kaj Aspektoj de Brazilo, Selection of articles pub- lished by the official Brazilian National Council of Geography. Beautiful volume on the life, customs, and country of Brazil (the Amazon, jungles, gauchos, natives, wondrous plants, etc.). 37 full-page art engravings, 152 pp. leatherette bound.. .$4.00 Ce la Sanktaj Akvoj, by J.C.Heer. An interesting novel, picturing the life of villagers in the Swiss Alps, under the con- stant threat of an avalanche. Parts I & II in one volume,half- cloth bound, illustrated cover, 216 pp..................$2.00 Du Amsentaj Noveloj, "Imenlago" by Theodor Storm, and "Maruŝka" by Escherich. Two famous stories...........60c1 Inter Sudo kaj Nordo, by Ferenc Szilagyi. Excellent short stories, novelettes, commentaries on present day events. Bound in grey-simulated-cloth effect, 180 pp................Jl.85 Ora Libra de la Esperanto Movac/o, 1887-1937. A wealth of information with entire background of the Esperanto movement. Richly illustrated, paper cover......................$1.40 Populara Lernolibro de Esperanto, by L. Kokeny. Easy, graded reader, with questions after each topic..........500 Dante: Infero, famed translation by Kalocsay of the Divine Comedy. Esperanto literary treasure. Card cover......$2.00 Svisa Antologio, ed. by Arthur Baur The best of Swiss literature from all four groups (German, French, Italian, Rom- ansch). Paper edition, 540 pp.....................$4.00 Rare Collection of 25 Keys, (25 languages with^Esperanto): Albana, Angla-Esp, Esp-Angla, Araba, Baska, Ceha, Dana, Estona, Finna, Flandra, Franca, Germana, Hispana, Hungara, Islanda, Itala, Japana, Norvega, Persa, Portugala, Romanĉa, Rusa, Slovaka, Sudafrika, Sveda. Complete for.......$2.75 Jarmiloj Pasas, Haefker. History of the world, written in Esperanto. 4 books in 1 vol. Deluxe bound, 500 pp.....$3.65 A/ Altaro de Dio, Thalmaier. Catholic prayer-book in Es- perantov Paper edition, 43 pp........................350 La Go/o Podio, by Raymond Schwartz. A medley of good humored poems, articles, lectures, playlets, with the Latin Quarter flavor. Cloth-bound, 271 pp.................$1.40 Esperanto Book Service, 774 W. 76 St., New York 77, N.Y. m I m m Si II :•:•:■:-: S3 W, II is 11 m <;>;; S: - II ;iviSSSiSSiS