NEW YEARS BULLETIN 95 To the Members late of EANA - Friends? vywUri'V "V ^! in issuing this New Year's Bulletin because Doris A,''>^%L- our most important office worker, has been away for \\ ' £ ^ ^V! We are Tappan Connor, almost a month on matters occasioned by the death of her mother. But Doris vv is back now, and the wojrk goes forward again. We will be sincerely grateful for your sympathetic understanding. Due to the absence of Mrs. Connor, plus the need for mastering new tech- niques in connection with the new format of AE, we have issued a combined j January-February issue of AE, but (with the exception of a July-August issue)! it should reach you regularly henceforth as a monthly magazine. I The year 1950 has been a busy year for your EANA Here are a few reports on activities which - with your continued assistance — will help to make the new year 1951 a very good year indeed, des pite unsettled world conditions, | /'"~ x?s**~<\ ~\ ■ a) During the year, the Central Office has sent out thousands of letters and packets of information on Esperanto. .They bring in new members. As this Bulletin goes to press we are sending out 6,000 letters with promotion material throughout North America in a special membership campaign. h) c) d> In addition to AE, the Informilo has been published four (4) times during the year and it has proven worthwile in linking the work of individuals and clubs everywhere. You can help greatly by util- izing out promotion material, by sending us your reports, by writing effective Letters to the Editor, etc. (See directions in Informilo 5). V A number of members (of utmost importance to our work for Esperanto in America) have continued their active support in the Sustaining Board, by contributing from $3 to $10 each month to maintain a functioning Headquarters. For their generous and loyal support we are most grateful. The new Correspondence Cmurse with phonograph records was put out in May,' and it has proven popular and successful for both individuals and groups. The textbook for this course, Esperanto: The World Interlanguage continues to show up, more and more, in public libraries and book stores. e) Many new and enthusiastic members have joined with us these past months, and you, as members, are helping to enroll others. But it is also very important that old members renew promptly each year. Only by continued loyalty and renewal in our continental effort can we show real increase. f) What with rising costs all along the line, your Executive Committee has had to cut cost of the AE Magazine so as to bring it in line with income. Happily, we were able to work out a plan which will give you a lively monthly AE which will retain most of the features and benefits of the old format, and add some interesting new features (fotos, designs, etc.) Joyfully, we announce that a very good friend has placed a latest model Vari'Typer at the disposal of Headquarters. The Vari- Typer is a machine;which makes it possible to produce real printing effests by our own composition in the Central Office. This immediately cuts our costs in half ,♦"-" "" -~~~— -.-.— - - »_— . ;-w ^ Central Office Staff express sincere and profound appreciation for the extra the above lists of Members of the Sustaining Board and Members in the higher emberships All, together, made it possible to maintain a Headquarters for for Espetanto in America,