* * 1942 * * *SEPTEMBER* M Mi ĵuraa lojaleoon al la & standardo do Usono, kaj * al la respubliko kiun 0 gi simboligas, unu naoio, nedividebla, kun Libereoo kaj Justeoo por Siuj. * * *_ «■ r o > T O * ' 1942 * * *SEPTEMBER* * * 1942" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United State» America, and to 'the epublio for which it tands, one nation, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice »U. V ESPERANTISTO V. U MOMfA BDXTSXO OS LA ESPERAMTA-AOOCIO Joseph Leahy,National Seoretary Centra Ofioejo 1410 H St., N-VV., Washington, D.C. DK MORE* U K u E C 0 E S I A Central Office ■■•■*f' Dr.Ceoil Stockard, Pres..Bradenton, Fla. E.G.Dodge, Ch.Exec. Comm., Washington, * **.****** ************ ******* ************** * Number 11 * * $1.00 per year-anywhere* ***** lo/ per copy* * SEPTEMBER 1942. * ******* ****** ******* ************ ********* * a*4t C A 8 A g A. MEW SEAL*»" tt- avi«AN AUSTRALIA. CHINA. oLtcn II UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH lUNUECO * DONAS • FORTECON _reat . ^^l^l^^^^^^o^^^JI^^^^^^^ Britain » HONOR ROLL—PATRONOJKAJSUBTENANTOJ. * United* The Honor Roll of those contributing to the support of E.A.N.A., in addition * to their regular dues, for the fiscal year 1941-42 was crowded out of the June issue * but we cannot let them be forgotten—sure you would all like to know who are special* helpers in the Esperanto movement: * Miss Grace Randolph, Greenville, R.I., Esperanto Society of New York. Esperanto * Society of Detroit. John Putran, Brooklyn, N.Y., Joseph H.Murray, Dearborn, Michigan., * Dr.G.P.Perree, Chenoa, 111., Mrs.Luella K.Beeoher, Lima, Ohio. Arthur C.Ballaray'* * Auburn, Wash., George Irving Savage, Ilion, N.Y., A.S.Mellichamp, Peoria, 111., Geo. * B.Wrenn, Ashland, Ohio. Mrs Lee M.Wainman, Little Genesee, N.Y., Miss. Mazah E.Schuls,* Long Beach, Calif., Louis Dormant, Brooklyn, N.Y., Arthur E.Regal, Chicago, 111., * William George Adams, Seattle, Wash.,H.L.Thompson, Orlando, Fla., Charles E.Simon * Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Dr.A.M.Schwager, New York. Robert L.David, Detroit, Miohigan* Mrs Clara J.Walter, Detroit, Mich., Prof.Edwin L.Clarke, Winter Park, Fla., Woodbury * E.Burd, Kittery Point, Maine.Fritz Mitschke, Paterson, N.J., Dr. F.W.Breth, Petrolia,* Penn'a., Dr. A.A.Britt, New York. Mrs Flora M.Wyman, North Abington, Mass., Fred H.;**■ MoMann, Troy, N.Y., Armin F.Doneis, Pharr, Texas.Dr.Charles R.Witt, Los Angeles, Cal." Joseph R.Scherer, Los Angeles, Calif., Anonymous. Mrs.Freda Goldman, Thomas Goldman, * William Plampin and Ernest G.:Dodge, — the last four from Washington, D.C. * ****** ******** ******* * And up to date for 1942-43 the following benefactors have enrolled: * Miss Grace Randolph, Greenville, R.I., John Tomishin, Cleveland, Ohio. Albert C. * Runkel, Milwaukee, Wise, Dr.Ceoil Stockard, Bradenton, Fla., Charles Ramsay, Wash-*,;* ington, D.C, Hans B.Julow, South Hadley, Mass., Armin F.Doneis, Pharr,Texas.( last * two have already started the list for 1943-44 — they want to be first in '43) * 3INCERAN DANKON AL 3lU HELPANTO. * * * * * ***** *** ****** ****** ********* ESPERANTO IN PUBLIC LIBRARY. Through the efforts of Mr.G.Winthrop Lee, President of * the Esperanto Society of Boston, a shelf entirely of Esperanto books has been arrangod in the Public Library of Boston, where the public can see and have access to it. * Over the shelf appears the word "Esperanto". A splendid idea — whether your library* has few or many Esperanto books GET BUSY,. FEHVORuLO LEE is entitled to the sinoere * thanks of ALL ESPERANT1STS. i: * * * * .* * * ■■■• "r* 2 * . * * * r.ic Amerika Aaporantisto Soptombro 1942 Amorioan Esporantist H. G. WELLS VERKAS ANGLE POR ESPERANTO—INTERNACIA. 0 0 0 OOO Gojigas la korojn da Esporantistoj, ciu okazo kiam mondfama homo rokonas la Taloron * do Esperanto. La majo-junia numero do Esporanto Internaoia onhavas krarpafcan artikolon* * pri "La ' Sankay' Doklaracio pri la Rl^tojile~P Tlcanb." La Uoklaraoio mom, doriTanta * * nomon do la brita Lordo Sankoy, emfazas dalcunu punktojn — la rajto vivi; protokto do * noplonaĝuloj; dovo al la komunumo; la rajto al soio; liborooo do pensado kaj roligioj * la rajto laborij la rajto al porsonaj poaodajoj; liborooo do moTado; parson* liborooo; * protokto kontrau porforto; la rajto pri loĝfarado. * Nu, la artikolo komsnoiĝas per dupafa "Enkonduko, apooialo verkita por Esperanto * In,fceriia-0^a ae H.G.Wells." Konfosond© S-ro Wells poTis vorki nur angle, (tio estas lia * kulpo, na tiu de Esperanto!) kaj oni dovis traduki. Sod intorose estas ke li tiel re- * konas la forton de Esperanto, kiel ilo de pensa disvastigado. En du frazoj, R.G.Wells * diras» "Mi tie gojas, ko la Internaoia Esperamto-Ligo ostaa prota diskonigi la Sanlcey- * * Deklaracion pri la Rajtoj de I'Homo, de kiu mi ©stas, mi konfesas, la porsista advokato,* * sed neniasenca la respondaoa patro. "Sajnas al mi, ko nooosaa hari prota,^en tiom da * * lingvoj kiom able, UNU SAMAN DOKUMENTON (pardonu la majuaklojn!), tiol ko oio oni kom- * pronu tion kio estas oelata, sen oblooo do olirojoj avi ovito." * Manko de spaoo raalobligas reproson oi tie do la tuta artikolo. Pli bono, k© ĉiu * Esperantisto abonu al Esperanto Internaoia, por membrooo do IEL. ...... ■ ■ T U""*.....0.....S.........X""* 0000000000000000000000 WHY. ESPERANTO ?. Because it is the ONLY EFFECTIVELY FUNCTIONING, and Politically Neutral International Langu-* age which oan and 'IIILL play a very essential role in the * world of the future. « 000000000000000,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Brazilian Leader Quoted On fhe * Value of Esperanto. # To the Editor of the Gazette: * Many of your readers asked me about the progress of the Esperanto move- tnent in South America, The most pessi- * mistic question was: Can Esperanto improve our relations with our South * American neighbors? * The best answer to this question 1 found in the address delivered by Dr. *Mara Teixeira de Fretas, secretary of * the Brazilian Institute of Geography, delivered at the Brazilian Convention * of Education. Among other things he * said: "Finally let me here present the * best way for fraternization of the * Confederation of the American na- tions (haying in view successful or- Vganizations. of the Confederation of „the American Repub.lcs) the adap- tion of the universal auxiliary lan- *guage, which at present Esperanto is j, fit to be."Our institute (the Brazilian Institute: of Geography and Statistics) * already uses it and will gradually use it more and more. We cannot hope that Latin-American?! will learn English ».to the extent necessary for fluent use of it in our relations with all Amer- *ican republics. We cannot expect that * our North American neighbors will ■learn insufficient numbers our (Portu- * guese) language or Spanish which is * the language of Argentine and. of Mex- ico. Esperanto no doubt is the «rti- * ficislly created language. But that is » rather advantageous (in its adaption a* the auxiliary language) because as * a neutral idiom it will not give ad- * vantage to one country over others, neither will it efface the characteristic •features which our history, our sur- roundings or our racial peculiarity made * dear to us our national or our mother * tongue. The universal auxiliary lan- * guage particularly is needed at pres- ent, when we strive to establish the •spiritual understanding and harmon- * ious co-operation, which is only possi- ble by adaption of such a wonderful, * simple, rich and harmonious language * Esperanto. It is so simple that it can be •taught in the first grade of public * schbols." ■ Capt. F. A. Post. a Little- Rock. * * * » 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permambneo Ksperantista PAROLANTA PAPERO * « La fonogramoj sur papero estos vend- ataj kiel libra Oni povos abonlĝi je 111* En Moskvo ekzistas unu fabriko de kicl Je gazetoj an revuoj. Fine de tiu el * parolanta papero, en kiu oni sukcesis la Jaro Mtos pretaj por vendado 1.000 apa- « unuan fojon en la mpndo registri sonon ratoj por reproduktado de sono de sur la # sur simpla papero, kiu poste helpe de spe- parolanta papero kaj 20.000 fonogramoj ciala aparato reproduktala homan vocon, sur paperoj. Ci tiuj aparatoj povos krome • muzikon, an kanton. La registrado estas servi kiel akceptaj aparatoj por lokaj « farata kiel por sonfilmo. Tiamaniere per radiostacioj. # nova procedo estis registritaj 60.000 me- Ci tiun novan manipuiadon por registr- troj da papera rubando, sur kiu estas not- ado de sono inventis la sovjeta Inventlsto * itaj paroladoj de sovjetaj ŝtatgvidantoj, V. Skvorcov. « teatrajoj aktoritaj de la plej bonaj artist- cj, popolkantoj de popoloj de SSSR. La eefa avantaĝo de tiu nova agma- (El «La Suda Stelo») niero estas en gia malk'areco. Unu fono- gramo notita sur papero estas kelkcent- foje pli malkara ol fonogramo de sama longeco notita sur celuloido (filmo) aŭ sur gramofondiskoj. Oni scias ke senhalta reprodukto de sur la filma rubando en sonfilmo ne dadr- MILAN RftKiC Bulger* EsparanUsto • FORLASITA PREĜEJO La mafnova bildo de Krisio Jen kuŝas. as" pli longe ol"u"m^txdnr" mal°por"ia EI ,a ripo} nuda* f,uas sanalorenio ; prezentado de sonadaptitaj filmoj devas La okuiojn, Hpojn palajn Morlo tusas; esti uzataj multaj aparatoj kiuj malfacll- Sur la kapo — afireolo el arflenio. * igas la laboron. La reproduktado de fono- . * gramoj do sur la paperoj helpe de aparat- Donac1.. de lama nobelaro pla, _ o por «parolanta papero» povas esti daŭr- La dukaioj oraj sur la koto hells; igata senhalte kelkajn horojn. Por la aŭs- Sur la kadro — oraj* pura ka| oracta,* kultado de unu opera estas bezone multajn Ka, ,a kad ,, ,, , ^ & „ # fopjn sangi la diskojn, kaj sur unu sola •*«•=, # rubando de papero povas esti enflksita Tia kusas Krisio en la templo sola, « tuta akto de unu opero. Kaj klo estas rv„m (,„!♦,. «m... %- m,«r..^„ „,„i„ grave, la rubando el papero estas multe £U™, ™f /a,as ,a Oiallumo mote, # pli daŭra ol gramofondiskoj. Ka» 'f birdoj nqkiaj al rabad sin irenas. La entreprenoj por sonfilmoj ne povas <>„. „_ ,_ , , ,, . , el unu negative ricevi pli ol kelkajn ko- f°la en la lemPl°. kfe iemp vampfras." piojn. La fabriko de «parolanta papero» Malespera Krisio la manojn disliras, » povas el unu originalo ricevi milionojn da Aiendas adepiojn. kiuj ne alvenas... * fonogramojn kaj per la sa kiu oni presas la gazetojn. El U> serba: Josip Gratldja 0 0 0 0 0 Amerika Esperantisto Septembro 1942 American Esperantidt 3 *****************************+** + + + ** + + + *+ + + + * THE.. ROLE OF OUR NORTH AMERICAN ESPERANTO ORGANIZATION. * * *-"" ' """ " * * Sometimes in an unused bit of space, at foot of A column or elswhere, Amerika * * Esperantisto has printed this simple remindert * * " Ciu Esperantisto en Nord-Ameriko devus esti membro de la Esperanto-Asooio * * De Nord-Ameriko." * * Now is it true that every Esperantist in the English speaking part of our continent * ought to support, by his membership, the association familiarly deferred to ae^EAHA", * * or more formally as "E.A.N.A."? Those who are intimately familiar with the Esperanto * * Association of North Amerioa think it is true. Yet not a few students and lovers of * * Esperanto act as if they did not realize this to be vitally true —inasmuch as they * * fail to join the Esperanto "landasocio" covering the region north of the Rio Grande, * * or, having joined, neglect to keep their membership dues paid up from year to year. * * Now the official staff of EANA will readily concede that our bi-national associ- * * ation has not been able to perform all the services whioh in themselves would be desi-* * rable. It has not been able to publish either so large a magazine or so handsomely * * printed a magazine as would be desirable and possible if- a sufficiently large paid-up * * membership would enroll for the Association's support. Our official organ has not * * been able — in its limited space—«to print all the personal news items that might ia- * * torest one or another reader; nor haB it been able, save rarely, to give Bpaoe for * * purely literary compositions in Esperanto. * * But it is well, onoe in a while, to remind all regular and all occasional readers * * of Amerika Esperantisto what the organization, EANA, really is doing and accomplishing* * for the Esperanto movement in our part of the world. * * L. It publishes (partly in Esperanto, partly in English-f or the benefit of outside* * readera and beginners,) a monthly illustrated magazine of eight pages. * * 2. Beside sending Amerika Esperantisto to all EANA members, it mails copies to * * many libraries, to many exchanges at home and abroad, and to many ohanoe inquirers. * * 3. It answers from its central office numerous letters of inquiry about Esperanto * * in general and about specific problems in the Esperanto field. * * 4. It distributes through the mails a large number of informative leaflets and * * other material about the nature, uses, and progress of Esperanto. * * 5. It encourages local clubs and classes, both new and old, in every way it can. * * 6. It keeps in stock and sells to classes and individuals all over the land sever-* * al textbooks and study helps most essential for the use of beginners and advanced. * * 7. It maintains a system of examinations, by which any student of Esperanto may * * have his progress in the study officially tested and certified. There are three grades* * of these examinations, leading to the "Atesto pri Lernado," the "Atesto pri Kapableoo"* * and the "Atesto pri Instruado." (See notice elsewhere in this number.) * * 8. EANA maintains a library for the use of its Book Rental Service; and through * *this service—upon receipt of a one dollar guarantee deposit—it rents Esperanto books * * and groups of booklets to readers who might find difficulty in otherwise securing ac- * * cess to so good a collection of Esperanto literary works. * * 9. SANA encourages the more assiduous reading of Esperanto literature by the de- * * partment called "Esperanto-Rondo de Librolegantoj." A card bearing one star is issued* * (on receipt of bo in stamps) to anyone sending the information that he has read an * * Esperanto book or collection of booklets aggregating 100 pages or over. Cards with * * higher numbers of stars are issued to those who have read increasingly larger amounts * * of Esperanto literature—up to 8-star grade for 15,000 pages and the 9-star grade for * * 20,000 pages. * * 10. Eaeh year from 1908 to 1942 EANA has held a national convention or "kongreso", * * greatly enjoyed by all who attend, whioh gatherings have increased the acquaintance * * among "gesamideanoj" from different localities and given them a sense of solidarity * * whioh otherwise would be lacking. * * Such is the record. E.A.N.A. desires your membership, because every increase in its* * membership rolls increases its ability for serving the movement which you love, and * * which we all love and believe in. The British Esperanto Association is increasing its* * membership, despite the great war so close to British shores. Shall not the Esperant-* * ists in Usono and in our neighbor to the north do equally well? * ********************* **************** ****** * * ■■■■•/■■ Amerika Esperantisto Septembro 1942 American Esperantest a********** ****** ***** ** * * * **** ***** **** ESPERANTO-RONDO DE LIBROLEQANTOJ. A suitable set of "milestones" to mark the successive stages of any * endeavor is always a useful thing. If you wish to start having such * a set of markers as you advance in the reading of Esperanto books and booklets, send * 6p for incidentals to the Director, krs.Franoes MoDowell, 1416 Allison St., N-W., * Washington, D.C., along with a list of the books and booklets you have read in Bsper * anto, (other than lesson books,; and showing the number of pages in each—and the * author's name. ( An estimate may do, if the book is where you cannot consult it.) * Nine successive grades are marked by one to nine stars on the membership oard. * Entranoe grade for beginners, one star, 100 pages; 2-stars, 500 pages; 3-stars, * 1500 ^i.g©s. ihem the additional stars for 3,000,—5,000,—7,500,--10,000,—16,000,- * 20,000 pages. »***-*********** ******* *********** ** ** *** ** • * REMI1IDER CONCERNING SANA'S EXAMINATION SERVICE. * There oan be more than one sort of milestone along any highway. If the * ship oards given out by Rondo de Librolegantoj, as above, measure in a rough asm * ready way one's growth in quantitative acquaintance with Espersmtaĵoj, there is am- * other set of tests, more formal, more searching and soholastio, whioh relate to qua- * litative profioienoy in study. The SANA congress in Detroit voted to urge strongly * upon members of olasses and upon self-taught students that increased attention be * given to the taking of formal examinations in Esperanto. Students in high schools * and colleges faoe periodic examinations as a matter of course, and take pride in * passing them well. Why should not students of Esperanto do the same? Sixes do. Many * others would find it helpful to do so. Do not be deterred by distrust of your pro- * fioienoy. If by ohanoe one should fail the first time, he may profit by the reminds * as to what points he has not studied attentively enough and understandingly enough; * so then he will study to better purpose and enter the examination again. * The Examination Committee of SANA is Professor Edwin L.Clarke of Rollins College, * addressi Box 14, Winter Park, Florida. The moderate fees— whioh seem necessary so * that students may approach the examinations with serious intent—are as followsi * For "Atesto pri Lernado," 11.00 • * For "Atesto pri Kapableoo," »1.00 * For "Atesto pri Instruado," »2.00 * The seoond of these examinations may be taken without having taken the first. Tet * if you are not fully confident of your own profioienoy, it is better to begin with * the more elementary test. Before applying for the teachers examination one must * first have acquired the "Atesto pri Kapableoo." ******* **• *** ****************** **** **•*• ♦ » Geamikoj ! Ai«ujkbor- antoj por nia atero fata la tuta mondo mi sendas mesagon de kuraĝo kaj espero I La junaj Esperantistoj en Britujo nun- tempe kolektiĝas sub la standardo de Tutmonda Junular - Organize (Brita Sekcio), kiu Jus raportis LA PLEJ GRANDAN NOMBBON DA MEMBRO J DUM GIA TTJTA B3ST0RI0 1 Per naciaj kunvenoj, korespondado, pruntado de libroj kaj gramofonaj diskoj, leter-grupoj, Uteraturaj kon- kursoj, k.t.p., la membroj deJTutmonda Junular-Organizo en pli ol 100 urboj tra Britujo penas farigi 'unuagradaj Esperantistoj', por ke ill estu pretaj daurigi la internacian agadon por nia afero tuj post la milito. • * A^^SAJES^i* 'jj^Ti1 *- r^E^nsT-ĵT^ ^S* '■) * • m i » • e » * • * » • smmw ■tmmm *^'^^mSaSŜSHJiSP''^LlilffiMmfii I mTsTsmrWurvro . wAarEftirwRr*^ JBBBBS^BUVr-" • * * (Eldonita de Tutmonda Junular-Organizo (Brita Sekcio), 61 Vandyke Road, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, Anglujo.) ****** 4 EC LA ĈEVAL0J PY^rg bezonae internaoian lingvoa! Jen oltranoaĵo el "NEWS WEEK" de 7-a de aflguato. ship. ment of "English-language" horses to war- busy French-Canadian lumber camps hasn't worked out well: the horses don't understand the commands of French driv- ers. American soldier-teamsters had the same trouble,' in reverse, with French horses in the last war. j pud. add -«pdal maiiad !l t°dd *Mo to aaaat rctpood*i'v or paa^attlia i.,.fir. Uard er.aoamlj by bolb cbataf, boat***** } taacbm dad stidrali. amroaa I.EAIIY PHOTO SBRVICB 1410 H Strtaet, Noa-ilaw».t W.ajhiaiatt.n, D. CX * • • * ******* *****•*••*•******• Amerika Bsperantisto ******** + m m m-m m- Septembro 1942 ************ American Bsperantist ************ * * * * * MAKING ' ONE WAR-SAVINGS BOND SERVE DOUBLE PURPOSB. Almost erery one in our U.S.A. is new putting a percentage of his* ourrent income into War-Sarings Bonds, or War Stamps. The principal* * thought is to help our oexOTed America in its struggle against the * * most powerful enemy that freedom «tor faced throughout the world. * * The faot that eaoh bond will mature, with interest, ten years * * hence is not the principal motire in the purohase. Henoe one will * * not so much feel that he is depriving himself if he decides to don- * ********* a-fca a war Bond, at time of purohase, to some worthy oause. * * One practical result of the Detroit congress was a plan under which friends of * * Esperanto oan give some of their War Bonds to E A N A, as a sort of advance surety * * that SANA will be finanoially equipped for more aggressive serrioe a deeade from now* * when Esperanto in the coming time of peaoe must move effectively forward to its lar-* * ger triumph. We think we know who will be the first donor to BAHA of suoh a bond. * * We wonder who will be the second - and the third - and the fourth - and fifth f * * low there is a vmry praotioal detail whioh must not be overlooked. The ordinary* * or Series "E" bonds oan not be issued in the name of an organisation or of its form-* * ally established trustees. But SANA has selected two of its most loyal members who* * have consented that War Bonds may be issued in their two names as equal joint owners* * on their promise that the eventual proceeds will be transferred to EANA. So if you * * wish to make a War Bond assist both our Government now and Esperanto by and by, * * have it made out jointly in the following two namest * * Joseph H.Murray (of 5935 Cherokee Ave., Dearborn, Michigan.) or * * Mrs.Clara J.Walter( of 4652 Springle Ave., Detroit, Michigan) * * (Worded as above—be sure to get in the "or") * * Por eonvenienee, the bonds may be mailed to the EANA office in Washington, D.C.* * It should be boras in mind that this plan is supplementary only, it will in no way * * supersede the year's need for Patronoj and Subtenantoj, to insure balance in ourrent* * budget. * ******** *********** ************* ************ La Universala Frateco Poemo, kiu ricevis la unuan premion en la literatura konkurso de la Sesa Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Washington * » ■ # * » * * # » Sur ondegoj malpacemaj De profunda, nigra mar', En ŝipet' iras sentime Plej kuraga maristar'. Estas tero malproksima, Ocean' montriĝas nur ; Sur akvaro la senlima Ne briletas ja lumtur'. Raj la nokt' estas malhela, Sed ŝipet' antaŭen iras Sub ĉiel', arkaj' senstela . "Kien iras vi, ŝipistoj, Sur dezerta 1' ocean' ? Cu la morton vi ne timas Pro koler' de l'uragan' ? Kien iras vi, bravuloj, Kion, fratoj, celas vi ? Nur riferoj, ne insuloj Ja troviĝas tie ĉi". Kaj de 1' vento forpuŝata' La ŝipet' antaŭen iras Sur akvaro la malglata. "Niajn hejmojn forlasinte Ni foriris el Patruj' Al haveno ni vojaĝas ; • Ĝi aperos, certe, tuj . . . Ke ĉiel' bela fariĝos» Kaj ne estas pta danger', Ke la maro trankviliĝos Nin certigas la esper'." Ventoj cesas. En ĉielo, Inter nuboj, tremetante, Ekbriletas luma stelo . . . Al ŝipistoj nun similaj Ni laboras kun fervor', Ciujn barojn ni faligos Nur kun amo en la kor'. La espero nin protektas, Dum vojaĝo regas ĝoj', Verda Stelo nin direktas Tra la tuta longa voj' ! Al laboro, kolegaro ! Ni daŭrigu, kuncelante La Fratecon de 1' Homaro. J. B. Mello Souza. Somebody cheerfully handed in money to help our oause to win: WAS THAT SOMEBODY YOU ? Somebody let the years slip by heedless of burdens mounting high: WAS THAT SOMEBODY YOU ? **************** 3a YOOk IgaggMSBIF IA TUB E.A.N. will be appreciated. EANA sem the monthly AMERIKA ESPERAMTISTO to eaoh mambei—and several cop- ies to Foreign. Brehenges and to ■any Libraries. ON BEHALF OF A HIGH IDEAL -JOIM Membership Rates. With Amerika Bsperantisto #2.00 and. if you wish membership in the I.E.L. (international Esperanto League)you can save money by our combination reduced rates: EANA- I E L-Ame riles Esperantisto-and Jarllbro(Yearbook-Erioyolopedia of Esperanto Activities)for $2.75 (saving 25p/). All the above and the Esperanto Internaoia(monthly official.organ of IEL for #3.76 (instead of #4.00.) UNUL00 DONAS F0RTEC0N * * * * * * * * * * • • * • • • * • • • • * • • • • * k * * • • • k k • • • • • • * * • Amorika Bsperantisto ******* ** * * * * * * * «Amu rmo de j3Laiiktjl«." Septembro 1942 American Esperantist *********** Anglo verkita do D-ro Barnabao S hiu- husTat, Ph.D., ■— aliaotao, "Ruga Yulpo," — mikadeveaa indiaoo, ktu. estaa Granda SacV emo do Is Indiana Asocio de Ameriko. Sap- erantigis E.G.Dodge, laupertoeao de la aŭtoro. Muliaj «unoj kiela la matenon, Nokton mtsltaj luaoj belornamia, MultaJ viatroj veaia kaj forpaais, Kaj soaeroj grandanorabraj flamie. Sum trane ends brusto de 1* eteparo — Tra 1* arbarsilento, en izol', ~ Ŝur la ebeaaĵoj — super montoj, PaaVagadia la Bugul», latt vol» ~ Siadefende fas», akra Je okul», longe antaŭ reno de Blankul». Sub araika ombre de 1* plnaro, Lagoborde, eŭt Se rirerflu», En tead&roj lo|is la Butulo; Brills akvo sub Siela blu». lltkaptadis 11, %aa}on sekris, Dion adoris en la frunatea». Vivis 11 konfonae alnaturo, Glltremantt sur la akvebea» In kanoto el arbielo de betul*, Longe antaŭ veao de Blarikul*• Simple 11 edukis la gefileln Sub Sielo, ideja de aafrar', Al easteeo, slnregad^* hoaesto; Leĝp 11a — libereeo nur. La. tmloron 11 apeaaŭ konis De' la intertrlba koaf ©der»; Taoen estls li la sola astro De lando pleĵ bonega sur la tar'* Nur posedb estis 11a rajtpoafcul», Longe antatC veao de Blankul». De 1» Spirtto Grand» 11 la voSoa Fortaa aŬois en la tondra vok»; Ventsraraoro flustraludls vivoa En Belcasa de 1* MbrfcintoJ Lok». Blrdoj.kantls ope en arbaro; Foliobimnoja la orelo trovie; Pro la floroj, granoaaasaj, feelaj, Bonodore Siu vento blovi». Tia lando.— de 1» Sdeno Jen spegul», Longe anfcaŭ veao de Blankul »| * * * ************** ***** » ANYONE WISHING TO SELL A "PLENA VOKTARO" write 0.B.Collier, Box 1311, Detroit. Mioh. ******************* * * i *********** *Ar How Esperanto Aids i Unity of Language To the Editor: Will you some comments on your editorial of last Sunday, "The Future of Words"? Before the Revival of Learn- ing, there was a breaking up of the Latin, Gothic and other languages into the greatly differ- ing modern languages. It seems utterly impossible that all human speech could have had a single origin when consideration is taken of such widely differing groups as the Chinese, the Ameri- can Indian, the Hungarian, and the Indo-European. The growing together of lan- guages is a well defined tendency and your estimate of 5,000 years when they will "begin to flow back together again and grow fewer." is much too high for a beginning, but perhaps not for an estimate of ultimate fusion into one universal language. The flow began many years ago. Witness the use in French of such words as beefsteak and in French and Spanish of the English word club and the use in English of such words as automobile, coupe, chassis and materiel from the French, canyon from the Spanish and ersatz from the German. English, of all languages, has prob- ably the greatest absorbing capacity for foreign words. There are many people who Jlke to think that English may be- come the world language, but it seems unlikely in view of jeal- ousies and the immense difficul- ties of spelling, pronunciation, grammar and idioms. * * * For .11 years, I have acted as the Minneapolis "Delegito" for an international organization of Esperantists, and in that time I have had occasion to use Es- peranto for every purpose for which a language could be used. It is a constant source of amaze- ment that there should exist so k k _________,..,_. k S**^z> /1, ° /9iz y9 • I■■'::: ♦.*■ -Ifflfe.*-. :-■■-. Araeritca li ape rant is to ************** * WAR CONDITIONS HAVE TENDED to focus atlenlion on the Importance of mulual undcrsianding and co-operation among the inhabitants of this western hemisphere, One obstacle is the. difficulty which the several peoples have In under- standing each other. That obstacle was discussed at a meeting of the Pan Amer- ican Interlanguage association held re- cently in New York, at which one of the speakers, Senora Correa, of Brazil, speaking In Esperanto, as did the speakers, urged the study of that lang- uage in the schools of all the Americas. Concerning the difficulty of understand- ing Senor Correa said. "HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST TER- rlfic of the barriers that stand between the American peoples. And this barrier is more difficult to destroy than that of weights and measures, inasmuch as the latter depends only upon a decree of the American government,, whereas the form- er requires an inter-American convention which might have sufficient power to im- pose the aplpication of the same language all over the three Americas. Which lang- uage would It be? Naturally it might be one of the three spoken on this continent: English, Portuguese* or Spanish. But it would be better not even to touch upon such a solution for we would certainly have a discussion that would last centur- ies without reaching a conclusion. The United States and Canada would allege their numerical superiority. The countries in which Spanish is spoken would point out the number ot nations in which the language of Cervantes is spoken; Brazil, hi defense of Portuguese, would empha- size that it is the largest territorial coun- try of this hemisphere, and that the num- ber of its inhabitants is larger than all South Americas Republics put altogether. This discussion would be endless, and the problem of language diversities would remain forever. «ON THE OTHER HAND, THE MUCH trumpeted plan for compulsory teaching of English, Spanish and Portuguese in the schools has, from a practical stand- point, failed miserably, because nobody, September 1942 American ************* * * * * need to attend a private course that lasts from 3 to 5 years of intensive study, be- sides the time wasted at high school. People never learn to speak correctly, un- less they go to live In the country in which the language is spoken. In other words, on the Columbus continent every- thing joins us, but the languages sepa- rate." Esperantist ****** Nur du lingvojn lernu tuĥj Kaj ne pensu pri la triiu Estu unu da I* Patruj', I De I' homar' estu I' alia I 1 * * * * * **.*** GRAND PORKS (n.Dak.,)» HERALD" other 5-26-«'42 In the July-August issue we Th4 ' i\ " ,".........mentioned (page 16)the affi This clipping was sent in by Mrs.Rita Beukema Nuss who is liation of a new SANA but omitted club in the * the address * in fact, gets to learn these languages at school. What is the reason for that fail- ure? The reason for that failure is just the terrible difficulty that the English language presents to the Latins, in which the rules are written in 10 pages and the exceptions in 500 pages. A language in which tire letters do not represent sounds, from which fact there results a series of interniinable mistakes and misunder- standings, even among the people born in tfafc» woSMierfal country. Positively, the English language is even more compli- cated than the complex system of weights and measures used here. The Portuguese and Spanish languages, in their turn, despite the fact that they are phonetic languages, present a very com- plicated grammar to Anglo-Saxon peo- ple If an American citizen desires to learn Spanish or Portuguese or if a Latin American wishes to learn English, both always watchful for anything iters 'tis. Dakota Esperanto in the interest of Esperanto, pioneers, Grand Forks, N.Dale* *********** * * **************** ^ ESPERANTO VIVAS Argentine—La Unua Jarkunveno de Argentina Esperanto-Ligo okazis en Cdrdoba je la 3a kaj 4a de Aprilo, kaj tre bone sukcesis. La Prezidanto de la Kongreso estis S-ro W. M. Goodes, kiu antaŭe loĝis en Romford, Anglujo. Oni diskutis kaj akceptis diversajn proponojn pri pli vigla propaganda laboro estonte, kaj decidis eldoni perkorespondan kurson. Radioparoladon oni dissendis ĉe la stacio LV2, Radio Cordoba. La ĉeestantoj subskribis salutleteron al S-ro Mangada Rosenorn, kiu nun troviĝas en Meksiko. Okazis bankedo kaj tre ĝuinda ekskurso, kaj estas decidite ke la 2a Kongreso okazu en Buenos Aires dum pasko 1943. Aŭstralio.—Laŭ telegramo jus ricevita Australia Esperanta Asocio tiel bone progresis, ke ĝi nun estas sufiĉe granda aliĝi al I.E.L. kiel Landa Asocio. Finnlando.—Areto de finnaj Esperantistoj kolektiĝis la 26an de Aprilo en la hejmo de staeiestro H. Salokannel en Jarvela. Oni vigle diskutis pri la propaganda de nia lingvo. Finnaj soldatoj ĉe la fronto ie aranĝis kurson. S-ro Rasku raportis pri la nova ligo de popoloj, kiun kelkaj svedaj sciencistoj ŝajnis iniciati. La kunvenon interesis precipe la novajo, ke la ligo intencas uzi nianlingvon kiel internacian. La gazetoj en urbo Lahti vaste kaj favore raportis la kunvenon. Palestine—En nia lasta numero ni raportis, laŭ informo en brita gazeto, ke la 4a Landa Kunveno okazis en Tel-Aviv. Tio ne estas ĝusta ; la kunveno okazis en Jerusalemo je la 5a kaj 6a de Aprilo. Prezidis D-ro Immanuel Olŝvanger kaj jen kelkaj elĉerpaĵoj el lia prezidanta parolado. "La nova sento ne venis en la mondon por fbrigi el la homoj la belajn sentimentojn, kiujn ilia naskiĝo kaj ilia vivo enplantis en ilin, kaj inter kiuj ni eble pli ol aliaj multe ŝatas la sentimenton nacian. Sendŭbe, ĉiu el ni estas ligita per ligiloj de amo al sia popolo, kies eterna personeco vivas tra la formortantaj generacioj en la nacia lingvo kaj literature Sed tio precipe estas la esenco de la Verda Internaciismo, ke ĉiu ajn el ni estimas alinacianojn ne malgraŭ, sed ĝuste pro, la naciaj diferencoj. En tiu senco ni deklaras ke ni, estante forte ligitaj ĉiu al sia propra nacio, estas same forte ligitaj al la granda Tuthoma Familio. "Nia idealo pri la lingva eduko de niaj infanoj estas, ke de la unua ekbrilo de ilia intelekto estu enplantataj en itin tiuj du egalvaloraj, egalfortaj principoj : ilia aligeco al ilia nacio, fortigata per la nacia lingvo, kaj ilia aligeco al la Tuthomara Familio, fortigata per la lingvo internacia." Svedujo.—La 36a Jarkunveno de la Sveda Esperanto-Federacio okazis en Boras je la 23a-25a de Majo. Ĉeestis proksimume 150 personoj, kaj la Kongreso estis brila sukceso. . La Blinduloj.—Ni ricevis de S-ro W. P. Merrick en Shepperton, Anglujo, interesajn raportojn pri blindulaj aferoj diverslande. Kvankam normala funkciado de blindula agado devis grandparte ĉesi pro la milito, tamen lastatempe informoj atingis S-ron Merrick el diversaj landoj, plejparte pere de interesa letero de S-ro Harald Thilander en Svedujo, skribita lastan marton. Laŭ ĉi tiu letero, mortis en Ceĥoslovakujo la blinda aŭtoro Oskar Baum. Kontraŭe, niaj blindaj amikoj ĝojos audi ke Kapitano Silhan, la blindula kondukanto en Polujo, ankoraŭ vivas en Lw6w—almenaŭ li estis tie lastan someron, kiam li skribis al S-ro Thilander. Oni konservas en Svedujo kaj Anglujo monsumojn por restarigo post la milito de la internacia brajla gazeto Esperanta Ligilo. Esperanto Internacia Julio—AOGUSTO 1942 **** ******** ********************************* 8 Araerika Esperantisto Septembro 1942 American Esperantist ******** ********** ******* *** ******** *********** * IVOOK HEN1AL SERVICE, - SUPPLEMENTARY LISJ OF. jgflOJlS, MR RQQELS1R, * Our May number listed 102 books and 45 booklets (the latter in groups of 5 booklets * * each) which may be enjoyed by patrons of the "EANA Book Rental Service." Since then, fur- * ther generous donations ana long period loans have enabled us to offer the following add- * itional works: * * Larger Books — between 300 and 600 oaves. * * * Rural (most extensive of. novels by Julio Baghy.) * * Tridek Jarojn en la Ora Nordo (Jan Welzl.) Authentic adventure in Siberia and Alaska. * * Romano de San Michele (Axel Munthe.) Well known novel. * * Petrolo (Upton Sinclair — based on "Teapot Dome.") Two volumes, each over 300 pages. * * Universale Esperanto-Methodo (Wm.S.Benson.) Vocabulary defined by 11,000 pictures. * * * * Smaller Books — between 75 and 300 pages. • * "§i" (Well known novel "She" from the English of H.Rider Haggard.) * * Sango kaj Sablo (ibanez.) Novel of the bull fights. * * Panny (Translated from novel by Edna Perber.) * * La Naiveco de Pastro Brown. ( From the English of Gilbert Chesterton.) * * La Viro el Franoujo. ( From the Dutch, by Ivins.) * * Pinokjo. (Story by Marchesi, translated from the Italian.) * * Homo de Dio. (Story by Hladky, translated from the Czech.) * * Oriento. ( Several stories from Java and India.) * * Romano pri Afrika Bieno. (From the story of spiritual struggles, by Olive Schreiner.) * * Laŭroj. (Stories winning awards in earliest Esperanto competition, 1908.) * * Konturo de la Lingvonormigo en la Tekniko, by Eugen Fuster. (Technical vocabulary.) * * Historio de la Mondolingvo (Hohlov k Nekrasov.) Covering projects of 300 years. * * Rumana Bonhumoro. ( Bits of good cheer from Roumania.) * * Lilio. (Original novel in Esperanto by an Australian, E.A.Sinotte.) * * Reĝo Lear. (From Shakespeare.) La Multekolora Libro. (Short stories and sketches.) * * La Aventuroj de Marteno Drake. ( by G.Norway.) A novel of adventures. * * Pri l'Moderna Arto, illustrated. (Deals with "cubist" and other radical schools.) * * Petro. (Reading book for beginners, published by SAT organization.) * * Poemoj el Hungerlando. (Small collection of poems from Hungary.) * * La Origino de 1'Homo. (Scientific treatise, tramslated from Sir Arthur Keith.) * * Ellernu. A reading book for intermediate students^ by Szilagyi. * * Bhagavad-Gita. (Leading work from Hindu Bible, "-translated by F.V.Lorenz.) * * La Vidvineto, by L.C.P.Carriero Neto. (Short romance from Portuguese, Brazilian looale.)* * Ora Libro. (Personalities and events in Esperanto history, 1887-1937.) * * Proverbaro Esperanta. (Proverbs collected by father of Dr. Zamenhof.) * * Ses Noveloj. (Translation of six short stories by Edgar Allen Poe.) « * Additional Booklet Grpups. * (The following are all from "Muusses Esperanto-Biblioteko," published in Netherlands.) * » Group "J". No.l. La Grandaj Filozofoj kaj la Universale Lingvo; No.3. De Muhedin gis | * Mundilatin; No.5. El la Klasika Periodo de Esperanto; No.14. La Problem© de Lingvo Inter- * nacia,(Dr. Bjom Collinder:) No.4. Tra Usono kun Ruliĝanta rlejmo ( Joseph R.Scherer.) f * Group "K". Nos.d k 7. La Kongresaj Paroladoj de D-ro Zamenhof; No.10. La Jubilea Kongreso * de Esperanto, 1912; No.11. La Ora Jubilea Kongreso de Esperanto, 1937; No.18. Flugado §|; * Alimonden (Ernest G.Dodge.) '** * Group "L". No.2. Rusaj Noveloj; No.8. La Avo (el la Hungara;) No.9.La jusnaskito(el la * * Hispana;) No.12. Nordnordaj Fabeloj (illustrated;) No.13. Tri Rakontej de Ivan Sirjasv. * * * * Remember that the enjoyment of as many of the works held by the Book Rental Service * * as one may desire is obtainable on these simple terms. Send to E.G.Dodge (1471 Irving * * Street, N-'W., Washington, D.C.) the sum of one dollar as a guarantee of good faith, and * * specify the book or group of booklets first desired — preferably naming second and third * choices as well as first choice. The rental fee charged against the deposit is only lCfi* * for the first four weeks, except in case of books exceeding 300 pages, which rent at 15/« * The number of readers availing themselves of this privilege has been steadily growing* * but the collection of works is now large enough to meet the needs of two or three times * * the present number of users. * ************** * * * » ********** ****************** } * ' ■■' ilgADIw!i IS -THE KEY TO KNOWLEDGE ******* KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS ■ ' » »************„* ****** * **********************