*& 1942 FKBRUARO 1942 ^^J * 0 •: * a1 *3 *T :• ♦! # t Mi ĵuras lojalecon al la atandardo de Usono, kaj al la reopubliko kiun |i simboligas, unu naoio, hedivid- ebla, kun Libereoo kaj Justeco por Siuj ▼ ESPERANTISTO V 1942 FEBRUARO 1942H- I pledge allegiance to theE ''lag of the United States g. of Amerioa, and to the % ©public for which it0> tands, one nation, ndivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. 1A NOWATA Number 4..* * BOLTSMO 01 £A BSPBRAItTA-ASOCTO DE NOREA AJOBUXO Joseph Laanr.Oaaaral Secretary Contra Ofioejo 1410 H Street,».w.WaehingtonfD.C. ©antral Offiee J,R.S*berer,*ree.Loe Aiutelee.Callf .--I.O.Dodge,^ •*•• **.*»»»•*»« •• • * • . * 0*0 00 000000* * * * * # q aumoer ■*%' » * »1.00 per year—anywhere **»♦*» 10 o per oopy* * » February 1942. *P * eef********* # * l. Hfe ®* CANADA. NEW ZEALAND jfit 0|«j . * *• * IS 0VTCH AUSTRALIA, CHINA wSaR gg * » * 4c ***• uniWs^uNTJECO * DONAS^F^RTECON^^bS^ * S-rp C.C.'goldsmith, ^enerala Sekretario de la Internacia Esperanto-Ligo, en * Anglujo, skribis: * lŭalgraŭ la milito Esperanto progresas "bone en Brituio, kaj * mi tre esperas ke ankaŭ en via lando ni vidos la saman fenomenon. * En Britujo IEL ricevas pli bonan sŭbtenon nun ol antaŭ la milito; * eu ankaŭ tiel okazos en via lando? Ni esperu, ke jes, sed ni ankaŭ* esperu ke la" milito finiĝos post ne tro longa tempo, komfreneble '»'* per venko por niaj landoj. * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oh my yes? Your office boy has to examine, very closely, much of the, material sent in for publication, to detect digs," slaps," "punches",-etc., inimical to individuals or organizations", to elimi nate controversy, and publish only what he deems of interest to the greatest number. That is why so much, that may have seemed very im- portant to the writer, pales under the glass. Be careful folks — * The other fellow's nationality, religion, politics pr opinions are as dear to him as * your's to you! Selah. * * * * * * ***** * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * « « * « « • ft Considers Esperanto * Valuable Aid to Patriotism. To the Editor at the Oexette: One of the listeners to my broadcast about Esperanto wrote that at present, When the main struggle against Hitler» I'm Is led by Hngitsh-epeaking people, It Is unpatriotic to advocate Bsperanto, Instead of promoting the study of Eng- lish. - I believe this opinion is wrong and excusable only to those, whose horison U narrow and whoaa limited knowledge of the English language precludes them from understanding en the incongruities and difficulties of quiok or thorough learning of Bngllehs I take the liberty to call attention to the following facts! The majority of the people who hate Hiuerism and fight against it as sol- diers (Russians. Chinese, Free French- men, Czeeht, Poles, Norwegians, etc.) and considerable number of colonial forces of the English army do not speak English. Add to them the brave guer- rilla warriors of Serbia and other ''con- quered" nations and you will see the Immense importance of immediate adaption of an International language, as auxiliary to everybody's mother tongue. ** * * *****•**> *-X*-X*-X In IBOt the fallacy that advocating Esperanto Is unpatriotic, was refuted at the London Eeperanto Congress by Dr. Zsmenhof who spoke in Eeperanto. In part, he said: "We often are, liable to hear that we, EsperantlsU, are hot good patriots, because many of ua hold the idea that the international language in- tends to bring understanding, justice and brotherhood between all the na- tions. They say we cannot love our fatherland exclusively and above all other countries. Against such false, low and malicious accusation we protest meet emphatically. While the peeudo- -pstflotism, t. e. racial chauvenlit, It part of common hatred, whloh is-de- structive to everything, the true pa- triotism is a part of the great world love, which builds, preserves and makes happiness. The Bsperantlsm which preaches love and patriotism, Which also preaches love, cannot be enemies." I believe that dissemination of the knowledge about Eeperanto without delay will help us and our Allies and therefore I am doing a patriotic duty keeping before the public the banner of "Green Star," the Symbol of the inter- national language Bsperanto. Little Rook. Capt. F. A. Poet. + + + + + + + ■*+ + + **JlM* + + + + + * ALWAYS WEAB THE GREEN STAR* * tmjSPEkANf 0 EMBLEM*: Every Esperantist should * proudly wear one.* * * * •* Green baokground* ĥ * GoldennE" and ball Jkr1 * proteoted points* TJ*4 * Sorew-baok fasten* * ing, 40o. Safety * ***,** oatoh for Ladies wear 50a.* * made by the Kiowa Indians * * of Oklahoma.Green and V/hite * beads on Leather back with* * Safety Catch 35 cents. * Amerika Esperantisto Februaro 1942. American Esperantist ************ * * * * * * * * * ***************** E S P E R A N T 0. " F 0 * THE DORAnOI.' * Our country, the land Of pur loyalty and love, is at war. The months, * and probably year» immediately ahead of us are bound to disrupt, in a de- * gree nobody ban fully foretell, the routines and conveniences of life to * which we have grown accustomed in long years of peaoe, and a rising stan- * .*"*.* *'*'** dard of living* Yet the role Amerioa must play in a titanic world struggle * is not going to fill: every hour of the American citizen's waking time, nor will it oon- * sume every dollar whioh he may rightly spend, over and above the bare neoeseities of * * food and shelter* * » There will still be moving piotures; and Softools; and ohurohes, and book-of-the- * * month olube, and bridge parties} and candy counters} and roller skating} and bowling} * * and danoing) and baseball} and purohases of magazines; and trips to the country; and * * collecting of postage stamps, etc, etc. Some of these things are oommendable in them-* * selves* Others are of less value, but at least innooent. Certainly there will be less * * time.and less poney for some of these things than has been going into them in times * *' of peaoe. But everybody, when he feels the pinch of war conditions will oontrive some-* * how to haŭg onto the things he prises most.?He will out down only on the things whioft *j| * seem to him less imperative. * ■ * v How will; the Esperantists of Amerioa classify their vital and their incidental in-* * terests during the coming period of great stress? * * Many years ago a story went the rounds about a ohuroh going family in comfortable * * ciroumstanoes who were uncommonly pious and who considered the financial support of * * foreign missions one of the major ooncerns of their life. Sudden financial reverses * * out the family income to less than half, though with hope of eventual recovery. At the* * Sunday dinner table they were discussing what personal sacrifices each could make, so * * that their contributions to missions need not be out down. The father and mother said * * that for the next year they would do without tea or ooffee. George and Susan said they* * would do without butter on their bread. But Freddie had nothing to say, until he was * * directly asked what sacrifices he Intended to make. "I've been thinking about that," * * he confided, "thinking about it pretty seriously. And I've made up my mind I will do* * without salt maokerel. 7fe don't have it very often, and I don't like it very well any-* * how." Similarly it might ooour that among thOsA who in the past have enjoyed being * * classed as Esperantists, some may be found who will consciously or unoonsoiously imi- * * tate Freddie. They might decide that they never Iworked very hard at Esperanto anyway, * * giving it only a secondary place in their interest. And so now, if it beoomes a little * more inoonvenient to devote a few hours weekly tc|.studying or reading Esperanto, or to* * spend several dollars a year in the support of Esperantism as a movement, they might * * say to themselves, "Hot now, sorao other time when things are easier." * * But what a mistake—if anyone,after once listening to the good tidings of Esperanto,* * should now turn away from its aotive support, in these times when the need for its mes- * sage is more evident than ever before{ * * It Is true—and freely granted--that the cataclysm of war shuts off certain avenues * * fbr' Immediate praotioal application of Esperanto. But what about the peace, that shall * follow after the struggle? President Roosevelt has emphasized that mistakes whioh fol- * lowed the previous contest must and shall be avoided this time. One mistake in the * * period'of readjustment around 1920 was the failure to accept, definitely and officially, * Esperanto as a language for all the peoples of the world. A committee of* the League of* * Nations cordially recommended it, yet definite action was missed,--missed by only a * * narrow margin in the balance of forces. Shall not the faith and cooperative labor of * * Esperantists hold as their goal a confident purpose that next time this issue shall be* * decided right? To make such viotory probable, it is needed that all bodies of Esper- * * anto adherents maintain themselves in a state that is strong, active, and wisely guided,. * Meanwhile,everyone who has drunk or even 3ipped at the Esperanto fountain and found- * * its waters sweet, owes it to himself to keep on studying and reading in the beautiful * * language and in its signifioant literature. And he owes it to the greater oause for * * which Esperantism stands, that he continue active paid membership in EANA,that he seek* * out new members for EANA, that he maintain activej.paid membership (with Yearbook and J" * magazine)in the International Esperanto League, that he support his local club aotivi-# * ties, and that he add to the books on his own Esperanto shelf. If doing these things # * shall seem harder than before, he will contrive to retrench somewhere else, but not in * his Esperantism. * * Don't so act that a finger oould be pointed at you, with the accusation: * * t " He was only a ' Salt Mackerel ' Esperantist 1 " * **'************* * * * * * ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amerika Esperantisto Pebruaro 1942 American Esperantist '••**** * * * * * * * _*__* ** ** ***** ***** ************* ****>. ,# »{ PATRINO SCHEEER -~ ^ TONBBTtAig. Multaj Esperantistoj en 8iuj anguloj de Usono eklernos kun sincera bedauro, ke S-ino Mary Soherer la patrino de Joseph R.Soherer, Prezidanto de SANA, mortis en Los | Angeles, la 16-an de januaro, post longedaŭVa malforta sanstato. Felice, la malsano estis sen grandaj doloroj, kaj la fino estis sub- ita. La enterigo fariĝis en "Forest Lawn,"fama parksimila enterigejo kiu havas la aspekton de bela kaj paoa pejzaĝo, sen ia sugesto de morto, kie la tuta naturo ŝajnas paroli fle pri mizero kaj funebrado, sed pri la belo de vivo kaj la ĉiama espero. Ciuj tri filoj ĉeestis la solenan oeremonion. S-ino Scherer estis en la 66-a aĝjaro. Si estis vivinta 50 jar- ojn en Svislando, sed almigris Usonon post la morto de sia edzo, 8ar en Usono jam tiam loĝadis 8iuj filoj iiaj. Se iu estis iam ajn"Esper. antisto, per anstatauanta,"estis ŝi. Persons 8i ne majstris ĝisfunde la Esperantan lingvon; sed al sia mondekonata filo, Jozefo, ŝi estis multajn jarojn tre vigla kaj e8 necesa helpantino.en multaj porespen antaj laboroj. Car ii vo.jaĝadis kun li, en "rulifanta hejmo, tra 40 usonaj ŝtatoj, kiam la filo dediSis sin al la laboroj de profesia prelegisto, «5iam pri<|» reklamante Esperanton. t?e la prelegoj, Si helpis lin en diversaj roloj, zorgante pri la lumbildprojektorq, disdonante Esperanto-ŝlosilojn kaj reklamilojn, ktp. Si ankau akompanis lin dum prelegistaj vojaĝoj en diversaj europaj landoj. Al li li dedi8is sian libron: "Cirkau la Mondcm kun la Verda Stelo." S-ino Scherer havis tre multajn geamikojn en Siuj partoj de Usono kaj Eŭropo. En la lastaj minutoj de sia vivo Si bab- ilis ke post resaniĝo ŝi denove iros al lernejo por fafciĝi usona civitanino. Sed subi' ĉesis bati ŝia bona koro. Al la filoj kaj parenooj, ni esprimas elkoran simpation. * * En la bildo (supra) kun S-ino Scherer estas la vigla hundeto "Skippy" kiu protek-*# , * tis ein kaj la sur-radan dometon kiam nia prezidanto devis viziti universitatojn kaj *# *. * lernejojn. % *************************************•"******** * A FEW WORDS THAT SEEM A BIT 'TRICKY. ' A beginner in Esperanto meets with so many* * words which explain themselves by resemblance to English, that he sometimes falls into ■* * the error of assuming that every word which looks like something in English has the,mean-* * ling which thus suggests itself .But the facts are not quite so simple. For words change * * their meanings, and sometimes in rather startling ways. Who,for example, now realizes * * that "nice" originally meant "ignorant"? Or that "silly" had the meaning of "fortunate"* * or "happy"? Or that "real" meant "kingly"? * * Now some of the words of Latin origin which appear in modern languages have ao- * * quired a different meaning in Frenoh, or Italian, or Spanish, from what they have in Eng- * lish. And when Esperanto adopted one of those roots, it had as good a right to use the * * French or the. Italian; significance as the value it has in English. * * Here are a few examples of words which trip up the beginner, or sometimes an old-* * er student if he has studied superficially. "Efektive" does not mean offactively,, tut * * "actually" or in fact. "Aktuala does not mean actually, but "of current Interest" or up- * to date. "Eventuale"does not mean eventually, but "possibly"sometime in. the future. * * "Atendi" does not mean attend (as one attends a college,#r as, a man attends to business);' * it means "wait." "Taksi"does not mean tax, but"appraise" or classify. * * In some cases an Esperanto word fits one meaning of an English word but not all of* * its meanĝingsvThus "pensi"is to think (in the sense of exercise the raind;)but it is not * * to think in the sense of opine, (or as the Yankee says,"gue3s") To think in this latter * * sense is "opinii." "Porko * "look at"(but not to "regard * ing" Esperanto as the true solution of the language problem.) "Rimarki" is to "noticV'or* *,observe, or to take note of; but has nothing to do with speaking or "making a remark." * *.,.If one studies Esperanto attentively he will find that it sharpens his attention to note* * many fine distinctions of idea which in the hurry of everyday chatter pass unnoticed. A*******.*********** ************************ *** ,it, n ,,«*"*» ^n*"*"*" *" *h*h„ii *«*H*n* n *n*n ,11. "*,«*"*"*"» '•* »»"» «*••*»,'•» * /TV -/*s==R\w/g:=^*»»/g==s=^ : (£) :^^=^iS=^^ _. _ V-/ * Kontrolu la daton sur via membreca karto kun la supra monazo. * \r_^/ * ' tt*ii.»,"»"*" *M*«*»*n*"*ti*iiwi'*"»n.H»«»"*ii»"*i'."»"."."*"»"»"*"»n*"*" . * ************ **** ******************* *i«. *-,******. «JT* -*.*»v ■ \ «■* •—•rf ****— —■*■—"■-—■ —' -»*—*/ — J/ O"v *"■" ■/ "*• V WiiJ.*.***. J.AA U11J, tj -at )" is a pig, not pork;(the latter is "porkajo.") "Rigardi" is to* Sard" in the sense of '"esteem" or in the other sense of "regard-* 4 Amerika Esperantisto Februaro 1942 American Esperantist ************ * * * * * * * * * * * ******* ****** ********** * TsV DILETTANTISM VERSUS PRACTICAL CHOICE or THE PARABLE OF THE TELEPHONES. JL * * ** " ; /irmin F.DonelT ! * m * * " After Dr.Zamenhof's language ESPERANTO had long been well established, one Louis * * de Beaufront "reformed" it with doubtful improvements and began disseminating it under * * the name "Ido" (meaning "offspring") And ever sinoe, there have been others to try de-* * Beaufront's trick by adding their own personal preferences to Ido until it became Ilo,* * Novial, Occidental, and numerous other remotely related language projeots. * * All this dilettantism naturally had a weakening effect in the international language * * movement and delayed it, because some people dabbled successively in one after the other* * of these still born projeots, before they finally adopted ESPERANTO for their use. * * But there was a remarkably large number of people everywhere in the world who were not * interested merely in philologioal hairsplitting but were interested in, the praotioal * * functioning of an auxiliary international language. They agreed that ESPERANTO, sans * * "improvements" fully satisfied their needs for a means of effective communisation,in the* * the most efficient manner, and they agreed to continue using it regardless of the innov-* * ations created by the faddists. They believed that through continued practical use of * * a basically sound and ingeniously constructed language all necessary modifications would* * be made through usage, and the language would grow and develop according to the demands * * made on it in a growing and changing world. And that's what happened. ESPERANTO has'* * grown sturdy and kept pace with modern life in every respect. It serves adequately in * * all phases of human activity. ESPERANTO has grown rugged and has flourished throughout * * its 54 years of existence, so much so that it stands head and shoulders above all its * * predecessors and "offspring." It oan be claimed without exaggeration that the users of * * ESPERANTO outnumber the total of adherents of all other projects. This is well attested* * by the large directories of numerous international Esperanto organizations, publications* * and international ESPERANTO congresses, of which some were attended by more than 4000 * * delegates from 35 countries. I personally ban testify to the tremendous advantages in * * the use of ESPERANTO during my travels through 13 foreign countries. While in Europe I * * found ESPERANTO everywhere. But I never met a really fluent Idist while abroad. , * * If a man were considering the installation of a telephone in his home, and had the * * choice of connections with two different networks of which one was many times larger * * than the other, he would naturally choose the one with the greater number of subscribers* * regardless of the boasted technical superiority of the smaller system. Just so, those * * who choose ESPERANTO give evidence of their good common sense; their extensive contacts * * with the world greatly outweigh the inconsequential perfections (claimed) of the langu- * * age projeots that are being constantly meddled with and revised. ESPERANTO'S growth and* * perfection come through use, as is the case with every language. ESPERANTO is stable, * * well established and adequate." * * From the September number of the "EMANCIPATOR" * ***************************** **** ************ * The above article was called forth by references—or bids for consideration—of the * various*"attempts" at the production of international languages. Armin knows his subject» * * ************** ************ ********** ******** Msmmamsws bbchitib bespbotxio- a vm ibtiib-ambbicaj toeibpbise. b» twelfth * * number of «Istu Preta,« prepared aad issued by the Youth Department of SANA, has recent-* * ly lee» distributed by the mreeter, George J. falgier. Besides giving the addresses # * of young people ia Eaglaad and South America who deoire Bsporaato correspoadeaco, it # * contains the e^erieace of aa old Isporaatist crossiag the Atlantic aad winning new Imp-, * erantists on shipboard! also a travel story for the young "by Hiss Boris Tappan. Those ^ * desiring copies can obtain them from iSTU PHEfA, Winchester, 111. , * Distributed together with the present number of Istu Preta is a two-page leperan- # * to annoaucameat by S-ano falgier, telling of his collaboration in a plan, initiated by , * i-an© George A. Connor of lew York, for publishing a mimeographed quarterly magazine in # * four languages, (Esperanto, English, Spanish, Portuguese,) devoted to furthering friend-, * ly acqxaintanoe among the countries of the lew World* The price in TJ.S.A. is announced * as 40# iter year. According to the announcement, the first number will be distributed , * ia at least 1*000 copies, largely to libraries, one half in North America and half in * latin Jjaerie®. Advertising rates, one line 10F, half page $3.00, etc. Subscriptions, * donations, and advertisements will be received by George J, falgier, Winchester, HI, * * * * * Amerika Bsperantisto Februaro 1942 American Esperantist *********** t » * » » * » # * * * ******_****** ******** NIA I1STTERNA IDEO SSMAN TAEANO * * * * De tempo al tempo ni aŭdaa, aŭ legas,; ekspozicio en' New York, li esprimia, ke ke la interna ideo de 1' Esperantismoj' li vidaa en ĝi simbolon de interpopola ., . viAin,i0 hi-» estas war sentimento; kaj oni pruvas, harmonio. Kiam famaj muzikistoj ri- erari°» D10i°5^J ", , klare, ke helplingvo neniam povos al-| fuzis partopreni en la Granda Operejo 6tfno*torS80iSvp v » porti paeon al la homaro. Oni eĉ dekla-,. de Romo, Italujo, car en tiun operdomon ektro. Val° Z8JF«oi mas al ni la unuan paragrafon de la oni ne enlasis personojn de fremdaj Speoiala-edukado. * Deklarado pri la EsperantiBmo, ke &a\ rasoj, ill klarigis, ke muziko estas in-** ********** alia ideo an espero, kiun tin an alia E$- ternacia, por ĉiuj egale, same kiel la BSPEBftffT9 ROHDO-AMIKA. * perantisto ligas haw la EsperawtismpA suno brilas por ĉiuj egale. Kiam lalasta 26 Huntington Avenue, * estas lia afero, tute privata, por kin la Pola registraro enkondukis geto-segojn Boston, hold monthly * i?speronitsm© ne responaas. por Judaj studentoj, multaj profesoroj meetings—everybody * Tio donas impreson, ke ĉiu homo en rezignis de la universitatoj, klarigante, welcome. Hisses Orloff* la mondo raĵtas havi sentimentojn, ĉlu ke scienco ne konas diferencon inter and Buswell were host-* povas revi pri pli bona homaro, escepte raso kaj raso. Scienco estas internacia. e8se9 at the January * de ni, Esperantistoj, car oni tuj kulp- Se oni povas kombini la mond-ekspo- meeting, where .» rtn» * zicion kun la bela sentimento, car ĝi entertainment witlr're—- havas internadan karakteron; se oni freshments, music and * povas kombini muzikon kun tiu bona games were enjoyed. * sentimento, car muziko estas internada; Their Zamenhof Birthday 'igos nin, ke hi havas nur sentimentojn, kaj per Esperanto ni volas alporti paeon en la mondon... Oni kulpigos nin, ke Esperanto kreis en ni sentimentojn, kiujn ni antdŭe ne havis ... Sed ĉiu, kiu konas la historion de Es- peranto, scias, ke nia lingvo neniam ternacia, — kial do ni, Esperantistoj, se oni povas kombini sciencon kun la nobla sentimento, car scienco estas in- anton. Niaj; unuaj samideanoj estis pEZIRAS KQRESPONDI * David D.Bartholomew, * 819 S.3 Ave, Boseaan,* Montana, Usono. Ril- * ate literaturo, geo- * social was a grand suocess-enjoyed by many page book of Songs and allogitaj al nia lingvo ne pro la prak-, fcn^i^^^Tut^ jLfi*0^" Uymns-with music-trans-' tikaj celoj, bed pro gia interna ideo. J?°». a ^2X11,^?.?■?„ oii£™ latioM •»* oriSinal8'r La plej granda parto el nia originala ?r^0' 2fJr^?ti£^,«Ln v?aW Mias "* E.Beatty, * * literaturo, kiel La Espero, La Tagiĝo, tnM^lV^^lT^ rf^LŜ ~* «-«"«-*««. Ohio. * * La Turo Babuowa, kaj multaj, multaj 2^ «^*S?^? ™a--lS v^? * aliaj verkoj de niaj unuaj samideanoj ^kK"ftow"'(ae 0m pUŜa8 mn' kom- spiris kun la interna ideo. Sen tiuj PreneDie^ * sentimentoj ni havus nek Esperantist- Ni, Esperantistoj, kunigas la motoron * aron, nek liferaturon. Ni eĉ ne havus kun la aŭtomobilo, kaj ni havas moder * la lingvon Esperanto. nan, oportunan veturilon. Ni kunigas * Esperanto1 ne estas la sola ideo, Ides la animon kun la korpo, kaj ni havas * adeptoj ligas kun sentimentoj. ĈIU vivantan estaĵon. Ni kunigas la lingvon * bona ideo, cu religia aŭ sodala, ĉiu mov- Esperanto kun tiu bona, nobla kaj hu- . ado, ĉiu fenomeno kaj ĉiu grava okazo mana sentimento, nomata en ma lingvo . en nia mondo, estas ordinare ligita kun • *+ Interna ideo de la Esperantismo", pli altaj celoj: plibonigi la mondon kaj faJ. *" ,laboras P°r V,1. amhau. kumgitaj, * kunf ratigi la homaron. vrJ m ^™ por ih ambaŭ tael longe, * Kiam nia Prezidanto de Usono havis *"j'■•/*? tZ&fgSSL** h0mar° »sian malferman paroladon ce la mond- *" ^6™1 ben *f*ktonĝos. * * * * * * * of Cardington, Ohio, She donated the" entire* edition to an Orphan's* Home .Price prepaid 60e* address: EAHA offioe * ************ gpaafico Edzino: Cu vi eiiras ?* Edzo: Jes. * Edzino: Kaj kiam vi * revenos ? * Edzo: Se plaoos al mi, * Edzino: Bone, sed ne * unu minuton pli maIfrue ****** *' * * * * * Mrs.Mary Scherer and son, Joseph H., and their "Rolling Home" whioh carried them through forty states 1936-7/ °n ~Teoture tour. * * * * * * * * ■»** *********************** ,'x ME POROESU LA 1942 KONGRESONCE. DETROIT X« 6 Amerika Esperantisto Februaro 1942 American Eaperantist ******** * •* *** * * * *** *** * ******** *** ********* * ***** SlCBiĴlHFJfl FOB TEE BOOK BJPTAL 8EBTI0B OP E*A*N*A. NOW RAPE FA8Y. When our October issue published the first announcement of a plan whereby SANA would lend good Esperanto literary works for the moderate rental of 15/ for large* bcoks and 10/4 for smaller books,this was done on an enperimental basis, aridf as initial deposit of $2.50 was then re- quired (balanoe later returnable) as a seourity for the careful hand- ling of valuable books. During recent correspondence, suggestions have been feoeived that the initial deposit be at least out in half, in or- der to make the service more attractive to everyone, young or old,vet- eran or comparative "komenoanto", who may desire to read any of the books on the loaning-lists. Trusting to the thoughtfuiness and prompt-* ness (honesty is, of course, taken for grantedi)of our Esperantist comrades, it has been decided to make a drastio reduotion in the ini- ******* * * *ial deposit required, whioh hereafter will be only one dollar(($1.00) * It is hoped that many will be glad„to embrace the opportunity thus placed within such*. * easy reach. Those who do sowill assuredly find their Esperanto life made the richer by» * having stored among their "clotures in' the halls of Memory"some of the excellent works * * now available for rental. Books may be retained four weeks for the modest rentals above* * listed; if not returned within that time, then an additional 5/ for each additional 2 * * weeks or fraction thereof. Correspondenoe in connection with this service is sent NOT * * to the general offioe of SANA, but to E.O.Dodge, 1471 Irving St.,N-W,Washington, D.C. * * If interested,"don't let 'by-and^-by'cheat you out of what you could do in 'moments * * nigh'."In addition to the first and seoond lists of books (54 volumes in all)published * * in the October and November numbers of "American Esperantist", the SANA BOOK RENTAL * * SERVICE now is able to add a third list, as follows; * * Larger books (from 300 to 600 pages.) * * L.L.Zamenhof, "Originala verkaro," oontainihgfpersonal correspondence and his magazine * * articles on Esperanto and on "Homaranismo." * "Bela Joe" by Marshall Saunders, being the "Black Beauty" of the dog world. * "Jimmie Higgins" by Upton Sinclair, translated by Karl Froding. * Smaller books (less than 300 pages.) * "Cirkaŭ la Mondon kun la Verda" Stelb,"by Joŝe^h~HTSoherer, President of EANA. * "Fine mi Komprenas Radion," by E.Aisberg; science popularized; original in Esperanto; * \ but of such interest as to be translated into at least.twenty modern languages.) » "La Hispana Tragedio";events of 1936-38, translated from the Holland Dutoh. »>"Palaco de Danĝero" from English, translated by Edward S.Payson. » "Kaptitaj en Nubio," from the Polish if 8ienkiewic*. * "Al Torento" Esperanto original by which Stellan Engholm of Sweden first gained fame. * "Hindb Rigardas Svedlandon," Esperanto original by Lakshmiswar Sinha. * "Atta Troll," long poem, translated from the German of Heine. * "Eŭropo 8e la Abismo," from the Italian (1924) of Francesco Nitti. **********,*****■*****•*•*********************** "ESPSRANTISMO"»*»BROSuRO DE ISMAEL GDMES BRAGA. El Brazilo, Jus * alvenis al nia oficejo 32-paga bela libreto, titolata "Esperantismo"* Si enhavas dekon da gazetartikoloj, lerte verkitaj de la fervora sud- amerika samideano pri diversaj aspektoj de la movado. Gi traktas, * i.e., pri Esperanto dum la milito; pri Tutamerikaniomo; pri la kialo* de la venko de Esperanto kontraO ceteraj lingyaj projektoj, (kaj la * vaneco de oiu klopodo trovi ian varianton de Esperanto kiu estus pli* praktika au pli akceptinda ol Esperanto mem>) pri la vizito al Bra- * zilo de la usona Esperantista duopo, F-ino Doris Tappan kaj sia on- * klo, George A.Connor; pri 14 indaj laboroj de tri brazilaj kolegoj,» come, Tobias Leite, Odilon Vidal de Araujo, kaj Francisco Valdomiro * Lorenz; kaj pri "religiaj lingyoi."-Skz.J la hebrea, la sanskrita, la» Tamael Gome» Brag» £reka, la latina, la araba. . ( * Pri la temo laste citita, S-ano Braga parte dirasi * * "El vidpunkto religia, mi jam aOdis de diversej kompetentuloj, ke neniu alia traduko * » (de la Biblio) estas tiel fidela al la originaloj kiel la Esperanta. Kvankam mi ne estas* * mem kompotenta, mi ne povas dubi pri tiu fideleoo, car nia Majstro estis genia traduk- * * anto. Ni konas liajn tradukojn el la germana, pola, rusa, angla lingvoj, kaj soias, ke * * tiaj tradukoj estas veraj mirindajoj pri fideleco. Do mi nur deziras,^ke la amantoj de * * la BIBLIO gin atente legu en Esperanto, la estonta religia lingvo de.ĉiuj popoloj." » ********************* ********* **** Vidu paĝoh * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ft* * * * * ******* "ESPESANTISMO"(paĝo 6) * Tiam sekvas tre inter- # esajanonoo, noma, ke • alia grava religia ver- * Awrika Btperantisto Februaro 1942 Amerioan Esperantist * * ************* *** * * * *,4,* ******** *i ESPERxaJN'1'O STILL LTv ES to receive me and be my host and guide. I, have • put Esperanto to the more severe test of meeting The following Utter, which has been a Utile shortened, complete strangers haphazardly* on the street or in • appeared in "The BnrnUy Express" (5 November), the cafes. I certainly haye had some agreeable * Your "correspondent has evidently been enquiring meetings and surprises in this way, and have never # into Esperanto, and comes to teU us all about it in had much difficulty vnth Esperanto /»T»+.— —«— -- last Wednesday's issue under the heading ," is pleasant to recall toe sailor ashore at KO.lelStara monumento * "Esperanto Stilllives I" Well, what did he expect Vmefranche frpm the Chrhan tattie cruiser ; toe de la religia menao m it to do? Perish? Japanese visitor in the Alpes Mantimes; and the . . i.° B The fact that we are now at war doesn't mean Norwegians on the terrace at the Casino, Monte °^.on£a'-ia Bhagavad «.that an idea of such importance as an international Carlo. Not quite so happy were the two Esper- Uita,"estas baldau ap- » language can die when it has once been ?£"** I »?** at' th,e ^estEn? Racecourse m «ronta ell tre bona established 1 Ostende. One was a Czecho-Slovak newspaper man, «««» o« via uoaa • Only one language can serve the purpose of an ihe other ta American pugilist. We pooled our Lsperanta traduko, el # international medium, and that language must be knowledge of racing, but the totalisator paid la presejo de la Bra- * simple, practical, and neutral. Now one language someone^ else It was a sad day. Evidently n EsT,ePantl-tBrft • onlf answers that description—Esperanto. How Esperanto and[racing don't mix ! «J-a ŭsperantlataro. » does it ? you ask. What test has it had ? I can SeeAag my Esperanto badge,.quite a young seal TiU traduko estas tell you about many successful congresses held in approached me in a boat creasing from Dieppe to plenurŭita de S-ro Fran, •many lands; I can give you a long list of names of Newhaven, and spoke to me in Esperanto. She J\ v„|,"„,° ? rran" # # eminent people who support the Esperanto move- J"» * Swiss going into service in Scotland. The 01800 Valdomiro LoreilL, * ment, or I can tell you of governments who have following year, Burnley Fair fell one week later, bone konata kielaattoro * •used it successfully. But then you may say that as it does some years. As I went aboard I again . - ♦.«•«rlnVi+-b nn-™-^ • # these are not nice governments-they're not «3ouEht °* tffis girl anH-stmngely enough-on £6 la Braduklta poemaro * English I - tbe_m)oex deck then she wnsaeauvl She had tieeri- DlVer3kolora Bukedeto * • I'll just be "content to say that Esperanto has home to see her parents in Geneva. I asked her (EAHA VendaS "Div.~"Bukf « # at any rate served me well in various trips abroad, if we should meet again the, following year. -She. s-^s- „_--_ ocV In Paris, on the St. Lazare station, the first thing replied: No, she was going io_ Geisiŭsin*-laser. ' _>* P^eso dO« . ♦ that caughjt my eye was the familiar sign "Way out" Who knows where she is now I """ 9 in Esperanto. I went out, and at the entrance to I have had many such experiences, even in the the station found an information bureau, with Antipodes. I have attended congresses in Sydney * clerks speaking many languages, including Esper- and Auckland, where I talked with-Esperantists 9 anto. From the Esperantist. clerk I got toe from Fiji and Honolulu. information a traveller requires without much These; things just show me that Esperanto is * difficulty. 1 could have had the information from practical and neutral. And it must be simple, 9 the English-speaking official, but I thought it a good" because I learned it I opportunity to satisfy myself that all the other As a working man I have been able, to enjoy a * clerks, the German, English, Italian, Spanish, etc., certain amount of culture and travel through the # would be needless if we were all taught Esperanto, knowledge of Esperanto that would otherwise have I was satisfied, and still am. bpen impossible. And if you want the same, you * At an Esperanto congress held in, Antwerp I can learn Esperanto easily and cheaply, and get # iconversed with people of many countries without afty help you require from one of the local societies, much difficulty. Often, when groups were breaking If you don't want these luxuries, and incidentally * fip, we would ask one another whence we came, to help world progress, well, that doesn't bother _ iThe reply would be Spain or Italy or Iceland or me. I've told you about it, anyway, and it's you 'Iran, or perhaps just England. who are missing the 'bus. * " I have never made the practice, as many Espex.- ?*BErTKJH ESPERANTIST*'^1'- Stansfteld « iantists have, of arranging with a local Esperantist ' ft * * * * * * * * * * * * ********************* SUD-AMERKO Brazil', simbolo estu de eterna am' steloza via flago kvarkolora ; la verdb-flavo de l'standardo dini ja : Pac' en estonto, la pasinto glora 1 Nia movado akiras novan forton en La -vtgleco de ntn J0fB»v*Jŭ «L »ud- * Ameriko estas diversmaniere konstatebla. * La brazila gazeto, 0 Brasil Esperantista, « aludita en nia lasta nmnero, denove iw llluy_ ttMi„ „„y_ -------- w «. , raportas lnteresajn kaj grayajn okazaĵojn, Argentino, kaj en Buenos Aires kaj aliaj t inter iH la jenajn :— ... centroj montriĝas multe da intereso. » La Brazila Instituto de Geografio ka] En Rosario nun loĝas angla samideano Statistiko starigis "perfektiĝan kursoh" s_ro w jf. Goodes, kiu multe antaŭen- de Esperanto por la oficistoj de la Ŝtataj puŝas ^ aferon fcaj lastatempe instruis * statistikaj servoj, kaj ĝin aliĝis ankaŭ rektmetode al 70 komencantoj. Multaj ( diversaj ofiastoj de la Instituto mem argentinaj turnaloj kaj gazetoj eldonas , kaj de aliaj oficialaj institucioj kaj ....... .--... - "departementoj : ' la tuta lernantaro sumiĝis 55. Samtenipe estas kursoj pri 1 teoria kaj aplikita statistiko. La kursaro t inaŭguriĝis la 2an de julio. La oficiala , instruisto por nia lingvo estas nia » * * raportojn kaj artikolojn pri la lingvo. Koresponda kurso, nun administrata de la nova Argentina Esperanto-Ligo, ĝis septembro fjceVis 200 lernantojn. Estas decidite de. fa Ligo, estonte eldoni ĉiŭmonate sian organon Argentina Esper- antisto, al kiu ni kore deziras grandan disvastiĝon kaj longarr vivon. ' Esperanto JntxkKACI* ********Vhi**** ** Lettars for publiaation suggesting peaoa talks * with the enemy at this stage of the world con- * flagration are tabled» * ":r,alks"in this time of * strife would be as fut- * ile as trying to quench * a raging fire by whist- * ling at it. Peace pacts * recently have spelleds * TREACHER Y. * ****_* malnova samideano S-ro A. Couto Fernandes, kiu tiel longe kaj senlace laboris por la movado en sia hejmlando. En la numero de O Brasil Esperantista £lkS°Sj "poZ? SLTS-vSSt >m — *~*i- ^oaULO: de la brazila nacia himno : el ĉi tiu * F.A.Post, has just opened an * traduko ni citas unu aparte belan * Esperanto olasB in the Bahai ' '•* Center, Little Rook, Arkansas.♦ ******* ****** * *** ******** * strofon * * * * Sise l\x2% « Leahy Photo Servioe * 1410 HSt., W-Wfjwhingtonf" ******** ****** * * * g Amerika Esperantisto Februaro 1942 American Esperantiet «««««***«**«««««««««««««««« «««««« «««««♦*«*«««» * BOOK L IS T . (Feb. 1st) * * The first six books are American publications—with no limits on orders—the others* * being foreign, only a small number on hand—and the possibility of replenishing stock * * rather remote—when you order a foreign book, mention 2nd or 3rd choice. * * ESPERANTO HOME STUDENT,James Robbie, 10th edition (1938) 27 lessons with keys to each, * * (Grammar, Pronunciation and Word-formation clearly explained.For CL&SS or SELF study 20/ * PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF ESPERANTO,Dr.Ivy Kellerman-Reed, 4th-edition (1938) 144 pages of * * grammatical explanations, dialogs and full exercises, both into and from Esperanto.For * * beginners or advanced students. Suitable for CLASS or SELF*INSTRUCTION. ..... . 60/* * FUN WITH ESPERANTO,Prof .C.C.Br'istor, Vooabulary consisting of words you wish to use. * ♦Time saving devices. Evereyday conversations. Interest holding........... .65«* * EASY COURSE IN ESPERANTO, Karl Froding, The adjective tells its story........10/* * AMERICAN POCKET DICTIONARY, Karl Froding, 80 .pages of English-Esperanto and Esperanto- * * English, with essentials of Grammar and Word-Formation. Whole words listed—instead of * * roots only as in so many others. Worth much more but sells for only........•25a'* * ESTU PRETA.George J.Falgier, Esperanto-English Key. A very handy little book......5/* * ESPERANTO KEYS, Pocket site, English 5/; Spanish 7/; Portuguese 8bj French 6/. * * Amerioan-Spanish-Esperanto Key. Slightly different from European Spanish.......20c* * GRAMMAR AND COMMENTARY.Major General Cox, An authority the world over for many years. * * hundreds of explanatory words and phrases..................... $1.00 * PRACTICAL COURSE IN ESPERANTO, Dr.Fereno Szilagyi, a very popular course, (Illus.) 60* * * EIJJ3RNU, Dr.Szilagyi,a very popular course for advanced students. (Illustrated). . .65c* * ESPERANTO, INSTRUMENT OF MENTAL TRAINING. A reprint from "EDUCATION" magazine.(This is * * an able article from the pen of Prof.E.G.Dodge) 5/ for one;35/ for 10; 20/ for 5. * * PROGRESADO kaj la PASINTECO,Cloth, $1.00. LA VOJO RETURNE,Paper, $2.00. * * POLIGLOTA VADE-MEKUM de INTERNACIA FARMACIO, Cloth, $3.00. LA FARA0N0,(3 volumes, dam-** * aged)75/-for the 3. MONUMENTO DE KARLO BOURLET (a oolleotion of articles from "REVUO"--* * at the time Dr.Zamenhof was its editor—Bourlet was a oo-laborator) paper 60/. * * LIFE OF ZAMENKOF (Translated from the Esperanto original)paper $1.00. VIVO DE ZAMENHOF * * by Edmund Privat, paper, $1.00. KANTARO ESPERANTA, 358 songs-many familiar in all the * * world, translated and compiled by Montague C.Butler, 60/. HYMNARO Esperanta 50/. * * DIVERSKOLORA BUKEDETO, a book of poems, 25/. KARL PIACAS AL Vf (As you like it)by Dr. * * Ivy Ksllerman-Reed,Cloth 50/, paper 35/. ESPERANTO por INFANOJ (Illustrated) 50/ * * ESPERO, the Esperanto hymn, with words and music—double sheet, both 11 16, one for 15* * or two for 25/^ (Every olass or club should have this itern^ * * PERIODICALS in ESPERANTO and National Languages. * * BE IN THE "KNOW" oTToreign affairs pertaining to Esperanto, by subscribing for some * * of the following; (still getting through, though somewhat irregular) * * "BRITISH ESPERANTIST", in Esperanto and English. Monthly since 1904. Per year 75/ * * "0 BRASIL ESPERANTISTA", Esperanto and Portuguese. Braxil-is noted for its famous wri-* * ters in Esperanto, of Originals and translations, and its great enthusiasm. Yearly $1.00* *** «««««««««*« « ««« «««*««««««««««««,« ««««««« ««««« * YOUR MEMBERSHIP in the E A N A WILL BE APPRECIATED.' * * The EANA sends the monthly AMEUIKA ESPIIRANTisTO to each member^-and several copies to * * Foreign Exchanges and many Libraries. It answers numerous inquiries from those wishing * * to know more about Esperanto activities. It appoints and direots several committees, est- * ablished for promoting the Esperanto cause in various ways. It sells Esperanto Textbooks* * and other publications. Holds annual congresses, whioh promotes acquaintance among Es-* * perantssts and awakens new enthusiasm. * * BY YOUR MEMBERSHIP AND PAYMENT OF DUES. YOU HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF AIDING IN ALL * * THIS WORK ON BEHALF OF A HIGH IDEAL. * * MEMBERSHIP RATES. * * "With Amerika Esperantisto $2.00 and if you wish membership in the International Esper- * * anto League (IE L)also, you can save money by our combination reduoed ratesi * * EANA and IEL, with Amerika Esperantisto and the Jarlibro (Yearbook-encyclopedia of Esper* * anto) for $2.75 (save 25c). All the above and the Esperanto Internaoia(monthly official * * organ of IEL) for $3.75—instead of $4.00. * *• *««*«««'«««**««* ««««„«„* **«««,,,,„,,«*«**„,,„*«»„ * The ADDITION of ESPERANTO to your mental equipment will SUBTRACT little from your time, * * but will -MULTIPLY your pleasure and DIVIDE,your interests into numerous pleasant fields.* ♦-ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA, 1410 K St., N-W,------/JasHINGTON, D. 0.-----i----* »»•*»***»**«********»*•«,«»*«, „»„»«»„„„„3 ««*«««