JI 1942 JANUARY 1942 J^l V *t oZP»tV a uMi juras lojaleoon . E *1 1» atandardo de cUeono, leaj al la rea- * 0 publiko, kiun ĝl * aiaboligas, unu naoio, I nedlTldebla, kun * S liberaoo kaj justeoo it it a a * * a ft * * it it it tit it * * N U A R 1942 ▼ ESPERANTISTO "> LA MONATA BDLTENO DE LA ESPERANTA-ASOCIO DE Joseph Leahy,General Seorotar NORDA ANERTXO Joseph Leahy,General Secretary Centra Ofloalo 1410 H Stweet.H.W.Waahington.D.C. Central Office J.R.Soberer,Free.Loe Angelas.Calif. —E.G.Dodge,Ch.Bxee.Conan.Wash.D.C. U N 0 E C 0 E S I A S P 0 R ,T .0 . o Number 3.* * * $1,00 per year—anywhere ****** lOo per oopy* * * * January 1942 *■ * IH&K fiK C A N A D A. N E W ZEALAND jfH 1*3» . • Us DUTCH AUSTRALIA, CHINA RUSSIAN* I» *- * * * * * * * * * a * * a a a a a a a a * a a a a a a a a a a a a a * «^JSSSVNTJECO * DONAS * FORTECONg**»*.» TUTXORAK BORDEZIRON POR LA NOVA JARO x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x#x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x L I t A N The world grows old in sorrow Yet dares to hope again For peaoe restored tomorrow Like sunshine after rain.) When New Year chimes are ringing Their promises of joy, With those whose hearts are singing Please count your OFFICE BOY. 1942 * * * * * * * * * * * * * a a a a a a a a a a a * a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a * * ** * * AL VERDA STELO GEFRATARO. * Karaj Gefratoj: " ~~ # * Danke al neantaŭviditaj cirkonstancoj kaj mia * < propra eraro, la 3a kaj 4a VSG bultenoj ne aperis en "Amerika* ■Esperantlsto .La retulto estas ke la direktoro preskaŭ per- * Ĵ dis^la kontaktojn kun la steloj. Do, ni necesas renovigi nian* ****** agadon kaj prepari planon por la novjara agadoj tial mi petas* * ciujn membrojn kune aŭ aparte skribi al mi tuĵ, almenaŭ postan karton, # * sciigante ke ill ankoraŭ deziras daŭrigi la agadon, aŭ volas sanĝi, aŭ * * sugesti ion. Krome, ni devas havi du vic-direktorojn,—unu por crienta,* * aliajpor okcidenta parto de USONO, mi invitas la gefratojn sin proponi * * por ci tia ofico aŭ rekomendi iun por mia aprobo. * * Do,donu vi la slgnon ke nia Gefrataro ne estas morta. * * P.A.Post, Direktoro, # * Route #5, Box 606, Little Rock, Arkansas. * ** *********** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 Amerika Esperantisto Januaro 1942 American Esperantist ********* **** ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************ * HP* A WORD TO THE NEWER READERS OF " ESPERANTAJOJ," * * In 1937 EANA set up a department called"Esperanto-Rondo de Librolegantoj" for the * * purpose of adding further stimulus toward regular and progressive reading of the splen- » * did literature which already exists in "nia kara lingvo" and with whioh many Esperanto * * students are too little acquainted. Each person desiring to register in the "Rondo" * * writes to Mrs.Frances McDowell, 1416 Allison St., N-W, Washington, D.C.,(and sends six * *' cents (6/) in stamps, to cover incidentals) and gives her a list of Esperanto books (not* * lesson books) which the person registering has read,naming author and number of pages in* * each book so listed. In return the member receives a small green card containing one or* * more stars. Each star is like a "milestone" marking the end of one stage in your Esper- * * anto career. It has the same sort of meaning for each of us who is thus registered that * * passing from one grade to the next in a public school has for all the pupils. * * Naturally one's facility in reading increases with practice. Hence the reading of * * larger and larger amounts of the literature is required as the number of stars increases» * This present article of reminder will say little about the well seasoned veteran readers* * who have placed many,stars on their cards. There is, in fact, one member of the Libro- * * legantoj who has already read more than 30,000 pages of Esperanto literature, and three * * or four others who have read more than 15,000 pages. But just now we wish to emphasise * * the earlier steps in the delightful and laudable process of becoming acquainted with the* * literature available in and through Esperanto. It is seriously desired that a great many* * more of those who have read no more than one or two hundred pages of the literature shall * take the trouble to register as "One-Star Members" of the Librolegantoj. Somewhat later* * these will for the most part wish to qualify as "Two-Star Members", as until one has read * at least five hundred pages of Esperanto he is in the position of one who stands on the* * shoreof a lake full of attractive islands but who has not taken the trouble to take an * * easy trip in the sight-seeing launch and visit some of the islands.So here is the table * * of requirements for the more easily attained grades of the "Esperanto-Rondo de Libro-leg- * antoj." * * One-Star, 100 pages; Two-Star, 500 pages; Three-Star, 1500 pages; 4-Star, 3000 pages. * * It is believed that a feeling of modesty is holding back many who are qualified for * * One-Star or even for Two-Star membership. For that reason your name will not be published * until you give permission. But EANA would be glad if frequently it could publish a short* * note reading like this:"From the city of YOURS there have been enrolled since previous * * reports 12 new members of'the Librolegantoj, namely, eight in the One-Star grade, three * * in the Two-Star, group, and one Tri-Stelulo. In addition, four of the previous members * * in that city added an additional star to their cards." Here is a hint for new Esperanto* * students who have not yet read so much as a hundred pages of our attractive literature.* * The Central Office of EANA has a number of booklets in stock which are specially reoom- * * mended for new students of the language.For a fuller list, see former numbers of "Amer-* * ika Esperantisto" For convenience just five of the most popular are here mentioned (in-* * eluding two of which the stock will soon be exhausted.) Any two of these booklets will * * more than cover the prerequisites for an "Unu-Stelulo" in the " Rondo de Librolegantoj!!"* * "Sep Ridoj"-very entertaining, 64 pages, 25c. "Princo VancI", a fascinating ethical * * fairy tale, 95 pages, 25c. "Lando de Argenta Akvo", a tale of the Navajo country, tinged* * with tragic romance, 46 pages, 25c. "La Fantoma Edzino',' 31 pages, 16c(only 7 copies left) * " La Karto Mistera", 44 pages, 25c (only 3 copies left). * ♦ IK************ * * * ************** ******** ****** * * BOOKS IN ST0CK--as stock is small, be sure to state 2nd and 3rd choice: * ♦"Progresado kaj la Pasinteco",Cloth,|1.25. "Krestomatio", Paper, 75c (l damaged for 50c.)* * "La Vojo Returne",Paper, $2.00. "Fundamento de Esperanto", Cloth $1.00, Paper 60o. * * "La Senlingvulo", Cloth, $1.00. "Poliglota Vade-mecum de Internacia Farmacio",cloth $3. * * "Paul Debenham".Paper, $1.25. Single Volume of 5 theatrical plays, $2.50. "La Faraono"* * (3 parts-damaged-) 75c. "Monumento de KarloBourlet, Paper, 60c.'Vivo de Zamenhof"*JPaper>* * coyer, $1.00. "Life of Zamenhof" in English.Paper,$1.00. "Himnaro Esperanta" 60c."Kant- * * aro Esperanto" 50c."Nia Mesmistero", 50c. "Facila Legolibro", 35o. "Internacia Legolibro* * 50c. "Ciutaga Vivo" 25c. "Internacia Frazaro" 25c."Internacia Dialogaro" 25c. "Patroj- * * kaj Filoj"(damaged)50c "La Devo" 35c. "Diverskolora Bukedeto" 25c. "Kiel Plaĉas al Vi" * * Japer 35c,Cloth 50c."Petrolo"( Vol.2)Cloth $1.25. "Esperanto-Hispana-Amerika Vortareto" * * paper, 20c. "Fabloj de Ezopo" 25c. "Komuna Kantlibro"(Songs and Music)30c. " Ellernu" * * (advanced Esp.course)65c. "Practical Course"(Szilagi)50c."Grammaire Complex",75c. * * "L'Esperanto en dix Lecons" 35c. "Esperanto por Infanoj" (Illustrated)50c. "Proverbaro- * * Esperanta" 60o. "Lingvaj Respondoj" 60c."Fundamento de Kvakerismo" 75c. "Tatterley" 75c* * "Espero"( double sheets, song and music)15c-2 for 25c."Esperanto-Spanish Keys"7o. * * "Esperanto-rortuguese Keys" 8c. "Fun with Esperanto" 65c. "Reed's Practical Grammar" 60c* * "Esperanto Home Student" 20c. "American Pocket Dictionary" 25c. Central Office EANA. * ******* ***** **** **** * * ***** ******************* * » * » » # # # * * * * * # # * AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO ************* WEDDING BELLS JANUARO 194J. AMERICAN ESPERANTIST ****** ************** •* Miss EUGENIA SICARD of * * V Oklahoma City, and Mr. Rein * hart Olsen of Staten Island,N.Y. * were married Deo.11, 1941, by * Rev.Roy Rutherford, in Oklahoma * City, Oklahoma. Miss Clara Harri- * son and Mr.Eugene Brust attended * the couple. A reoeption was held * at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Bruce *'Walker. ' HU * Hearty Congratulations— * in whioh we are quite sure * that all who attended the * 1941 EANA Congress will join ♦us, and will all carry plea- * sant memories of Eugenie-and * her very efficient work—of * making everybody happy, and glad they had met her. *************** 3 ********* * ALWAYS WEAR THE GREEN STAR* * THE ESPERANTO TeimT.Kjf % * Every Esperantist should * * proudly wear one.* ***** * Green background* I * *************** * And here is a real novelty* * made by the Kiowa Indians * * of Oklahoma.Green and White * beads on Leather back with* * Safety Catch 35 cents. * *************** * * « « * # » * * « * * AN INTERESTING INNOVATION. George Irving Savage, whose home is Arlington, Mass.,is now living in Ilion, N.Y., instead of sending out the usual care* that is found in the store for seasons greetings, he sent a beautifully, written 2 page * * letter, outlining his activities of the past yearr-Congratulations for something new. * ********************** ****** ****************** * LOS ANGELES ESPERANTO KLUBO estas denove tre agema. De 1927 |is nun la klubo havis ciu-» *monate kunvenon en restoracio. En Nov.1941 kunveno okazis en la nova hejmo de la kluba * * Prezidanto Joseph R.Scherer. La domo estis plenplena da gesamideanoj. Montriĝis lumbild-* * oj pri Hindo-Cinujo. AnkaQ funkcias semajna kurso por komenoantoj gvidata de ,s-ro Charles * Hornig;same semajna kunveno de Konversacia Grupo gvidata de samideano Peterson. AmbaS * * semajnaj kunvenoj okazas en la hejmo de s-ano Snell, nova kaj fervora Esperantistino. * *************************** ******* ************ * * ABOUT PLACING OF THE HYPHEN. When a word must be divided at end of a line it is des-* * HT irable that this shall in no way damage the clarity of * * the sentence or the ease of reading it. Zamenhof inclined to be very liberal toward the * * users of Esperanto by allowing them to divide words in whatever way they found most con-* * venient. He even refrained from interposing any absolute veto against carrying a single * * letter over to the next line, as "aparteni-s."But in tolerating such extreme license he * * was surely"temporing the wind to the shorn lamb." For that delayed "s" changes into a * * past tense what looked like an infinitive when first read. * * St.Paul in writing to one of his churches said, "all things are lawful unto me, but all * * things are not expedient." And the same principle can be applied to these Esperanto pro-* * blems. It may be "lawful" to divide a word in a queer way, but it is"expedient" to avoid* * danger that the sense shall be obscured for even a split second. Especially it is wise * * never to divide one of the formative affixes, like "eks-","ad" ,"eg","iĝ","il",1san1*, etc.* * Notice how in each case a false first impression would be created by dividing words as * follows:"skribi-sto","tran8i-lo","bone-gulo","konstrui-gis", "manĝu-jo","Meksika-no."^ * That unpleasant slap in the face is avoided by the proper division,"skrib-isto","tranĉ- * ilo","boneg-ulo","konstru-iĝis",(or"konstruiĝ-is",)"mang-ujo","Meksik-ano." * When the root itself must (or might) be divided, some authorities say to let a single * consonant go always with the following vowel: "va-loj","pa-go","kole-rema"; and to split* * between two consonants, with certain exceptions:"zor-gi", "sol-vi", but "pa-tro","a-kvo"* * "pro-krastiV Such rules have no absolute or binding authority and may be neglected when* * a better division is possible. Many will feel (and not without considerable reason)that * * clarity after all is the supreme consideration, and that this makes it preferable to * * write "val-oj","paĝ-o","koler-ema". Such conservation of the undivided root prevents the* * reader from being in doubt on the root's meaning for the half second needed to return * * the eye to the left of the page. » * * Ernest G.Dodge. wf * ********************** »»**.*** * * * * ************ 4 Amerika Esperantisto January 1942 American Esperantist **»*¥****** **♦****»***»* + *******».♦********»»< * SOUTH AMERICAN CORRESPONDENTS ** YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Every person who has reached the * * stage of serious'conviction regarding the value of Esperanto to the world in general * * (or to himself in particular) will want to use his Esperanto in one or more practical * * ways. He will not be content with saying nice things about. Esperanto. or with going * * through a beginner's lesson book and then pushing it aside. In time of peace multi- * * tudes—especially in Europe—made good use of Esperanto during their travels. Now in * * war time that avenue for utilizing Esperanto is largely blocked. The use of Esperanto * * for the reading of interesting and important books and booklets coming from many coun-* * tries is still available to all. But there is a third major use of the international * * language which is found in corresponding with persons in many countries, whereby out * * of strangers they first become acquaintances, and then in many cases become aotual * * friends. Through the contents of letters and cards so received one gains a feeling of * * direct contact with distant lands which books and newspapers alone can never give. * * Other countries begin to seem like part of one's own "greater homeland". Their welfare* * becomes part of your welfare. Again we must refer to the war. It has out off for the * * present the possibility of corresponding with most of the countries under Nazi domin- * * ation. This limitation serves to make Esperantists all the more eager for correspond- * * ence with the"gesamideanoj" in the lands which are free and friendly. Arrangements * * have been made between our office and the two most important Esperanto magazines in * * South America for an interchange of service in furthering such correspondence."Argent-* * ina Esperantisto" will publish each month, without cost, the names of a limited number* * of Esperantists in Usono and Canada sent to them by EANA as persons desiring to corres- *-pond. "fjBrasil Esperantista"will do the same in each of its bi-monthly issues. Every * * reader^n^hTAĴmsrTica Esperantisto" who would like to have his name appear in the "Deziras* * Korespondi" columns of one or both of thoee megazines is invited to send name to the * * EANA office, 1410 E Street N-W..Washington, D.C. If too many requests are received in* * any month,EANA will send to South America such number as may be possible, giving pre- * * ference to names first received. Please indicate whether you wish general correspond- * * ence, correspondence on some restricted topic, or a mere exchange of cards or stamps. * * Your own occupation and some hint as to your age group will also be a useful item to * * mention. TTe in"return will publish names of persons in those two countries who make * * known to us their general wish for correspondents in North America.Owing to the recency * with which these arrangements have been started, only the following names ( all from * * Argentina) can be published in the present number: * * F-ino Cecil Keifgot, studentlno de filozofio ŝatus korespondi kun nordamerikaj gesami-* * dearioj. Str.Viamonte, 2439, Buenos Aires. * * Franko Morozoff, preslaboristo, 18 jara, deziras koeespondi kun gesamideanoj pri 6iu * * terao. Str. Tupac-Amaru 1132, 3uenos Aires. * * Primavera Gutierrez, 12 jara lernantino, ŝatus korespondi.Str.Tupac-Amaru 1132,Buenos* * Aires. Estrella Villafranca, 11-jara lernantino, deziras korespondi kun samaĝa ler-* * nant(in)o. Str.Mejico 2884, Buenos Aires. * * Egidio H.Luraschi, 26-jara radiotelegrafisto deziras korespondi nur kun samprofesiulo * * S£r. Leandro N. Alem 24, San Andres F.C.C.A. * « ,;. -X- -S- ******** *********************** * * : m, DETROIT VOKAS VIN >- « x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x X K I 0 M D A AM IK 0 J VI H A V A S 7 7 X X Oni diras ke libroj estas niaj plej fidelaj amikoj. Ill estas ciam pretaj nin servi.X X Hi nin instruas, konsolas, gojigas. Libroj ni kondukas al paradizoj kaj inferoj, al X X fremdaj, malproksimaj landoj kaj al la interne do nia koro, eĉ el nia animo.Vere, oiu X X bona libro kiun vi legis estas kaj restas via intima amiko, kiu neniam vin perfidas, X X sed ĉiam restas preta por servl vin denove. Sed kiom da amikoj vi havas 7 Kiom da X X Pa£°j vi legis 7 uu estas sekreto de via koro 7 Esperable nel Diru al la aliaj memb- X X roj de EANA, kiom da amikoj vi havas en la Esperanto-literaturo. La "EANA-R0ND0 de X X LIBROLEGANTOJ" urge invitas vin sendi liston de viaj libro-amikoj. Vi ricevos honoran X X ateston, kaj via nomo aperos en "Amerika Esperantisto" kun 1-2-3-4-5-6 au 7 steloj de-X X d-ende de la nombro de paĝoj legitaj. Vidu sUKalia paĝo pri pliaj detaloj. X X Jen interesaj demandoj! Ne plu prokrastuJ Align al la RONDO. Instigu ke aliaj gesami-X X deanoj de via urbo sendu listojn de siaj legitaj libroj. Diru al la ceteraj EANA-mem- X X broj kiom da libro-amikoj vi havas. X X (Vortoj de nia saĝa prezidanto-Jozefo R.Scherer) X x»x»x»x»x*x*x»x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x»x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x«x*x*x*x*x*x*x X NE F0R0ESU LA 1942 K0NGRES0NĈE, DETROIT X X"X*X*X*X*X«X-X*X*X'X»X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X«X*X*X-X'IX*X*X*X*X*X*X''X*X*X*X''X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X Amerika Esperantisto Januaro 1942 American Esperantist 6 * * e*************************************,,,,,^^^ m • HONOR RPLL of PjISONQJ kai S U B T B N A N T n ,T * June 1941 to Jan. 1942 * SSPERANTO SOCIETY OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN. ESPERANTO SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK * * Robert L.Davis, Detroit, Mrs.Clara J.Walter, Detroit, Joseph H.Murray, Dearborn, Mich. * * Miae Graoe Randolph, Greenville, R.I., Arthur C.Ballard, Auburn, Wash., Wm.George Adams * * Seattle, Wash., George Irving Savage, Ilion, N.Y., Dr. A.M.Sohwager, New York, N.Y., * * Louis Dormont, Brooklyn, N.Y.,Mrs.Lee M.Wainman, Little Genesee, N.Y.,John Futran, Brook- * lyn, N.Y. Dr.G.P.Ferree, Chenoa, 111., A.E.Regal, Chicago, 111., A.S.Mellichamp, Peoria,* * Ill.,Mazah E.Schulz, Long Beach, Calif., Mrs.Luella K.Beeoher, Lima, Ohio. Charles E. * * Simon, Cleveland, Ohio. George B.Wrenn, Ashland, Ohio. Herbert L.Thompson, Honolulu, E.I.* * E.G.Dodge, Washington,D.C., William Plampin, Washington, D.C. AKCEPTU SINCERAJN DANKOJN.* *"*" *"*•»*"*" *«*"*»< *«*H*w*n „n *tt *,« ^w^ii^ti^ii^ti^ti^M^ii^n^it^n^n^M^ti^n^ft^it^M^M^n*"*"*";^*" *"*"*''*»* * BILLIONS F OR WAR _j, * * HOW MUCH FOR PEACET HOW MUCH FOR ESPERANTO X * * ~ ^ * Do we Esperantists really believe that Prevention is worth more than Cure 1 * * If we are certain about Esperanto's powerful Influence for World Peaoe, then that * * should be reflected in our activities and in bur financial support of Esperanto. E A N A* * needs the support of every one of us in times like these and we should carry that res- * * ponsibility cheerfully and well. In challenging days like these we should feel the urge * * not only to renew our EANA memberships promptly, but also to make additional contribu- * * tions for the advancement of Esperanto. _ * TTTTS Tfi A TIME FOR SwCTTPTfTfi, * A number of EANA members did not wait for a special invitation from the Finance Com- * * mittee to make their contribution; others responded generously when we made the needs * * of the Association known to them. These make the continued good work of EANA possible; ■ * * they make the work of the Executive Committee and Central Office easierjand they have * * the hearty thanks of the Finanoe Committee.They get special mention on EANA's HONOR ROLL* * as PATRONOJ and SUBTENANTOJ, If you are one of these you have our sincere thanks J * * Many more of our members pay their membership dues regularly and promptly, without * * any feeling of extraordinary virtue;knowing that they are getting more than their money's, * worth in return. But many members are neglectful even in the renewal of their memberships * and their oontributions never arrive,so they leave the burden for others to carry.in this * group are some old experienced Esperantists who could easily take a bigger share of the * * load, and there"are also some energetic younger folks who should be taking on more res- * * ponsibility for EANA. If you are one of these we urge you to follow the good example * * of the Patronoj and Subtenantoj (listed above). Live up to your convictions and help * * prove your assertions about Esperanto's effectiveness by making a real sacrifice.E ANA. * needs your support; your help is very important! How much does Esperanto really mean to * * you? * * BECOME A P A T R 0 N 0 OR S U B T E N A N T 0 T 0*D AY! * * E8 nesupera elfarado estas seniime pli «Let's have a flock of new Patronoj and * * bona ol intenooj kiuj restas nur intencojjJISubtenantoj to start the New Year RIGHT .'* * LEI u s F A C B~ THE FACTS £ WE HAVE A C H~ 0 I C E T 0 MAKE ! * * At an earlier annual congress of our association, our regular membership dues were Tot* * at the present rates with the intention of attracting large numbers of new members. In * * this way we hoped to make ends meet without sacrificing quality or extent of activities * * of the national association. In studying the association's financial condition,resources* * and membership lists, your Finance Committeesoneluded that EANA should not need to de- * * pend on the generosity of a small number of members, but should henceforth place the fin- * ancial responsibility where it belongs; squarely on the shoulders of each individual mem- * ber. In order to carry on the work as we have been doing, or if we want to intensify * * our activities as an Esperanto organization we must face the fact that the number of * * ordinary members now paying dues is not sufficient to pay the way, and we are forced to * * solicit supplementary funds from our Patronoj and Subtenantoj. It is neither democratic * * nor safe, to depend on this procedure. * * We should make a choice: We can either raise the dues of all members to the point where* * present numbers will amply cover necessary expenses. Or we have the alternative of roll-* * ing up our sleeves and getting busy to plug hard for EANA. This alternative calls for* * many more new active members. It calls for keeping our present members active, and it * * also calls for reviving many of the drooping samideanoj who have slipped from our ranks.* * We know of one town in Wi scons in where there were at least 60 paid-up members of EANA 10* * years ago ( there were also other members in several sections of the •* state) now Cur * * lists show but two members in the entire state. Similar conditions exist elsewhere. * * (next page) * ************. ************* ***** ******* ******* * * * Amerika Esperantisto Januaro 1942 American Esperantist *************** ****** ** ******** ******* ***** fhesi'Vaots should move us to renewed efforts to bring these samideanoj back into the * association and get them busy. Unless we are suooessful in all this we will have to em- * braoe the other alternative mentioned, and this we certainly hope to avoid. * It has been suggested repeatedly that there should be at least one member of E A N A * in eaoh locality to represent, our organization and serve as agent for new members, re-* newals and subscriptions. These representatives would have the goal of making their res-* peotive societies 10C# supporters of EANA. By close cooperation with the Central Office * and the Membership Committee these agents of EANA would do our association a great ser- * vice and help us approach a sound financial status as well as assure the growth and spread of the Esperento movement. LET US HEAR FROM VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS SERVICE. EANA FINANCIAL COMMITTEE 6 * V * * * * * * * * * * * I » * * # ♦ •* * « * # * * # # ' * * * * * # * * * * * » » * * * » » » Armin F.Doneis, Chairman. Pharr, Texas. ***************** ***** ** £>^*^^f5^^52?S!^S7SS?f2a5S5S?ESSSS! Dr.Cecil Stookard, Bradenton, Fla. ******* ** **** \ KUNBRULJĜO ENTESED FIRME, U lajrego de la miiit© rtendifew m ĉiujn direktojn kvazaŭ celante atingi ec la plej nwlprobinh» lokon «I Is. terglpbojk detrui effc la plej njagrahd** Mgnohd|4a^ Kia kata^rofp! Oni trakuru la tutan histoncrq"of %'nbrnaw, onitra- serĉu la literaturon celante trovi ion simil'in"iirVeYecanau'lfaTKtaiiAn: '.IIC klc-Dpdp "estoviiepre-vana Antaŭ kvin iaroj, kiam la hispana pOpolo pereis «ub 14 swgojA k na^^a- ŝismo febi tiatnanleri faris la praktikajn prchwjjn pot tuj paite IJMJ ĵetikontfaŭ Ik tutan mondon, al la vocoj.de peto je helpo dpi respondis per dekfarp je rieutrafecr), k al la avertoj pri danĝero por ĉiuj orij respond}? per rideto de roemsekweco. ,.__",.,,, Pb unu, po du aŭ tri, ĉiuj tiaj blindajj smdaj k stijitaj skeptikuloj ess»» atingitaj de la monatr^ k malmultajn tagojn poste ĉu «kla^gitaj ŭŭ ttriniglt«|: tiele, multloke kie antaŭ nelonge loĝadis popĉlo pli-matpH ^efieai orti vltfas^hun ;fcar tomboj aŭ rubaĵo, malsatigitajn bestojn k kvazaŭ horoajn pmbrqjp. Pere de la lastaj okazaĵoj, la milito finfine atingi» Arnerikon. LaMioj.de la ruino k la malfeliĉone povis konsenti ke estu kontinentb kie ankoraiŭ rtgaA-k paco k kie oni ankoraŭ povas ĝui je homa vivo. La ega%o estis urĝn .-ratkov' k jam komencis. Cu la intenco plene sukcesos estas la demando La blinda optimismo ne plu rajtasregf tie-ĉi aŭ ie ajn. Iamaniere, laj ka- tastrofo atingqs al ĉiuj, eu kulpaj aŭ sehkulpaj. Ni estos dfevigataj, jam tion fjtri povfts vidi, defendi niajn ekspluatistojn por eventuaia kuna saviĝo el la ĉion fbr- manĝantan drako. Kia panoramo! Eg la plej pesimismaj profetoj el ĉiuj epokoj ne povis ima- gi ĝian nigreconl... (El "RENOVIGO") *-Si3£ilS5ScT5gRSiS^ * * * * * ************** * ** J*** * *......*Lir* **"'** HERE IS EASY MOHETf, The Esperanto Assootation of North Amerios offers 24 prizes in order as followsi $10i |ht |3( $2> 6th to 24th #1 eaoh for the best last line to the following Limeriokt ___ Esperanto's the language Tor me, /_A_\ «hen writing to friends over sea, /T*N l^pTj It sure is a winner \ *»T) \0/ F°r both saint and sinner ^CiLV Make your last line rhyme with the first two lines. Send as many entries as you wish. With eaoh entry send lOo, ooin, for "ESTU PRETA" the key to Esperanto, whioh is a diotionary of tho most common words, gramraatioal rules., of Esperanto, the International Auxiliary Language. Contest oloses with the post- mark of January 31,1942. The winners will be announoed in the Bulletin of February or March. Addressi "ESPERANTO" 20 «.Wash- ington St., Oklahoma City, Okla. '*♦*«*******..*«*.****.«„»,„. *** Amerika Esperantisto * • * * A *_* * * * * Januaro 1942 Amerioan Esperantist ********** *******_ * * ,, * ESPERANTO ASOCIO PR biiitwa m y .Eliza Emery Smith, a vetTr^ CI'l Mrs. ifitHBO POK ESPrTRANTISTAJ AMIKOJ' **a7ii I _ _•_ hi»' "J - ■»'« Veapervento sopirantaj Venu el la fremda land', Pri amlkoj forestantaj, Dlru al nl atendantaj Nln responduAje demand'. Blucielo klinlgante Dlru klon vldas vi, MondonAole rigardante, Homon clam prizorgante, * |t| Gardu amikojn al rii. J Nokto stelelumigata, Portu songojn trans la mar', Dlru prl la laud1 amata, Pri naoio, Di-benata, Donu gaoon al homar1. Dlo en clel1 logante Gardu vi de supre nin, En la mondo laborante, En laboro esperanto, En esper1, ni laŭdas Vin. ., rv Sndth, a veteran Esper- * ".J'h- !__,?en d??:ns 8Pl«naid work in Daisy Flanders Hopkins. * * * « * * * * « * « « *ar ******* "A Picture is Worth Mo Words"" POSTAGE STAMP PHOTOGRAPHS Perforated and Gummed Ready tp Stick to Anything THEY ABE INDIVIDUAL, UNIQUE AND HOLD ATTENTION. A Photograph attached to a letter gives it personality. 100—fl. 600—14. 1000—17. Or this ;PHOTO/^ao-V50$f ^thoven au Mozart? Oh well we console ourselves * P°r J00 T deVaS^ ^ tl • • Yr • • • • • iV Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr J- -*^^">- J- -'- ->-->--*- ^- >- -«--*- ^- -»- -^ ^- -^ - * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ESPERANTO OPENS THE TOOLE WORLD TO YOU" Yr Yr Yr Yr YrYrYrYrYrYTYrYrYrYrYrYrYrYrYT A* J> A1 A1 Ai A* A1 Al A5- A1 AL A1 A4 A* A1 A* At A* At n A1 A* "■ At A1 A1 A- At Jt i-. u i> K- A1 At i> if- A1*.