M + + + ▼ ESPERANTISTO ^ MONATA BDLTENO * W * I CO . * Co * * * * AMERIKO * * * * * * * * * « * « * DE LA ESPERANTA-ASOCIO DE HORDA Joseph Leahy ,General Secretary Centra Oficejo 1410H Street,N.W.Washington,D.C. Central Offioei ^ J.R.Soberer,Pres.Los Angeles.Calif,—E.G.Dodge,Ch.Exec.Comm.Wash.D.C. ******* ****** ************************ Number 3 * * # $1. per year-anywhere * * 10«? a copy * * * January 1939 * ************************************* TTJTKORAN BQNDEZIRON POR LA NOVA JARO. ************************************* * OSEH-METHOD (Advanced) ESPERANTO CLASS at * Green Acre, Eliot, Maine, under the leader- * ship of the most famous teacher-Hiss Lldia * Zamenhof, daughter of' the producer of Esper- * anto-Dr. L.L.Zamenhof. First row-left to * right :Miss Barbara Barrow; Mr.Sammy Martin, * Miss Zamenhof; Miss Luda Dabrowski; 2d row: * Mrs,Ruth Robertson; Miss.Roan U.Orloff;Miss * Bell Sawyer Root; Miss Florence Rivere. * 3d row: Mr.Gilbert Nickel; Mr. Ivan Filipacj * Mr.George Miller. Several of these good- • tg * looking people were considered among the • ■* best of Esperanto teachers, now they are ! MM * holders of Gseh-Method Teacher's eertifi- Juneco-Beleoo-Inteligenteco * eates-proof of their expert ability. VlVUJ ************************************* PACIENC0N1 (NIA BEJMQ FOHLASIS NIN.) ■•r Ĉiu korespondanto kiu rairas pri prokrasto de respondo — kaj giu membro de EANA kiu eble eraas plendi la iaalfruan aperon de la nuna januara numero — bonyolu leg! atente ci tiun anonceton. Tiam vi pardonos, sendube. La malnova konstruajo en kiu, depost kelkaj jaroj, la oficejo de EANA sin trovis, estas tuj detruota, por dpni lokon al projektata granda oficejaro. Ciu luanto devis senprokraste serei novan oficejon. La sercado estis nor ni iom longa, penplena, mal- facila. Car nepkupitaj Sambroj, ie Sirkaŭ la urbocentro, kaj ne tro altpreaaj por la budgeto.de EANA, estas. neraultaj kaj malfacile troveblaj. Via Qenerala Sekretario fariĝis "ĝenerala trotuar-preoanto" kaj "ĝenerala ŝtupar-grinpanto.1' dum la serSo. . Sed. finfine la nova hejmeto de EAKA. estis trpvita. La nova adreso: Hoop 227, 1410 H-St.. 17.v., Washington, D.C. Tamen la interronpo de kutima laboro ankoraS daŭris, e8 daŭras. Car Sio estis formovota, 8io estis rearanĝbta. Ec akcidento (pri kiu via servanto, — la Sekretario — estis neniel respondeca) iom grave malhelp- is. Sed iom pos^ iom, ĉio estos denove en ordo. Kiam ajn vi skribos, ne forgesu la gangitan adreson, - E. 227, 141_0 H-St., N.W. **•***********.* *********** ****** ****** KADIO from OKLAHOMA. Esperanto Instruction, Thursday evenings at 9.30 from station KOMA, Oklahoma Olty, by Mr. S.N.Bunch. ( Tell Mr.B., & KOMA-THANKS. J *********** *********** * ******** ******* * # * * #*-* :Prlsellla January 1939 American Esperaatlst (2) ««•«WW************»**»»***-* FERVORULO CONRAD FISHER, Meadville, » Pa., is always working for the advaa-* Maŝ£ [| I * cement of Esperanto. He has organised* "Im; JpH i * the "Amlkaro Esperanto Club" of over * i all* 30 members-of many nationalities, but* |§H|| snfssH * all good Americans. Officers: Presi- * ^7111« * dent, C.Fisher J Hec'y, Miss Yvoano * Wcperanto Stevens; Treas., Miss betty Mushrush.* ^r Lack of space compels omission of the* membership list. Meetings are held * Wednesday Evenings at 7»30 in the YM-* CA building.-The "Y" leaders-Mr. and * Mrs.Earl Wiseman, are very friendly * to the club and its activities. * Visitors cordially invited. * * * Pictured at left, front: Yvonne Stevens and Conrad Fisher; back Stevens and Virginia Lysowski, Picture on right? Virginia Lysowskl and Florence Easton.-Even a bird likes Esperanto so well, it tries to eat the banner-COOP FOR ALL PURPOSES. HAMTRAMCK, MICHIQAN. An Esperanto Class has been organized by Miss Emilino Wodzinski, with Mrs Mabel Vicary as toaeher. All who had the pleasure of meeting Miss Wodzinski at the last Congress will agree that thla class will not "sleep on the Job"-not with Emmy around. **##******###**##*##*##*#■&*###*###*##* MONTCIAIR, N.J.At the request of School Principal,Pr.Forrester, Mrs S.C.Eby of the N.Y.Esperanto Society, has given a series of talks on Esperanto, be- FORE a group or teachers. This group meets twice a month, and Mrs Eby will visit them once a month to supplement their studies with a Cseh-Method lesson. #***********#*#«*«#***##*# THREB fclVERS, «cm. ».~ RADIO from SHARON, Pa. Keep tuned in on station »ofesw* Red t wharff, retired p^-TorT^ranTo talks, in the near future, by STt^ĴSTZL X 2 Conrad Fisher, and H.R.Arnold of Sharon. The latter secretary, jotjn l. spence, m one contemplates the formation of an Esperanto olub in of ^ thrmigen cottages, has or- his oity. (Bonsanoon amiko Arnold. ) gantoed a clMS ta ^™**»- «* Three Rivers International language, which he teaches at the home of Jijr. and OTHER GROUPS,and individuals, like tO knOW What the Mrs. A. V. Grunigen every Monday rest of the Esperantists are doing. Tell me-I'll «vemng. pass it along. 3 3 w > In the newly organized class are Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Grunigen, Mr, and Mrs. Archie McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Eddy, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Ledderman, Mrs. Ida Purdy Mayer, Mrs. Alfred Hengst, Theodore Wilder and Frederick Grunigen. The class starts at 7 o'clock and lasts an ROTARIANS 0F_EAST ORANGE, N.J.Invited Mr S.C.Eby, President" of N.Y7Esperantb Society to talk to them on the subject of "Esperanto from an International Viewpoint" on Nov.9th. He did it so well that he was urgently requested to meet with them again in the near future. He had the answers for all V?????? hour and a half. • •**••••••♦»»♦♦*•»»••»♦*»♦ «TSZrE^ £«2? S SE VI MALKOREKTE uzag la naciajn lingvojm, nouiu asertos, ke ili estas malkwr*hktaj SE VI MALKOREKTE uzas la naciajn lingvojn, neniu asertos,k« ili estas malperfektaj, sed ciuj airos ke yi kulpas pro tio. So vi ne solas bone paroli la internaelan lingvon,la publiko ne kulpigos via pro tio, sed gi asertos, ke Esperanto estas mal- perfekta. Tial ciu bonintenea esperantisto ne nur pro si mem, sed precipe pro la bono de Nia Afero devas nepre zorgi plej korekti paroli. Jo-Laplum en "Suda Stelo" ^******-*****--»-****-»-****** ##**#* ******** * * * #*#•»■## •»* the Montezuma school at Los Gatos, was principal of the Trin- ity High school for two years and has filled many other educational posts. He has taught German, French and other languages, but Is most Interested In the Interna- tional language, Esperanto. He is now writing an Esperanto text- book. He gives his services to the class gratis, through his interest in seeing the language grow. A num- ber of educators In the class ex- pect to carry on the teaching of Esperanto, t/1 > I—I > > o z I—I z 3 M i p * *•»* ♦*■» ****** Amerika Esperantist© January 1939 American Esperantist (3) EBSULTS 07 OUR POETHY COWTEST. In all three divisions of the contest in poetic translation, announced in our Octoher and November issues, there was a goodly number of participants. There are not enough prizes to go even half way round. But to every one not so fortunate as to win an award, EANA extends sincere congratulations on evident very painstaking efforts, which have surely been worth while for their own sake, and for purposes of self-instruction. To insure absolute impartiality, the identity of participants was kept con- cealed through use of pseudonyms until all decisions had been reached. The following four have acted as a hoard of judges: Joseph E. Scherer, in Los Angeles; W.G.Adaos, in Seattle; H.I.Keyes, in Uniontown, Pa.j B.G.Dodge, in Washington, D.C. The judges re- ported independently their appraisals, which were afterward compared and tabulated. And now — have we kept you waiting long enough for the secret of the winners? Contest "A" - Renascence, in which all lines rhymed. First prize: Arthur E. Regal, of Chicago. Second prize: George A. Connor, of New York City. Contest "B" - The Fool's Prayer, in which half the lines are without rhyme. First Prize: George J. Falgier. of Winchester, 111. Second prize; George A. Connor, of New York City. Honorable mention; Thomas Goldman, of Washington, D.C. Honorable mention: Arthur B. Regal, of Chicago. Contest "C" - Opportunity, in blank verse. In this case, a division of the field seems appropriate. Contest "0" was announced especially to stimulate compe- tion on the part of the newer Esperantists, who do not yet feel ready to attack so difficult a problem as the translation of Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Renascence." Several carefully written and acceptable translations were presented by such com- petitors; and the two.prizes set apart for them are awarded as follows: First prize: George Irving Savage, of Arlington, Mass. Second prize: Conrad Fisher, of Meadville, Pa. In addition, several renderings of "Opportunity" were received from older eamideanoj who participated in all three competitions. Two of these are consid- ered rather outstanding, and must be mentioned for additional awards in the "senior group." Hence we have added: First special award in blank verse: George A. Connor. Second special award in blank verse: Arthur E. Regal. Some of the translations resulting from the several contests will be published from time to time as we have space. In doing this, the editor's prerogative of "polurado" may he exercised on some two or three words in a given poem; but essen- tially it is the original work of the comc-etitors which you will be reading. See elsewhere In this Issue, winning renderings of "Reaaskigo" *•#•*•«• W*E* * *C*0*KA-^«E# * #T#H#E# # *W#I#N*lJ'»iE#R#S*- * * * EVERYONE, PLEASE write on postcard or letter the names of schools you know where Esperanto- is being taught-and if pos- sible give name of teacher or principal, and send it to: Miss Bernice Rayburn, Webster Junior High School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Every reply will be acknowledged. Give all information as t© when school was started, under what circumstances-whether by petition from persons wishing to learn, some individual collecting students, etc.,-how many started, and how many finished 3 or 6 months study-general reaction» This information will be useful to answer question» that are asked of all Esperantista-many of them daily. Miss Rayburn is rendering much assistance to the Central Office, in collecting and tabulating information. EVERYONE, PLEASE help uc-do this NOW for the sake of NIA AFERO. Amerika Eaperantisto January 1939 American Esperantlst (4) ftftftft****»*****»***********^ #% # # # # # # ^v*'^ * * * H*0*N*0*R*A*J* * P*A*T*R*0*N*0*J# * K*A*J* 9 S*U*B*T*E*N*A*N*T*0*J* * *JC ' PATRONOJ #X $V SUBTENANTOJ $V Mrs Luella K.Beecher Mr. G.P.Ferree Mr. J.A.Porssell Mr.George B.Wrenn Mr. R.L.Davis Mr. A.E.Regal Mr. E.G.Dodge Miss M.Anshutz Mr. James P.Morton Mr. Pred H.McMann Mr. D.W.Pittman Dr. E.D.Chase Mr. H.W.Hetzel Mr. Harry Purber Miss Mazah E.Schulz Mr. Manoog Marootlan Mr. Oscar Muenzer Miss Grace Randolph Dr. Cecil Stockard Mr. Virgil Dibble Mr. R.M.Pease Prof. Prank Tomich Mr. Ortel H.Cross Dr. I.L.Kinney jar.Jeaepk h.acherer Mr.clement; N.Ayrea t Your name? ? Your name V Anonymous ? Your name? We «an always make the necessary space for all wk@ wish to have tkeir names in tke nemer nail, kindly have those questien marks- remeved-witk tke proper eraser-. WE SINCERELY THANK ALL CONTRIBUTORS. * * * H*0*N*Q#R*A*J* * P*A*T*R*0^*t)*J* * R*A*J* * S*U*B*T*E*N*A*N*T*0*J* 9 9 9 9 9 * ft * 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ft ft 9 9 ft ft * * 9 £ "* * * LA ZAMENEOPl STILO VERA.* * * * * * ft ft ft * 9 9 9 9 ft ft ft 9 # My own esperanto style is definitely not that of * Zamenhof,but I know exactly where,why,and when,it is * *different. What about your's? Send to rae three pages * *of your writing. I will study it in detail,and send * *you my personal private opinion with numerous examples * «from your manuspript as corroborative evidence. I will % ^not undertake to statistikize anything. During nearly six years I analyzed every sentence in the original * works of Zamenhof.compiled a mass of facts,only part * *of which have appeared in print.and came into possession * *of positive information as to exactly what the real « «style of Zamenhof is. His style is supreme. ^ act Letters for information must contain postage. * I akcept no responsibility for the safe return of your * *manuseript other than good care requires. The cost of * *my opinion is five dollars payable in advance by money « «order or certified check. In the past,manuscripts have $ sf-come to me for free correction of errors in grammar. # ^The cost of such service will henceforth be one dollar * jA. - ...... for each doublespaced page up to four pages,and tencents * for each page in excess. * * * * Fento Stancliff 1106 Big-Palls Avenue,Akron,Ohio. * * Ĝefkunlaboranto de la ENCIKL0PEDI0.I934. ***.***«**#*« « »»* ft « ft#ft» »*«» ft.•#«#***# * * * * ONE THOUSAND WEEKS. The November 20th number of "HEROLDO de ESPERANTO" was the 1000th since its beginning twenty years ago-an authentic history of Esperanto activities throughout the world. Gonsidering the trials and trib- ulations B-ro Jung had to contend with, his Is a remarkable record-and sure- ly one to be proud of. Congratulations Brother Jung. We wish you greater sue success in the coming 1000 weeks. VIVU .«.*.**** *• ««**ft»»#ftftft«ft»ftft*#*ft********* ** * * * * * * *d THE INTERNATIONAL FAIR of LYON, FRANCE.March 11th to 2lst; 1939 is adyertisea on a poster 24X48 inches, in several^olors, with ESPERANTO TEXT, one of which adorns the wall of the Central Office. This Fair nas been telling the world of their attractions for several years, IN ESPERANTO. The only reason it is being used is because it gives satisfactory results year after year, ft********************** ********* ****** Amerika Eiperantiato ************ January 1939 American Eaperantlat (8) * * * ****** ***** ****** *. *_ * * * Good Will Is On Way, 1 If Not to Munich. i/pHE pig Latin and petunia ed- ■*■ itor was just salvaging the last spoonful of glaciajo kun koketo (ice cream with cake) from his vest Thursday night in the Y. W. C. A. when an earnest man at his right aimed a fork and announced: . "Trouble with the people down here in Oklahoma is they don't realize what a tremendous force for international good will and peace on earth Espe- ranto really is. "In other words, ge vere estas in- ternacia. See?" * * * THE pig Latin editor gulped, recov- ered quickly and admitted he did hot see, see? "Well," Albert Entzmlnger, 423 Northeast Tenth street, explained, "you don't seem to grasp the signifi- cance of what it would mean if every- body In the world spoke Esperanto. "Now you take Munich. Here's Hit- ler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Dala- dler and none of them talk the same language so they get into a big dis- cussion and none knows what the other is talking about, "All Hitler knows is that he wants Czechoslovakia and all Mussolini knows is that he wants what Hitler wants and Chamberlain doesn't know what either one wants so they argue around and they don't get anywhere because each thinks maybe the interpreter is putting one over on them." This iggde matters clear and ex- plained more than anything else why 30 people gathered in tha^Y. W. a. A. to form the Esperanto society of Okla- homa City. ******** *** La Kara Limgr©» * Left to right, Bernice Rayburn, vice-president, Esperanto, WELCOME 1 VIVTJJ society; S. N. Bunch, president; Kristine Bennett, treasurer $.*$.*#4f.*j!j and Vera W. Stovall, secretary. It wasn't entirely their own idea j£ Ever See B. gPOUB Of pCOpl© ■• because along about last August comes Y 4,,*-«o«j..j 4 _ _ _«V4__4. 4. We. 4. Sinjoro R. M. Pease, esperantisto de * Interested in a SUDJeet that Nueva Jorko, and as Sinjoro Entz- * they do H.Ot 6VeH 86© th© PBO- minger explained simplv "kaj per la T , . 4.1.4 j.t- 4 .» presaro kaj la-radio krels la intereso X bOgrapŭer gat&erlag tEOB-XX ki-Ln iTJ1 v,das-" 4 4 , „, * they were Esperantists of oo- Right. Mr. Pease proceeded via the J, «t .7 -i"»* —«.~j-.»«.» »»» w press and radio to create the interest £ 0UPS6 It 8 plaUSible—h©?© ' S which you now aee. ^ g the proof_.aH f our trylhg t© TN fact, Pease got more than 100 Ok- \% read "HerOldO de ' Esperanto1' * X lahoma Cityans so excited about jje , , . . , . - ' this magic language which coddles die- £ at tile Same tltte. AJICI W© Sir© ' ^CrSffiS! *;J* J,at1ttel,e are «••*•* •*! separate groups to study Esperanto in £ Other JUSt RS enthUSiaStl© J thmfcause accomplished, albeit tool Esperantists in Oklahoma City I late to save Prague from the swastika, $ where » before Mp.PeaS© &rPiV©4# Pease returned to Nueva Jorke, and T"i„_j-a. .4» _n 4. i^W left peace on earth in Oklahoma, at * l&St AUgUSS, Only tWO p©Opl© $ least to Sellers Bunch, 3617 Northwest T had eTCP heard Of EspepaatO. £ Twelfth street, an attorney. £ e m Bunch carried on where Sinjoro X »***************»»*********»*»*•■ left off and was rewarded Thursday _ Cfl iS rn Ŭ> *'. night with election as prezidanto (right, president) of the Esperanto so- ciety of Oklahoma City. They set as their goals to instruct 200 members in the city; to add more than 100 members; to place the study of Esperanto in city schools; and to ask the co-operation of the Oklahoma Education association at its convention in Tulsa next February. (Kcv to the Caption: Esperanto Breaks onto Pate 1.) through Mr.Ramsey's courtsey and help- fulness, Esperanto has been spread all over the Western States. Vlvu S-ro R. ********** O e+$» 0 . ci- P Qi O e+ 0 t-> hi H> o h» pr • o & fcj a> P paCrq hi 0 hdS) hb t-i to pa 4 O 0 O 0 CM ta a 4 © cr gHOP 0 <• h, «4 H» O hi e+ hi S • pr 1 t> CD * * * * Amerika Eiperamtlato January 1939 Aawisaa Eaperantlat (#J) La leganto trovos plezuron, komparante la du interesaja tradukojn de l1 fina part© el fama poem©, «Heaascence,B verkaj© de 1« nuntempa usona poetino, Edna St. Vincent Millay. El la kotnparado oni observos ke.diversaj metodoj por ateJd. la problemon de poezia tradukado estas same allaseblaj kaj bonaj. La unuan premion gajnis s-ro legal, la duan, s-ro Connor. * * M M + # * # behasiiIq (Tradnkis Arthur 1. legal.) ♦ *** Mi ne komprenas agon tianl — Mi reanimis korpon mian. Ho! Suprensaltis mi kun krio SaĴnita al la ter1 de Dio, Kun kri1 de homo jubilanta, AntaŬe morta, nun vivanta. La arbojn premis mi al koro, La grundon tenis kun fervoro, Jremantajn brakojn suprenlevis, Cielen ridis, ĝis mi devis El gorĝo tiri ĝemsopiron, Kaj sentis fortan korotiron, Subitaj larmoj fluis tiam. "Ho Dio", kriis mi, «neniam "Al mi vualo kaŜos Vian "Spiriton radiantan dian! "Se pasos Vi trans Via herbo, "gekonos Vin tuj mia cerbo. "Ce Via flustro, en adoro "Al Vi respondos mia koro, "Kaj sur la malvarmeta tero "Mi sentos Via 8e la vespero. "Mi povas palpi, herbon, floron, "Kaj trovi Vian varman koron." Ho tiel vasta estas tero fur kiel koro en espero; Cielo estas ne pli alta 01 la animo suprensalta. La koro povas teron, maron Ec flankenigi spite baron; Kaj la anim» cielon fendas -- Vizaĝo dia brilon sendas. Sed sur la koro mallargsenta Premegas tero akradenta; Animo, se sen alta celo, — Sur- tian falos la cielo. * 4$- * * #*#»»»******•* Pina parto de poemo de Edna St. Vincent Millay. BEIASKI 60 Traduko de George A. Connor, Gajninto de la-due premio. ITeniel scias mi aferon tianl - - - En min respiris mi animon mian. HaJ Jen mi el la grundo suprensaltis; Kun salutkrio. Teron mi eksaltis, - Ekkrio ne audita krom el forto De homo revivinta post la morto» La arbojn mi per brakoj Sirkaŭprenis; Preneze mi la grundon preme tenis; Mi levis tremajn brakojn al plejalto; Qielen mi ridadis kun ekzalto, Gis ee la gorĝo strangla plorospasmo Kroĉiĝis tre; kaj granda kororsasmo Subite sendis lamojn al 1« okuloj; Ho Dio, kriis mi, la maskumuloj Me plu kapablos kaŝi de mi iam, Brilegan identecon, Vian Siaml Ne novas Vi la herb on e8 transpaŝi Sen ke !• okuloj -novos Vin mnlkasi; ITek elparoli, kiel ajn silente, Sen ke respondos milde mi moments. La montran vojon Vian mi ekkonas, Laŭ kiu vesperiĝe Vi disponas; Ho Dio, herbon povas mi dispuil Kaj per la fingro Vian koron tusll 4 A- La larga mondo etendi|a.s 8ien — i 5 el larĝa kiel kpr!,, ne plien; 4 Cielo etehdiĝas super mondo — fe nlien alta ol I'anima fondo. La koro, ce la land» kaj mar' proksime, lapablas puŝi ilin for senlime; L' animo poyas la ĉielon liri, Kaj lasi lumon jen el Di'.eniri. Sed 1» antipodoj nincos 8e la koro Kiu ne fortenas ilin. pro. stŭporo; Kaj kies ajn animo estas plata, - ---- Stir lin, Sielo estos kolapsata. m_-v. v^.t.L/1" j. w A j. j ~"i. j. w J. <**•„ j*a .o J-a vu b© ( vA HAMILTOM.. (Oat. )ESPERANTO SOCIETY to the nflaber of 50 enjoyed a delightful Zameah«f~i5ilFc¥aGa.y AnM^^a&rĵ^pvogr&m the evening of D©@. 17th. *****#***«■ **###»###** *«***«*«* # « * «k * Amerlfca Esperantlato January 1939 American Esperantiat * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *•#■*#* (7) tr * # * * 31-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto en Bern J Replyin; Cf ial,±e.; •T 4-U„ AV.1 ing to an editor- Esperanto, In the Chicago " Daily News" Ni vokas vin ! Vi ĉiuj, karaj geamikoj, scias ke yL Svislando estas la lando de la paco. yL. Multajn yundojn batitajn de la mond- •u milito ĝi provis sanigi. Ĉiam trovis CT homoj, forpelitaj de sia patrujo, azilon 3~ aŭ novan patrujon en tiu bela mal- ^ granda lando. Svislando, kiu antau ne- rf longe feste deklaris antaŭ la popoloj J" sian integran neutralecon, ne sentas ^T" sian eminentecon en la batalo de la Jf" popoloj je superrango, sed en inter- )f- pacigo de la popoloj, en paca laboro. y^- Nia lando estas gastama ĉambro, en y^. kiu la germana, la franca, la ifala kaj yL. la romanĉa lingvoj samrajre estas p i * * * * * * Ni estas certaj, ke la etikaj taskof dex nia patrujo harmonias kun la celoj det- \a Esperanto-movado, kiu same laboras$ por la interkomprenigo de la popoloj>;< kaj rasoj, kaj por reciproka kompren-* ado de tiuj, kiuj estas apartigitaj pro# lingvaj bariloj. Esperanto venkos ilin. J Vi vidos en 1939 urbon, kiu en tuta mondo estas konata kiel ĉefurbo de Your editorfai" on internaTtoYSTJl langaaĝes was right in at. least one point, that an international language •glseady exists in large part, thanks ,tb the common ancestry of most European languages, and to cen- turies of borrowing. Thus as you say such word* as" neutron and volt are already international. Electric, electrique, eleMtisch, electrico may Se considered as simply dialectic iprrns in .thi great international lan- IJB^e.^MKis'-'g.fact which Esper- anto tpjHJtqraXaQcl account, adopt- ing) the- sMmBgnternational Ian JBage, %lfn*-i|BQF dialectic forms as elektra and Tfp] '. fiut if you ■<&/&' a Polish book on djlctricity, fullStf such words, could ybu read it, or a single line of it? I%m sure you could not, because tbfe international elements are only pert of a language. To learn the rest would take you years if you tackled Polish, and a few weeks only if Esperanto. And whereas a national language is spoken only in one or a few countries, Esperanto •Sas adepts the world over, a litera- ture of thousands of volumes, an international organization of "con- suls" who render all manner of services to members. And Esper- anto has great hopes for the future, like an infant, if cared for and al- lowed to grow meanwhile You object that an artificial lan- guage squeezes out all the flavor of face. It should/ to be accepted. Each national language- is barred by international jealousies from domi- nating the world, as well as by its difficulty of learning. The easiest js at least ten times as hard to learn as Esperanto, from which the irreg- useless Svislando. Vi eltrovos ankaŭ urbon, kiu estas unu de la plej belaj en la mondo, & ularities, anomalies and kiu sukcesis gardi sian gloran, histo- $Jagaf «P have been chucked out rian unikecon ĝis la hodiaŭa rago, * pie'ase do not speak of rival arti- urbon kiu parolas pri la progresema, Jpficial tongues. Esperanto is like the _ _ -ii'icienra sento de siaj civitanoj, pri ^Christianized Maori chief, who was J rolataj. Cu tiu lando ne povus esti bon- ilia "sento por beleco, kaj pri ilia bon- %^ ££ pfr°fdgaVee EkSSd^ -j ega fundo por nia Esperanto ? stato. Sed vi ank.iu trovos popolon, kiu #pave no enemies! I have eaten * * * * * * * 1 ■M- Svislando, la plej juna membro de Internacia Esperanto-Ligo, vokas « ko- rfln bonvenon » al la Esperantisfaro. Blinduloj: Blinduloj kaj ties gvidantoj ricevos senpagan kongreskarton, sed iliaj aliĝoj estu aprobitaj de s-ro W.P. Merrick (kasisto de la Blindula Ligo), Penso, Shepperton, Middlesex, Anglujo. Aliĝiloj: Haveblaj ĉe la kongresoficejo, ĉe la landaj asocioj, kaj ĉe la turistaj komisionoj. Donacoj: Donacoj helpas al la plena sukceso de la Kongreso, kaj la kongresa komitato antaŭ- dankas al donacantoj. Blindula Kaso: Por ebligi al blinduloj la kon- gresviziton, la Organiza Komitato danke ak- c.-ptas donacojn por tiu kaso. Glumarkoj: Aĉetu niajn ĉarma|n glu- markojn! Prezo por 50 estas 2 internaciaj res- pondkuponoj aŭ 60 centimoj svisaj. "I enennes! I have eaten kore ĝojos bonvenigi vin ciujn, kiu ak- S^mm all!" Valopuk' died forty years ceptos vin kiel siajn karajn gastojn. £aSo, as soon as Esperanto had been ■ ■ I, ia -1 i u iborn. Ido was a rebel dialect of Loka Kongresa Komitato, Bern. *Esperanto, and has also died. But Fakaj kunvenoj: Gis nun sin anoncis: Inter- ^Esperanto is great and flourishing, nacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Post- kaj Telegraf- #the world over, with more adepts Oficistoj. £an° literature than many a national Aliaj organizontoi bonvolu true anonci siajn jCUuiguage, active support from nVUOgi dezirojn. ^-governments Oficiala kongresgaieto: Ĉiu kongresano ri- & , g- CQI5irjyI GIIuTliVLAN. -j cevos la oficialan kongresgazeton « Ni vokas -K- IxtilAfiN ESPERANTO tTY # a lacla .. .-—______________ - '* CORRESPONDENCE * Beginners-Advanoetl * Instructor licensed^ *■ * * * * * * * vin ». Antaŭvidataj estas ok numeroj; la lasta, enhavos la raporton pri la Kongreso. La unua numero estas multnombre forsendata kiel varta-** -. mteresuloj postulu ĝin de la kongresoficejo # Skolta Tendaro: En la Kongreso okaz-os'an a- r -,-, , ,- kaŭ la Skolta Tendaro 193;. Informojn petu d. * Dy E A N A ES tCaO-* la fakdelegitino por skoltismo: F-ino G. Merz * tier. address: * Falkenweg 9. Bern. La ^nerai^kretarir * EspTlltO-by^all, * * St.Axbana, W.Y. * ■\ *. ». Aaerika Esperantisto * X x x * *- -;:- x x *- « * «■ January 1939 [EL: Kotizoj 1939 ******** »Ar;1;a; Bw*ti.t * # MEMBRO KUN JARLIBRO (MJ) ricevas membrokarton, servokuponaron kaj la Jarlibron MEMBRO-ABONANTO (MA) ricevas membrokarton, servokuponaron, la Jarlibron kaj la monatan oficialan gazeton « Esperanto Internacia » dum la jaro. v MEMBRO-ABONANTO-HEROLDO (MAH) ricevas membrokarton, servokuponaron, la Jarlibron kaj la semajnan gazeton « Heroldo de Esperanto » dum la jaro. MEMBRO-SUBTENANTO (MS) ricevas membrokarton, servokuponaron, la Jarlibron kaj la monatan oficialan gazeton « Esperanto Internacia ». Li afable pagis pli altan kotizon pot helpi I.E.L finance. EN LANDO, kies Landa Asocio aliĝis al I.E.L., estas alpagota la respektiva kotizo de la Landa Organizo. Oni povas pagi kotizojn al Loka Delegito de IEL, al la Ĉefdelegito al Landa Asocio se tiu aliĝis al IEL, aŭ al la Centra Oficejo, Internacia Esperanto-Ligo, Heronsgate Rickmans' worth, Herts., Anglujo. (8) <-** ******* * * WHEN PAYING DDES MJ MA MAH MS Ent. Abono Abono E.I. Heroldo $1.25 r?4 LANDO MONO (lad kursoj 28.9.1938) Usono.....dolaroj $1 ft 2 $4.5* SP6 ft 2 „,.,._ „ Yearly rate for esperanto Association of worth jimerica-including"American Esperantisfis 6)1.59 Included in IEL Membership: MJ-$2.50; MA S3.50: MAH $4.50; MS $$7.50.-New or renewals. Please enroll me as a member of the Esperanto Association of North America @ rate Indicated by amount not scratched off: M $1.50, MJ $2.50, MA $3.50. MAH $4.50 MS 57.50 Name, Address, IP, In connection with EANA, you wish Jarlibro, Esperanto Internacia, or Heroldo de Esperanto, send whole amount to EANA 1410 ET&t., N-to, washing- ton, D.C., or to Mr. D.E. Parrish (IEL Amerioan Agt) 328 W.46th St., Los Angel- California.When part Is sent to different offices there is often eonfusion- and useless delay as well as expense. * * * * * EVERY ESPERANTIST SHOULD |BE A MEMBER OP BOTH THE I* E A N A and I E L I * * The Jarlibro is a verit- able encyclopedia of the essential knowledge that every Esperantist should [possess In order to dis- cuss Intelligently with the person looking for [information about the Esperanto Language and its progress throughout the world. _______________________________________________i UNUECO ESTAS PORTOJ ■Every member should bring in another new member to EANA and IEL. Dankon. ************************************** "FUN WITH ESPERANTO", by Professor C.C.Brlstor, Principal of Irving High School. laywood, Illinois. A new Esperanto textbook of 87 pages,stiff green covers. It shows you that the study of Esperanto is an amusing game, instead of the usual 'grind' of other studies-espeoially foreign languages. It has short vocabulary after each lesson, and a supplementary vocabulary of sev- eral pages. ************************************** PATIENCE! PATIEN0E1 PLEASE-let me explain. For reasons that might be considered optional In other sections of the world, but imperative hereabouts, I've had to move my home twice since August (Oh yes I did'pay the rent). That meant miles and hours of house-hunting. Dec.1st, was notified our office building would be torn down in January. More weeks, and miles'of walking,searching and climbing (enough,almost to reach the Pearly Gates.) "Offices so scarce?" No, indeed, scores of 'em, but not within our monkapableco. Robbery and file-case contents scattered indescribably-yes, 1 have words for it, but they would not look well here- added to the woes of mOVITIS, and have kept correspondents wonderina why they did not hear from Oentral Office.Pinally found location-1410 H Street,. I recorded all cash receipts and filled orders, but letters-even receipts- had to wait. We now sincerely hope that the malevolent JINX has finished, and will let me get baok Into the routine-it may be days before l get nearly •caught up'- PATIENCE! PACIENCOI Thanks to all for the hard words held baok. * * * * * X X X X X X X X * X X X X X % X X X X X * * XXX X X' * * * * * .* a,ll inquiries apout axaminations snouid go to Prof.Edwin L.Clarke, box 14, winter Park, Florida.-And he would like to hear from many--you and you and. x x -,.- --- * X xxxxxxxxxxx X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X