!jfei-UX, ŝ$ >S n »* * • * * * ******** * * *********** * * * * * * <^K*A% V- ESPERANTISTO "«* LA HOKATA BULTENO DE LA ESPERANTA-ASOCIO DE KOREA AMBRHO Joseph Leahy,Oeneril Secretary Centra Ofioelo 1617 H Street,N.W.Washlngton.D.C. Central Offlor J.R.Soherar,Prea.Loa Angeles,CalIf,--E.O,Dodge.Ch.Exeo.Coram.Waah.0.0. ***••***•*•******* * * * m. Bu^e* Eight $1 per year 10/ per copy June 1938 SERIOZA KAJ DIGNA PROPAGAOO En konkurso de la Few History Society of Few York, 1108 personoj voc- donis por Esperanto kaj nur 842 por la angla lingvo. Kial tiom da ne-esper- antistoj tiel favore pensas pri nia lingvo? Kie ili ricevis la informojn por kapabli skribi pri Esperanto en tezo? ^ Sendube ili vidis bonajn propagandilojn, aŭ komercajn reklamilojn sur kiuj Esperanto estas uzata aŭ serioze menciata. Inter tiaj indaj propagand- iloj mi devas mencii tiujn de EAFA. Konstante EAFA laboras por helpi al >ri; sed nepre helpu ankaŭ al EAFA per pago de viaj membro-kotizoj ĝustatempe. Multaj landoj eldonis reklam-libretojn pri turisrnaj belaĵoj. Ŝip-kaj fervojo-kompanioj kaj multaj komercaj kompanioj eldonis prospektojn en hia lingvo. Se la publiko vidas ke Esperanto estas komeroe uzata, multaj pliaj homoj sekvos la paeideajn pionirojn, kiuj laboris sen promeso de ia profito. Sendube kelkaj FovJorkaj gesamideanoj klopodis ce la supra societo. Unu tute speciale valora reklamilo varbas por la International l^iend- ship Group, grupo de gesamideanoj kaj ne-esperantistoj, gvidataj de s-ano Geo.A.Connor, HovJbrko. La grupo iros al Eŭropo kaj al la XXX-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto en Londono. En multaj landoj de Efcropo tiaj vojagoj estas aranĝataj eiu-jare kxtn tre granda morala profito por Esperanto.......• kaj neniu akuzas pri financa profitemo. Generale ne-esperantistoj dum la vojaĝo esperantiĝas kaj poste iliaj geamikoj lernas nian lingvon pro la entuziasmaj rakontoj de tiuj novaj ge- samideanoj. Tro ofte malnova Esperantisto lacigas pro "tro malrapida pro- greso". Male, oftege tute freŝe-bakita samideano pli lerte, per nova kuraĝo sukcesas gajni areton da novaj Esperantiston - Sed por gajni la respekton por Esperanto, arango de tia vojago devas nepre esti farata laŭ komercaj vidpunktoj, kaj la reklamo devas doni la im- preson de seriozeco. La reklamilo de s-ano Connor tre, tre lerte mencias Esperanton. Lia vojaĝ-prospekto montras ke Esperanto estas mem-kompreneblajot io tute logika, utila, uzebla, uzata, valora....1Tia reklamilo estos valora varbilo nor Esperanto longe post la fino de la vojaĝo. Oni vidas ke Esper- anto estas vere seriozajo . Mi devas sincere gratuli al s-ano Connor. La varbiloj de EAFA rekte faras reklamon por Esperanto.....sed la prospektoj de s-ro Connor ĉefe reklamas por interesa vojaĝo, kaj nur mal- rekte por Esperanto. Des pli efika estas la reklamo por nia lingvo. _ _ Mi havas persone multan sperton pri aranĝoj kaj kostoj de tiaj vojagoj. Estas sperto gajnita en 48 landoj. Pro tio mi certas ke s-ano Connor ne povas profiti finance} kaj se li profitUS iomete, oni devus dividi la sumeton per 500 horoj da pena, senpaga laboro por kunigi grupeton, kiu poste laboros por Esperanto pli kuraĝe kaj pli forte ol 200 aliaj Esperantistoj. La profito estos morala ne nur por s-ro Connor sed por la tuta grupo. Pro tio mi deziras en la nomo de SANA al la karavan-anoj FELICAN VOJAĜCN al la XXX-a universala Kongreso en Londono I! , Jc£VCtVt_ . ********** **»**#«**** ^* * Prezidanto ****** ********* Aaerika Iiporantlato • ***«• *#•*****« June. 1938 • • American Esperantlst (Page * ) ♦ ** ** #*♦##»* ###*»♦*»** KONGRESA ALIGJXO Mr. Edgar H. Simon, Treasurer 2651 Idlewood Rd. .................1938 Cleveland Heights, Ohio Enclosed please find $......for....tickets for the 31st Congress of the Esperanto Ass'n of North America, at $3.00 each. ( ) I expect to attend the Congress. ( ) I do not expect to attend the Congress, but enclose $.....as a contribution toward expenses. Make all checks payable to Edgar H. Simon, address as above. I would attend Pakkunsidoj as numbered below: (1,2,3, etc.) ( ) SCIENCISTOJ ( ) EN LA PREGEJO ( ) INSTRUISTOJ ( ) KORESPONDANTOJ, KOLEKTANTOJ ( ) STUDENTOJ ( ) VOJAGANTOJ ( ) SKOLTOJ ( ) ESPERANTO-DISVASTIQADO Please reserve room for ... persons at the Hotel Allerton forme, for (date)..............to .............. inclusive, at per day. (Rates: Single Double $2.75 $3.25 $4.00 $4.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 ■33.00 Running Water R.W. & Lav. Shower Bath Combination Bath Signature, Esperanto Club Gives Assembly Tuesday Former Heights Members Of Club Return to Participate in Program * # * # * ##*#■* #*•»■*##■«•*###•*#•» The former Heights members have done much toward bringing the North American Esperanto association to Cleveland next summer for their an- nual congress. A special feature of this congress will be a sample lesson taught by Lidia Zamenhof, daughter of the in- ventor of Esperanto. The picture,and mention of the 'Esperanto Rondo-Amlkoj" as being the only 100% EANA Club, very hurriedly brought the picture below from Edgar H. Simon,Treaurer of the Esp- eranto Association of Cleve- and Ohio, of same of the mem- bers of his 100% EANA a. As Edgar did not give the names, you will have to id- The history of .Esperanto from its entify them when you go to the Congress. invention by Dr. Zamenhoff, approxi- Some of those in the picture are the names in this mateiy 50 years ago, to its present clipping* In the Assembly mentioned, Esperanto Litera- ture, ttxehanges,Pictures and Correspondence-filling 6 showcases 36 X 48 inches were shown, arousing much Interest.As Miss Georgie Parry was sponsor for the show, It had to De GOOD. PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN TO THE DELAGATE GOMTNG THE ChaS Simon and Lee Stern, former GREATEST DISTANCE , TO THE YOUNGEST. TO THE OLDEST presidents of the Heights Esperanto and to the LARGEST #~ FAMILY, attending * the XXXI CONGRESS. * THE CLEVELAND CON- day use as an international peace agent, will be portrayed in a radio drama given as a prologue to the as- sembly next Tuesday. Eleanor Potter, president of the EsDeranto club, Virginia Keller, and club, will take, all the parts. This broadcast has been prepared by the Cleveland Esperanto associa- tion which includes among its mem- bers Helen Binder, Ellen Anna Fen- VENTION & VISITORS ner, Dorothy Burgeson, Edgar Simon, BUREAU have issued a fine illustrated' 4 page 11X17 inchs * with Esperanto Charles Simon, Lee Stem, and Enid Straus, ail former Heights Esperan- tists, who have been instrumental in bringing the broadcast to Heights. In connection with the broadcast, an Congress Program ^ exhibit, to which members and many] on front page. former members of the Esperanto club, * have contributed, has been placed mi 'HURRA H- VIVU. £ the ramp. CLEVELAND S-ANOJ PRESENT 6 PROGRAMS BEFORE NEARLY 3000 PEOPLE » -»■ * * tt * «• » * * -s- ^c^jrcijr- MAY. ^ v ^ ^ ^ ^ v -a-*»»*»»*»* NEXT NUMBER OF "AMERICAN ESPERANTIST" WILL BE A DOUBLSttJULY-AUGUST. *~* *«<»>#*##««### ■«•#«• #■»■):-■«•■!:-#•«■•«.■)<■■)}■■}{•## **• ft '*- '. Amerika Eapepantiato June, 1938 ***** **************** AMERIKAJ E3PKRA American Eaperantiat * * * * * * * ****** NTI3T0J. ATEH ( Page 3 ) * * * ***** T P 1 EVERYDAY ESPERANTO The Second Language for the World Taught in person by PEDAGOGIA C3EH-KTJRS0 DE LIDIA ZAMENHOF EN AMERIKO Ha - 22a de Julio oooooooooooo La eapepanta movado en Ameriko urge aentaa bezonon de leptaj instruiatoj, kiuj kapablua veki entuaiaamon kaj modele inatrui la lfengvon. La Caeh-metodo kiu en Eŭropo faris tie» da servoJ a), Esperanto, ne eatas ankopaŭ aufiee kon- ata en Ameriko. Cap eataa malfacile venigi Cseh-instpuistojn el Eŭropo, nee- eaaa, ke Ameriko havu pli multe da propraj Cseh-instruistoj. AJ tiu ci celo serroa Caeh-kurao, klun f-ino LIDIA ZAMENHOP grldoa de la JIa gia la 22a de Julio, po kvar hopoj ciutage. La kurao okazoa en studo- cambro de la Bahaa Somera Lernejo "Green Acre" en Eliot, Maine, dank1 al afableco de la Bahaa Spirlta Konsilantaro,*■ kiu disponigaa ci tiun lokon al la Esper- antiatoj. AGreen Acre" troviĝas en pitoreska loko, ce la bordo de la rivero Piscataqua, en distanco de kvin mejloj de Portsmouth, N.H. Gi estaa atingebja el Portsmouth per aŭtobuso. Personoj logontaj en la gaatejo de Green Acre povas esti venigitaj el Portsmouth per automobilo. La kurson povos partopreni: (I) neesp- erantiatoj, dezirantaj lerni la lingvon, (2) esperantiatoj, kiuj deziraa studi la Cseh-metodon kaj povos, partopreninte la kurson, ricevi de la Internacia Cseh- Instituto rajtigon jari Gseh-lnstruado. . Amerikaj SamldeanoJJ NE PRETERLA3U ĈI TITJN OKAZONJ Jen la ebleco konatigi kun la mlrinda metodo, kiu permesoa al rj pli efike labori por Esperanto kaj puaegi ant- aŭen nian Af eron en AimerikoJ Ne prokraatuj Kotizo por la kurao - 5 dol. Personoj, dezirantaj logi en la gaatejo de "Green Acre", skribu plej baldaŭ al s-ino Flora Valentine,Administrantino de la gaatejo, 142 Regent St., Saratoga Spr- ings, N.Y. Post la 15a de junto la adreso de la adminiatrantino estos: Green Acre Inn, Eliot, Maine. A La prezoj en la gaatejo (logado kaj mangado) eatas de 12 fls 18 dol. semajne. La lokoj eataa limigitaj. Do, decidu sen- prokrastej *«*« *********** Miaa Zamenhof has been very active since opening classes in Detroit early in March where she had 72 students. Gave lectures in Maywood,lll., Urbana (home of Univer- sity of 111.),Ann Arbor (home of Univer- sity of Mich.), and various schools in and around Detroit. Everywhere arousing great interest in Esperanto movement. ********** ****** EVERY E3PERANTIST SHOULD AVAIL HIM (HER U SELF OF THE OPPORTUNITY OF MEETING LIDIA ZAMENHOF WHILE SHE IS IN AMERICA'.'tT MAY be your only opportunity of ever meeting I a member of the family of the Illustrious L 1 LIDIA ZAMENHOF, LL. M. }* of Warsaw, Poland Traveling international teach- er, one of the foremost of the Esperanto world. Daughter of Dr. L. L. Zamenhof, author and founder of the language. LIDIA ZAMENHOF, eminent European teacher of Esperanto, will open a class in Lima, Ohio. May 25. 1938. The course will be the same as given in other American cities (luring her present brief tour and the same as previously given by Miss Zamenhof to some three thousand students in forty cities in Poland, Sweden, and France. (continue on page 4) author of Esperanto.Bv all means powr ** * * ** ********** * * * ************ ******** £ UMrlka Baperamtiato Jtm«, 1938 *********•*♦♦*»* Mirth and good humor are the forces by which Miss Zamenhof captivates and holds her pupils. In an atmosphere of merriment this new type of educator does her masterful work. Her two-hour class periods pass, not as drill, but as enjoyable entertainment all too short. Thus, in sixteen lessons, the essentials will be taught with such thoroughness that pupils will be able to converse freely and to read and write the language. MISS ZAMENHOF, at the age of nine, learned Esperanto from her father, Dr. Zamenhof, the incomparable author and founder of the lan- guage. She has since been a regular participant in universal Esperanto Congresses. After finishing her course at the University of Warsaw, she re- sponded to the call for service in the universal cause of Esperanto, serving as an authorized traveling, international teacher affiliated with the international Cseh Institute at the Hague. ESPERANTO, through the wisdom of its author, Dr. L. L. Zamenhof, utilizes the best- known words and good points of the leading European lan- guages, but avoids all unnec- essary difficulties. It is the easiest of all languages to learn and use. THE METHOD by which the language will be taught was devised by a brilliant Catholic priest of Hungary, Andreo Cseh, who, b}' special permis- sion of his bishop, has since de- voted his energy to the cause of Esperanto. Under the Cseh method, Esperanto is taught only in Esperanto. The method is natural, interesting, and ad- vantageous to students having different native tongues since those of one tongue have no advantage over those of another. * * * Aaerisaa Eiperuntiat *•**•• # * * * * (Pag* *) Classes wi inclusive. repeat each week as above, until June 30th, 3 !£ C o Ln rt < n 3- 3 Students will attend three nights each week (any three they prefer). Auspices of the Esperanto Association of North America o 8 to 3 2 " 2 2o3"H.g 3 v ,o o 3 & g ^ O- p w J* p A -- 2. o.gs «-S.S ^ X- << W n- 9. re rt rt % ■' p n r—i o °- L. o p c 3 3 S.T3 to <-i ■ — W IT 3 r-32- g i) rt rt- "1 -It T ?T to T rt O « T 3 « "* 0 tons .. h-i 3 t-n tn 8 ■T pi se 8*' •A w n o z i-3 3* C 1* •Jl H) n a t-1 St P 0\ g- w ŝt en --i t/1 - en go e '< w •< en O z Si •< Is) ca U t-3 00 0 >-H (/j 3 r0 a-w g-u 4 vd ■ f gg w Si u in st st en Ol *> O r? , rt z_ Z 5" -t rt 3 T pi rt pr iT tn O ^ w to o 3 3 a T 0 t-s -I rt' ' I K o" n rt > Z P) °B. 0 r t *rj 3 pi 0 3" rt rt 2 o Z to O d N «2 r, _t O d t" fJ3. o n S o w 3 C7* en 5! is H aq 0 o §. "That Language is BEST that is EASIEST for the GREATEST Number of People." Easy Simple p ractical Euphonious Regular Auxiliary Neutral Can be learned in about one-tenth the time necessary to learn any na- tional language. Has only 16 grammatical rules. Phonetic—one sound for each letter —always the same. Pronounced as written. Only 2 cases—nominative and accusative. Invaluable to the traveler in foreign countries. Esperanto is in practical use in over 70 countries, in every field of en- deavor where a foreign language is needed. Governments, professions, industry, sciences of all kinds use it. A "clear" language over telegraph or radio—like the national languages. Is pleasing to the ear; vowels pre- dominate. It can express the finest shades of meaning. Has no irregular verbs; no excep- tions to its rules. All nouns in the singular end in "O", adjectives in "A"—"J" i§ the plural ending and derived adverbs end in "E". One con- jugation of the verb, 12 verb endings (English has over 600, French over 2200). Does not aim to supplant the nation- al languages, but to supplement each one. In school—study 2 languages, your mother tongue and Esperanto. Esperanto is subsidized by many na- tional governments, belongs to no nation, religious or political party, and is acceptable to all. Absolutely neutral. Ti Obviates necessity of many years ||f|6-S3VJnS[ foreign language study. The only practical solution to the language problem. Organized Esperanto's study and use are pro- moted by many national Esperanto organizations, Esperanto periodicals, and numerous universal Esperanto institutions and federations. THE PRACTICAL success of Esperanto has won the approval of such significant organ- izations as the International Telegraphic Union; the Radiophone League; the International League of Aviators; numerous Chambers of Commerce; International Bureau of Masons; Ro- tary International, International Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Young Men's Christian Association, vari- ous teachers' organizations, and associations and academies for the advancement of science. ' * * - - " ■- - - '—■■' - - *-n» *"• *"» r~* *"» #"^- r-\ r~\ n *~^ r~\ r~\ r-\ c*^£~\ w* rj^ j^ j%^ fi'f^^W^W^W^Cr^ r^r^rCTfk rfL^Ffirs'^r^^WC^*^*^/^**^**^^^ THE NEXT ISSUE OP «AMERICAN ESPERANTIST" WILL BE'DOUBLENT«BER*JUIX & AUG. ********* * ** * ******** **************** -.., ,..,., academies for the advar * ••***-*****•*••***•*• THE NEXT ISSUE OP «AMERICAN ESPERANTIST" WILL RE'DmrBLEimi £ Amerika Esperantisto *#*«•* **#**#**# American Esperantist June, 1938 *** * * * * * ********** ( Paged") * * * * « * * HOW SHALL THE TEACHING OF ESPERANTO BE IMPROVED? May I suggest a topic for thought to all members of E A K A, that serious consideration may be given to it, at the coming Congress at Cleveland? Although Esŭeranto is so much simpler than any national language that most people can learn it without a teacher, most learners progress more rap- idly under the guidance of a qualified teacher. However, many who themselves can scarcely speak Esperanto without error immediately begin teaching. While this fervor is highly oommendable, it is not fair to the beginner to struggle against two types of error simultane- ously. How much more valuable would Esperanto seem to the general public, if only thoroughly competent teachers oonducted public classes! May the time come soon, when all teachers of Esperanto, both present and prospective can be persuaded to continue personally the study of the inter- national Tongue, both grammar and literature-not to mention conversation-and in due time to take the examinations offered so as to qualify for the offic- ial certificates of teaching. E A N A already does offer such examinations in three grades, the highest for teachers,but unfortunately,comparatively few avail themselves of the opportunity to have their teaching qualifications "tested and attested" in this manner. Could it be possible for E A N A to set up and popularize a new and sim- pler set of examinations, involving very little expense, from which a simple certificate could be secured by every Esperantist who wishes to teach others? This temporary certificate might approve his teaching beginners for a limited time. Step by step, as he shall have perfected himself by continued study, he may then secure other certificates granting permission officially to teach more advanced classes, until the final certificate for life-long permission is granted. Yours for dignified teaching, Louis Dormant. *************************************** PROF. EDWIN L.CLARKE .Box 14. WINTER PARK1> Florida, is CbAirman of the Examin- ation Committee-write him for applications and information relative to exami- nations. All Esperantists should strive for certificates. **************** ******* *************** * To May 19, the following list of fortunate Esperantists had booked for George A.Connor's UNIVERSAL CONGRESS KARAVANO-sever- al of them were in previous trips conducted by George, proof of his efficiency in1showing the way'through foreign lands. S-ro George A. Connor,New York City (Conductor) F-ino Frances R.Connor, New York City F-ino Doris Tappan, New York City F-ino Clara Teichmann, Brooklyn,N.Y. S-ro Raymond T.B.Kelly, New York City F-ino Ann L. Ziener,New York City S-ro Samuel C.Eby,New York City S-ino Samuel C.Eby,New York City F-ino Helen Morton,East Orange,New Jersey S-ro Harold Lipaky,Brooklyn,N.Y. F-ino Esther C.Orlinger,Brooklyn,N.Y. F-ino Alice H. Lapidge,Richmond Hill, (L.I. S-ro Byron Ela, Seattle,Washington S-ino Walter A.Schmitz,Middletown,N.Y. F-ino Jane Kelly, Middletown,N.Y. F-ino Myrtle Starr,Brooklyn,N.Y., F-ino Johanna Jacobs,New York City ****** ******'*****#***# * # .... WHAT SCHOOLS GIVE CREDITS?» We are, very often, asked" ^ArVtn^ SSSiLS.^!:1^»1^ -edits for Esler^o'the3^ A" thwe * * ii * ****** * any * * IF YOU Kmuw. Of 0thers7 PLEASE LET. US KNOW-Cent,.» 1 Office E A N A ********** * *■* ***?*-****** * l; #;##/••; * * * ** Amerika Baperaatisto June. 1938 American Esperantist (Page 6) *******#**#**#****«*** *■«•* #*#«•*«•**■»*#•«•♦ "TEXAS ESPERAHTIST" Vol.11, Mo.I,just received, filled with news of the Second Congress of the Esperanto Association of Texas at Lubbock, April 2nd, which was a grand suceesa-a fitting climax to weeks of strenuous efforts of a group of earnest workers, under the leadership of Miss Philippa Stonehaa. The opening speech was by Mr. Myron Ghetian, President of the Texas Tech. Esperanto Club. Miss Stonoliaai (acting president, owing to illness of Rev. John H.Fazel-President)and Chairman of the Congress Committee, then reviewed the activities of the association during the past year, and out- lined plans for the coming year» Miss Gladys Schantz, Seo'y of the Tech.Esp- eranto club, discussed the Esperanto program of the Tech.College. Prof. Carl Henniger, of the Tech. Dept of Foreign Languages, and Miss Cor- rine Brown, Educational Div. of the First Baptist Church, discussed Esper- anto as a Factor in World Religion. Dr. A.J.Bahm spoke of "Esperanto and International Exchange of Philosophical and Scientific Ideas". Dr. E.D.Chase (Galveston)spoke of Esperanto in the field of Medicine. Mr. J.G.Roney, Club Instructor,outlined activities of the club» Miss Philippa Stoneham, Bryan, was unanimously elected President. She is one of the charter members of the ass'n, and a leader in church, school and civic affairs, and one of America's most active Esperanto workers. She has organized and taught classes in several Texas Cities besides doing con- siderable of the editing of the "Texas Esperantist"(the official organ). The following committee of nine was appointed to work aa an executive cabinet of the Associations Miss Philippa Stoneham,Bryan, Chairman? Prof. J.H.Aydelotte(publisher of "T E". SH.Teachers College, Huntsvillej Dr.A.J. Bahm(E, A,T Sec'y) Technological College, Lubbock; Mr.Kaname A.Susukidst V**P) Orange; Mr. J.G.Roney (2nd V-P), Lubbock! Dr. E.D.Chase (3rd V-P) Galveston; Mr.Albert T.Cook, Waco; Rev.John E.Fazel., San Antonio; Miss Jewell Stuart, Bryan and Mr. J.Frank Summers(Treas. and Editor-in-ehief) 2612 Helena Street, Houston. The "Texas Esperantist" will be issued every other month. Rates of membership in E.A.T: Adults &U.50 per year, Youths SOe7. For E.A.T and EANA $3.00, Honorary membership $10.00-E.A.T. Letters of regret for inability to be present and sincere hopes for success, were read from A.Kenngott, and their beloved ex-president Rev.Jobn H.Fazel, San Antonio, and a telegram of encouragement and good wishes from Gen.See'y of SANA. Ultimate success of the Esperanto Movement in Texas seems assured with such an-earnest group of workers» BQHEGA J BONDEZIROJ i VIVU 1 *,#'#**'* # # *v# # #**•*•»##**■**##**• # *#**###**«*«« MISS LIMA ZAMEHHOF spoke to an audience of 200 at the Irving Schhol, May- wood, 111. April 29th, on the great need of an auxiliary language-and the way that need was being met by Esperanto. She gave a trial lesson-the Cseh Method which aroused much interest» An exhibit of Esperanto literature was on display, music was furnished by School talent, and a Salute of the Flag was rendered by Boy Scouts» An Esperanto Class is taught in the Irving Schhol by its Principal, Mr. C.C.Bristor. * *•## #*###»#•«"#######*#• # ft * # # ## # *•■*#•«• #**«■ it * * x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x Ad.vertising rates for small announcements in "American Esperantist": Classified, 10 per word - minimum 25 words. Space, 1x3 1/2 inch, 500 - 3 insertions for $ 1.00, 1/2 page $3.00, Full page, $5.00. Send copy by the 20th. X*X*X*X*X*X*X»X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X»X*X*X*X*X MA "OFICIALA STATISTIKISTQ" Fenton Stancliff is to be congratulated on his choice of cooperating ataff-Fervoruloj R.C.Betteridge (Akron,0.) and Sammy Martin (Emporia,Kan.), both enthusiastic Esperantists and painstaking workers. 3.#**« *#»*##**• «•**** fc ** •*###**#*•#**•***#*** X*X*X*X*X*X-:«*X*X*X---X*X*^^^ ESPERANTO by CORRESPONDENCE,. Beginners; Advanced. Instructor licensed by fi.A.TI.A.aa teacher. Esperanto Institute, St.Albans, N^__Psonc>. X*X*X*X*X*X*X«*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X#X#X«^ EVERY ESPERANTIST SHOULD BE A MEMBER OF E A K A - & BRING IN A HEW MEMBER — ——------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:-----------:------------------------------------- II ---------1 # # JULY & AUGUST WILL DOUBLE-ITP IH THE NEXT ISSUE OF "AMERICAN ESPERANTIST" *****#«***«#**# it»*»»»**»»**»*»** # # * * Amerika Esperantisto June, 1938 Amerieam Esperantiat (Page?) ************** ************* #«*******«* LONDON MAMMOTH DEPARTMENT STORE INTRODUCES ESPERANTO rŭ^4k U ■hihhw U\frU»t. The famous Self ridge Department Store in London (pne of the largest in the World, employing many thousands, and selling al- most everything anyone might wish for)in recognition of the immense advantages of the Esperanto Language in dealing with millions of people of all nationalities, have organized several classes for the study of Esperanto-by the Cseh Method. These classes are held during working hours, and are taught by one of Europe's most famous teachers-Miss Margarete Saxl. Selfrdges is one of the outstanding in- stitutions of London, with unlimited ser- vice -Information Bureaus, Rest, Reading, and Writing Rooms, a Roof Garden with all sorts of Flowers,Rose Arbors, Small Lakes- and a wonderful view of the City and Sur- rounding Country-One of the "Show"places of the IEL Congress Program. Hill ■■mil il HO! S£W* I I9386AAU0UST0 Kotizoj.—De nun la kongreskotizo estas £1-10-0. La edzo aŭ edzino de kongresano, kaj gejunuloj ne pli ol 20-jaraj pagas po 15 Sil. Pagiloj estu pageblaj al Internacia Esperanto-Ligo Fakaj Kunsidoj estas aranĝitaj por Skoltoj, Bahaanoj, T.A.G.E., Katolikoj, Kvakerej, la Unuigita Komitato por Impostoj laŭ la Valoro de la Tero, I.S.A.E., Komerco, K.E.L.I., Turismo, Aviado. La kunsido aranĝata de la Kvakeroj estos granda kunveno sub la titolo "La Nuna Mondstato : Kiel Povas Esperanto Hodiaŭ Plej Bone Helpi al Mbndfrateco kaj Inter- nacia Paco." Inter la parolantoj estos D-ro Edmond Privat. LA BELAJ KONGRES - GLTJMABKOJ estas ankoraŭ haveblaj ĉe la kongres-oficejo po 6 pencoj aŭ 2 intemaciaj respondkuponoj por 50. Poŝtkartoj de la Kongresejo estas haveblaj po 3 por unu penco, plus afranko, aŭ 12 por du respondkuponoj, afrankite. !» 'I !> ii .| I I <> j! li |. " '1 '» II !> !!' !L 'I V II II II, II II II II Adreso por leteroj.—Sekretario, 30a Universala (i Kongreso de Esperanto, Heronsgate, Rickroans- <► worth (Herts.), Anglujo. • Por la Organiza Komitato, ♦ Cecil C. Goldsmith. ? Sekretario. __? m VENU KONGRESI EN CLEVELAND JULIO 1-2-3 KDNiGRESOJ ESTAS__FE3T0J por moderoaj homo j. Car Esperantisto j estas modernaj homoj, preskau ciu samideano kaj samideanino jam vojaĝis al diversaj kon- greso j. La ebleco parol! kun homoj de diversaj lingvoj instigas, stimulas, inspires al kongresado... .por babili facile, araike, intime kun gekorespon- dantoj kaj kun novaj geamikoj... .por plan! pluajn varb-metodojn en Esper- antujo ĝenerale kaj en ciu lando aparte. NACIAJ KONGRESOJ estas tre aetataj en tuta Esperantujo. Hi havas tute specialan valoron: por la movado kaj por ĉiu unuopa Esperantisto. Multaj novaj gesamideanoj por la unua fojo aŭdas la lingvon parolata ĉe nacia Esperanto-kongreso. Eĉ malnovaj gesamideanoj profitas: ili foriras kun nova kuraĝo. Malnovaj gesamideanoj ofte bezonas vidi freŝan entuziasmon de novuloj, freŝan kuraĝon de junuloj. La EANA-KONGRESO en CLEVELAND (1-3.Julio 1938) estas aranĝata de tre ler- taj junaj gesamideanoj. Ili certe donos kuraĝon al multaj malnovaj Esper- antisto j . Freŝa vento blovos post Cleveland IJ FAKAJ E11NSIDOJ estas kuraĝe planataj kaj ili meritas la kunlaboron de ĉiu kongresano. Nepre indlku en kiu Faka Kunsido vi deziraa. partopreni. La Allerton Hotelo estas belega kaj havas naĝejon kaj raalaltajn prezojn por kongresano j.' La bankedo estos agrabla surprizo. La kongres-karto don- os senpagajn ekskursojn. Multaj gesamideanoj jam aliĝis^. Aliaj rapide sendu Uo ŭ crip/ago jn cAoft.urovjjir. ii:uiijaj gcoeuu j-uiccuiuj ^ cuti «j.j-5j.^i n. Bian kotizon ($3«00) por helpi en la necesaj antaŭ-aranĝoj. **************** * * *# * JcJu/OM^ • SW^ty ******* CSS Amerika Esperantisto June, 1938 American Esperantist (Page 8) ®0\ «««_««»,, ?e beT t0 tr.ain terhers t0 hfl x*x#x#x#x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x«x A^C j\ - jgj him, and soon the Cseh courses were /AVV\ i C{ becoming the most popular language "Esperanto Devige Instruata en Avi- VjX i-lnsses m Europe. ..t. - . H_ - - - Yzl Fiuaiiv, in 1930 the international aoYlstaLernejo. En la lernejo por «21 ,i Cseh Institute of Esperanto was AvIadiStOJ en Pari» , la LIngVO ES- — v\ /of * i established in The Hague, Nether- „„o._ a. j __j . I ni I I f* /Lfai *yo7 • lands, in the short time since then, peranto estas devige instruct a kaĵ ^TlffiC^ry fe? ""#**jft the Institute has taught many thou- ]_a pTOfeSOrO de Esperanto 6StaS .FvT\y^/ " '■&." .'A, sands of students and trained over n j „ j. _ i_.« i SLa m -a* _ —— J Uos^y^ four hundred teachers, of thisnum- aalajrata same Kiel ciuj profesoroj J^7~~~*Z -wm- her, thirty-four teachers spend their ae la lernejo" (El "La Ppoktiko) CsehHonOrS ^X^^X^—"y t0 All Aviators of the French Service t> f . Until now> few Americans have must learn Esperanto, in order to KObertSOn ^^*^ ^«P *P their Qualifications. One c The international cseh in j?»™? *nY0lyed in order *» rea6i™ of your edotors friends who, is smote „f Esperant^^st^tt'ed ever^ts^Z\Jt^\^Z now in Washington, looked me up to on If ttiVplK^n?0^' V011""7 famouB Cseh iastructor and find out how he was going to make ern tL„ m?- ,™ ' 0f Mod" daughter of the creator of Esperanto, , .„„.,11, „«.„J TT«„«-„«4.7-4-» Ha ,B4d the ™„P gea; aThlB hcense<0M of «ime to the united states in order himself "a good Esperantlat. He said ho Tutorial aim°ng teachers,of to provide Cseh instruction and train- "if they keep On adding tO the SUb- ^rr^rf^rf- s^rn^KS^,^ j5t-« havS to know to **, wu method» VePy P°PUlar "C8eh *« Sa™ an address and a demon- SOOn ' knOW it all". This leaching method was develop- S^^HlĥS^ZSt; The **«"**•* Office ordered that A a 7 a^ l , ungarian Priest» much interest was expressed in her Esperanto ClaSSeS be fOrmeŬ In aXl w™m w ' °, shortly after the course and in the method. Ŭ-nSt-o- milt a-for» Of fleers and Ettlis- 1"d^".Tras asked t0 tea<=h many After attending the Esperanto Arm7 UnitS-IOr UrriCePS ana ffinilS People of different nationalities how course given by Miss Zamenhof in ted men. Peace, War, Education, 111» a? ^I. °ther' He did Philadelphia, an4 after advanced c„4 ptine TndUStfT All must 6Vent- L ilaT their "atl0Dal t0ngue9> but study of the'method itself, Mr. Rob- »0161106 , lnOUatry, AAA P1U8T. BTflnii he did know Esperanto. His effort ertson recently completed an agree- Ually US e ESPERANTO. ..„.? i w E8Perant0 was so sue- ment with the Cseh Institute and ,r ,r v„ v„ -u-» v^v„ vaavaawVaVxVaVaVxV»V*Y cessful, that soon he had more was awarded his license to give Cseh #X#X#X*X*X#X#X#X#X#X*X»X*X#X#X#X#X*X stiidente than he could teach alone,' courses in Esperanto. fC^KTC-K k K X w wr -K ITX IT IT IT ^ M **»***♦ * OH a RECENT RADIO BROADCAST in New York, Miss Florence Rivere, Teacher in Thomas Jefferson High Sohool(Dr. Eliaa Lieherman,Principal) apoke of the qua- lities of Esperanto, and a dozen girls and boys sang in Esperanto. BONEGAJ " PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF THE INTERNATIONAL IANGUAPE (ESPERANTO)'.' by Dr. Ivy Kellerman Reed-World known member of the Universal Language Committee. This excellent textbook, (144 pages,stiff paper cover) has been a favorite with many classes of learners ever since its first appearance in 1915. THREE kdtttons have been entirely exhausted. The new Fourth, revised, edition, will very soon come from the press of the "Offset Process Printers" in Washington. The new edition is priced at 60 cents (Hitherto,75?() postpaid, with reason- able discounts to classes. This book, with its dialogs, grammatical explanations, vocabularies, and full exercises both into and from Esperanto, is so arranged that it may be used by beginners or by more advanced students. Its most general use has been as a "follow up" textbook for those who have already learned the elements of Esperanto from one of the smaller beginners' texts—such,for example, as the "Robbie's Home Student" (20c7)-for sale by E A N A. Now booking orders for "Reed's Practical Grammar",at 1517 H St., N-W. #«*#«■«•*#*•«■* ***#*# ■*##■*•£#•***#*##*••«•#■«■•*■«■*■»■*■ ATTEND CONGRESS BY PROXY. If you cannot attend the~XXXI EANA Congress why not help some other Esper- antist to attend* Esperanto is advancing throughout the World-and is of vital interest to the coming iouth-doubtless, there are some of the older Esperant- ists who would count it a privilege to help some of the younger ones to attend. PflOXY The undersigned member hereby appoints................................to act, in my absence, as my proxy, to vote on all matters where proxies are permis- sible, subject to Instructions below: Amendment-as per outline in imay issue- Yes ( ) No ( ) -X for choice. For Officers-on first ballot For President (2 years).................... Secretary (2 yrs)............... Member of Executive Committee......................... Signed (by member giving Proxy)................................ Ajnerika Esperantisto June, 1938 American Esperantist (Page 9) ************ * * * * * * * * *«****«*«**.*##««.#* MAKING CLEVELAND "ESPERANTO CONSCIOjKa,. During the month of May the XXXI CONGRESS COMMITTEE entertained an entire High School Body, Three Church Youth Clubs-largest in Cleveland- a Parent-Teachers association and a Busi- ness Girls Club,with their "PAMIGANTA"programs —Plays, Films, Radio, ktp. "THE MARCH OF TIME" will be given to the Congress. EXTRA1 The "HEROLDO de ESPERANTO" will dedicate an edition of their weekly paper to the E A N A Congress, and all Congress members will get a souvenir copy. ( World-reaching enterprise motivates those CLEVELANDERS.) HALLE BROTHERS CO., one of Cleveland's finest department stores placed at the disposal of the Congress Committee one of their large display win- dows, which is filled with Esperanto literature,correspondence etc. THE CONGRESS WILL BE HONORED BY THE PRESENCE OF MISS LIDIA ZAMENHOF. daughter of the Illustrious Author of Esperanto-L.L.Zamenhof, ' *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * #*######## A "ĜIS REVIDO" PICNIC, was tendered Miss Zamenhof by the Detroit Esperante Society, at Orion Lake, before her departure for nima, Ohio. * * * * * * * a- -a- * a- -a- * a- -a- * a- * a- -a- a- -a- * a- *****###.» W.W.GLENNY. CHARLIE AND EDGAR SIMON attended the above picnic to discuss the Esperanto question-particularly that appertaining to the CONGRESS.They are determined that everybody come th CLEVELAND JULY 1.2.3 1938t **************** ******* ******* *• # * Mrs. LTJELLA K.BEECHER gave a very interseting Radio broadcast,In connection with the opening of Miss zamenhof classes (May 24) in LIMA,OHIO. All Lima and his family turned out for the opening .Classes will close dune 30. * * ************************* *********** Mr. R.M.PEASE. Seeyy of the New York Esperanto Society, has issued a splen- did circular letter(one of the best we've seen in many moons) to ,reach the many contestants in the recent New History Competition (Essay),who indicated a preference for Esperanto, as an auxiliary study in the schools. His local circular letter is also 'just about right». ANOTHER JOB he took on was to obtain the cooperation of the 145 Libraries, In the Metropolitan District, in posting Esperanto literature on their bulletin boards, or filed in their folders of "Educational Opportunities". This is a project most worthy of emulation. And R.M.P is not letting many prospective Esperantists escape, sending quite a number of new-and renewals to the Central Office. GREAT. ************* ********** ft**************-- PRONUNCIATION. SOME FINAL"lX)N'TSi,' (Article VI) By way of recapitulation and~emphasis: ------------------------ Don't ever pronounce final "a" in a mumbling or slipshod way, as we do with Cuba and America» bona is "bo-nab." (and not "bonuh,") Don't pronounce e and ej alike; for tre does not rhyme with pie,). The former is our «tra(y)" — with the £ quite silent. The latter could be spelled "playy" (with the y. doubled to make sure it is distinctly heard.) Don't ever sound o like Esperanto a, (nor like our short-o in "got.") Heroldo is "heh-roll-dough" — almost "hair-old-oh"— (and never "herahldo.") Don't let any y-sound steal in unawares before an initial u; for unua is sounded "oo-noo-ah," (and not "you-knew-uh"I) Don't let b ever have the sound of z — as it so often has in English. Our word housesjf put in Esperanto letters would be "haiSzes." Our word rose is kindred in sound and sense to Esperanto "roso," (while "rose" is something quite different, in sound as in meaning.) Don't mix up Esperanto Ĵ in the form with supersign, with English "j" in John; for the Esperanto letter which does give the sound of "j" in John is not J, at all, but | with supersign, as in "ĝuste." The Esperanto 2. sounds like s, in "vision." Don't pronounce etf as we would in English. The best English spelling for this Esperanto diphthong is prohably "ayw," Don't pronounce uj[ in two syllables. It is oqy_ and not »oo-ee." And don't let a false analogy from common English words mislead you. The first syllable of "baldau" is not pronounced like our word "bald"; rather it is "bahld." Again, morti and port! rhyme together, with the same vowel sound, although English "mortal" and "portal" differ one from the other in their vowels. Especially, don't forget that the first syllable of birdo is sounded not like English "bird" but like "beard." Finally, do not let an "r" that stands after a vowel degenerate into a vanishing grunt or a mere lengthening of the vowel, as occurs in the English of some localities, Don't pronounce por as "po'uh," nor parto as "pah'to," If your tongue is able to trill the r a little (something seldom heard in American English} — so much the better for your Esperanto. E.G.DODGE, Washington, D.C. * * * * * * * -x- -K- * •«• -,:• •-,> ■:■• -,:- -:;• -;;- * * * * * -;:- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Aaerika Esperantisto June, 1938 American Eaperantist (P*Se 10J * ********** ****** *************** * * * * * LASTA ALVOKO AL LA QAJA UNIVERSALA * * * * *_g_* *._■> ***** ** ************ *** ******* [JT^tWAUl^^TLji * Tempo forflugas, sed ankoraŭ es-*Travivu * tas sufi3e da^tempo por aliĝado al * Veran * la Karavano. Sis la lasta semajno, * Esperantan i'* antaŭ ol ni surŝipiĝos,ni esperas ke* Vivon r* estos lokoj, sed vere eĉ nun kajutoj* Vizitante * iĝas malpli akireblaj. Do, rapidu.' * EsperantujonJ *Ni bonvenos vin inter nia esperanto- ***********r ■Hw***** ******•*! plena kaj gaja. samideanaro. Neniam estis tiel ĝoja, kaj samtempe grava Karavano el Usono 8.1 Universala Esperanto-Kongreso. Pro la surlipa esperanta vivo, praktikado kaj propagando; pro la varmkora samideana vizitado en diversaj landoj; pro la 9ignifeco al la turisma flanko de nia kara movado*, entute estas fruktodona paŝo al la. venko por esper- anto ka.j esperantismo, Dek Bes jam aliĝis. Estes delegitoj el la Okcidento kaj el la Oriento de nia lando. Ni klopodas por havi reprezentantojn vere de la tuta lando, por sta.rigi efikan delegitaron antaŭ la Univer- sala. Ni antauvidas almenaŭ dudekon de gajuloj aliĝintaj sur la EsperantoŜipo "KALIFORNIQ", por sperti neforgeseblan esperantan vivon dum la somero. Dek ses, - kaj nun yi_, 6u ne? Vi ankaŭ aliĝu) Vi havos grandegan sperton je la ellernado de nia kara lingvo; ankaŭ ĝojan vivon kvazaŭ en vera. Esperantujo; krome, la plej belegajn vidindaĵojn; - kaj certe ne malpli grava, vi helpos 5e la propagando kaj venko de nia ideo. Do. bonvenon.' Sendu antaŭps-gon tuj por rezervi lokon en kajuto sursipe; aŭ Turista $40, aŭ Trie $25. (Ĝis nun, esta3 duono en Siu klaso.) Speciala invito, al la du aŭ tri delegitoj kiuj aliĝis al la Universala Kbngreso, sed ne jam al la Usona Karavano, ni invitas vin en nian veran esperantoplenan grupon. Donu al ni vian kuneston kaj sperton kaj partcprenon, por altigi la propagandan sukceson de nia vojaĝo. Ankaŭ partopreni en nia ĝojo kaj esperanto-vivo. Vi ne povas iri al la Kongreso je malpliakosto! Tuta rondiro al Anglujo, tien kaj reen, nur, Turista $260, Tria $176. Kaj la tuta 'Karavano Tra Esperantujo' estas verdire malmultekosta. Do, estiĝu ESPERANTISMI3T0 por ke vi ĝojiĝu kaj ĝojigŭ. Valoro de Kongresoj. Esperantaj kongresoj provas kaj montras la veloron kaj bezcnon al la mondo, kaj al vi mem. Kongresoj provizas oportunon por praktiki la. lingvon en la plej efika mani- ero. Kaj interligas la samideanaron en la lando aŭ la mondo. Do, ni esperas ke Siu delegito al la Universala, ĉeestos la Usonan Kongreson en Klevlando. Ni ĉeestu, kiel eble plej multe, kaj post tiu ni transportu la fervoro kaj varmkoreco de nia nacia kongreso al la Universala en Londono. "UNUECO E3TAS F0RT01' Ek la propagando)^Subtenu la movadon en ĉiuj kampoj lau via ebleco. Nuna devizo: 'Ĉeestu la Rongreeojn)' ***-:********** Aliĝu kaj Varbu por la Usona Karava.no. Bonvolu, sendi aliĝleterojn al GEORGE A. CONNOR Turisma Delegito de T.E.L. 30 Perry Street .New York City a & ■*-*-............. Just reached this office, the sad news of the passing of our welx- known brother Esperantist mred A.Hamann, 611-63rd at., wauwatosa, Wisconsin, on May 2nd, at the age of 60 years, born in Breslau, Germany, came to America when 14. His family have the sympathy of his many friends, further narticulaEs». in next issue. ********** Si* ************** ^^^^**_*^^^t*j^^ .'j. XL XL XL XL XL- * * ************ * * Latest additions to the Rondo de Libro-Legantoj-complete list for the past year will appear in July-August number "AE"s Harry Schatz(No.32) 3 Star, Edgar H.Simon (No.21) 2 Star, Pierson Parker (No.33) 2 Star, Wm. Vathis (No.10) 4 Star, Gilbert Nickel (No.31) 5 Star, and Reinhardt Heger, Jr. (No.34) 6 Star * * * * * * " * * * « fr * v * * *