H E "*0*-. MARCH E*^ AMERICAN AMERIK.A ESPERANTISTO 1937 THE MONTHLY BULLETIN LA MONATA BULTENO Contral Office - 1517 H OF THE DE LA Street, ESFERANTO ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA ESPERANTO-ASOCIO DE NORDA AMERIKO N. W. , 7/ashingtcn, D. C. Centra Oficejo :Vol_.^_5l» No. _5___-_ l_0^_ per oopy_ _-_- Any Lund -- $ 1 per yenr - March 1937.. ^PS-MA'ESPERANTI^...............:..................AMMĈANltfFPLAi^iST jŭ Monata Bulteno de la Esperanta ^.JA. The iionthly Bulletin of the Esperanto Asocio de Norda Ameriko ht > Association of North America Joseph R. Scherer, President r 'A James F. Morton, Vice-Pres. Los Angeles, California Peterson, N. J. Joseph Leahy, Gen. Sec. Jentra Ofioejo___- _ 1517_ H Street, N. W., Washington,___D. C. - Central Office VORTOJ DE LA PREZIDANTO PIONIR-TS FORIRAS - NI AKCEPTU LA TORCOJN.* Antaŭ kelkaj semajnoj amata pioniro forl- asis nian usonan Esperanto-movadon. La peido estis doloriga.1 Des pli granda felico estis por la membroj de EANA ke ili povis persone interkonatigi kun D-ro Tobias Sigelj, dum la 29-a nordamerika kongreso. Ili eiuj povis vidi kiel fidele ankorau. batalis pojr nia ideo kaj lingvo jam grizhara 74-Jara samideano. D-ro Sigel persone konis D-ron Zamenhof. Baldau ne plu estos tiaj felibaj samideanoj kiuj rioevis la verdan inspir on persone de la kreito de Esperanto. Formortis jam preskaŭ oiuj pioniroj de la un- ua generaeio, kiuj antau 1900 batalis kun la majstro. Formortis jam multaj pionir- oj de la dua generaeio kiuj batalis post 1900. Restas la batalionoj de la tria gen- oracio, kaj tiuj de la dua kiuj enviciĝis en juna ago. La dua generaeio jam nun, iom post iom, transdonas la tor'don de la verda lumo al la tria generaeio. La dua generaoio al kiu apartenis D-ro Sigel jam pli bone sukoesis ol la unua; kaj la tria devas nepre pli bone sukcesi ol la dua. Mi do alvokas al la restantaj pioniroj de la dua generaeio ke ili restu fideluj kiel restis fidela dum 30 jaroj, ĝis la lusta vivotago, nia kara D-ro Sigel. Mi pledas al la anoj de la tria generaoio ke ili sin; preparu por transpreni la toroojn el la manoj de la formrotantaj pioniroj, por ke ili estu indaj, kaj kapablaj, kaj lertaj butaluntoj por la plej nobla ideo kcj por la plej kortusa lingvo kiu iam vends el la koro de homoi Ili nepre oiuj pliprofundigu la scion de la lingvo, historio kaj urgumentudo, kiel mi jam ofte pledis kaj rekomend is en ant-, tiaj monatoj. Ili gvidu kursojn, aktive laboru en kluboj por pli-intersigi la kunvenojn, kaj partoprenu kongresojn! Nur tiel ili fr.ros honoron al la nobla ani- mo, al la verdc koro, kaj al la neniam forgesatu nomo de D-ro Tobias Sigel. Feliba.j tagoj en Cehoslavakujo. Mi diris ke Esperanto estas la plej nobla ideo kaj la plej kortusa lingvo kiu iam venis el la koro de homo. Kredu al mi, ke tio ne estas nur f razo oratora.' Dum mia nuna vojagado tra Europo mi povas konstati ciutage, kiel Esperanto faras amikojn el fremduloj, kiuj neniam povus paroli unu kun la alia, 'Ĉu povus ekzisti pli alta idealo en la mondo ol amikeco kaj kompreno inter homoj de ciuj nacioj? Okaze mi povas paroli angle, aŭ france, au germane, aŭ itale, aŭ ec svisger- mane en vagonaroj. Sed tiuj homoj, eS- post kelkaj horoj, ne povas esti al mi tion simpatiaj kiom povas esti samideanoj kaj samideaninoj jam post kelkminuta babilado. Estas la idealo de Zamenhof kiu inspiras la gesamideanojn al pli tujs, kaj pli pro- funda amikeco. Spite de la nunaj internaeiaj orgenizaj disputoj, la verda idetlo ■ vivas en la koro de centmiloj de unuopaj ZamenhofanojI En la nuna momento mi finas mi an parolad-vojaĝadon tra la bela Celioslovakujo. En ciu urbo estas gesamideanoj kiuj rakontis al mi pri la antikva kulturo kaj historio de la plej juna eŭropa res- publiko, kiu rezistis al 'oiuj ekstremoj de nuntempaj politikoj,. Per justeco kaj saĝ- eco grandaj homoj kiel Masaryk kaj Benes gvidis la novan landon tra multaj malfaci- laĵoj. Pli kaj pli ĉelAoslovakujo fariĝis turista lando. Jam multego la registaro subtenis la Esperanto-movadon, kuj eldonis belegajn gvidlibretojn en la Esperanto Lin gvo. Ankoruu ne sufibe du usonanoj iras tien, sed ili trovos mirindan fervojan sis- temon. Rektaj vagonaroj zigzagas tra la tutu lando, kaj la vidindajoj diversaj—jen pujzaĝaj, jen e.rtaj kaj historiaj--estas multaj kaj tre allogaj. Post Celaoslovakuj- omi prelegos en Aŭstrujo kaj Svislando kaj en Marto jam denove en Nederlando. Sed mia patrino kaj mi senpucienoe utendas la tagon kiam ni revidos Usonon. Iom mallongigits. de EGD) Joseph R. Scherer, Amerika Esperantisto March 1937. American Esperantist Page Washington invites you to the xxx esperanto congress FIRST WEEK IN JULY 1937. J U Si L £ A J A R O NORTH AMERICAN ESjERaNTISTS WILL HOLD THEIR THIRTIETH ANNUAL CONGRESS IN WASHINGTON, D. C. , JULY 1, 2, 3, 1937. They will also celebrate the 50th YEAR since the WORLD AUXILIARY LANGUAGE ESPERANTO WAS PRESENTED TO THE PEOPLE BY DR. L. L. ZAMMHCF. THIS GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE ESPERaNTO MOVEMENT will be celebrated in every country on the globe. Every one interested in Esperanto will want to be known, in the years to follow, as a participant in the GOLDEN JUBILEE OF ESPERANTO. BE R E A D Y 1 .' ! CONGRESS TICKETS -- $3-00 CONGRESS COMMITTEE - Chairman, Mrs. C. J. Walter; Secretary, Mr. Kenneth F. Rogers; Treasurer, Miss Kathleen Prutz. Address all communications to 1517 H Street, N. W. The following is a list of members of the Local Congress Committee - in addition to Estraro: S-inoj C. M. Lewis; J. C. McDowell; H. T. Smith, and EmLlie Bak.er; F-i.noj Mabel G.Hamilton; Frieda Thume; Selma Gustavson; Shirley Sorkin; A. Josephine Kruka; Virgie Vail; F. Oliver; V. Ehrenberg; M. S. Taylor; S-roj E. G. Dodge; H.L. Shatford; H. T. Smith; G. F. Small; Hirsch Ginn; Rudolph Heman; J. C. McDowell; J, B-. Patzer; ; Paul Winter; Dean McLaughlin; Jos. Leahy. Mr. Samuel C. Eby of New York is chairman of committee for publicity in cities outside of Washington. Congress Headquarters will be the Hotel Hamilton, 14th and K Streets, N. W., oppo- site Franklin Park. All outside rooms, equipped individually with controlled air- conditioning, full sized tub and shower, circulating ice-water, reading lamp and full-length (telling the ladies) mirrors. Esperanto Hall entrances from street and lobby. Rates, Single, $3.00 and up; Double, $4.50 and up. (Our report in February "A£" was incomplete - and somewhat sketchy - Bedatfras) ¥¥*¥¥*¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥»¥»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥«¥¥»»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥«¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥«¥¥¥tf V te V' *■* V ** ¥ ** ^f^fiW^fiWvWW^^"W^V & ¥ V ^ s* V 5 V ^ Ŝ? V V V 3? W * W ^"ij< j£ 'fiW W% %'• pENTISTG KaJ VERKISTO. A recent number of the "Journal of the American Dental Ass'n": Contains a very irxteresting article entitled; «SOiyiE FAMOUS and LESS FAMOUS DENTaL TRU-: JANTS" - dentists who have distinguished themselves in spheres outside of their profesj Sion. In that article there is a short but verf good paragraph about Dr. Lehman Wen- dell (of Minneapolis) and Esperanto. Dr. Wendell is a valued member of EANA whose original writings in Esperanto, both serious and entertaining, have given pleasure and instruction to a wide circle of readers. (Look for "Sep Ridoj" and Sub la Mezno- kta Suno" in our book list). *¥***¥¥**¥¥*#***¥**¥¥*¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥**¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥**¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥¥*¥*¥**¥¥#¥***¥¥¥**¥: OUR JUBILEE CONTEST. LAST REMINDER. Please look back at your February issue of A E for full details of the contest on which nineteen good Esperanto books will be dis- tributed. This just reminds you that your articles must be received at the Washing- to office, 1517 H St., N.W., not later than March 21. Select your topic, about Esperanto or about the movement, write (in Esperanto) your best thoughts on the subject, in 500 to 1000 words, and send it in. Well written Esperanto will count, but your thoughts will count even more. If your age is less jj-han 30 or less than 20, it is to your advantage to mention this, since your article Will be considered in more than one of the contests — the general contest,- and ihose for limited age groups. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥"*¥ ¥"!**¥"¥*¥¥"¥ ¥ C**"*" * ¥ V^V¥*¥*MVW?yV^SVi»V?V**¥««i**¥F*******^ Amerika Esperantisto March 1937 American Esperantist Page EANA Calendar--" a thought for a month/ (March.) "I see it's only four months until Esperantists from many states will be getting together in Washington for the JUBILEA KONGRESO. How I envy them their good time! — By the way, I wonder if I couldnlt somehow manage to go, too?" (April.) "Only three more months.' Do you know? — I've really made up my mind to be at that JUBILEA KONGRESO. Will have to pinch a little to get the money in hand, but I believe I'll be able to make it." (May.) "I couldn't think now of missing the JUBILEA KONGRESO. I»ve bought my congress ticket already. And I've written to the Hotel Hamilton for one of those air-oooled rooms." (June.) "I can hardly wait] My expense ran a little heavier last month than I ex-i pected. But I can't let that make any difference. The JUBILEA KONGRESO needs me, and I need it." (July.) "I'm hereJ And glad? What a question]" ************************************************************************************* "LA AVENTUROJ de MARTENO DRAKE", a recent noteworthy addition to the "POPULARA ES- PERANTC^BIBLIOTEKO", 206 pages, Green Cloth binding, Price 3 1/2 Sh.-A translation by W. Severn from the English, of G. Norway's very interesting story of 18th century; episodes beginning in the Devon country of England and spreading through England and; America. Easy reading, intriguing - "kiu preskati frostigis lian sangon". Interest grows with each page so that you cannot stop reading until the end. Published by the Esperanto Publishing Co., Heronsgate, Rickmansworth (Herts) England. *****************************************************************************#*******' NOTU. Se vi deziras plibonigi vlan paroladon.legu la vortojri el unu el 1» paroladoj de D-ro Zamenhoj: "Estas vero, ke multaj el ni posedas nian lingvon ankoreti tre mal- bone kaj malfaoile balbutas, anstatatf paroli flue; sed, komparante ilian balbutadon kun la perfekte flua parolado de aliaj personoj, 8iu konscienca observanto facile rimarkos, ke la kaQzo de la balbutado kuŝas ne en la lingvo, sed nur en la nesufica ekzerciteco de la diritaj personoj." ************************************************************************************* COLLECTORS - of INFORMATION, POSTAGE STAMPS, etc., can find many announcements of other collectors asking for correspondents, in all lands, in the monthly-all-Esperan-^ to-paper "La Praktiko".. $1.50 per year, 75?! 6 months, and the "Heroldo de Esper- anto", weekly-all-Esperanto-paper- $3.70 year, $1.85 - 6 months. (We take the sub script!ons). ************************************************************************************* NOT MIND READERS. We are frequently asked for the name of an Esperanto club, or en officer of it, but cannot answer because of the shyness of so many clubs or group leaders. We know that several think we are mind readers, because they notified us that they had organized clubs, or classes, and had elected officers—that's all-- no details. After the next issue of "AE" they write "Our members, especially the Officers, were very much disappointed when they didn't see their names in the last "AE"-and WHY?" Secretaries, groups, or class leaders will be conferring a favor on the Central Office by sending name of your outfit, and its officers^-if space does not permit the club roster. Akceptu sinoerajn dankojn. ************************************************************************************* UNITED STATES CAPITOL. The Suhjeot of Esperanto became part of the Official Journal (minutes) of the Little Congress of the U. S. A. when Mr. E. G. Dodge, President of Washington Esperanto Society and chairman of the Executive Comrn. of the Esperanto Association of North Amerioa addressed the assembly relative to the Esperanto move- ment. He was introduced by Mr. M. M. Villereal, (of Phillipine Islands) a member of; the Little Congress-whose members are secretaries on the Stuffs of U.S. Senators, Representatives and Territorial Commissions. Meetings are held every Tuesday even- ing, during sessions of Congress, in the House Office RniiHino-. Amerika Fsperantisto March 1S37 American Fsperantist Page EAT (suggestive, eh?). When that stalwart support of the Esperanto movement - Rev; John H. Fazel, Topeka, Kansas, takes a vacation we always expect to hear of renewed activity in Esperanto circles of the place honored by his selection. So, we were not so much surprised to get word from San Antonio, Texas that he had drafted the local fervorulo - William plampin - and together they are making strong efforts to organize the Texans in an Esperanto Association of Texas. Their "CALL*1 has gone out to about 25 of the most active Texas Esperantists. One of the features of the "CALL? is: "Establishment of a state headquarters at some chosen city, like San Antonio, or Austin, or make it a contest in favor of city showing most active members." (con- sider "most" both ways), with two such workers, there is little doubt of RESULTS. (Mr. Fazel's address is 511 West Woodlawn, San Antonio, until further notice). ******************* ***************** ^««««^««««^«««^««««vvvtvf^^VVVVViliiVVfivV^M^f^M»* PaCO KAJ FRaTECO is the name of a very active group of Esperantist- in Jerusalem Pal- estine, which held a successful celebration of Zamenhof Birthday, getting much favor*1 able comment. ************************************************************************************ aSeERaNTC ACTIVITY IN THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Esperanto Society of N.Y. Beginners and Advanced classes Monday evenings, 8:15 at Baha'i Center, 119 W. 57th St., N.Y.C. Mrs. P. C. Quinlan, Teacher. Mrs. Quinlan also teaches a class in the Yonkers High School, So. Broadway and Neppejf- han Avenue, Wednesday evenings at 8. Esperanto Society of Brooklyn, Beginners and Advanced, Tuesday evenings, at 7:30 and 9:00 at 105 So. Elliot Place, Brooklyn. Mr. Reinhardt Heger Jr. , Teacher. Esperanto Klubo Harmonic Beginners, Sunday evenings at 7:00 in Dick's Studio, 4 :West 40th Street, N.Y.C. Mr. Louis Dormont, Teacher. Advanced Class, Thursday even- ings 8:00 at 123 East 35th Street, Brooklyn, (Church Ave. Station IRT) Teacher, Mr. Dormont. ■ •••••••••*••••••< Esperanto Skolta Grupo. (Boy Scouts only) Beginners, Sundays 3:00 P.M. at 116 Tapscott Street, Brooklyn (Sutter Ave. Station IRT). Teachers, Mr. Connor and Mr. JTopham. jWorkers' Esperanto Group. Beginners, Wednesday evenings 8:00 at 1501 3rd Avenue, JN.Y.C. (85th St.)- Mr. Rugama Bonesper, Teacher. Mr. Bonesper also teaches a class for Beginners, Friday evenings, 8:00 at 102-3 39th Ave., Corona, L.I. (at IWO Club). Beginners Class at Labor Lyceum 14th Avenue and 42nd St.,- Brooklyn, Teacher, Mr. jLouis Dormont. ;#• « « • • a • a a a • a a a a • a High School Group. Beginners, Sundays 2 P.M. at Community Church, 110 St., and jBroadway, N. Y. C. - Teacher:- Dr. Johns. e a a a • • a a * a a a a • » • a' The growth of classes in the Metropolitan District is a good indication of the pro- gress of the LaTIN OF DEMOCRACY during the past year. With this growth in demand for classes, comes a need for qualified teachers. Volunteers please so indicate to the president of the respective club, or to Louis Dormont. .. .... ... ... . .... This year, 1937, is the .ijpth anniversary of the birth of the International Auxiliary Language, Let's make it a banner year. "Nur rekte, kurage kaj ne flankenigante Ni iru la vojon celitanJ EĈ guto malgranda, konstante frapante, Traboras la inonton granitan. " ************************************************************************************ OUR BUSIEST ESPERAHT1ST. In addition to the several classes taught by Mr. Louis Dormont, noted in the above list, he is teaching a class composed entirely of school' teachers. He also has a very interesting article - nearly two pages - on the school; system, and population statistics of Hew York City, in the "Internacia Pedagogia Revuo" (official organ of the World Association of Esperanto Teachers). Anorika Esperantisto March 1937 American Esperarrcisc Page 5 U..TLE ROCK, ARK., "Gazette" of Feb. 4th has a splendid letter from Capt. F. A. Post replying to many inquiries as to (l) "Whet is Esperanto?" (2) "Whether English cannot serve as well as Esperanto?» (3) "What good will Esperanto do for English speaking people?" No one could answer these questions more clearly or briefly-and not leave out any essentials- than our fervorulo Post, * ********************* *********** **************************************************** A WELCOME VISITOR, Mr. Elmer Potter, Language teacher in Washington High School, Danville, Va., called at Central Office recently. Young men of his type, we like to meet often. Oh yes, he has e.n 'up-and-coming* Esperanto class. *******************************^ FRIENDS OF ESPERANTO lists are still coming in - hope to make real Esperantists of many of them in the near future. Large sized THANKS are due the list senders. $*****#***************##************************************************************* IN HOLLAND the Esperanto Federation of Labor has over 6000 members. ******************************************* THE CHINESE ESPERANTISTS have 5 newspapers, 50 clubs and over 30,000 students. ************************************^ FRANCE AND DENMARK. The Ministers of Instruction of both these countries have grant! ed permission to teach Esperanto in all Technical and Trade Schools. ********************** ** + 4***#4zz##*zz*M####*MtM####x***#****#******##*****#****** GERMAN ESPERANTISTS and their friends all over the world are rejoicing over the with drawal of the 'verboten' edict from Esperanto, the use of which is again permitted. This success is due to the efforts put forth by the Komercista Esperanto Unio, to whom all Esperantists give heartfelt thanks. ************************************************************************************* ESPERANTO ON THE AIR. Eteperantists, and friends, listened with much interest to a broadcast from station WJZ in New York, on the evening of Feb, 4th, when May Singhi Breen and Peter de Rose, the "Sweethearts of the Air", sang "When Your Hair Has Turn- ed to Silver" in Esperanto. Here 'tis: "Kiam arĝentigos haroj Tra la roz' garden ni vagos Kiel nun vin amos mi, Dum subiro de la sun'; Mi vin nomos ĵDoIĉulino, Via nomo restos gi, Kiam haroj argentiĝos Mi vin amos kiel nun." We hope all our folks wrote in to the station. Tuner-inner reaction will in a large measure determine the re.dio future of the language. If you do not tell the artist oi the station, they are f>ee to guess that you are not interested. ***********************^i***********************v************************************ ESPERANTO FILMS. During the celebration of Princess Juliana's wedding recently in Holland, by speoial request of the school authorities of the Burg of Texel (Texel Island), films were sh(frwn, in and about Esperanto. The films were furnished by 8am- ideano G. Job... Duinker-, editor of the local newspaper "Texelsche Courant". On the same date, in Texel, was unveiled a new monument to Esperanto. ************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********,,(********************************** THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Esperanto in Modern Life", will be held in Paris, May 14-17 1937- All matters will be conducted by experts in the various subjects: "Use- fullness of Esperanto instruction in the schools"j "Practical arrangement of Instru- ction"; "Questionnaire's on 1st and 2nd grade, Blind and Deaf mute Instruction. Also on matters relative tp all Technical Trades and the Sciences, in connection with Es- peranto. A list of tbe various subjects appeared in the February "AE". ********************* ft * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *********************************************** KONGRESO LIBRO of the 29th EANA Congress, is a souviner that every Esperantist should; have - and having it you will be very proud of it. It not only is a fine example of the printer's art, bo/b is full of very interesting reading and pictures. (Many are presenting this book to their Clubs and to City Libraries). Price .... 25^ ******************** if *************************************************************** "LA REGNO de l'VERO',' though a book of fables — grown-ups enjoy it immensely. It is a translation from, the Russian by Mr. Albert M. Koliner (Detroit), well-known writer and publisher,, with foreword by the late Dr. Tobias Sigel. Price .... 2Cx/. Amerika,i..E^p.exanti.s^to.......................................Ma roll.. .l.V.3.7.............................................Tto&r^.°£.n..J.sP^ Page tj AL LA USONA SAMIDEANAKO Cu vi intencas iri kongreson, naoian ail in- ternacian, cijare? Se jes, acetu viajn bil etojn por vojaĝo, ou surŝipe, fervoje, aere aid ominbuse, oe la V1LLEMIN TRAVEL SERVICE, 145 Efist 57th St., New York City, N. Y. Kie oni korespondas en ESPERANTO. La VILLEMIN TRAVEL SERVICE interrelatas kun ciuj vaporŝiplinoj, transoceanaj kaj mar-j randaj, kaj povas pro siaj bonaj personaj ril atoj kun la ofioistoj de la diversaj linioj, (r akiri la plej bonajn servadojn por vi. Re? Adresu vian korespontrajn al: - F-ino Louisa J. Hertweck, C/o VILLEMIN TRAVEL SERVICE 145 East 57th Street, New York City, N.Yj. ;EANA SCIENTISTS. In the last issue of "Science Gazeto" - where scientists only are permitted - we find quite pretentious articles by learned members of EANA - four of them: L. A. Ware, Bozeman, Utah; Arthur C. Ballard, Auburn, Wash.; E. B. Billings Jr., JElmira, N. Y. and our own E. G. Dodge, Washington, D. C, A************************+******************^ "GAZETO DE AMERIKO" is a new venture in the Esperanto newspaper world. It is pub- lished in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, Well printed on good paper. The promoters, and complete staff are women, and the main purpose is to have the women of America take more interest - and get more attention - in the Esperanto movement. The first issue carries pictures of the following celebrities: President of Brazil, Getulio Vargas; President of Argentina, Agustin Justo; President of United States, Franklin D. Roose- ivelt; Sec'y of State, Cordell Hull, U. S, A. Macedo Soares, Minister for Foreign jAffairs, Brazil; Saavedra Lamas, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Argentina (1936 winner jof the Nobel Peace Prize); Dr. Maria Luiza Bittencourt, Brazil, Dr. Marques Dos Reis, Traffic Minister of Brazil and a picture of the opening meeting of the IX Brazilian Esperanto Congress (Nov. '36). All above named people were participants in the re- bent Peace Conference in Buenos Aires. We would like to give the 'celoj' of the jGazeto, but it would require more space than is available. Address all communications [to F-inoMaria Ieda de Morias, Av. Marechal Floriano, 212, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. With best wishes, we welcome you into the Journalistic field. ********************************* j), *************************************************** jU D E V. The Esperanto women of Franoe are also making a strong bid for more recog- nition. Their organization is the "Unuiĝo de Esperantistaj Virinoj". i* ************************************************************************************ JAPANA ESPERANTISTA SCIENCISTA ASOCIO is the name of a society with nearly 500 mem- bers - each member a scientist and an Esperantist. Home offioe, Oosaka. j************************************************************************************* ; 1 j From the LEAGUE of NATIONS Report on ESPERANTO: i"We find that Esperanto is entirely adequate for practical use as an international language for all the purposes in speech and writing for which a language is required; And that, moreover, it possesses remarkable qualities which establish its value as an educational instrument." ********************************* ********* ********* ********************************** i"AN AUXILIARY, or SECOND LANGUAGE can never be n LIVING' language unless it can be iadmitted over the electric wires which now tie the world together-and that will never: lhappen". So said a 'wiseaore' a few years ago. And now-ESPERANTO has not only been admitted as a "CLEAR" language, on Radio, Telephone and Telegraph (NOT as a CODE), iwith all the rights and privileges of National Languages, but many governments are using it offioially-in Postal, Telegruph, Railway and Tourist Service. ESPERANTO is the only auxiliary language recognized as practical by Governments, Scientists, In- dustrialists and Educationalists. THERE'S A REASON. Amerika Esperantisto March 1937 American Espjerantist .................................................................................'.......Fage.........7.....'"..................... ; INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE POPULAR SAY PARIS EXPOSITION OFFICIALS !ESPERANTO, LONG-DESPISED INTERMATIONAL LANGUAGE, HAS TAKEN SECOND PLACE AMONG THE I FOREIGN LANGUAGES USED IN THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE PARIS ; EXPOSITION OF 1937. I THE COMMITTEE ON FAIRS IN PARIS HAS CARRIED ON ITS CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION ;SERVICES IN ESPERANTO FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. THIS YEAR, WITH THOUSANDS OP LETTERS I ABOUT THE FAIR COMING IN FROM 27 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, ENGLISH HAS BEEN FIRST AND !ESPERANTO, SECOND. j ("PARIS 1937 INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION P .ESS") blast received from Svisa Turisma Centralo, Zurich, a 16 page booklet, entitled "Svis ; lando en la Nego," containing many pictures of people playing in the snowy mountains, jmap and tables about the principal places, hotels, etc.,-- Surely! in Esperanto,that lis the feature which interests us. j * ■* * * * * #*#*!{<*!!« S>1 ************************* * * %%&#**.'*%**%%&**%*****>$**&****'¥*%&*%*■[&%*****, '. rL M. Damme, Gen. Dir. of the Postoffice, Telegraph and Telephone service of Holland, im a recent radio talk about the practical value of Esperanto for Post, Telegraph and; ;Telephone service, expressed the opinion that the best possible solution to get away jf'rcm the language chaos, would be, if all people could use, besides their own, the jauxiliary language, Esperanto. He said that the Administration of the P T-T advised i |the study of Esperanto by the officials and clerks in the service, and had affixed ishields with the wording "ONI PAROLAS ESPERANTON" near the ticket windows of the Post |offices. He also advised all to.wear the Green Star — the introduction to all, ;knowing Esperanto. ;*.*$* 4 ***************************** ^ ******#****************#************•****** ******** ITHE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "ESPERANTO IN MODERN LIFE" May 14-17 will be under the ipatronage of the President of France - M. Albert Lebrun. JTHE 50 YEAR ESPERANTO JUBLIES CONGRESS, August 7-14 will be under the patronage of jthe President of Poland - Dr. Ignaoy Moscicki. i (notice of above meetings are mentioned elsewhere-without the 'patronage') ;#**###*#*###**##* sisjij****^****************^ *******************^***********s> ************ !"ESPERANTO^-GAZETSERVO" (Hugh Shatford, Dir.) again scores. In the "Heroldo de Esper- janto" of Feb, 7th, a column article appears, entitled "Ekspedicion al Sumatro", re- ilating to the expedition of Dr. William Mann, director of the Zoological Park of this joity under patronage of the Smithsonian Institute and the National Geographic Society. ;to find specimens of animals, birds, etc., for the Zoo - which now is considered one Iof the finest in the world. (C-ratulcj S-ro S.) [PRESIDENT Scherer,has many complimentary hoquets from the Preha correspondent of the ;"Heroldo de Esperanto", for his many speeches in that city - two of them before the embassadors of China and Japan, and the officials of their staffs. They greatly ad- imired pictures from their respective countries. [WORLD ESPERANTO JUBLIES CONGRESS, will be held in Warsaw, Poland, the birthplace of [ESPERANTO and its producer Dr. L. L. Zamenhof. Though the annual congresses,'here- jtofore have been under auspices of UEA, the fact that UEA has been succeeded by IEL, [since original naming of Warsaw as the Jubliee city, and no definite arrangements had [been made between the two as to final jurisdiction, the Polish Esperantists, regardless! iof affiliation, will hold the Congress NEUTRALLY - all Esperantists are welcome — [and expected to be present. Though we have had inklings .of some of our members at- tending, we do not have a list. The Congress will be held August 7-14. METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, NEW YORK. The following selection of Internacia Esperanto- [Ligo Delegates was recently made: Chief Delegate, Mr. Louis Dormont, 123 E. 35th St., Brooklyn; Vice-Delegate, Mrs. Cora L. Fellows, 150 Park Ave., Fort Richmond; Depart- pent Delegates - Dr. Ruth S. Davis, 115 W. 16th St., New York; and Mr. Geo. A. Connor, 30 Perry St., New York. Such a selection cannot fail to he a credit to the district. E.Amer|.ka_p3SBerantist.o____ March 1937 Anerioan Esperantist ; A ' JJS6SL. 8 j.YMH.....^.....VAS1NGTQJ!.0..,..LA.....BELA.....................N1..ATJNMS...M. JM.^^......YE.NU'. iALWAYS CARRY THE GREEN STAR-the Magic Key to Human Hearts-the Esperanto Emblem in : the buttonhole. Every Esperantist should proudly carry it. Green star with golden : ' E", and golden protectdrs on points. Choioe, screwback 4°^. Safety catch 5^4' \ Esperantists and Friends of Esperanto, Vifear them. *.y *********************************************************************************** •: "A Picture is Worth 1000 Words" - Postage stamp type and size - Photographs gummed, i ready to stick - from any picture, 100 for $1.00, 500 for $4-00, 1000 for $7,00. : Original returned unharmed. For birthday, gift, graduation - all kinds of greeting icards. Gem Photos - l|x2f - 25 for $1.00 or 50 for $1.50. Dr. Zamenhof - 5x7, 25^- ;5 for $1.00; 8x10. 654; Postcard, 10c;, 3 for 254, 25 for $1.00. (Gems).25 for $1. ************************************************************************************* ; EVERY ESPERANTIST SHOULD BE A MEMBER OF E» A. N. A. - AND BRING IN A NEW MEMBER. „ Membership Rates :M - EANA and IEL, with "American Esperantist" ', .............. $1.50 jMJ - EANA - IEL, with "American Esperantist" and Jarlibro, ........ , 2,50 IMA - EANA and IEL with "AE" Jarlibro and "Esperanto Internaeia" (Monthly). . 4.00 JMAH- .EANA and IEL with "AE" Jarlibro and weekly "Heroldo de Esperanto" . . < 6.50 iMS - EANA-IEL-Jarlibro, may receive both weekly and monthly publications, or I may elect to receive instead of the weekly "Heroldo de Esperanto" a ; selection of hook premiums from any already published list - tsk for it. 8.50 • The Jarlibro (Yearbook) is a directory of Esperanto Delegates in all parts of the jworld, Esperanto organizations, publications, and all sorts of information necessary jto any one wishing to "BE UP" on Esperanto affairs. ************************************************************************************* ;TEXTBOOKS; "Practical Grammar" by Dr. Ivy-Kellerman Reed, member of the World Lang- ; uage Committee. A course suitable for all grades, The most popular textbook on the : -Hmerxcan MarKer.* .,». ..<.».. .»»»»«,. ..... «»«...»,>., (Dr ************************************************************************************* iFRODING'S "Easy Course in Esperanto" - a splendid 'starter' of 8 lessons. , . . lOd ************************************************************************************* iSUSSMUTH'S "American Esperanto Key" - Grammar and Vocabulary". ......... 54 ************************************************************************************* :"EDINBURGH POCKET DICTIONARY» 288 pages, size 4x6, indispensible to any Esperantist. | You will want one eventually - GET IT NOW.*,,.,»».*), . .$1.00 ************************************************************************************* ;MILLIDGE Esperanto-English Dictionary...$2,75 and Rhodes English-Esperanto....$1.10 ;A combination that is unbeatable ............. Only a few Rhodes left. ************************************************************************************* jEasy and interesting reading "Fabloj de Ezopo"., .25$( "Zamenhofa Ligolibro*...*.»504 j"Sub la Meznokta Suno" (Wendell).,,....,.25^ "Sep Ridoj" (Wendell)»......»..*.».25y 3^*5 i"Facilaj Esperantaj Legajoj.........»50^ ;"Akrobato de Nia Sunjorino (Payson).,254 [Blanche,Virgulino de Lille (Payson)..254 i$)ua Kreanto, Poemo................... ±Q<4 flnfanmurdo (Japanese drama)......... ,25\X fJuneoo Kaj Amo (Boards),,,254 Paper..15^ [Lando de Argenta Akvo (Roe-Payson)**,154 jMopso de la Onklo (Chase)...........15^ jPrinco Vanoo (Putman Kaj Beetes)....*25p iRozujo Ciumiljara (Wagnallis-Payson)*354 [Raknonto kaj Aventuro (Hall-Bacoll)..I5y jTaso de Amservo (Taylor-Weems),..,...25^ La Vojo Return© (Remarque).........,$2»00 "Ginevra (Privat)....................25^ "Miserere Kaj Thais" (Payson).. ... .» , »2$?; "La Karto Mist era" Tre intrigante..*..25^ Short Outline of Esperanto........... .10?; Radi o Manuel o.........................25^ Jos. Rhodes, "Early Days of Esperanto in England", (Esperanto) Cloth,..$1.00 Papers 75 cents. "Piramo kaj Tizbeo" (W,G. Adams)......10?! Surprises at Sylvia Farm (H.W.Fisher..10^ I"Guide to Esperanto" (former price...254)'..,.»154 - This book is for self instruct- ion class use, and correspondence work, as well as to guide the Esperantist in the jstudy, teaching, use and propaganda of Esperanto. Only a few left - HURRY!I! - - : "Fundament0 de Ispografio" by Fred A Hamann».. .554 * La baza libro de IPSO ail Inter- joiacia Steno-Pazigrafio, kiu signifas internaeia mallongskribo por oiuj kaj estas in- itencata fariĝi la dua skribo por cjiuj, simile al Esp-o, la dua lingvo por oiuj, jGuide to English Ispography(For acquiring speed)...»......,.....»................60c; ;Slosilo de Esperanta Ispografio.,»».10^ Key to English Espography* ,.*,...,....» .10d. iScrlassel der deutschen Ispografie,.10# Clave de Ispografia Espanola......... ...10c; jCorrespondence course in Ispo, Including books...»............................$2.00 I****:;******************************************************************************* iNl ATENDAS V1N KUN MALFERMITAJ BRAK0J ....■■••■■•■••-. VENU AL VAgJNGTONO LA BELA :**>.•..-!. ********************** ******************************** ******* ******************* !Esperanto Association of North America 1517 H Street, N, W, , Washington, Dc :************************************************************************************