AMERIKA ESPERAUTISTO AMERICAN ESPERANTIST La Monata Bulteno de la Esperanta ......•: •.. . The Monthly Bulletin of the Esperanto! Asosio de Norda Ameriko •> C .' Association of North America Joseph R. Scherer, President •'• "'. James F. Morton, Vice-Pres. Los Angeles, California Joseph Leahy, Gen. Sec. Paterson, N. J.f Centra Oficejo 1517 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ...P.®?$F£\.Q£IA<:? VOL...50 No. 2.....-.,,\9.4.P.****¥¥¥*¥* **¥**¥*******¥**?* LA ORAN JUBILEON feston Esperantistoj en ciuj landoj de tuta mondo. La Nord-Amerikan- anaj havos gia Tridekan Kongreson en la jaro 1937. En la sama okazo ili festos la 50- an jaron de nsperanta Movado en Vasingtono, Usono. Julio 1, 2, kaj 3, 1937. Estu Preta' ******¥******¥*¥*¥****¥*¥*¥*¥******¥******* FOR SALE. Sets of used double-faced records in French. Ten and twelve inch. Good con- dition. Printed text. Beginner's, and classical pieces. Beginner's linguaphone Rus- sian course. Make offer per record. Write F. Stancliff, 1106 Big Falls Ave., Akron, 0 ******************¥************************ FRIENDS OF ESPERANTO. Two of our good friends in the 'Halls of Congress' have been returned to us through the recent election. We extend congratulations to Senator Morrjj Fletcher, Texas, and Representative Karl Stefan, Nebraska-also to the constituencies where the voters know "the right man for the right place", regardless of party. ******************************************* lAuerika Esperantisto November 1&36 American Esperantist KEEN COMPETITION between the various members who are filling up lists of "Friends of Esperanto." There certainly will be a lot of people know something about la kara lingvo who never heard of it before. Gratuloj al la konkurautoj. ¥****************************¥************* ATESTO PRI KAPABLECG. Miss Roan U. Orloff, Cseh method teacher of Boston, has passed the recent examination, which is just another proof of her efficiency, and enthusi- astic interest in Nia Afero. Korajn gratulojn, Fraulino orloff. ****************>,l** ***************** ******* ESPERANTO SOCIETY of NEW YORK held their regular monthly meeting in Hotel New Yorker, Sat. November 7th, with a full house, a program of progress, and episodes of interest. An address on "Youth Hostels Here and Abroad" by Mrs. R. Wade Speir, Jr. George A. Connor told of his visit to the Vienna Congress and other European experiences. (Make a note of the society's meeting date-lst Sat. of the month in Hotel New Yorker- worth making an effort to attend) ******************************************* PRI PLENA GRAMATIKO de ESPERANTO: "Literature Mondo" informas ciujn. acetintojn de la unua eldono, ke la dua eldono estas jus prespretigita, Gi estos cirkau 100 pagojn pli granda, ol la unua kaj la eldonejo sangos por ciu la unuan eldonon je la dua. La abetintoj, se ill hazarde ne ricvis la necesajn informojn antau la 1-a de novembro ipovas gin havigi de la eldonejo au de la firmo, kiu liveris al ili la libron. Kiuj ne deziras sangi, rajtas aceti la duan eldonon por la duona prezo. ****************************************** IRUMANA B0NHUM0R0", Five selected humorous stories, by P. Firu and s. Pragano. A few for sale by the Central Office @ 45a'. . Mr, Pragano was the leader of the Special Course on Esperanto Literature in the Summer School at Esperanto Domo, Arnhem, Holland ******************************** ********** "ESPERANTO INTERNACIA" (monthly organ of I E L) November number contains much that is worthy of closest attention by every Esperantist: "Ek al Laboro." by Teo Jung (Editor) should be learned PARKERE and often repeated-as a prayer, propaganda speech at the Vienna Congress by E. Malmgren (I EL Estraro) and letters of R. M. Frey (TAGE) re. UEA-IEL are worth reading repeatedly. Other items of more than passing interest- The Boy Scout Jamboree of 1937; Fourth International Congress of Administrative Science; Union of Esperanto Women; Three pages of official information and a whole page of an- nouncements for correspondents. , . • • November 8th issue of the "Heroldo de Esperanto" (weekly organ of IEL) was the 900th number. Up to the time of 'la translogigo' from Germany to Holland last summer it appeared kun reguleco de horlogo every week for over 17 years. We hope there will be no interruption henceforth. Hearty congratulations to the indefatigable editor - TEO JUNG. He is the type of FERVORULO that has made Esperanto the ONLY PRACTICAL AUXILIARY LANGUAGE. ******************************************* "LA PRAKTIKO" Nov. number, carries a picture of 30 Esperanto students of the Evander High School, Bronx, N. Y. Standing behind the seated group-to furnish additional eclat-we note the smiling intellectuals: Dr. E. A. Johns (Teacher), Berthold Schmidt, Gesinjoroj S. C Eby and M. Jagoda. ******************************************* W. W. BRYNE, formerly of Atlanta, now of Albany, Ga., resigned as director of the Esperanto Gazette Service, and Hugh L. Shatford, former Ass't Director, was appointed Director. If you have a news item or clipping that you consider of world interest, send it to Mr. Shatford, P. 0. Box 660, Washington, D. C.-appoint yourself a reporter to help make the world Esperanto-minded. ******************************************* COUNCILS of MANY FRENCH CITIES endorse the introduction of Esperanto in the schools ******************************************* "BELLAMY'S" "In the Year 2000" and "Equality for All" will soon be published in Esperanto. ******************************************* Amerika Esperantisto_____________November 1936_______________American Esperantist :■'•• ****************************** ************ aN AMUSING SKETCH for two people (m. and f.) entitled "La ABC de Edzeco», by Harold W. Speight, appears in the Oct. "British Esperantist". Short, snappy and laughprovok- ing. Plays about two minutes. (Typed copy for a purple stamp) ******************************************* SIR PERCY HARRIS, member of parliament, in an address to the London Esperanto Feder- ation Exhibition, Sept. 19th '36, said-inter aliaj-" I could not help thinking when I came here today, that if one per cent of the money spent on armaments in Europe was spent in teaching people an International Language, we might be nearer the unity of mankind, on the road to peace, than by what is called 'armaments for defense'". (British Esperantist). Kompreneble, FRIENDSHIPS are cheaper than WARSHIPS. ******************************************* TOPEKA ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION held its annual meeting Nov. 6th and the following of- ficers were re-elected; President-W. H. Stanley, 116 The Drive; V-Pres. Mrs. G. A. Oglevy; Secretary, Mrs. Lida R. Hardy; Girl Scout Directress, Miss Clarice Zerkle; Boy Scout Director, Rev. John H. Fazel-also Delegate of IEL; V-Delegate of IEL, Miss Lovilia Hilty; Music Comm. Mrs. Hardy and Miss Hilty. Rev. Fazel made a report on the Detroit Congress. Miss Zerkle, American represen- tative of the Esperanto Girl Scout League, gave a short talk in which she asked the cooperation of all Esperantists-and all Girl Scouts. Miss Zerkle is a very popular High School teacher in Topeka. Miss Hilty gave a sample lesson in Esperanto with the Wadham "Home Student" phonograph discs. Music, singing and readings in Esperanto, signing up the non-Esperantists as "Friends of Esperanto", and refreshments served by Mrs. Stanley brought a very happy evening to a close. PPPPPPP>PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP# THE POPULAR SCIENCE BI-MONTHLY "SCIENCA GAZETO" is now receiving subscriptions for its sixth year, 1937. There will be two important improvements in the paper for next year. Price per year: $1.00. Sample copy free. American Esperanto Institute, 1111 Brooke Road, Rockford, Illinois. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP • • #»••• sa»a«»«we i • M M ŭ • t • •tspCuaaa 600 100 100 100 100 ,2.00 PHOTOGRAPTIS~OF DR. ZAMBNH0l?5xTf2TŜrr^^ 12-150 :Esperanto Association of North America - - - 1517 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. 0.