AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO A $1. njr\a annua AMERICAN ESPERANTIST La Monata Bulteno de la^spjerarvto-Asocio de Horda Ameriko The Monthly Bulletin of the Ember afito association of North America Centra Of ice jo - I34O New York j^l^JN.W., Washington, D.C., U.S.A. VOL. \Ŭm .NQf L 11 iigjTiijfai jgjnte.....■—. ft'nt.yiLiiLii [J TILA £STAS /\ LlSo To promote the auxiliary language and the "Internal Idea" (harmony thru mutual understanding), Esperantists are allied in a national-international organization. The uNIVERSALA ESPERANTO ASOCIO operates in North America as the Esperanto Association of N.A. The movement is purely education- al, hence neutral in political and relig- ious controversies; thus it unites persons of most varied conditions and convictions. EANA-UEA Memberships 1934;- SIMPLE - Class I - #1.50 -Service coupons, memb.-card, monthly bul- letin and Circulating Library privileges. ACTIVE - Class II - $2.50 As I, plus Jarlibro, world directory of our consuls, with encyclopaedic data. SUBSCRIBING - Class III - $4. As II, plus "Esperanto", the Genevan all- Esperanto monthly magazine. SUSTAINING -IV- Details on request -Membroj Subtenantaj are powerful, gener- ous supporters of our movement. NOTE- Those already "Simplaj Membroj* pay $1 more to be 'Aktivaj" or $2.50 more to be 'Abonantaj (Subscribing)'. Esperanto at the U. S. Capitol Our efficient publicity manager, Mr. Maximilian M. Villareal, Secretary to the Philippine Commission, has succeeded in introducing Esperanto into the U. S. Capitol. With the cordial cooperation of Mr. Ernest Kendall, of the Pages' School, a Wednesday evening class, has been started for secretaries and stenographers, pages and other employees of the Senators and Representatives, thus opening possibili- ties which can hardly be overestimated. The "Isfandiaro" is the latest group welcomed by the E. A. N. A. This group meets at 737 Fairmont Street, N. W. Cu vi petas bonan legolibron? "LA TASO DE AMSERVO------35^ (Miss Weem's translation of "The Cup of Loving Service" by Eliza Dean Taylor.) MISS E. W. WEEMS 516 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Ĝ ICAVA ALVOi'vO V Pi DE LA vAGA KOMITATESTRO En antaua numero de "Amerika Esperan- tisto" estis anoncata pri premio de "Life Membership", kiun mi donacos al tiu, kiu akiros almenati 100 membrojn al EANA. La akiro de 100 membroj ne estas tiel facila tasko kaj pro tio mi nun estas preta fari aliajn aranĝbjn. Mi donacos specialajn premiojn al tiuj kiuj akiros 10 - 25 au 50 membrojn. La karaktero de la premioj estos anoncata en ia venonta numero. La premioj estOB disdonataj dum la venonta kongreso EANA bezonas monon, kaj mi estas preta helpi finance ĝis $500.00 se la membroj mem alportas la saman sumon per la akiro de novaj membroj. Jen - samideanoj, estas nia sanco, montri al EANA kaj Esperanta movado, Mom vi mem estas pretaj fari. Ni laboru kune por la bono de nia afero. -J. J. Sussmuth * * * Editor's note: The above is by far the most important item representing cooper- ation brought to our attention since last September. The Chicago Fair Exhibit of periodicals sponsored by TIME may mean nothing to us unless we heed Mr. Suss- muth* s editorial. Finances are so low that our gazette is overshrunk. TIME de- sires copies of May to Sept. issues for its display. Now EANA & its magazine be- long to you, and reflect your pride. Whether rich or poor, Canadian or American or Mexican, please do your utmost to help build up our finances by memberships, or larger orders for books, badges & propa- ganda stickers. The great care being taken by your officers to keep EANA self- supporting deserves your most energetic encouragement. ______________ LINGUAPHONE ESPERANTO COURSE AVAILABLE Your enquiries are invited by EANA regarding the very excellent Linguaphone records for Esperanto instruction. Faculty:- Dr. Edmond Privat (Pres. Central Committee, UEA) and M.C. Butler Jjlejcyi_Brit, Eap. ASsqcjuL FOTOflBAEAUUJ KIEL POSTMARKOJ, truita kaj gumita. Por leteroj, kartoj, donacoj ktp- uzoj senlimaj. Ni faraa 100 por $1, de ia ajn fotografaĵb, Originalo estos nedifekt- ita.JOS.LEAHY, 2140 N St.NW, Washington,DC . MFRIKA EBPERANTISTO J^2IA1Jl?l51L—. 1934 UEA-E1NA MEMBERSHIPS RECEIVED (First list - Class I unincluded) CALIFORNIA Halcyon--Edgar Cheetham (ill) LcTiiigeles—L. S. Branson (II) —Dr. C. R. Witt (III) Los Nietos—Earle Seall (III) Oakland—F. E. Cornish (II) DELAWARE Middle-town— Gilbert Nickel (III) DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA Washington—Ernest Dodge (III) ~~ Miss Selma Custavson (II) Thomas P. Gaines (II) Aminda J. Kruka (III) ILLINOIS Maywood—D. T. Hickey (III) IOWA Clinton—Mary Small (II) MARiiAND Baltimore—Miss E. W. Weems fill) MASSACHUSETTS Braintree—E. L. Southwick "~ MINNESOTA (III) (III) St. Paul—Rev. H. E. Mueller NEW YORK Brooklyn—Herbert Goldberg (III) Hyde Park—Julian Lubuska (III) New York—Mary H. Ford (III) TEXAS Tyler— Isabella- Walker (II) vYRQINIA Quantico—0. H. Cross (II) WASHINGTON Ostrandar—Ivar Ekstrand (III) (III) (II) Seattle—0. 0. Huntley Yakima—W. F, P. Selleck TOLAS KORESPONDI: TSTariT^ewi'rai^oW kart-intersangi kun Kanada samideanoj: S-ro Polke Andersson, Villa Klippan, FP7ICKSUND, Svedujo* .....Deairas inter- sangons S-ro Arturo Roze, Stabuiela S0dzl2, RIGA, Latvija. THUMBNAIL BIOGRAPHY - F-ino CHRISTENSEN F-ino Anena Christensen, whose address is now S&Irs. McCoy, 4416 Nox Av., North Minneapolis, Minn», after completing the advanced Esperanto course at University of Minnesota became UEA delegate on the suggestion of Samideano Lehman Wendell. Returning from Amour, South India, F-ino Christenson was royally entertained hy non^-English speaking Japanese_- Moreover, her stay in Honolulu was considerably en- livened thanks to the Esperanto delegates there. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI: Under direction of S-ro Arthur Hawlicheck, Esperanto inst- ruction to Divinity students is offered by Concordia Seminary here. _________AM1TJAIS!AJLJ15PJ»EAJi[lllV3!L ) ) ... / _/ ]'«../ :PjW ...'_.-• ,y j'vv.>L- New York:- Sv.pplemerxting weekly lessons appearing in THE NEW IEADER, Esperanto instruction is broadcast st 9:50 every Saturday evening over WE97) (1500 lie.), New York City. James Denson Sayers is Instructor, F_f?LLAH0, La,:- The Marohlissue of thi Llano Colonist devotes considerable space to facts concerning Esperanto. Secretary of the very active Llano Esperanto Club is Arain F. Doneis. GEEIEN STAR 3LTFES BRIGHT IN YAKIMA, WASH. Thanks to Samideano W. F. F. Selleck, much Esperanto activity has developed in Yakima. He has given several lectures -one audience was 100 strong- in that city, and sold over 100 hooks within recent weeks. ALVOKO - DE LA FILINO DE D-ro ZATLENHOF "Plej geniaj generaloj ne gajnas la batalojn, se ne staras post ili vico da simplaj soldatoj, vico da soldatoj sen- nomoj» sed pretax al niaj oferoj." "Kaj tiaj soldatoj estas ni ciuj. Ciu el ni'joaVas sian. postenon, 'kiun Ti ne rajtas forlasi, sian sanktan devon, kiun li devas plenum!, sulkon, kiun li devas fosi. Kaj de tio, kiel ciu el ni plenumas sian devon, dependas la fina venko de nia ideolo, la triumfo de nia verda armeo. Kaj se la venko venas malpli rapide, ol ni dezirus, ni ne riprocu nur niajn general- ojn, sed oiu el ni, ex; la plej simpla kaj plej sensignifa "ŝajne vicano, demandu la propran konsciencon: cu mi plenumis mian taskon?" - Lidia Zamenhof CONGRESS NOTES: The 27th. EANA Congress date is set for July 2-4, 1934. Place: Toronto, King Edward Hotel. . . The 26th UEA Congress date is set for August 6-11, 1S34; Place: Swedish Parliament Bldg», Stockholm. Posters for the latter are availahle post free to any club or organ-* izer from Swed. Travel Bur. 551-5th Ave., New York. N. Y. ________ -SCIEFCA GAZETO- A. Estas nun pligrandita kaj enhavas ciunumere 20 dense presitajn pagojn. Senpaga kvaron- jara aldono, "Bulteno'. Enhavas multegon da infojr.noj popular-sciencaj, JARABONO: Unu dularo (Ameriko) (tri svisaj frankoj. ekstere) Specialaj prezo.j xavcraj en multaj landoj. Specineno 10 cendoj. Mendu tuj _e Amerika Esperanto-Instituto Madison, Wis., Usoao. "Scienca Gaze-to aperos dum 1934 (tria jaro) same rocule. iumonate. kiel eris nun."