i i '^ v4.fr'M ĉip«-! l¥ĉ>J -^V* NTUSTCjE M ED" lil kk:iill/ AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO . . The monthly bulleti1 Centra Of ice jo: 1340 New Ya$Mj$ iWNVy 4f:ir ':m IllMI Dkw^Slk'' v_2.k AMERICAN ESPERANTIST canto„ fiation of North America '^rrtff- r°-Ttf.\.\ĈM % m bijA ^m^^ĝton, P.O., USA. - Central Offi . WC ĴNOVJAEQj\fmuary 19Ti .1 \a ce DIPLOMATS AT ZAMENHOF FETE PHI U.S.A. KAJ E.A.I.A. Nun la Centra Oficejo povas fari la inter- usan promisitan sciigon. La kondifioj de la Interkonsento de Kolonj, 1933, postulas ke se iu landa Esp.-Asocio havas minimume 100 membrojn ĝi rajtas aligi siajn membrojn al U.E.A. kaj pagos moderan jarkotizon. La Aga Komitato de E.A.N.A. fas vocdonis sina- liĝi kaj sciigis tion al la komitato de U. E.A. en Cronevo. CJiuj membroj ricevos sen- ekstrapage desegnendan kunamembrecan karton. Jenas la provisoraj jarabonoj: 1) |1.50 po membreco (EANA-UEA) kun.e kun monata bu.lteno. 2) |2.50 po same 1) sed kun jarlibro. 3) $4.00 po same 2) sed kun monata "Esperanto". VJCfOEY JM BR.AZJL Bio de Janeiro: Dr. Porto Carreiro Neto, general secretary of the Brazilian Esperan- to League, announces a great victory for Esperanto in his country. The Postal and Telegraph Department of the Government has given official recognition of the interna- tional language by publishing a set of twe- nty post cards with views of the country, imprinted in Portugese as the national lan- guage and Esperanto as the International. Brazil thus follows the lead of Lichten- stein and Hungary. K33MglM*.--»*WT.ll,A:^^ LASTAN SALUTON Ni partoprenas kun La Gradata Esperanto Societo N-ro 1, flikago, en lasta saluto al entuziasma esperantisto, fondinto de ilia societo, longjara membro de EANA, sincere lamiko nia, D-ro B.K. Simonek, kiu mortis |la 8an de novembro 1933. ________ NAZI SPOKESMAN DENIES GERMAN GOVERNMENT OPPOSES ESPERANTO NEW YORK ILEARS SANA PREXY New York City: The Zamenhof Birthday Festi- val Dinner of the N.Y. Esp. Soc, took place December 2 at Lychee Garden, 10th Street, Prof. Hy. W. Hetzel, president of EANA, spoke to an enthusiastic gathering on "Dr. L. L. Zamenhof, A Benefactor of Mankind". Washington, D.C. December 14th. ------ Closing his address with the cry " Vivu Esperanto", Herr Gerrit von Haeften of the German Embassy, received tonight an ovation from 400 Esperantists and guests at the Zamenhof observance. Herr von Haeften de- nied that the Nazi government opposed Esp- eranto; it rather favors the spread of the movement and the ideal of harmony thru un- derstanding. First diplomat on the program, Mr. Edw. Weintal of the Polish Legation spoke on the "Homeland of the Majstro". Senor Don Pedro Rivero of the 'Venezuelan Legation and Mr. Tswen Ling Tsui of the Chinese Legation both spoke on behalf of their respective governments, strongly favoring the interna- tional language. The former Persian Minister here, Dr. Ali Kuli Kahn, contributed stirring words urging removal of national barriers. Entertainment included the Filipino String Ensemble led by the Esperanto pro- pagandist, Dr. Mauro Baradi. Other artists were Ruloph Hcman, violinist; Mrs. J. Stewart, pianist; Miss Florence King, son- rano. The junior and senior dramatic cir- cles presented plays and the Bonegularo sang. Mr. Hugh Shatford was introduced as editor of the Amerika Esperantisto by Gen- eral Secretary Thomas F. Gaines. Dr. Chas. Shellhorn was presented as Leader of Friend of Esperanto. The Chapter reported an increase in reg- |ular members during 1933 from 17 to 107. fjOfficers were elected for 1934: Mr. Ernest Dodge, president; Mrs. J.C. McDowell and Mr. Adrieno Kimayong, vice-presidents; Miss Frieda Thume, recording secy.; Mr. J. Ernest Smith, corr. secy.; Miss Rose Matera, Treas.. Reappointments were: Max M. Villareal, pub- licity director; Joseph Leahy, librarian & supervisor of classes. The record attendance was largely due to the Junior Members directed by Miss Aminda Jo Kruka and to the efforts of Mr. H.B. Hastings, Mrs. CM. Lewis, Mirs. L. K, $ogara' and the entire Chapter._________ Amerika Esperantisto January, 1934 American Esperantist SCHERER LAYS TUGH OF HIS SUCCESS TO ESPERANTO AIDS Returning to recoup before Mb third U.S. Tour next spring, Jos. R. Scherer, our world-famous samideano with "the in- ternational stomach", looks hack on a most successful second U.S. lecture tour. While globe-trotting as speciala deligito de Geneva (I.C.K.) thru 43 countries, his simplest plan four times out of five was to lecture in Esperanto. So effective an entree was Esperanto that he lays to it much of his success in obtaining the thou- sands of photos and facts which in turn makes effective his lectures on the intim- ate life of foreign peoples. Appreciative letters have flowed in from such institu- tions as Texas State College for Women, State Teachers' College in Springfield,Mo. and High Schools in Dallas, Texas, Ashland and Cleveland Hts., Ohio. Scherer's aud- iences keep his assistant busy selling Es- peranto keys, 50-200 of which are always absorbed. S-ro Scherer is Fondinto and Dumviva Honora Membro of the Esperanto Club of Los Angeles. ESPERANTO — SECOND LANGUAGE "Do you speak Russian?" is invariably fol- lowed by "Do you speak.Esperanto?" when Russian, police and customs officials are questioning new arrivals. So saidMyra Page newspaper woman just returned from Russia when lecturing before a liberal group in Washington, D. C. fKuxKMii*amMiyai3ftmBfKJXii'esixor^cmsrsiaa FRATO DE LA MAJSTRO MORTIS I Hi J*us ricevis malĝo jan sciigon pri la morto de Felix Zamenhof, 65, frato de D-ro L. L. Zamenhof, kreinto de Esperanto, en Warszawa, Polujo. 1000 COPIES SOLD II FIRST 3 MOUTHS.' Heroldo de Esperanto chose the SCHERER LIBEO (Cirkaŭ la Mondon kun la Verda Stelo) for publication. In simple, graceful Esn- eranto it relates Jos. R. Scherer's adven turous experiences in 43 countries. 300 pp. 100 pictures. Dollar instability limits prices until January 20th. Cloth: $2.25; Paper $1.60 (lower than from publisher dir- ect). Remit to: ESPERANTO-LIBREJO, 4474 - west Adams, Los Angeles, California. "Hot a dull line in it" - A. Kenngott. $5 REWARD - to the person who submits the best poster advertising Esperanto. Prize offered by Mr. H.B. Hastings of Washington. Write Central Office for details. NEWS PLASHES AUSTRALIA: Tasmanian children are remain- ing after school hours to study Esperanto. ...voluntarily, of course. BRAZIL: S-ro G.A. Neves has been broad- casting from Rio on "Scouting and Esper- anto". FRANCE: (Paris): 41 members of the French Chamber of Deputies have formed a group of Friends of Esperanto. GREECE: Archbishop Afendulidis has passed an Esperanto exam, and won his diploma in "nia lingvo". HOLLAND: The 40-voiced Esperanto Singers of Bossum attracted am audience of 500 to their recent recital. **A Dutch film company has just completed an Esperanto talkie, "Polyoon", presenting the Cseh method. LOS ANGELES: Local Esperantists celebrate Zamenhof month by a Supper Dec. 9, Spertu- lara Kunveno Dec. 13 and debate Dec. 27. BROOKLYN, N.Y.: Through the initiative of Reinhardt Heger, Jr., an attractive "cachet" was issued by the B'lyn. Esp. As soen com- memorating Zamenhof's birthday. WASHINGTON, D. C.: The weekly bulletin of the Filipino Club here runs frequently to eight pages and carries all Esperanto news. ALIGU SENPROKRASTE al la jam 11-a eldona de "BES" ADRESARO! adresojn de esperantistoj el ciuj landoj. la mondkonata kaj nie natata jarlibro, kun portretoj,' kaj alfabeta registro de aliĝin- toj laft profesio kaj inklinoj. Aliĝa kotizo (kun senpaga ekzemplero de la nov eldono) sole 1 Fsv. ($0.33 au lŝ.3p. britaj). Pub- likigo de portreto 0.50 Fsv, Postulu de- talan 14-pagan ilustritan prospekton de l'eldonanto**** Boh.Esp.-ServO,Pofrŝtejn, Uetloslovakio, Reprez. por Ameriko:- Amerika Esperanto-Instituto, 124 King St., Madison, Wisconsin. Amerika "Esperantisto January, 1934 American Esperantlst YO AS I/ OĴLES^ u j ) MDJ ITALY Sro. Edoardi Manfredini (Pagano 2, Milano) Intersangi fotografafojn kun junulino. Korespondi kunsamid- eanoj pri abelkulturo k 'caso. AUSTRIA "' S-ro""E'dvardo" Mack'a............ "TGraz VI, Jakominigŭrtel 12, Stirio, Austrio) 28-jara. intersxangi kartojn alt leterojn kun gesamideanoj. RUSSIA Sro Boris Toll lUSSR, Leningrad 3, Lesnoj pr. d.20, kv.llĉ,t. 558-30) Li estas scienc-laborulo-ped&gogo en supera lernejo. Krome faras^ scienc-esplora laboro. 30-jaraga. SWEDEN ESPERANTO-KLUBO Sro. Bror Svensson (Hannedal, Bymarken, J0NK0PING) Club members will answer Feb. 15. URUGUAY F-ino Mario Rufu Castro (Misiones esq. Rocha, SAN CARLOS) ESPERANTO-KLUBO (Kvioksund, Sweden.) Ages between 19 and 33 years, CHECHOSLOVAKIA F-ino R. Vildmova (Uherske Hradiŝte) GEPlMAK Y " " 'S- r o' Tfans'' Kaul................. "TArndstr.34, Ludwigshafen a.Rh.) 20-jara. Deziras kartintersangon. FRANCE............Sro" Jan*"0uirnann.......... C4o rue de Moscou, Paris, 8.) LATVIA Fraŭlino "Orfelino" (l.p.n.-ro 2534, Poŝtrestante, RIGA) In edzlnigaĝo. Altastatura. Blonda. SPAIN Sro. J. Gascon (Turndidores, 4. Valencia. Spain) Benata'.la lig' into ni De samideanharmoni' .' La esperantista bonvol' por homaro Spegulas la anion el Di'. (Tune is "Dennis"—"Blest be the Tie") E.G.D. ORGANIZING THE CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF For a better division of labor among de- pendable volunteer secretaries and office assistants, the Staff is being readjust- ed and announcement of new members will be made shortly. NEW EDITOR Mr. Hugh Shatford, world traveller, local secretary of the British Overseas League a position he formerly held in Singapore, Straits Settlement) is our new editor. Experience with a cable and telegram house organ, boy scout publication and the "Readers' Digest" has trained hit! well. Mr. Shatford last year chose Esp- eranto after studying inter-languages since 1929. He teaches a Washington Chapter class. ACCOUNTING: COMPLETE COLLEGE COURSE $100.00 Forty non-resident Scholarships available NO?'. Requires quick action. INQUIRE TODAY CAPITAL CITY COLLEGE 1340 N.Y.Ive.,N.W» GESAMIDEANOJ IN EVERY PORT Long Beach, Calif. "I have been in China India, the South Seas and South and North America, and have never failed to find Es- perantists at every stop" — this is the English of what was said by Minoru Tokuda 23-year old Japanese radio officer of the SS. Takaoka TTaru, when visited by 20 mem- bers of the local chapter. S-ro Tokuda speaks no English and learned Esperanto from, books. Dr. Tamao Shimizu, ship's physician, is also an Esperantist now. ASTORIA ESPERANTISTS HEAR CANDIDATES. Astoria, N.Y.,Nov.27: The relation of the polically neutral Esperanto language to socialism was discussed before the local Esperanto branch by James D. Sayers. recent candidate for alderman. Edw. P. Clark, assembly candidate, is an active Esperantist also. Theodor Weder also spoke. ESPERANTO ON RADIO Paris: Bcadio speeches in Esperanto on tour- ist topics are broadcast every Saturday from the Eiffel Tower. San Francisco; Dec.8: Dr.L.L. Cross in his daily broadcast today urged a world auxil- iary language to' aid mutual understanding and praised Esperanto which Rev.A.L. Ander- son, Patterson, Calif., is credited with./' having called to his attention. ',/ Amerika Esperantisto January, 193 4 American Esperantist A UNOVAJ MOTIMDAJOJ LA ANGLA AFIKSARO Sro. Fenton Stancliff skribis:- "Ekzistas en la angla lingvo multo da afiksoj sarnsignifaj. Iuj havas Rontraudirantan signifojn. Aliaj havas earaaj signifojn. La Konfuzo estas korapleta. Usonanoj tute ne konsoias pri tio. Sed usonanoj ne scias tion kion anglaj vortoj eig- nifas, Ne povus ekzisti alia klarigo por la skribaĵaĜoj kiujn ili legas. Notu la tridek kvin manierojn por esprimi nian finigon esperantan 'ulo, anto'.......... AviatOR ......fiancE ......„aviatRIX lawYER .......poetESS......carrlEE teamSTER ......carvER ......, seamSTEESS heroINE .......americaE" ....char WOMAN" musicIAN ......artlST.......patriot (ism) aristoCRAT ...modlSTE .... sales LADY missionARY ..salesMAN .....superintendENT czarlHA .......athLETE ......correspondENT financIER ... barMAID .....racketEER israellTE ....actrlCE .....barMASTER amatEUE .......japanESSE employEE ..... initiate!d) consumptive (el adjektivc) Atentu: An tail' ol vi opinias ke sendube iom el ili estas sammani- ere formitaj, propensu tion." SCIENCA GAZETO Tdumonate") Unu el la plej gravaj gazetoj en Esperanto. Enhavas multegon da informoj popular-scienoaj. JARBONO $1. Specialaj prezoj en Japanio, Italio Sovjetio, Francio, Hispanic Spec- imena ekzemplero kontrau 10 cendoj. AMERIKA ESPERANTO-INSTITUTO 124 King Street, Madison, Wisconsin, tJsono. "WAT ES BJU DINGS?" "Immer wen it do rain, nos alle complain of mis wetter'! It is not the Baron talking, but a specimen of a proposed auxiliary language. "Vos you dare, Sharley? S't "ilX" anb't her" attempt at an in- ternational language is recorded in the "Hungara Heroldo." Its Hungar- ian inventor publishes the grammar, filling 224 pages if you please, under the name Novlatino. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN1. From Spain comes a letter in which 'volas' is spelled 'bolas1, while Esperanto is spelled once "Espelanto" in a recent magazine (Far Eastern, of course). Thus betraying the unconsious urge to slide from the true pronunciation into local or national ones. We of Usono should vigilize the vowels of "kato" "mondo""lundo" "birdo" etc., avoiding any sem- blance of short-A in cat, short-0 in font, short-U in blunt, obscure I in bird. The value of spoken Esperanto as a "universala inter- komprenilo" depends on a clear, precise pronunciation and en avoid- ance of the innumerable differences which make dialect. - - - E.G.D. LA PREFIKSO "MAL" EN KATALUNA -------- LINGVO -------- "En Kataluna lingvo trovigas jenaj vortoj t)e kiuj la prefikso MAL havas ĝuste la earnan sencon kiu Zamenhof enblovis en la Esperantan prefikson: KATALUNE......................... ESPERA1ITE malagrados .................... malagrabla agrados ■...................... agrabla malapte ........................ malkapabla apte ............................ kapabla malbo................................ malbona bo.....................................bona malcontent........................malkontenta content __...................... kontenta maldestre.......................mallerta destre ........................ lerta Kompreneble la prefikso MAL ne estas uzata en Kataluna lingvo lau la sama reguleco kiu faciligas ĝian uzon en Esperanto, sed oni povas en Kataluna lernolibro pri Esperanto, komprenigi la senoon de la Esperanta MAL per tiuj kaj aliaj katalunaj ekzemploj." — Kataluna Esperantisto—_______ Cu vi petas bonan legolibron? "LA TASO DE AMSERVO------------35oT> (Miss Weem's translation of "The Cup of Loving Service" by Eliza Dean Taylor.) MISS E. W. WEEMS 516 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Books available for immediate delivery - direct froia the Central Office. BEGINNERS' COURSE ^.sS,,,H) Ten easy lessons that give the stuuent confidence and a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals. New Second Edition 1 S (t contains facts about Esperanto, useful phrases, "La Espero", J vocabulary. Ideal for use in U. S. and Canada. KEY TO ESPEEANTO (Sussmuth) 50 Esperanto-English dictionary and the essence of the language. KENNGOTT'S POCKET DICTIONARY 250 Summary of grammar, Esp.-Eng. and Eng.- Esp. vocahularies, 80 pages neatly bound. EXP11ANATI0N OF ESPERANTO 150 Dr. Wendell's "Second Language for All" tells why rvvhat and how. MGLISH-ESPERANTO DICTIONARY 200 Handy booklet by Herbert Harris PRACTICAL GRAMMAR 750 "A course that makes experts". Ivy Eellerman Reed, the author, is a member of the international Lingva Komitato and recognized as a world authority on the language. 20 les- sons, 144 pages, thorough drills. GUIDE TO ESPFKAITTO 250 Prof. Hamann's Guide" is well suited for self-instruction, class or corres- pondence instruction. Good material for organizers. EXCELLENT READER 250 Seven simple short stories by Wendell, "Sep Ridoj, great for a 1st reader; American life today. GOOD READING - "Lando de Arĝenta Akvo" (Roe-Payson), romance* of the American southwest. 250 "Akrobato de Nia Sinjorino" An ancient le- gend translated by Payson TErontsp'ce) 250 "Blanche: the Virgin of Lille", translated hy Payson. o50 ~" "La Mopso de lia Onklo", an original Esper- anto "grotesque", by Chase. 150 "1'liserere" by Wagnalls and "Thais" hy Ana- tole France, translated by pTayson, in one volume 500. "la Taso de Amservo", Eliza Dean Taylor's Beautiful "Cup of Loving Service" trans- lated by Miss Weems. Illustrated 350 "La Rozujo Ciiimiljara" (Wagnalls) trans, by Payson with photos of author and Tran- slator. 350 KENNGOTT'S ESPERANTO COURSE $1 Cloth hound, 179 pages, a complete course, stimulating, up-to-date, by Professor Kenngott of Texas University. ESPERANTO EMBLEMS. (La Verda Stelo ) Dignified high quality pins and buttons 400. Pins with soecial safety locks 500 jV)£jV)S£RSBJJP-JN-VVOiUDVVJDH-£SP£lcAjN"ro-jVIOV£M£jN"f t'o promote the auxiliary language and the "internal idea" (harmony thru mutual under- standing), Esperantists are allied in a national-international organization. The Un- iversala Esperanto-Asocio operates in English speaking countries of North America as the Esperanto Association of N. A. The movement is purely educational, hence neutral in political and religious controversies. Thus it unites persons of most varied con- ditions and convictions. CLASS I MmrBERSHIP - $1.50 a year. Includes UEA - EANA membership card, services of delegates in all countries, member- ship in EANA library, monthly bulletin, "American Esperantist". CLASS II MEMBERSHIP - $2.50 a year. Includes above plus Jarlibro, list of delegates everywhere, "travel companion". CLASS III 'DPCBERSHIP - $4 a year. Includes A and B and monthly all-Esneranto magazine, "Esperanto" from Geneva. CLASS IV MEMBERSHIP For supporters of the movement; sustaining memberships; fee on request. Any Esperanto book listed here is available at once. Any other can be secured for you Subscriptions taken to all Esperanto magazines. "American Esperantist" $1 (12 issues) "Scienca Gazeto" - $1 (6 issues). 'K'.'kDv.PATvTmn jww m? wnprnpT ATinvRTrM -\%ac\ j?m, vm>v i™ Wo cVii vi n»+ /*\vi