HE LlBRARi1 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO MARCH, 1921 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF m THE ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA ■ .ooqIc ^^^^^m AMERICA ESPERANTISTO OFFICIAL ORGAN o/ The Esperanto Association of North America, Inc. a propaganda organization for the furtherance of the study and use of the International Auxiliary Language. Esperanto. Yearly Memberships: Regular $1.00: Contributing $3.00: Sustaining $10.00; Life Members $100. CO-EDITORS: NORMAN W. FROST H. M. SCOTT MRS. I. M. HORN CLUB DIRECTORY L. D. Stockton, This department is conducted solely for the benefit of our organized groups through- out the country. It furnishes el means of keeping in close tottch with the work in other cities, for the exchange of ideas and helpful suggestions, and for the formation of valuable friendships in a united field of endeavor. BERKELEY, CALIF. Berkeleya Esperanta Rondo.—Classes Monday and Tuesday evenings at 8.00.—Meetings Thursday evenings at 2508 Vine St. Address Vinton Smith, 530 62nd St., Oakland, Calif. OAKLAND, CALIF. Oakland Esperanta-Rondo; Bibliotekisto, 420 15th St. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. San Francisco Esperanto Rondo; meets second Monday eve., 414 Mascn St., Santa Clara Hall. Miss G. Wehser, Secy. 2776 Bush St. Kalifornia Esperantista Rondaro meets first Tuesday evenings, Room 121 Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco. M. D. Van Sloun, Secy., 946 Central Ave. MONTREAL, CANADA. Montreal Esperanto Association meets each Tuesday and Thursday at 8.15 P. M. in Room 13, The Tooke Bldg., Sec, Miss E. Strachan. Esperanto meetings every Saturday evening at 8 P. M. at 20 Selkirk Ave. ALL are welcome. TORONTO, CANADA. The Toronto Esperanto Club meets every Sat- urday at 8.15 P. M. in Room 14, West End Y. M. C. A„ Sec, E. W. Gundy, 173 Spadina Road. WASHINGTON, D. C. La Kabea Esperanta Klubo meets every Wed- nesday, at 8.30 P. M., at the Thompson School, XHth and L Sts., N. W. Kolumbia Esperanto TJnuiĝo. Public meet- ing third Wednesday of each month, 8.30 P. M., Xllth and L Sts., N. W. Free class at 7.30 P. P. every Wednesday, same address. CHICAGO ILLS. La Gradata Esperanto-Societo, Dvorak Park". Jaroslov Sobehrad, Sec'y. 1116 W. 19th Place. La Esp. Oficejo. 1669 Blue Island Ave. Kunvenas 2an kaj 4an sab. ĉiumonate. 19 BOSTON, MASS. Boston Esp. Soc, 507 Pierce Bldg., Copley Sq. Meets Tues.. 7 P.M. Miss A. Patten, Sec. WORCESTER, MASS. Worcester County Esperanto Society. Business Institute, every Friday, 8.00 P.M. PORTLAND, ME. Portland Esperanto Society, Miss Emma Sanborn, Sec'y, 16 Conant St. Groups are listed for 12 issues of the maga- zine, at a cost of only 25 cents for the two- line insertion. Extra lines are 10 cents each additional. The heading,—name of city or town—is inserted free. This matter warrants the immediate attention of every club secre- tary. Group Charter—$1.00. DETROIT. MICH. Detroit Esperanto Office, 507 Breitmeyer Bldg., open daily. Library at disposal of everybody daily, 7 A.M-9P.M., except Tues. and Fri. Classes meet Tues. and Fri., 8.10 P.M. La Pola Esperanto Asodo, 1507 E. Canfield Ave. B. Lendo, Sek. 3596—29th St. HEBRON, NEBRASKA. La Hcbrona Grupo kunvenas fiun Jaŭdon 8 P.M., 660 Olive Ave., kaj ĉiun Dimanĉon 10 A.M., 500 Olive Ave. Roland Jeffery, Pres.. Harry Hogrefe, Vice-Pres. HOBOKEN, N. J. "I.O.O.F. Esperanto Club No. 1 of Greater N.Y." meets every Tuesday at 8.30 P.M. in 61 First St., 3rd Floor West. All welcome. Pres., Mrs. M. O. Haugland; Sec'y Wm. Preusse; Instructor, A. Mendelson. Address all communications to the secretary at above address. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. The New York Esperanto Society, Miss L. F. Stoeppler. Sec, 105 West 94th St. The Barĉo, or Esperanto Supper, is held on the third Friday of each month 6.45 P. M. In- formation from the Secretary. La dimanĉa kunveno, al klu ĉiuĵ estls bon- venaj, okazas je la tria horo, posttagmeze. ĉiun dimanĉon, ĉe la logejo de S-ro Joseph Silbernik, 229 East 18th St., Manhattan. CLEVELAND, OHIO. La Zamenhofa Klubo; S. Kozminskl, Sek., 3406 Meyer Ave. ERIE, PA. La Pola Studenta Societo, Prof. E. Bobrowski, inĝ., St. John Kanty College eldonas yi-jaran jurnalon, "La Studento,'' jara abono $1.00. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Phila. Esp. Soc. Miss Marie Knowlan, cor. Sec, 1420 18th St. Meets 4th Fri., Hotel Hanover, 12th and Arch Sts. Rondeto de Litovaj Esperantistoj, 2833 Livingston St. Esperanta stelo de Polujo.. Sekr., S. Zysk. Kunvenas mardon vespere inter 8-10 h., 507 N. York Ave. 19 PITTSBURGH, PA. Esperanto Sec, Academy of Science and Art. J. D. Hailman, Sec, 310 S. Lang Ave. Fri- days, 8 P. M. MILWAUKEE, WISC. Hesperus Esperantists. S-ino B. H. Kerner, Sek., 629 Summit Av„ 3d Tuesdays, 8 P.M. 19 Google Amerika Esperantisto American Esperantist WEST NEWTON, MASS. Entered as second-class matter May 15, 1913, at the Postoffice at West Newton Station, Boston, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879. A tru# translation of the non-English portion of this magazine filed with the Post- master, Boston, Mass. Every article in this magaxine (unless expressly excepted) may be translated or re- printed without further permission. One Dollar a Year. Single Copy Ten Cents. Po Dudek Reapond-Kuponoj efi Du Spesmiloj (Oraj) Jare. Published Monthly by THE ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA The Esperanto Office, Pierce Bldg., Copley Sq., Boston, Mass., Usono. Vol. 27 March 1921 No. 5 PILGRIM NUMBER COMING In view of the coming E. A. N. A. congress in Boston, our next number is to be a special one, 20 or 24 pages, all Esperanto, devoted to the Pilgrims. We plan to bind in as an inner cover the vocabulary of the key, so that this should prove excellent propaganda for your friends. You will surely need some of these. Order now, the Pilgrim number 20 for $1.00; smaller amounts, 10 cents each. XIII. UNIVERSALA KONGRESO DE ESPERANTO en Praha (Cehoslovakujo). The Esperantist who is able to be present at the great congress of Praha will truly have a feast of enjoyments offered him. All the lands around about are preparing to welcome him and to meet for once in amity whatever the national bitternesses in the most brilliant city of the new Europe. Vienna, Budapest, and Graz with its miracle play all plan to bid him welcome and during September he will be tempted to linger to take part in the International Tourist Convention in Italy. Samideanoj in Turin, Milan, Genoa, Triente, Verona, Venice, Trieste, Padua, Bologna, Florence, Piza, Terni, Rome, Naples, and other places are preparing a welcome wherever you'wish to go. Make your plans now and send before April, 1921, your name, age, two photographs, profession, and address and a list of the cities you hope to visit to the Centra Komitato de Federazione Esperantista Italiana, via Spiga 29, Milan, Italy. They will arrange "karavanoj," and wherever possible special rates. Digitized by Google 2 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO PARIS, Feb. 15.—The Paris Chamber of Commerce has taken the initiative in instituting Esperanto in all their commercial schools so that students can learn for commercial purposes an auxiliary inter- national language. Before taking this step the chamber appointed a committee to inquire into the real usefulness of Esperanto, and among other tests they made was to translate a large number of business let- ters into Esperanto and then back into French. It was found that the sense of the letters was in no way lost. The committee recommended that Chambers of Commerce in other countries should be asked to institute similar classes in the lan- guage invented by Dr. Zamenhof, which they are convinced will enable international business to be carried on without error and with much greater dispatch and cheapness than when translators into half a dozen languages have to be employed. The ease with which Esperanto can be learned and its accuracy in translation were regarded as its two principal recommendations above other artificial languages. For busi- ness purposes it is regarded as by far the clearest and richest in ex- pression and easy to translate. Some of the texts submitted to the test were such that the slight- est mistake would completely change the meaning but Esperanto was found to meet all requirements. M. Andre Baudet, chairman of the committee on whose recommendation it was decided to open the classes, describes Esperanto as rather an international code than as a language. "It won't revolutionize the world," he said, "and there is no likeli- hood that it will take the place of any language but, just like a tele- graphic code or a system of stenography, it can be useful to every people and aid enormously in international business. —despatch to the New York Times THE PROPAGANDA COMMITTEE of THE ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA Kara Geesperantistaro:— As Chairman of the Propaganda Committee of E. A. N. A. I am writing an appeal to all the local groups, and individual esperantists where are no groups, asking them, whether they are now affiliated with the association or not, to cooperate with this committee in in- creasing the size and strength of our organization by the acquiring of new members—and of new subscribers to our organ "Amerika Esper- antisto"—and in making this year the beginning of a new era of stabil- ity and prestige for our central organization, and the movement gen- erally in North America. Our thirteenth congress held in New York last July was acknowl- edged to be most successful. Much work was accomplished, problems solved and the Association strongly organized for the work ahead of us. It is now a most propitious time for all loyal Esperantists to fall in line again and lend their support to the Central Office. Despite dis- heartening obstacles and discouraging conditions during the last few years of war and subsequent reconstruction, a faithful few through Digitized by Google AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO 3 dint of persevering, and often self-sacrificing effort, managed to keep the magazine alive and to maintain a spark of life in the association. That spark is now getting a bit bright. It only needs fresh fuel and a little fanning to make it blaze up and fire us all with new zeal, enthu- ziasm and life. Let us lend our time and energy to the task of supply- ing that fuel and inspiration. Let us each and all, individually and col- lectively, throw ourselves heart and soul into the fray, forgetting the trials of the past, and living and working in the present, with the aim of making the future "Safe for Esperanto." The committee was selected from among active workers for the cause and each member has agreed to "act" as well as "sit" on the committee, but we need your help and your cooperation if we wish to succeed. Will you not carefully study the problem ahead of us, and write us your views of the work, offering suggestions as to how we can best work together. Even if you have no suggestions to make write us anyhow, even if only a word of encouragement. In a short time we shall address you again, setting forth some of the ideas which have been suggested to us. Meanwhile, take this matter up among yourselves in your respective groups and decide in what way you,— in your particular locality, can help the movement along. Kun sinceraj salutoj, Lewis H. Maury, Chairman, 331 W. 58th Street, New York City. THE FACTS ABOUT RUSSIA Trustworthy reports have at last come out of Russia with regard to the much disputed official recognition of Esperanto there. On March 5th, 1919, a special commission—appointed in January to look into the question of introducing an international language into the schools—approved the following resolution in a lengthly report. 1. "That the only language able to play the role of an Interna- tional Language is 'Esperanto/ hence the Commission chooses the language 'Esperanto/ and 2. "That hence the Commission finds it necessary to immedi- ately take up the question of ways and means for practically putting into effect the above decision." This Commission was made up of three professors, one or two Esperantists, notably Evstifejev, and one Idist, Titov. The report, presented to the Bureau of Elementary Instruction, was passed over to the Division of Schools. This last dissolved the commission and handed the report over to Evstifejev, then holding office, to be modi- fied. The report went no further—for reasons unknown. The much reported Moskow Palace was actually given over to the Esperantists and it was planned to transfer to it all the Esperanto activities in Moskow, but the plan never eventualized. According to the reports in Esperanto Triumfonta, from which the above is taken, a great Esperanto flag waves over the door and a complete printing establishment is ensconced within, but no paper. From this it would seem that men's minds are preoccupied with the desire for food and fuel—-or perhaps the Esperantistaro of Russia, ever self-dependent, did not sufficiently readily lend itself to Soviet purposes. Digitized by Google AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO The death of John L. Stanyan occurred on February 18th at Mid- dletown, Conn., caused by peritonitis following appendicitis. Mr. Stan- yan was an ardent worker in behalf of Esperanto and possessed a re- markable facility in its use. During several years he gave practically all of his time and strength to studying the language and to helping others in their study. He published several numbers of an Esperanto monthly, La Babilanto, doing all the editing, type setting, printing, binding, and mailing with his own hands. Mr. Stanyan was very proud of a letter written to him by Dr. Zamenhof, speaking favorably of the use made of Esperanto in "La Eta Babilanto." In many ways Mr. Stanyan was a remarkable man. Born in New Hampshire, June 28, 1864, he grew up a student and a great reader, versed in several tongues, a well-grounded musician, a clarinet player of rare ability, and a deep student of acoustics. His temperament was that of the artist and being temperamental he was often misunder- stood. He sacrificed much for Esperanto and throughout his fluent use of the language the dominant thought ever present was that of the brotherhood of man. He was a delegate to the Esperanto congress held in Antwerp, and there made many friends among the Eminen- tuloj with whom he continued to correspond. Mr. Stanyan wrote several stories in Esperanto, and many years ago wrote an English novel "Maud Whiston." His contributions to the press and his letters revealed him as a severe critic where in his opinion, criticism was justified, but generally his writings were of a buoyant character, invariably clothed with a subtle touch of humor. He leaves a widow and daughter, and a sister, Mrs. Walter Peacock of Concord, N. H. Frato-Cosmas, O. S. B. of Conception Abbey, Conception, Mis- souri, one of our most constant subscribers and well-wishers died in January. COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATIONS The Association conducts Examinations and issues diplomas to those qualified. Owing, however, to the increased value of the time of the examiners (one more symptom of H. C. L.I) the fees have just been increased, as follows: "Elementa Diplomo," registration fee...............25 cents examination fee,..............$1.50 (to non-members, $2.00.) "Supera Diplomo," registration fee, ..................25 cents examination fee, ..............$3.00 (to non-members, $4.00) For circular of information, etc., apply to Henry W. Hetzel, Committee on Examinations, West Phila. High School for Boys, Phila. Dig tized by GoOgk AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO 5 ENLANDA MOVADO New York, N. Y.—Feb. 11. okazis barĉo de Esperanta Instituto Har- monio; 50 ĉeestis diversaj de lingvoj, kredoj kaj politikoj. F-ino du Bedat solkantis belege. Kvarteto violona ludis. S-ro Morton parol- adis. S-ro Silbernik petis subtenon por U. E. A. kaj "Esperanto." S-ro Maury instigis la klubanojn al aliĝado al E. A. N. A., kaj dis- vendis plurajn ekzemplerojn de Amerika Esperantisto. Je la centro de altirado troviĝis kukego kun legajo Esperanta sukeraja prezent- ata de S-ro Saville al S-ro Klajin. Post paroladoj kaj muziko oni dancadis. La venonta barĉo okazos Mar. 11. je la 7a ĉe la kutima loko, $1.00 po plado. —Feb. 18. okazis ĉiumonata barĉo de la Nov-Jorka Esperanto Societo je Hotel Endicott, Columbus Ave. kaj 82nd St. Ceestis mul- taj, inter kiuj F-ino Butler, Ges-roj Powell, S:roj Silbernik, .Fisher, kaj Morton. Okazis argumenta barakto—en Esperanto kaj pro tio tute amike—kaj sekve kelkaj iris por malvarmigi sin je apuda krem- glaciejo. Logata per la tiea babilado, alvenis antikva interesito de S-ro H. Harris, kiu anoncis sin por ree studadi. Ni babilu antaŭ la publiko! —Jan. 16. paroladis S-ro J. F. Morton ĉe la Bahai, 416 Madison Avenue, New York. —Ok konstante kreskantaj klasoj funkcias ĉiun mardon vespere je Washington Irving High School, New York. —Feb. 5. paroladis S-ro Sayers, socialista delegito el Texas, pri Esperanto ĉe klubo de YPSLS je 58 Willet St., New York, el kiq rezultatis nova kurso gvidata de F-ino Bramsen. Ituna, Saskatchewan, Canada—Esperanto estas nun instruata en la publikaj lernejoj ĉi tie. Boston, Mass.—Mar. 1. malfermiĝis nova klaso de komencantoj ĉe la Bostona Klubo. S-ro Dow kondukas la kurson. Perth Amboy, N. J.—Klason de 11 lernantoj ĉiuvendrede en la pu- blika biblioteko gvidas H. W. Fisher. San Francisco, Calif.—Kurson gvidas S-ro Rivers lundojn vespere en S-ta Clara Halo, Mason St., 414. Detroit, Mich.—Pola Esperanto Asocio lokiĝis je nova klubejo, 1507 E. Canfield Ave. Salt Lake City, Utah—Nova propagando kaj klaso—detaloj sekvos. WHO SHOULD~ŜTUDY LANGUAGES? Esperanto as a test of language ability To predetermine a child's fitness for language study, Prof. C. H. Handschin of Miami University has prepared a series of simple tests in Esperanto which has received the endorsement of the Bureau of Education, U. S. Dept. of Int., and is being used in scores of schools. If you are a school teacher, try it out. (We believe the British plan of a three months' course in Esperanto before attempting any foreign language still more infallible—try that out!) Novebakitulo—Cu nia ŝulko estas ne sufice fosita? Spertulo—Ho, ne! La Atakademio deziras fari ĝin sufiĉe profunda por enterigi ion. —Prujno Digitized by Google 6 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO WORLD NEWS OF ESPERANTO In Breslau, Silesia, 1800 children have enrolled for the study of Esperanto in the public schools; in Chemnitz, Saxony, some 1000 have enrolled. —E. Triumf. Two leading Esperantidists.have come over to the Esperantist camp: Roman Dabrowski and S-ro Weferling an ex-Idist. Both have been members of the Saussurian Akademio. Even S-ro Saussure has shown himself ready to sink his differences by backing the efforts for Esperanto at the League of Nations. The day seems dawning when we can hope to be all together again; when conciliation and not stony irresponsiveness shall be the order of the day. Pekin University has again instituted a course in Esperanto with 120 beginners. —Verda Ombro. Some 50 Esperantist Spertuloj are working upon a complete Ger- man Esperanto dictionary.—G. E. At Targul Mures, Rumania thanks to the propaganda of S-do Halasz, five courses with 100 pupils have started in the Soc. Dem. party school. The "Newspaper Committee" of the German E. A. which pre- pares weekly reports for Esperanto departments, has attained great success. Fourteen journals in Vogtland, eight in the rest of Saxony and one outside are publishing' regular reports weekly or semi- weekly.—E. T. J. Machernis has a course of 96 students in Kovno, Lithuania. On November 7th three German athletes left Munich with the aim of walking around the entire globe. One of the three, Johan Bothner, speaking only German and Esperanto, started along the Danube. The Danzig Esperanto Association numbers now 250 members, and is carrying on active propaganda. The Hague Congress is reported in full in the Oficiala Gazeto for January. The Bulgarian Ministry of Public Instruction has sent a circular (no. 37923 of Dec. 20, 1920) to all schools in behalf of Esperanto, rec- ommending it to the students. E. Lab. — On Dec. 15th the Pernambuka Esperanto Society was founded at Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Esperanto Finnlando for January begins an account of our Aka- demianoj one by one with portraits. The new nations along the Baltic are planning to take a pant in the Esperanto Finnlando, Esperanto Baltika will doubtless be a won- derful influence in uniting and making friends of the seven language groups there living. Verda Utopia for November has a noteworthy illustration of the chief art piece of the second Exposition of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, "The Dance of an Asura," full of flame movement. The Esperanto Club of Malmo, Sweden, lately paid a visit to the Esperantists of Kopenhagen. Boyd Commercial College of Sidney, N. S. W., Australia, has in- stituted a course in Esperanto. Seven free courses are functioning in Algeria. —F. E. Digitized by VjOOQlC AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO ' 7 CERBUMEJO Kondukata de G. W. Lee Ho ve! La "Cefred" diras al mi ke mankas la spaco por pli ol malmulte da cerbumajoj. Pro tio mi decidis prokrasti la tutan aferon kaj pretigi sufiĉe ampleksan raporton., petante ke oni permesu al mi prezenti ĝin ĉe la Bostona Kongreso julie. En tiu.mi povas laŭvole pritrakti la interesajn komunikojn, ricajn en komentado, de tiaj emi- nentuloj kiaj S-roj Butler, Daingerfield, Ro So, Scott, ktp. Tiam oni povas voĉdone decidi du la fako Cerbumejo estos daiiriginda dum la venonta Esperanta jaro. Flanke, mi opinias ke la februara A. E. tro abundas je aferoj gramatikaj (Cu ne?). Al la Kuncerbumuloj, partoprenantaj en V Salutoj! —Bedaŭre mi ne havas la tempon nun sendi apartan leteron al ciu el vi; sed mi esperas ke bonkore vi akceptos la jejion: 1. Al S-ro Abodo: Dankon pro viaj sendajoj responde al I kaj III. Vian "Test" respondon mi aligos al la redaktoro de A. E. 2. Al S-ro Collins: Dankon simile, kaj pardonon, mi petas, se vi ne ĝis nun ricevis dankon pro via respondon al I. (Mi pretigis respond- on, ant.au kelkaj monatoj, sed fuŝmetis ĝin, kaj eble faris la saman je S-ro Abodo.) • 3. Al S-ro Daingerfield: Dankon pro viaj sendajoj, kun la espero ke estos la spaco en A. E. por marto por- enmeti viajn komentariojn. 4. Al S-ro Kerr: Dankon, kun la respondo al via demando, ke mi uzas "Cerbumejo" por signifi la lokon to (laŭ Millidge) "rack one's brains." 5. Al F-ino(?) Lynds: Dankon, notante, ke vi sendas ankaŭ "Test" respondon, kiun'kompreneble la redaktoro de A. E. nun havas. 6. Al S-ro Prujno: Dankon, esperante ke vi ne hezitos iafoje sendi viajn tradukajojn por tiu ĉi fako. 7. Al S-ro Scott: La saman dankon kiel al S-ro Daingerfield, kun la sama espero, ke estos la spaco en la marta A. E. por viaj komentarioj. 8. Al ĉiuj: Mi esperas ke nia fako rezultos en postulo kaj voĉdono je nia venonta Bostona Kongreso por novaj grandaj vortaroj: Esp.— Esp.; Esp.—Angl.; Angl.—Esp.; en la verkado de kiuj ni entuziasm- uloj, ĉiuj, povos esti partoprenantoj. Tutkore la via, G. W. Lee. PRI DIPLOMATIA VORTARO Vidu la Januaran kaj Februaran numerojn. Pri la terminoj en la januara numero ni ricevis kelkajn kritikojn kaj proponojn el kiuj ni elektas la jenajn : .Armistice—krom militpaŭzo oni uzas ofte armistico, neologismo, kiu, estante sufiĉe internacia (romana-angla), ŝajnas tute taŭga. Aggression—oni proponas atakemon (kp. Faraono I, 46). Within a reasonable time—oni kritikas sufiĉe baldaŭ tial, ke sufiĉe havas du sencojn ("quite" aŭ "sufficiently"). Eble post ne tro longe estus pli bona. To opt—ni konfesas, ke la traduko "decidi" estas tute malbona. La angla vorto estas mem neologismo, ne troviĝanta en la vortaroj, kaj signifas "to select one's nationality" (elekti al si naciecon). Digitized by Google 8 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO Ni -atendas proponojn por taŭga Esperanta traduko. To enter into an agreement—oni proponas ekkontrakti. tute bona. Rate of exchange— oni rimarkigas, ke oni uzadas kurzo anstataŭ , kurso (K senco 1), uzante la lastan en lerneja senco. Ni kon- sentas kun la kritiko. ♦ Switch (railroad)—oni notas, ke komuti, komutilo'estas uzataj ankafl en elektra senco. Sed car en la naciaj lingvoj oni ne konfuziĝas uzante saman vorton por ambaŭ sencoj, oni ne timu konfuzon en Esperanto. La radikoj de- V. estas egale aŭtoritataj en ambaŭ sencoj, kaj ni ne trovas bonan anstataŭajon. Status—Laŭ proponoj stato kaj situacio ŝajnas egale bonaj. To perpetuate—Oni proponas ĉiamigi, fiksi, definitivigi, daŭremigi. Sendube multaj vortoj en ĉiu lingvo estas diverse kaj egale ko- rekte tradukeblaj en la aliaj lingvoj, kaj kunteksto la plej bone diktas la taŭgan vorton. H. M. S. THE ESPERANTO PRESS Esperanto Finnlando for December, in a summary of the Es- peranto periodicals counts forty now extant. Of these it finds 25 are national, 15 international; 27 of geperal content, 13 specialist; 3 of uni- versal interest, 3 both international, and interesting, 3 international but of limited interest, 3 important but not internationally readable, 15 others national only in scope. Of the 13 of special character there are counted: 1 official; 1 literary; 1 commercial; 2 socialist, 2 religious, and.l for the blind; and of more limited scope, 1 instructional, 1 social- ist, and 3 religious., Instead Finnlando proposes 16 regional and 19 special magazines. ****** We hardly agree to the reasoning as we feel that most of the 25 national magazines are the cheapest medium of printed society notices absolutely necesary to keep the national movement alive. We do feel that a regional magazine should not attempt to exceed its province, that of keeping the outsider in touch with the local movement and of providing news texts, and exercises for the newcomers. There ap- pears to be an immense Waste of money in the reprinting of identical texts, to the exclusion of more interesting matter. Let us hope that the day will come when there is one recognized medium for all notices, preferably such a weekly as Esperanto Triumfonta. The above summary does not include the. typewritten, hekto- graphed, or mimeographed monthlies. We agree with a great deal that Esperanto Finnlando says about consolidating the magazines, but honestly, we'd hate to give up our own, even were it the sorriest little dingbat of the bunch; so let's welcome the newcomers as they come, even if the infant mor- tality is large. Fervojistoj!—La Fervojista faka vortaro bezonas la helpon de fer- vojistoj samideanoj ĉiulande. Georg Habellok, Ereslau.10, Schleier- macherstr. 19, Germany. Digitized by Google AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO 9 OFFICE NOTES During the month of January, 15 new subscriptions came in; dur- ing February, 30 new subscribers. Thank you! Who'll help make it 60 in March? Please send news intended for the magazine to Amerika Es- perantisto, West Newton 65, Mass. in time to reach us before the first of the month. 'This news should preferably be in Esperanto, and concise, and giving exact number. If a class is started with three pupils, say "three," don't say "a number of pupils." News and other material reaching us by or before the first of the month can be pre- pared for the 'magazine by the 5th and sent out about ten days there- after. News arriving later will be held over for the next issue. The 12th British E. Congress will be held at Harrowgate, May 13 to 17. • We note the proposal that Esperanto letters legibly written re- ceive a lower rate of postage than others. We believe this proposal has no chance of adoption. Why not employ our forces instead in a measure that could probably be carried—that all Post Office Reply Coupons (nowadays the real international money unit) bear a legend in Esperanto whatever the other languages thereon. PRESS NOTICE Associated Press despatches announcing the action of the Paris Chamber of Commerce regarding Esperanto called forth articles in the New York Times (Feb. 16) ; The Perth Amboy Evening News (Feb. 19) ; The New York Herald (Feb. 20) ; and the Boston Herald (Feb. 28 and March 1). [See page 2.] Besides The Colony News and Cooperator of New Llano, La., and Postep of Baltimore, Md., we have learned that Rusky Golos, a Russian daily of New York has started an Esperanto department. The (Lithuanian) Lietuvin Darbininku Kalendarius for 1921 of 244 W. Broadway, Boston, has an article on Esperanto. Hudson (County, N. J.) News—Feb. 4, 1921—Esperanto Hobby with Textile Man (J. J. Sussmuth). DKZIRAS KORESPONDI Sro °lavi Kronholm, Fori, Finnjandc --------- S-ro Franz Rohrig, Schlosstr. 6, III, Frank- _, . . „_ . . furt A. M. West, Germanic Four insertions: 2a cents. Announcement . ' . consists only oi name and full address. Addi- S-ro Hideo Jagi, Dal 3 Kotogakko, Kioto, tional matter: 10 c. per line or fraction thereof. Japanujo, deziras korespondl per I. P. K. kun ciulandanoj. Kvarfoja anonco: 5 poŝtaj respond-kuponoj. S-ro Inocene Gross, Houŝkova 32.1, Plzen, Anonco konsistas nur el nomo kaj plena Cehoslovakio. adreso. Plia linio aŭ parto: 2 r. k. s.ro N Rudn;cki, Tj. E. A.'no. 7149, Taŝ- ------- kent, Centra Azio, renove korespondadas, Armand B. Coigne, 193rd Street and Creston tuj respondos. Avenue, New York, Usono. Deziras koni g-ro Bruno Colivicchi, Volaterra, Italio, P. personojn interesatain en int. asocio por M I P K psika enketado lciel helpontoj kaj avizantoj. „ ' .,'_,.',,„., „, T „ , Ne korespondos pri psikismo nek ia temo s-r? gmil Friebel, Residenzstr. 24, I, Dob- •scepte la asocion, kaj NE RESPONDOS ntz-Dresden, Germanio. ml PK kaj PM kolektantoj. S-ro Albert G. Bruce, 1018 Virginia Ave., S-ro Jonas K. Miliauskos, Dideye Vilniaus Indianapolis, Indiana, Usona. G-ve, No. 34, Kaunas. Lithuania, Europe. S-ro Peter Meszaros, Zomhar, Jugoslavio. S-ro Arthur Cummings, 718 Twelfth St.,N. S-ro C. H. Gibbons, Biblia Kolegio, Boone, W., Canton, O., per P. K. il, . Iowa, Usonia, t 10 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO GAZETARO ESPERANTISTA It is with a certain feeling of pride that we survey today our Esperanto journals. They have grown larger, more numerous, and more interesting in the past year. We hardly like to recommend any one above others. Perhaps the two most essential to most of us are "Esperanto," the monthly;, and "Esperanto Triumfonta," the weekly. These two, together with his home journal, every Esper- antist who can read should aim to have. There are no doubt journals in existence of which we have no record. Any errors of omission or commission in this list should be called to our attention. Amerika Esperan'tisto, W. Newton 65, Mass.. Usonia, m. 16 p. $1.00 E. & Eiig. Arbeiter Esperantist (Deutscher), Asternstr. 36, Hannover. Ger., in. 4p. 12M G, Argentina Esperantisto, Belgrano 865. Buenos Aires. 2m. 8-12p. 3 sm. E. & S. Belga Esperantisto, Fr. Schoofs, Kleine Beerstraat, Antwerp, Belgium. Blanka Kruco, Karmeliterplatz,4-5, Volksheilzentrale. Graz, Austria, m. 8p. lfr. Brazila Esperantisto, Praca 15 de Novembro, Rio de Janeiro, 3m. 8p. 5 sv. fr. British Esperantist, 17 Hart St., London, W. C. 1, Eng., m. 8 1. p. 6 sh. E.&Eng. Bulgara Esperantisto, PI. Sveta Nedelja 6, Sofia, Bulgaria, m: 12 p. 5 fr. E. & B. ĉina Esperantisto, 1780 North Sze Chuen, Shanghai, China, Eklezia Revuo, Farnley Tyas Vic, Huddersfield, Eng. 3m. 24p. l.Ssm. E. nur La Esperanta Movado, Prosp. de Lenin, Kronstadt, Russia, m. La Esperantisto, Vienna II-l, Postamt 34. Austria, m. 4 n. s. $0.20 E. Esperanto, 12. Bd. du Theatre, Geneve, Svisio, m. 24 1. p., 10 sv. fr., E.nur. L'Esperanto, A. Paolet, S. Vito al Tagliamento, Italy, m. 16 p. 5 lire-E. & It. Esperanto Finnlando, Kasarminkatu 20, Helsinki Finnland m. 32p. il. 33 r.k. E. Esperanto Laboristo, 177, rue de Bagnolet, Paris, France, m. 8 1. p. 5.5 fr. E. Esperanto Ligilo, Majorsgatan, 12. Stockholm, Sweden, Esperanto Braille. Esperanto Mitteilungen, Esp. V. f. Steiermark, Graz VI, Schonaugasse 62, Aus. m. 16p. 18M. E. & G. Esperanto Praktiko, Berlin S 59. Wissmannstr. 46. Germany, m. 16p. 18M. Esperanto Triumfonta, Teo Jung, Koln-Horrem, Germany, w. 4 n. s. $2.00 E. Esperantzky Zpravody, Mala Stepanska Pr. 11-2032, Praha, Chekoslovakia La Espero, Huddinge, Sweden, 2m. 8 1. p., 4.5 K. S. N. &E. La Espero, Seiko ŝa presejo 3, Ebibu-eo, Minamu-ku, Osaka, Japan, m. 1.5 yen Espero, Petrograda Esperanto Societo. Fontanka 17, lg. 5, Petrograd, Russia, Espero Katolika, Joh. Schroder, Vienna, VI, Kaiserstr.JOa, Austria m. 24 K. Fluganta Skribilo, 6, Bd. Voltaire, Issy, Seine, France, in. 4p. 2.5fr. E. stenog. Franca Esperantisto, 51, rue de Clicby, Paris 9e, France, m. 16p. lOfr. E. & F. Germana Esperantisto, Dresden I, Struvestr. 40, Germany, m. 24p. 20M. G. Harmonio (Bui. de la Esperanta Instituto),l W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Hebrea Esperantisto, (Mitteilungen des Danielbundes) Munich, Germany. Hispana Esperantisto, S-ro J. Mangada Rosenorn. Jaca, Huesca, Spain, m. il. 20 r. k. E. " " j "? Holanda Pioniro, 37 Paul Krugerlaan, Hago. Holland, 2m. 16p. E.& Dutch. Hungara Esperantisto, Szeged, Szentharomsag utca 30, Hung., m. lOp. 40K. E. Internacia Komerca Revuo, Poŝtfako 6104, Zurich, Svisio, m. 16p., 5 sv. fr. E. Internacia Medicina Revuo ? Internacia Socia Revuo, ? Itala Esperantisto, Esp. Domo, via Spiga, 29, Milan, Italy, m. 16p. 51ire E&I. Juneco, Fratoj Fethke. Oppeln, Ring 11, Supera Silezio. Juna Mondo, Domo Esperanta, Moskow, Arbat Sivcev-Vrajok, 42, Russia. Kagoŝima Esperantisto, Kagoshima, Japan, m. J. Kataluna Esperantisto, Carme 30, Barcelona, Spain, m. 12 p. E. 5 pes. Kristana Esperanto,, H. Patiala, Laihia, Suomio, Finnland, 2m. 16p. $0.65 E&F La Kritikulo, Strozzigassc 40. Vienna, VTI, Austria. Laboro, rua Antonio Maria Cardoso, 20, Lisboa, Portugal, m. 8p. 14 r. k. P.&E. Libero, H. Jagi, Dai San Koto Gakko, Kjoto, Japan, 20p. il, mini. 1.20 yen t Digiti redbyC AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO 11 Literaturo, C. H. Edmonds, "Rockwood," High Road, Wembley, Eng., 3m. 24p. 12r.k. E. Meza Danubo, Kozep Duna, V. Zoltan-utca 10, Budapesth, Hungary. Monda Poŝto ? * Le Monde Esperantiste, 3 rue Sophie Germain, Paris 14e, France, 2m. 8 1. p., 4 fr. F. & E. Nederlanda Esperantisto, John Gabriels, Rotterdam, Diergardenlaan 64b, Hol- land, w. 8p. 1.5 sm. Dutch. La Nia, Albert Chapman,' Walton Highway, Wisbech, England, m. 16 paĝetoj 6d. E. Nova Tempo, Vienna VI, Mollardgasse 55. Austria, m. 8p. 40 K. E. Nowe Tory, Bydgoszcz, Ossolinskich 12, Polujo, J4w. 8 1. p., P. & E. Oficiala Gazeto, 51, rue de Clichy, Paris, France, 2m. 24p. 10 fr. E. Oficiala Bulteno de la Tutruslanda Esperanta Federacio. Orienta Stelo, Jap. Bahajana Domo, 14 ukĵo maei, Jocija-ku, Tokio, Japan, m. Progreso, Plzeni Podebradova tr. 6, Chekoslovakia, m. 12p. 16K. E. Revuo Orienta, K. Osaka, Uŝgome, Sinogafla-maĉi 111-14, Tokio, Japan, m. 16p. 2.20 yen, E. & J. La Semisto, Mendizabal, 3, Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain, m. 16p. C. & E. Senhalte, Luĉenec, Chekoslovakia, Suda Kruco, Box 1367, Elizabeth St. P. O., Melbourne, Australia, m. 16p. 5sh. La Studento, Prof. Eug .Bobrowski, C. E., St. John Kanty College, Erie, Pa., Usonia, 6m. Travailleur Esperantiste, 177, rue de Bagnolet, Paris, XXe, okaze, 2 n.s. Universo, Munchen, S. 50, Dietramszeller str. 10-11 r., Bavaria, G., m. 8p. 6M. E Unuigita Tuthomaro, BahaiVerlag, Hamburg 35, Germany, m. 4p. 7.5M. E. Vegetarano, Alsterkrugchaussee 386, Hamburg-Fuhlsbuttel, Ger., 3m. 41.p. 2Gd. Verda Ombro, Taihoku, Formosa, Japan, m. lOp. hekt. 0.6sm. E. & J. Verda Standardo, Zamenhof Strato, Pekin, Pei-min, Chang-shou, Chiang-su, China, )4m. 4p. Verda Utopio, 5265, Uehommaei-7 come, Minami-ku, Japan, m. 16p. il. 33r.k. E. 3m.—quarterly; m.—monthly; w.—weekly; p.—pagesjl. p.—large pages; n.s.— newspaper size; sm.—spesmilo ($0.50 gold) equal to 2)4 Swiss franks (sv. fr.) in present exchange; r. k.—International Postal Reply Coupons costing $0.06; abbreviations for languages coins, and countries nearly as in English. We assume no responsibility for the present or future survival of the above magazines, please notify us if inaccurate or incomplete. [Tiuj gazetoj, kiuj ne volas regule interŝanĝi kun Amerika Esp- erantisto, bonvolu sendi iafojan ekzempleron interŝanĝan. Ni sendas ĝis nun unopajn ekzemplerojn de A. E. al ĉiu konata Esperanto ga- zeto; se vi ne ricevis, kompleze sciigu al ni.] FULL CATALOG OF BOOKS IN STOCK at The Esperanto Office, 507 Pierce Bldg., Boston 17, Mass. TEXTBOOKS AND Esperanto for the English, DICTIONARIES Franks (Cloth ............ SO Edinburgh English - Esperanto Complete Grammar of Esperanto $1.50 and Esperanto-English Die- Kellerman, cloth. tionary (Cloth) ............. 60 Esperanto Language and Comment- English-Esperanto Pocket Die- ary, Cox, Cloth ............ 1.00 tionary (Harris) ...........25 Esperanto-English Dictionary English-Esperanto Dictionary .. .65 Millidge (Cloth) ......... 2.00 O'Connor, 2d edition Handy Pocket Vocabulary......10 Esperanto Teacher, Fryer.....60 O'Connor. ■ 12 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO Esperanto Students' Complete Text Book, O'Connor, bound .60 Esperanto at a Glance, Privat.. .15 Grammar and Exercises........50 Geohegan. Introduction to Esperanto......10 Baker. per hundred 8.00 Practical Grammar.............75 Kellerman-Reed. Primer of Esperanto, O'Connor. .10 Esperanto for Young Beginners. .10 12 for .50 See also "Books about Esperanto." ESPERANTO Tra la Jaro (all in Esperanto) .75 (Waddy), Cloth. Ekzercaro, Zamenhof ........ .50 Exercises from the Fundamento de Esperanto, in 5 languages Ekzercoj de Aplikado, Beaufront .35 Frazeologio-Proverbaro .........10 Vortfarado laŭ la Fundamento, .65 Fruictier ' i % Kondukanto-Antologio,Grabowski .60 Fundamenta Krestomatio, Zamenhof paper 1.25, bound.......... 2.25 Naŭlingva Leksikono, Bastien___1.10 The Esperanto roots in compari- son with words in Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Ger- man, English, and Russian. Du Mil Novaj Vortoj (ne en U. V.) Bourlet, 7 lingva ...............50 Kurso Tutmonda, Gasse........25 Matematika Terminaro, Bricard .35 Provo de Marista Vortaro, Rollet de ITsle, bound............ 1.00 FOREIGN TEXTBOOKS AND DICTIONARIES BOHEMIAN Fundamento de Esperanto, Kunhl .50 DANISH-NORWEGIAN .... C. Systematisk Ordsamling, Fuld- staendig Laerebog, Skeel-Gior- ling.....................40 Dansk-Norsk-Esperanto Ordbog 1.40 Bendix, bound Smaa Timer I Esperanto.......25 Thomsen, I Grammatik. FINNISH Esperanto Kielen Oppikirja .25 Otavan Esperantosarja, each .. .10 1. Pieni Esperanto Opas 3. Maailmankirjallisuuden 4. Esperanto vv. 1917-18 5. Esperanto Kansan Latina 6. E. Rantateilla, Postissa 8. E. ja sen Kilpailijat Kansainvalinen Kieli .......... .20 Andelin Esperanton Opiskeluopas, Setala .70 FLEMISH-DUTCH Het Esperanto in het Dage- lijksch Verkeer, Bulthuis.....50 Esperanto v. Handel Nejverheid en Verkeer,......................10 FRENCH Corrige du Cours Commercial d'Esperanto.................45 Cours Complet par Images, Cart .30 Cours Methodique d'Esperanto .45 Aymonier et Grosjean-Maupin, Themes, Corrige des Themes...........35 Cours Methodique d'Esperanto .40 (Versions.) Dictionnaire Esperanto Francais .50 Robert, relie Dictionnaire Esp.-Francais, de Beaufront relie............ 1.00 Dictionnaire Francais-Esperanto et Esperanto-Francais, radik- aro, Presa E. S., relie....... 2.25 Dictionnaire Usuel Esperanto- Francais, Grosjean-Maupin, relie .60 L'Esperanto en Dix Lecons___ .35 Cart et Pagnier. Corrige de l'Esperanto en Dix Lecons......................28 Esperanto Cours Complet, Cart .35 Grammaire et Exercises, de Beau- front .........................50 Corrige de Grammaire et Exer- cises, de Beaufront.......... .30 Methode de Stenographic Esper- antiste et de Stenographic Fran- caise, Flaguel...................50 Premieres Lecons d'Esperanto.. .20 Receuil des Phrases..............30 Texte Synthetique, de Beaufront ...25 Vocabulaire Francais-Esperanto et Vocabulaire Abrege Espe- ranto-Francais ............. 1.00 Cart, Merkens et Berthelot. Vocabulaire Systematique Fran- cais-Esperanto ............. 1.05 d'apres le texte allemand de O. Hecker, relie L'Esperanto et les Langues Nati- onales, Seybert.............15 L'Esperanto, Reponse a des Cri- . tiques, Aymonier .............15 Kristnasko, Colas ...........10 La Langue Internationale auxili- aire Esperanto, Seybert....... .10 Une Langue Vivante Artificielle, Aymonier...................70 Digitized by Google AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO 13 La Plus Forte Garantie de la Socie- ty des Nations, Rollet de ITsle .20 Pourquoi les Postiers doivent ap- prendre l'Esperanto, Chavet.. .15 Pourquoi nous sommes Esperant- istes, Gautherot...............10 Question de la Langue Auxiliaire, 312 pp., Gautherot ......... 1.10 GERMAN Anfangsgrunde der Esperanto- Sprache, Cart und Jurgesen. .20 Ausfuhrliche Grammatik der Espe- ranto-Sprache, Rektor Velten .85 Lehr und Ubungsbuch, Schdnherr .40 Methodisches Lehrbuch der Internationalen Hilfssprache Esperanto, Schroeder, gebunden .85 Schlussel Zum Praktischen Lehr- buch ........................40 Becker, Grosjean-Maupin, und Sprotte, Schussel zum Lehrbuch, ...... .20 Schramm Weltsprache, Mielck ............40 HUNGARIAN Az Esperanto, Agoston.........10 Esperanto Nyelvtan, Altenburger .35 Fundamento de Esperanto.....40 Lengyel. .40 Magyar-Esperanto Zsebsotar, Robert, .80; bindita, 1.25 Tiz Nap Cataloniaban, Agoston .20 Universala Vorttabelo, ...... 30 Esperanto-Hungara, Lombos. Frazlibro-Esperanta-Hungara .25 Robert. Teljes Esperanto-Magyar Szotar, Peter, 1.10; bound ............1.25 Tiz Nap Kataloniban, Agoston .20 ITALIAN Compendio di Grammatica Es- peranto, Lusana ............. .40 Piccolo Manuale Delia Lingua Esperanto, Fosce...........05 Primo Manuale Esperanto.....10 Traduzione Italiana Dell' Ek- zercaro, Junck .............30 LITOVIAN Vadovelis Esperanto Kalbos, Vidikauskas, bound ......... 1.00 PORTUGUESE Primeiras Licoes de Esperanto .25 (Cart), Coutinho. Frazeoligio Proverbaro........10 Fernandez Curso Elementar, Carreira e Be- maldo ........................75 ROUMANIAN Fundamento de Esperanto.....45 Dr. G. R. kaj D. M. RUSSIAN Esperanta Rusa Frazlibro.......15 Ustav Esperanto Russkovo knigo- izdatelskavo Aktsionernovo Ob- schestva ....................15 SPANISH El Idioma Intemacional........ 40 Primeras Lecciones de Esperanto .25 Cart y L. L. Villanueva. SWEDISH Folkskolan och Sprakstudium .. .05 YIDDISH Yiddish Esperanto Textbook.. .25 Bresler. PROSE Abatejo de Westminster.......15 (Irving), O'Connor. Akrobato de Nia Sinjorino .. 35 ( ) Payson A beautiful tale from a mediaeval monastery Akvo Dormanta (Biart), Lotus .25 Aline (Ramuz), de Saussure... .60 Al la forbucataj Popoloj, Rolland Mahn .......................10 Batalo de 1' Vivo, Dickens, Zamenhof .................. 1.00 Batalo pri la Don» Heikkila, (Lin- nankoski) Setala ................45 Blanche, the Maid of Lille.....35 Schubin (Adams) (Payson) Bona Sinjorino, Orzeszko, Kabe 15 Brazilio, Backheuser (historical) .50 Bukedo, Lambert.............50 La Bulgara Lando kaj Popolo 1.00 Krestanov an excellent value Cindrulino, Tholt.............15 Cindrulino de Alesandrio.......15 Stanyan Deziro de la Diakono......... .05 (Marios), Koh. Edziĝo Malaranĝita, Inglada, .20 Elektitaj Fabloj (la Fontaine), .18 Valiant. El la Domo Tie Kontraŭa, Tellini .15 El la Proksima Oriento, Krestanov .50 En Malliberejo (Cirikov), Kabe. .14 Esperanta Biblioteka Internacia. No. 1 Legolibreto, Borel.....15 No. 3 Bona Sinjorino, (Orzeszko), Kabe .15 No. 6 El la Biblio, Zamenhof .15 No. 17 Konsiloj pri Higieno, (Stolle), Borel .10 No. 19 Sinjoro Herkules, (Belly), Arntz and Butin JO Digitized by Google 14 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO Esperanto Krestomatio, Saharov .25 Esperantaj Prozajoj...........10 Fabeloj kaj Rakontoj. Faraono, (Prus), Kabe, 3 vol. set 4.00 Fianflgo; Lea, Kivi, Hall.......40 Fraŭlino Suzano, Avesjenko, Medem .....................35 La Granda Vizago el fttono----- .25 (Hawthorne), Yelland. Karavano, (Hauff) Eggleton ... .40 Karlo, Privat .................15 Kaŭkaza Kapito...............10 (Tolstoi), Sarapova. Kial Mi Scias (Stead), Goodhue .45 La Kolomba Premio...........10 (Dumas)j Papot. An amusing satirical sketch. Kolorigisto-Aerveturanto......15 (Godineau), Monaca Esperanto group. Kompararo, Tellini.............10 Kverko Kaj Floro............ .40 (de Amicis), Sino. Junck. Laŭroj, various authors.......50 Legendoj, (Niemojewski), Kuhl, bound .................... .80 Legolibreto, Borel (E. B. 1).....10 La Litadmonoj de Sino Kodel.. .10 Jerrold. Literatura Almanako (1908, 1909) 25 Mallonga Biografio de Fawcett. .25 Malnovaj Pagoj............... .45 Mimi, Giesy, Payson ...........35 Mirinda Amo, Luyken.........75 La Mopso de lia Onklo, Chase .15 La Morto, Tolstoj, Sarapova ...30 Ofero de Monaho, Saugnier.....10 Ok Noveloj, Bennett, Wackrill. .50 La Premiito, Herschel S. Hall .06 Princo Vane'................. .35 (Bates), Harris. Cloth .70 Rakontoj Pri Feinoj...........30 (Perrault), Sarpy. La Reglando de L'Rozoj.......15 (Houssaye), Champion. Rememoro pri Solf erino.......30 (Dunant), Vaillant Rozo Sovaga aŭ Pentita Kulpo .10 Rozujo Ciumiljara..............35 Wagnalls, Payson Salajro (Timkovski), Shchavinski .20 Sep Ridoj, Wendell ...........25 Sub la Meznokta Suno, Wendell .35 Tradukoj Tri.................20 (Helliwell), HelliwelL Tra la Loko Ensorĉita, Shirjaev .10 Tri Mortoj, (Tolstoj), Sidlovskaja .20 Tutmonda Biblioteko Internacia Unua Stupo, (Tolstoj), Sarapova .15 La Unua, Kajotaef ............ .05 La Virineto de la Maro.........35 (Andersen), Zamenhof. Vizito en la Karcero, (Einstein) Freericks, ill.................. .20 COMEDIES AND DRAMAS Advokato Patelin.............20 (Brueys, Palaprat), Evrot. Aladino kaj Palomido...........10 Maeterlinck (Eliot) Ama Bileto (Balucki), Ender.. .15 Angla Lingvo Sen Profesoro .. .30 (Bernard), Moch. La Antaŭdiro, Stewart.........20 Aspasio, Svjentohovski, Zamenhof .75 Bardell Kontraŭ Pickwick ___ 25 (Dickens) Morrison Bombasto Furioza.............20 (W. Barnes Rhodes), Charles Stewart, with illustrations. Cielo kaj Tero.................50 (Byron), Noel. Cikado Ce Formikoj.......... 320 (Labiche and Legouve), Chau- mont Esperanto Group. "Consilium Facultatis".........30 (Fedro), Gabrowski. Don Juan (Moliere), Boirac... .40 "Elpelu Lin" .................19 (Williams), Ince. Frenezo, Pujula...............30 Galateo (Suppe) ..............20 La Gasto, Mme. Vallienne.....17 Ginevra, Edmond Privat.......25 6is la Revido, Noble...........05 Dozen .50 A clever little one-act comedy, ex- cellent for club presentation, in English with some Esperanto. Halka (Wolski), Gabrowski... .29 An Hour of Esperanto, Cart.. .20 Jolante, Hertz, Runeberg.......50 Kaatje (Spaak), Van der Biest .60 Kamena Angulo, (Gego), Craven 20 Kara Panjo .................. 320 (Gordon), Gego. Kiel Plaĉas Al Vi............ .35 (Shakespeare), Kellerman. Konvenaĵoj Bilibin (Aleksandrov) .10 Mistero de Doloro, (Gual), Pujula y Valles .................... JO Misteroj de Amo, Kolovrat... .30 La Nevo Kiel Onklo...........40 (Schiller), Stewart. La Revizoro.................. .40 (Gogol), Zamenhof. Digitized by Google AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO 15 La Revuo de la Sepa...........35 Rikoltado de la Pecoj..........14 (Sturĝis), Bicknell. La Rompantoj, Pujula.........30 Sinjoro Herkules ..............10 (Arntz and Butin) Solecaj Animoj, Sussman.......10 Solo de Fluto (Bilhaud), Dore .18 The Surprises at Sylvia Farm.. .25 An excellent propaganda play in five acts by ex-President Fisher. La Ventego, (bound)...........75 (Shakespeare), Motteau. POETRY British Songs, Tekstaro, Shafer .10 Dua Kreanto, Sanjurjo ........ .05 Esperantista Kantaro, Jost.....25 Kvarvoĉaj Kantoj.............15 Nova Antologio, Grabowski... .20 Petaloj, CzesTaw Kozlowski... .20 Patrino Anserino, Stoner...... .25 Patro de Pestulo...............15 (Slovaki), Grabowski Poeziaĵoj (Schiller) .......... .25 Rozo Sovaĝa aŭ Pentita Kulpo, Kress .......................10 Tra V Silento................ .40 Edmond Privat Unuaj Akordoj, Elski kaj Eska .20 Verdaj Fajreroj, Frenkel.......30 Versajetoj, Bishop............ .20 SONGS WITH MUSIC Al la Fratoj, Farga, (Zamenhof) .05 Cielo Bela, Harris (Harris).....05 L* Espero, Samideano (Zamenhof) .25 Funebra Kanto, Mabon.........50 Gaja Migranto ...".. (Zamenhof) .40 Kanto de 1' Ekzilo.............20 Oliveira .Lorenz) Kuŝas Somero, Menil...........35 Okuloj Viaj, .." ..(R.W.Emerson) .35 Mi Audas Vin, Harris (Zamenhof) .35 Ni Laboru, Oliviera (Souza) .. 20 Patroland', Tschirch (Deans).. .05 Senviva Floro, Oliveira (Ribiero) 20 Serenado, Bird, (Butler) ...... 20 Valso Esperanto, Saussure.....50 When the Wanderlust has Seized You, Miles (Schuyler).......35 RELIGIOUS, ETC. La Devo, (Naville), Saussure .. Eĉ en Doloro ni Estu Gojaj.... (Kamm), Ramo. La Infano, la Saĝulo kaj la Diablo, (Kernahan), O'Connor.......IS Karaktero (Luiscius) ..........lS Kaŝitaj Vortoj, Baha u' Hah Eroŝenko and Alexander.....IS Kial Mi Scias ke la Mortintoj Revenas (Stead), Goodhue... .45 Kie Estas la Eklezio de Kristo? .40 (Van der Hagen), Borret. Klarigo pri Unitaria Kristanismo, .05 (Armstrong), Hulme. Konkordanco de la Sentencoj de Salomono, Cago ..............25 Kulturcelado de la Nuntempo .40 Kvakerismo, Catchpool .........10 (Forel), Uhlman. Libreto pri Transmorta Viva.. .18 (Fechner), Kadik. Libro de Komuna Preĝo, k. 1 & 2 .20 Monadologio (Leibniz), Boirac .20 Morala Edukado de la Popola Infano, de Menil..............30 Nau Historioj Pri L'Autoritato .10 ("Multatuli"), Brunijn. Nova Testamento, cloth.........70 leather ..................... 1.00 leather, india paper.......... 1.50 Persian yap................. 4.00 Resumo de la Kurso pri Teologio .10 (St. Marque), Stas. Teorio pri Evolucio de Kono.. .18 Unua Protestanta Dioservo, .......20 Schneeberger Vojo de I* Vivo, la Vorto.......15 (Tolstoj), Medem .40 .30 MISCELLANEOUS Analitika Geometrio Absoluta, vol. 2, more than one direction---- Spaco Bolyaia, Voros ....... 2.50 La Artefarita"Altmontarsun"Bano .15 Dr. Breiger. Brazilio, Backheuser. Historical .50 La Bulgara Lando kaj Popolo .. .80 Krestanov Carlo Bourlet (biog.)..........10 Kolovrat. Civitanoj de 1' Mondo, Iskender .25 El la Proksima Oriento, Krestanov .50 Humorajoj, Boucon.............10 Inter Blinduloj (Javal), Javal. .53 Itala Milito, June2,1915 (Salandra) .................. 20 La Kaŭzo de la Senlaboreco... .35 Kiel mi Plibeligos la Vivon.....15 Kondukanto al la Stacia PUkludo (Spaulding Athletic Library), Erik ....................15 Kontrakto de la Ligo de Nacioj. .50 in Esperanto, French, & English Digitized by Google 16 AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO Konsiloj pri Higenio...........10 La Kormalsanoj.............. .35 (Burwinkle) Kunschert. Kurludo de Toroj, Carles.......25 Mallonga Biografio de Henry Fawcett.................... .25 (Holt), Weems, with frontis- piece, art paper. Mia Nuna Sintenado pri Apen- dicito (Morris), Besemer.....10 Malgranda Lernolibro Esp. Sten—10 Propaganda Piedvojaĝo al la Oka Internacia Esperantista Kongreso, V. N.Devjatnin. .45 Esperanta Poŝkalendaro.......30 (1912, 1914). Venĝo Venĝita, cartoons.........15 Vizio de la Poeto, (Carmen Sylva) Eucharis .....................05 ILLUSTRATED GUIDE BOOKS Gvidlibro tra Hago, il., 56 pp----- .25 Vidindaĵoj de Bostono, kaj ĝiaj ĉirkaŭajoj ..............25 Tra Bosnia kaj Hercegovino... .20 Gvidlibro tra San Francisko... .05 Parrish. Vaŝingtono, 50 'p. ill. (en libro de 6a Kongreso) ............... .20 Also guide-books to Burgos, Copen- hagen, Hastings and St. Leonards, N. E. England, Scotland, and Weisser Hirsch, each...................10 PROPAGANDA MATERIAL B. E. S. Adresaro, (addresses of Esperantists of all nations).. .30 AĈO—Card Game..............50 Esperanto Keys............... .05 The "key" is a booklet of 32 pages which can be enclosed in a let- ter. By means of it any intelli- gent person can translate a letter written in Esperanto, although he may never before have seen a specimen of the language. The "key" must of course be in the language of the person addressed. Keys in 12 languages, each ___ .05 Esperanto Keys in English... .03 twelve for...............25 per hundred............ 1.50 Introduction to Esperanto, Baker .10 per hundred 8.00 International Language, Clark,.. .65 Foreign Magazines:—We can supply collections of Esperanto magazines not less than 10, per magazine .05 Propaganda Post Cards, 15 for 25 Correspondence Cards 12 for .. .15 100 for...................... 1.00 Envelopes, propaganda on back 100 for...................... 1.00 With your name and address in corner, not over 3 lines, 100 for 1.50 Calendar Blotter, for propaganda, cal. for entire year printed on high grade blotting paper, 2 for .05 100 for 1.00 Propaganda Esperanto Stamps, in- scription "Peace."___ 100 for 25 BADGES Small Enameled Green Star with Gilt "E" in Center.............35 Lapel button, or clasp pin. A very attractive design. Scarf Pins, small enameled green star with letter "E" in gilt, strong pin, and beautifully finished.....35 Portrait Pin of Dr. Zamenhof with tiny green star...............10 Portrait Brooch or Stick Pin, rect- angular bronze head of Zamenhof ..............................15 Bronze Head of Dr. Zamenhof in relief, 2x3 in., framed in stand of plush, a beauty, for your studio or library .................. 2.00 BOOKS ABOUT ESPERANTO Historio de la Lingvo Esperanto .35 Edmond Privat. Historio kaj Teorio de I do,... .35 B. Kotzin. International Language, (Unuel) Wackrill .....................20 Internacia Organizado de la Es- peranta Movado, Smulders .10 Passing of Babel, Long ........ 20 Amerika Esperantisto, Teacher's no. or miscellaneous, in bun- dles of five or more, (.05 each Sur Vojo al Internacia Lingvo .10 Cart. (See Textbooks.) International Language, Past, Pres- ent and Future, 2nd ed., Clark .65 History, explanations and argu- ments; vital for every propa- gandist We also have a stock of congress books and official records and the like, too many for mention here. Dig tized by GoOgk